21084579? ago

Excellent write up. Thank you. We need more intelligent discussion like this to really wake people up. These are children that are being misled.

21084050? ago

So well written, so evidenced based practice is used as a guide only when it fits a narrative, just like climate change.

21083715? ago

hey docfag -

is it just for the money? Do they think they can ACTUALLY help? Is it malicious?

21085156? ago

You should probably watch Gosnell. I think he's the kind of doctor that is involved here. Deluded about the way they think they are helping, partly fed by a media narrative that has programmed those who are not able to think rationally.

So I honestly don't think most of it is malicious. The malice is from the media and leftist activist. The doctors and psychs just follow like lemmings.

21083120? ago

Good share, thank you kindly for your insight!!!

21080709? ago

Excellent recap. Thanks. I know people who have gone through this or have considered it. Horrid practice. And the normalization of it (by demanding special bathrooms and accommodations) is criminal.

21080539? ago

"I Am Jazz" on cable details the journey of a formerly young boy on Hormone Blocker therapy to a surgically reassigned teenage "girl". Whether just routine childhood entitlement into teenage angst, this kid's moods seem to rule the family. The mother of this teen has frequently stated that she would rather have a trans daughter than a dead son. From what we understand from this piece and statistics, hormones and surgery are not a panacea. Tragic consequences for parents and her supportive family who think they are doing the "right thing" so she can be her "true self."

21082165? ago

Except it's not her "true self". The same argument could be made for a child who wants to run into the road "because that's what she wants to do".

The additional problem is that caring parents are taking the children along to the doctor for help, and ending up with the literal child catcher.

21080738? ago

The mother of this teen has frequently stated that she would rather have a trans daughter than a dead son.

seems like she might get both

21080161? ago


21080085? ago

My skin was crawling the entire time I was reading your post. Thank you for sharing.

We need to be loud about this. Don't worry about people calling you a "bigot" or "transphobe" or whatever buzzword they've come up with. This is not a case of accepting someone for who they are. This is mutilation.

21082181? ago

I don't know how it could be bigoted if I've said that these are vulnerable people who are being abused. But I can guarantee somebody will try and twist it into that.

21079664? ago

My ex wife was born without a connection between her female parts. She had to have "boring" surgery done, and then needed to insert a ceramic "penis" to keep it open, as you described.

In later years I've wondered whether she was always a she. From photos of her at a young age, I am basically 100% certain I didn't marry a transgender.

21082217? ago

Mayer-Rokitansky syndrome? This is what I was referencing when talking about vaginal reconstruction, as this is the syndrome from which the surgery was designed as genuine treatment. The slight hope for these women is that there is a vestige of vaginal tissue which can be stretched to length but it is real vaginal tissue. Nothing transgender there!

21078942? ago

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21078620? ago

If anyone wants a visual aid to this excellent PSA : Check out reddit's neovaginadisasters (and they do show neopenis disasters, too). It's truly unimaginable just how horrible can be the results of these mutilations .

21078324? ago

What a great post. Thank you for this. I went down the Trans rabbit hole a few months back and it is heartbreaking what is being done to the vulnerable.

I have been lurking on some different reddit subs and this is what I have gathered.

Most all trans have been victims of either sexual , mental, or physical abuse.

They started watching porn at very young ages. Not just regular porn, extreme porn. The male to females seem to watch a specific type called "hypno sissie porn" also they are heavily into anime.

Quite a few have some form of autism.

They are being recruited and the trans lifestyle is being promoted on reddit, discord, tumblr etc. There is also some out there that have a sick fetish, they get their rocks off on turning people trans and prey on the weak.

Here are a few reddit groups that talk about this stuff. https://www.reddit.com/r/detrans/ https://www.reddit.com/r/itsafetish/ https://www.reddit.com/r/NeovaginaDisasters/ Warning the last link shows graphic pictures of "neovaginas"

I have followed Mister Metokur for awhile and love his videos (he also exposes the furry community and their sick, perverted ways). I wanted to watch his Transtastic Tales vid but it was just to graphic for me get through. Here is a SFW link for the ones who don't have the stomach for it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpp8vGSuka4

21079049? ago

Excellent addition thank you. OP.

21078255? ago


21077640? ago

Thank you for such a thoughtful explanation for us anon's. I for the life of me haven't' been able to make sense of this.

21077281? ago

Given that health boards seem to support this, what kid of report would one file that could have any sort of positive effect?

21079027? ago

They have to investigate a public complaint even if they disagree, so their punishment is the process.

You can use the information in this post as a guide. Find out who is advertising as a TG surgeon and ask the board what their training is, whether they have any evidence of survival benefit from surgery and whether any of their patients have attempted suicide post treatment.

21079404? ago

Is there a limit to the number of times a single person can bog them down with work before they get "banned" in some way?

21082265? ago

I don't know the answer to that! We should find out :-)

21080585? ago

not yet!

21077093? ago

You're not very well read on the subject doctor. Many trans people are perfectly capable of orgasm after the surgery, I know from personal experience.

You also noted yourself that none of these issues are exclusive to trans people.

Why dont you stick to slicing and leave the rest up to the smart doctors?

21079045? ago

Yeah, that really happened. Lol.

21077529? ago

Sound arguments on your part, let's all go line up to lop off perfectly working genitals for some sterile abomination.

21077790? ago

Adults should be able to get plastic surgery if they want, and if they dont want to thats fine too.

21080566? ago

ADULTS yeah fuck you this story is about a 7 year old!

21079140? ago

Should doctors be licensed if they are providing bogus medicine though?

21078448? ago

Agreed, any adult should be able to do as they please as long as it doesn't harm anyone else. The question there is do they REALLY want it? Deal with their psychological problems and is it something they still want?

21079346? ago

Well in the US at least you cant currently get any surgery without talking to a doctor and they generally try to screen out patients which will regret it since its bad for everyone.

Its worth looking into exploring ways to improve this screening.

Though I wonder if people would say you should have to do the same before having a kid. It has a permanent huge impact on your life, society, and giving birth has all kinds of health complications. Maybe people should be screened before they're allowed to become a parent.

21079386? ago

Considering how many shitty parents there are, this might be needed for a time, or at the very least, make people a lot more responsible for their kids.

21076943? ago

Thank you for the FACTS! - This is a giant redpill about transgender mutilization and the "big business" behind it.

21076900? ago

And most transsexuals are heterosexual. And a lot want to transition back.

21076755? ago

Just to say that I am not a fan of Candace Owens, she is a race mixer. Race mixing is not only the NWO agenda destroying our nations and culture, but also child abuse too.

Race mixing is child abuse.

I would have prefer that OP gave us better sources than this woman.

I already know about what it is explain here and I think that this are good times for this knowledge about the Satanic agenda to be spread amongst the mass.

Once again, the doors of Spain are open to the savages, it is once again the prostitution slavery rings of our children to the foreigners like in UK, PedoWood, Epstein. It is once again the dark ages of the Weimar Republic. The evil Kalergi Plan.

21081315? ago

Oh give it a rest. "Race Mixing" is a bullshit ideology. We are one race: Human. Humans have been intermarrying with other tribes since the beginning of time. This is your confirmation bias. Candace is a beautiful and spirited human being who has sacrificed her anonymity and her safety to bring truth to the masses. Your phobias notwithstanding, she is doing good work. There is no such thing ever anywhere as "racial purity" and you show your ignorance with your post. Yours is not a Q quality post.

21088372? ago


Ideology? Phobias?

This is basic biology with basic medical science and basic social and cultural geopolitics.


When your entire post is propaganda brainwashing NWO bullshit, exactly the cabal agenda? Go write an article for CNN or the BBC, they will love you.

"Candace is a beautiful and spirited human being who has sacrificed her anonymity and her safety to bring truth to the masses."

Ok, you are trolling.

21104511? ago

look in the mirror. Not trolling. Have you actually listened to her? Or is your phobia about Blacks so deep and wide that you can't get past your blinders. Geez. Grow the fuck up

21079120? ago

The interview is not about Candace Owens but Walt Heyer. You should be able to find other sources for him though.

21088544? ago

Thanks for your reply, I just want to add that advertising this person playing the NWO cards is a bad example for the youths.

I do not like her hypocrisy. Remember that she tried to act against free speech at the beginning. After that she has done very well some good things before that she fuckep up one time and could go now have fun at a pyjama party with Obama daughter.

I am annoying with that because I continue to think that the kids transgender, inbreeding and race mixing are all three child abuse and are being push by the monsters behind the pizzagate and their drag-Queens, the New World Order aka the Satanic Deepstate.

Just look at the porn sites today, they are full of this agenda and we know that this is use against the population as a weapon of destruction.

And yes, I think that I should be able to find other sources for this important subject. Thanks again OP for your good post about health and the protection of children who are our future, the NWO know that the children are the future of a nation and his culture, that is why they are doing everything to destroy them. When they do not also doing that to rotten the Trump presidency and hoping for a chaotic civil war to get more control over the population and conservative families and strong and intelligent citizens being killed...

21076561? ago

They could have "sex" with a man but many are not gay so that is never going to happen

Those wiling to fuck a tranny probably also prefer one with penis over one with bloody inverted penis-hole.

I've never seen people share post-op tranny porn on 4chan.

21076397? ago

Hearbreaking. Truly heartbreaking.

I suspect some "transgenders" do not have gender dysphoria at all. At ALL! They are only attention seekers. There are plenty of people who will suddenly identify with the "marginalized persons du jour", just to get attention. That's a whole other mental issue.

But for those who TRULY suffer with these issues and actually go forward with surgery, etc. my heart goes out to them and this post gave me even more compassion for them.

Thank you for explaining this so well and with so much detail.

It was a definite eye-opener.


21076246? ago

Op this is an excellent post that is both terrifying and beautiful to see the work of God’s hand and the hubris of man to think they can do what God has!

Society needs to realize this is not something we should be doing at all. I wish more doctors were like op

21076234? ago

I am sharing this far and wide... HEARTBREAKING... I honestly believe these evil people made a deal with SATAN... instead of SACRIFICING the ENTIRE child, Satan has allowed these evil parents to make the sacrifice the sex organs of their children. They are creating satanic zombies with these poor kids!

21081188? ago

This is exactly what abortion is, guys. Abortion has nothing to do with "a woman's right to choose." And I'm a woman. It's about SACRIFICING YOUR FIRST BORN! Then [[they]] go grab the dead (sometimes) body and do horrific things to it. All sick sick sick

21080540? ago

And what's worse, the zombie they've created is likely to take not only its own life -- but also, the lives of others. (Generally, those "others" who encouraged the freakish behavior; but, sometimes, also includes innocent bystanders.)

21076207? ago

Is it all just another form of population control? Or at least, in part? Am I right in thinking that the majority of transgenders are "male to female"? The numbers aren't going to be huge but added to other things like abortion, chemical effects from the environment, as well as cultural/societal/psychological measures imposed, that's a lot of people that would ordinarily be having children that are no longer going to be having children. It could also be used as a means to advance the grotesque, turn society on its head etc too I suppose. What are your thoughts on that OP?

21078734? ago

Yes the indoctrination is strong. For example I have seen two people this week who are not having children because muh climate change.

21078768? ago

Tell mothers they need to work to be real women, which leads to less breastfeeding. The result is a generation of babies raised on soy formula and its inherently estrogenic properties.

This is just my personal theory...

21080523? ago

I think you mean "real" "women", from the feminist perspective? Because an actual "real" "woman" would treat their baby with the utmost of care, which includes, feeding them the life-giving and immune-system-enhancing breast milk that they are producing, specifically for this purpose!

21080735? ago

Yes, "feminist" women. The big push to get mothers out of the home.

21080788? ago

Those fuckers. They pushed my mom to put me on formula "before I was ready" (SHE knew).

Now, everything I see looks like boobies.

Well, not everything. Most things. Like in the movie "Airplane" -- mountains next to each other. Or oil processing units. Or, looking down, raisins. Darnitalltoheck!

21076182? ago

This needs reposting on reddit, they need to hear this. Too many mentally ill pro-mutilation voices.....this MD is speaking logically.

21077085? ago

Every other person on reddit is "trans" to the point you have to believe 90% of them are lying, or we're all extremely fucked.

21076129? ago

Thank you so much, docfag. So, these victimized patients are lied to before surgery? Do they "the medical community" ever tell them the truth that their "new parts" will never work, because function was never possible, in the first place; or does the "medical community" make the victim believe that they are just defective? The psychological effects must be brutal! I've taken a beating for encouraging proper nutrition; natural remedies; etc., but these body hacking; piece of shit are allowed to operate under a "medical license"?

21079094? ago

Correct. Also understand that some patients don't listen. They have an agenda for which they have been told to believe that surgery is needed and anything else is white noise.

21082804? ago

Roger that! Thank you.

21076105? ago

Love this post!! Thank you OP!

21076094? ago

I vomited in my mouth after reading this. These people are sick...in the head.

21076086? ago

This message needs to get out. Well done.

21076056? ago

It's inversion. A spell.

21075897? ago

Excellent write up, thank you

21075891? ago

"The [media] have subverted the population into believing that "transition" is possible but it is not. It is not real. It is [the for-profit] abuse of vulnerable people."

Thanks, docfag!

21080426? ago

i fucking hate "fify" posts but i upvoted this one

21085336? ago

Me too, but this needs to be shouted from the rooftops until everybody is pitchfork-mad about this exploitation.

21075777? ago

Baphamet. Try talking about that to your buddies and its ties to gender inversion. Simply put, the enemy is using alchemy to undo God’s creation

”The Deeper We Go More Unrealistic It All Becomes.”


21077278? ago

This hollyweird Charlize Theron still not sure if she has a 'son or 'daughter', https://voat.co/v/QRV/3397625 Pakistan's Intelligence Agency Logo - Symbolism will be their downfall.

21075898? ago


21075749? ago

This is why lower-caste leftists (as I call them) are coached to act belligerent and annoying, it is so we will lose the concept of a mentally ill victim being abused by saying to ourselves: "There is no such thing as a victim! you all chose it, so live with it!"

And then the scum who stand to gain monetarily, rub their greasy hands and say: "thank you!"

21075745? ago

Oy vey! circumcision is good for you, goy. and if you are not happy with that little snip, chopping

off the rest of it will make you feel like the real you! shaloms and MIGA!

21075587? ago

Excellent post thanks for sharing.

21075583? ago

That second video is NSFL. This entire transgender movement is sick. No wonder the UK LGBs are separating from the T.

21078616? ago

LGB is nothing to do with T, and they should distance themselves.

B means there are only two genders btw!

21080406? ago

I remember a joke from my "childhood" (wow, I guess) -- "Some people are bi-sexual. I'm tri-sexual -- I'll try anything!"

Now it's disgusting.

21080398? ago

That's so fucking tragic I stopped reading a little into the second heading. Fuck. Mutants need help, but, fuck!!! The confused don't need mutilation!!!

21078622? ago

Yep. Horrific. Now we have thousands of them

21075529? ago

can & will surgeons, shrinks & parents doing this weimer republic garbage be prosecuted? will they be stripped of the ability to commit these atrocities?

21078640? ago

Yes if enough people complain to medical boards

21078755? ago

Didn't Johns Hopkins, which pioneered the sex change surgery, stop doing them for many years because data showed the suicide rate post-op was WORSE than pre-op?

21075455? ago

Docfag, to what do you attribute the sudden explosion of interest in transgenderism by the MSM?

It can't be just the greed of some shady doctors. There has to be more to it than that.

21078809? ago

[OP] communism requires the destruction of the family system for control. The globalists also need to eradicate free thinking populations so that they can control the more obedient remainder.

Don't forget the Georgia guidestones.

21077074? ago

Brainwashing. Kids are easy to manipulate because they always want to be part of the "cool" crowd.

21075869? ago

Destruction of the family?

21075202? ago

This should be stickied.

21077331? ago

both of them dead from a sick so called 'progressive' experiment, evil and abusive fake doctors. Trannies go back to ancient Egypt, Rome and the Masonic rituals from Babylon. https://www.bitchute.com/video/iVazrkDgrHay

21075201? ago

It seems pretty obvious to me that you don't treat body dysmorphia with plastic surgery. No doctor would give liposuction to an anorexic, so why would you mutilate someone's genitals to try and change their sex?

21078317? ago

Why? Because of kikes, of course.

21077940? ago

You say no doctor would do this, but plenty would.

21080324? ago

"no doctor that's taken the Hippocratic (not hypocritic) oath" that is

21076853? ago

Body Integrity Identity Disorder is a thing and some doctors have performed amputation of healthy tissue when counseling has failed.

21078514? ago

Doesn't make it right treatment though

21076953? ago

Hi rabbi! Watcha doing here?

21076209? ago

Good analogy, I'll remember this one.

21075960? ago

That's a great way of putting it.

21075180? ago

Excellent article docfag, I really appreciate it and will keep it in mind as I raise kids here shortly in my life.

My question would be this: Do support groups exist for people going through this already? I believe you mentioned that there are some, and I'm glad to hear it, but I feel like if psychologists and medicine in general is failing these people there really should be some support from religious organizations.

21078834? ago

I don't think there are enough. Walt Heyer runs one

21075075? ago

I sent Walt Heyer an e-mail asking him to help the Younger case. He wrote back and said,

"i was the first to break this story in November 2018.


I have been working with the family for a year and yes we are trying to Save James for castration.

Keep him in prayer

Walt "

Thank you, Doc, for this clear explanation. Back in the 90's my step brother who was a male prostitute in NYC had the operation and changed his name to "Nicole". All my family went along with the name change. I could not. I saw a mutilated man, not a woman. He died a year later of AIDs. This is a tragic thing to happen to anyone.

21080298? ago

Wow. A friend has gay renters, one of which is going to "transition" to "female." The name he chose? "Nicky"!!!

Sadly I surmise that suicide may be in his future. Not much I can do.

21081126? ago

Think about this, people. I read this years ago and summarily dismissed it. But you know, the more I look and pay attention, the more I believe it. The reason Hollyweird is pushing Trans stuff is simple: they've been doing it for a long time. Think "Caitlin" Jenner was the first? Think again. The secret luciferian religions have long believed that Satan is an androgyn (Male/Female.) Therefore, to worship him/it - they sacrifice their male children as females and female children as males. So they are playing god (small g) by determining the sex of a child and making them androgynous.

Now - you want some examples? Here are some you already know:

Michael Jackson

Bruce Jenner

But here are some that I've read about and pooh poohed... now believe (notice the names for many of them could be male or female...)

~Sandy Bullock -- definitely male. Huge adams apple, awkward, not feminine at all, gayboy mannerisms. https://files.catbox.moe/3q5zaf.pdf

~ Jodie Foster - deeper voice, very masculine

~ Jennifer Aniston -- sorry guys, she's a he. This is not a woman's body - https://files.catbox.moe/8d4vwo.png THIS is a woman's body - https://files.catbox.moe/mgll84.png

I started looking at all the women with guy's names - Jamie Lee Curtis. Also doesn't have a waist or hips.

The list is long.

Henry Makow two years ago was not so convinced. But still he presented a discussion about this. As more and more information comes out, I wonder if he has changed his mind. To wit: https://www.henrymakow.com/2017/03/are-celebrities-secret-trannies.html

Interesting that the article he quotes mentions some of the same things as our DocAnon above. https://www.henrymakow.com/2017/03/are-celebrities-secret-trannies.html

21085892? ago

Weren't Jodie Foster's pregnancies AI?

And Jennifer Aniston went on and on about wanting kids but couldn't or some shit?

Makes some sense, I guess, of they've got fake lady parts that don't actually work.

21080635? ago

That is sad, and you are right. They are hell bent on their own destruction. Walt Heyer says that therapy by the right therapist is needed for those who want out. His first therapist was the one who told him to have the sex change operation in the first place. After a decade he regretted his decision. I may be getting his story wrong. If you have not listened to the Candace Owen interview on Prager U, you must do so. It is as profound as Docfag's explanation of the failure of sex change operations.

21075114? ago

Thank you for sharing this and I am so sorry for your loss, and your family's loss. This was so unnecessary. What a tragic waste of life.

21075545? ago

Yes it is. I am a Christian and I shared Christ with Jim, but he rejected the Gospel. We have to speak up against the gross immorality, wickedness and insanity that has infected our society. But more than that, the perpetrators of this evil - Soros, the banking dynasties, the NEA and so on - needs to be expunged from society. The problem with expungement is that, like cancer, total removal would also kill our society. I pray for Trump, the military and the Q team daily for their success.

21075027? ago

Thank you. Although I could not stomach the second video I’m assuming from the voiceover it exposes the—scoundrels is not sufficiently vile—who are profiting off of the abuse of children. Is there a similar way to report educators who are pushing this madness I wonder?

21075138? ago

Yes, but it depends on the local reporting mechanisms and for teachers it is harder to prove malpractice.

For doctors you do not have to prove malpractice for a board report. You just have to tell them that they are practising abusively and the board is then responsible for investigating. You would only need one or two reports to a board to shake up this system. Texas would be a great start. I am outside the US so powerless (other than posting this information)

21074943? ago

This kind of post IS why /QRV/ remains relevant.

21077250? ago

Getting the symbols yet, a Motel, Shirners in the South, a New Orleans House? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3484563/21066125 The TV show Bates Motel was actually pretty good.

21075828? ago

...and maybe why Voat gets continually DDoS'ed? Great, great post! Everyone needs to hear this!

21080192? ago

NO! Voat is not "continually getting DDoS'ed" based on my observations.

When I have difficulty with Voat, I disconnect then reconnect the VPN. 90+% of the time, that fixes the issue.

Like Steemit a couple years ago, Voat has added some code that interprets normal user activity as an attack.

21075885? ago

B I N G O !

21074931? ago

Even with all the crazy news right now... DOCFAGANON takes the Gold with a GREAT Post.

Thank you!

21077222? ago

A mystery Babylon cult, who owns the tv shows, who is behind the Fed? American singer, songwriter and actor Billy Ray Cyrus once said his family was under attack by Satan, also claimed David Lynch and the Devil wanted to destroy his family??? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3397116 In the 1980's, the SATANIC PANIC was a fabrication of the media and CIA to gaslight victims and label them as hysterical and psychotic // Get Ready, because it's coming back...

21074928? ago

Hi, I’m a grad of psychological science. I don’t beleive in climate ‘science’ because of the basic fact that there are no falsifiable experiments proving anthropogenic global warming will flood the earth in 12 years. Obviously, in a libfaggot profession like psychology, feelings trump facts for many psychologists despite their training. One of the leaders of my local xtink rebellion is a psychologist.

OP, are you afraid that we are at the tipping point into a new dark age of extreme religion (globohomo) and anti-science? I am.

21076951? ago

The current climate of academia has me worried. (((Capitalism))) has created a massive demand for fake science and a market has arisen to fulfill that demand. Many studies cannot be reproduced and a large amount of research is highly suspect, causing huge damage to faith in science. A new dark age definitely seems plausible.

21077623? ago

My concern is we no longer 'own' our body, and have secondary custody of our children as both belong to the state. The state that takes your newborn children because you had a home birth, didn't want vaccinations and declined an ER visit. The state that uses your grief in losing your children (whom were breastfeeding) as a reason to label you mentally ill and unfit to ever get them back.

21080927? ago

And yet, if it weren't for some good guys in the 'state" that Younger kid would be on his way to a lifetime of hell. Good on his father for fighting back! The state has a role, only the ginormous HOA* called the democraps want to run every sector of everyone's lives.

  • HOA= Home owners association. Ask anyone who has one. There's always a busybody with no clout at home who has a need to interject themselves into everyone's lives

21078991? ago

And we can thank the erosion of trust in science for this. We're rapidly moving to a "post truth" world, where the state gets to determine what is true and questioning it gets you labelled as a anti-semite or anti-vaxxer.

21074958? ago

I think the climate bubble has burst. Extinction rebellion finished off the waverers. Within 6 months I am able to discuss the climate hoax at work without much backlash at all, having been labelled a denier - literally - in the past.

The TG issue is much more insidious. I really do think that the silent majority is becoming more vocal and confident to express themselves especially where the abuse of children is concerned. I pray and hope this will continue.

21075077? ago

I too pray for these abused children. Munchausens is fucking insidious and doctors have just stopped looking out for it when it comes to sensitive issues (read:powerful groups) like trannie nonsense.

21075144? ago

Exactly this. Munchausens by proxy.

When children are the victims - think vegan cats.

21079847? ago

Otheranon here. I could never watch the movie, "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen", as a teenager. Started it on at least one occasion, but couldn't get through it (not sure how far I got).

Just read up on it at IMDB, and I'm going to give it a chance.

The remake of Battlestar Galactica was similar -- I remember starting that at least five times, and stopping within a half hour (the first episode was a "movie"), because it was so slow. Turned out it got better. I especially liked the "news" ship in I think season 3, which just looked so fake and pathetic -- turns out, that was foreshadowing for our current "fake news"! :)

21074915? ago

I was recently forced to read a book containing first hand accounts of transgender teens. I knew they were fucked up before I read it but afterwards I came away with a deep understanding that they are seriously mentally ill. I only really felt bad for one individual who was probably born a hermaphrodite but not treated. Thanks docfag for laying this out for us.

21074939? ago

Yep I equally - as many of us do - feel extreme empathy for hermaphrodites and gender indeterminate people. Genuinely in need and desperate to have sex assignment treatment. The real tragedy is that this dogma is being designed to take physically normal people (with emotional vulnerability) and turn them into those desperate cases. It's sick, honestly..

21075334? ago

The horseshit which is "gender reassignment" are just cases of munchausen via proxy.

21079639? ago

And the money, don't forget about the money

21074877? ago

Oh my that was a shocking read. Thank you for the taking the time to reveal to us this shocking revelation. I don’t know how much more as a society we can take. I will pass this on to many.

We have a responsibility to love all of God’s children. This can only happen if we are able to love ourselves fully for the wonderful creation that we are.

God Bless you doctor.

21074917? ago

[OP] Indeed this occurred to me hence the share. There are thousands of children being sent down this pathway and not one practitioner will make a stand. I am not a transgender doctor, I'm a cancer surgeon. I have to tell patients with cancer that their organs will be removed and they will never be able to have children. It's heartbreaking. Meanwhile the media are programming people with no disease to submit themselves to be in the same situation that genuine cancer patients would give anything to avoid. And the world just says ho hum....

21077063? ago

I heard on the radio, something like 30% of California teenagers think they are "trans" or at least, "not cis". This is a disease, and it is spreading.

21081603? ago

It's not a disease, it's psy-op warfare

21078697? ago

It's a phase. Brown university published a study showing that but the fascist left forced them to remove it. Quillette were the only ones who would publish it.

21074964? ago

Yes. Ho hum indeed. It’s a true tragedy. And how sad for you to have to tell your patients the sad news, continuously.

I have posted your post to my twitter feed. I only have 3000 followers and I’m being shadowbanned, but I will continue to retweet it and link to others with more followers.

This information is going to sit with me for a long time. Very sad.

21075986? ago

Humble brag much? Lol "only" 3k is a shit ton for someone who posts anything besides leftists bull shit or sports.

I can't keep an account alive for more than like a month before it suspends me, no more followers or follows, no more tweets or retweets.

21076112? ago

I don’t think 3k is a lot and I have been suspended numerous times. I mostly retweet and don’t engage with blue check marks. That will usually get you shut down.

21075041? ago

Thank you. There is nothing so sad as removing the genitals of a functioning human being. It is so morally repugnant that it is even a line that is not crossed by the worst torturers in history. It is life changing for the victim and there is no way back. Once you step into the reality that is the loss of your penis or vagina you can then understand the suicide rate. Heartbreaking and tragic.

We only get one life and only get one body.

21075164? ago

I simply cannot thank you enough for giving us this information. As horrific as it is.

I feel the same about so many couples unable to conceive and wanting to adopt. We as a society have promoted abortion instead of adoption. I hope to see that change in our society also. I am adopted and my biological mother was selfless in her love for me. Knowing that she could not give me the life she wanted for me, she gave me up to a family who could.

And I agree with another reply that you should write an article if possible. Love you patriot.

21074764? ago

Nothing can replicate a vagina ? could take that somewhere but wont out of respect of the post

21075987? ago


21086566? ago


21077345? ago

another soap box soddomite? go back to reddit faggot

21074715? ago

21074652? ago

You should write an editorial in some news papers.

21075375? ago

Although I don't have the means to do so, I hope your explanation above goes viral across the world. You put into words the concepts that I have thought about but could not articulate. My stance on the issue is that until a medical science can change a person's entire chromosome makeup, from XX to XY or vice versa, that person will always remain the sex they were born as.

21075765? ago

Or be virtually no sex at all.

21075938? ago

They're the sex they're born as, just a mutilated shell of it.

I think trans people that choose not to have surgery are probably mostly okay. I'm abroad right now and there are a lot of girls who dress like boys. Not exactly the same thing as a "butch dyke" style, because they're not very butch... But they're not girly at all.

I think they're not really hurting anyone and changing their fashion style is certainly reversable... Maybe they have surgery here but I really haven't heard of it. I don't think that's such a major issue.

21075370? ago

The (news) wont allow anyone to go against their narratives. No one would publish anything going contrary to their goals...

21075354? ago

Make himself a target? Dumb move boomer.

21075890? ago

Lol. What an exchange

21075384? ago

fuck off juvenile

21075817? ago

Grown enough to outwalk your fat decrepit ass. You Boomers have the lamest game.

21077951? ago

Fucking kike. Just shut the fuck up and get back to Pokemon Go. Such a dumb pussy.

21079799? ago

Keep projecting. You're in a q follower forum bruh. Nobody plays the jew games here except for your boomer generation.

21081403? ago

Kike confirmed.

21076317? ago

I would kick your ass in a heartbeat.

21076564? ago

I'd hear your mouth breathing from a mile away. You'll never find me.

21076780? ago

Boomers Rock. You know it, I know it. Actually I don't downvote on this thread, so it's somebody else.

21079822? ago

I know, and everyone else knows, it's you. Especially because you always say that stupid statement, and make sure to capitalize rock. You can't even change your typing style across accounts.

Boomers fucking suck and you know it.

21080172? ago

I don't downvote on a site where it doesn't count.

Boomers rock.


21074845? ago

Not that easy. Maybe Quilette. Takes time though, and we're pretty busy!!

21074626? ago

Good explication. Saved. Thanks, niggerfaggot.

21075631? ago

homosexual genital mutilation

21077700? ago

Homosex is a mental disorder, as per the DSM.


21075215? ago

How does one save a post faggotbrains?

21077819? ago

After save, go click your name and at the top of your profile page willed be a "saved" button. Your saved posts are there.

21081788? ago

thank you, I've been trying to figure out how to save posts for months.

21076258? ago

Under the post description there is a button with three dots .

Click it, select save .

Yeah kinda hidden

21075805? ago

Screenshot it. MeMeMe but can't MeMe MeMe.

Save it offline. You boomers bro. Fuck.

21075778? ago


21074855? ago

Honoured with your label lol

21077247? ago

There's a little niggerfaggot in all of us.

Great post!