21089200? ago

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21077227? ago

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20314563? ago

Agent Smith Programming - you tell anyone that these people worship lucifer and they turn into matrix drones. It's fucking crazy.

20840590? ago

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20639191? ago

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20314466? ago

Child sexual abuse is well documented in the psychology world, there are so many great resources nowadays to held victims, the problem is that for some reason when you mention "Satan" or"ritual abuse" nobody believes you ... except, nowadays, it's starting to gain recognition in the mainstream

20313724? ago

Opinions on Styxhexenhammer?

20639204? ago

Always proceed with caution, he might tell some correct stories but shills hide truths and lies, jumble it all and sell politics and confusion. Could be another Loki.

20311712? ago

I'm sure we all remember SNL's Church Lady, which was pretty much the epitome of gaslighting it all.


20311309? ago

"Coming back"??? When did it ever leave? I wish we had a break from it.

20311216? ago

says Pamela Freyd, PhD, the executive director of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, a nonprofit

The False Memory Syndrome Foundation is a nonprofit organization founded in 1992 by Pamela and Peter Freyd, after their adult daughter Professor Jennifer Freyd accused Peter Freyd of sexual abuse when she was a child. It is suspect IMHO.

20310176? ago

Wasn't Louis Jolyon West (MKUltra guru) one of the people that concocted the "Satanic Panic" shtick? He also gave the psychiatric evaluation of Jack Ruby and supposedly visited Timothy McVeigh when he was in jail. I'm sure he did plenty of nefarious things in his career that we'll never know about.

It's incredible that people like this can deny real satanists exist and have most people believe them. It's like witchcraft in and of itself.

20310000? ago

But the aliens never actually landed, you know?

Or they did and you were not privy. Actually they have been here for 200,000 years. They are genetically manipulating us as experiments and using humans as life extension vehicles. But y’all want to poo poo this because you’ve been taught a skewed narrative by their cults of science and corrupt religion.

20312413? ago

As far as I can tell, Earth is the ET version of the TV Show, Westworld....

20313955? ago

Oh yeah. The Kayn kind of do that all right.

20312401? ago

As far as I can tell the Reptilians pretty much owned this planet until they started popping off nukes in the 40's which affects other dimensions, which means no more earth exclusion zone....

20313845? ago

What I heard is that the humanoid “Nords” owned this planet and the “Nephilim” were the hybrid super soldiers they made to attack other worlds. They pissed off a species of Reptilians that dropped meteors on the earth 12,000 years ago to stop this. Both were punished and forced to rebuild Earth after the war by a more powerful species that had interest in this world’s development. The “Nords” are returning to their old ways and the Deep State is working with them.

20310781? ago

Where are they? Have you met one?

20311750? ago

Our govt is where I'd look first..

20310572? ago

0000!!! KEK!

20311732? ago

Right? They nailed it too!

20312362? ago

Explains the nod from kek ;)

20309476? ago

There was a site, years ago, that thoroughly outlined the true story of the McMartin preschool case, connecting the family and their associates with satanic ritual abuse and snuff films. Very compelling. If anyone has a lead on this, would be very helpful.

20309287? ago

Satan is the great deceiver and his greatest deception was to convince the world that he doesn't exist.

20309071? ago

Word magic, I also refer to it as labeling because that's how they used it here. They also use it to change definitions of words to change their meaning and original intent. Pizzagate, Satanic panic, the New Deal, Spygate.

20309323? ago

patriot act

20309766? ago

Department of Defense

20308894? ago

OMG - thank you for this. I remember this. Funny thing though, I never bought the story that the repressed memory thing was fake. But I did think someone in the background was making up some ridiculous ones so people wouldn't know what was what.

On a similar note, my dad was really into studying religions. He had an interesting theory that some of the Miles Mathis stuff is bearing out -- that the Jehovah's witnesses were actually created by Satanist/Govt types to make people leery of anyone who talked about feeling better or being better able to cope because they developed Faith in a higher power. The "have you found Jesus" crap by the JW's turns so many people off when there are really good lessons to be learned and solid life paths you can follow if you read past all the religious gobbledygook and just see the wisdom in the writings. It sort of created this kind of thing -- https://files.catbox.moe/otkcwf.png kek -- I love that cartoon.

But like the Satanic Panic you mention, the revulsion so many feel when the JW's or Mormon's knock on the door was created to push us away. I think someone once said the founder of the JW cult was a Freemason, so it would all fit with what you have.

EXCELLENT info - Thanks, anon!

20312377? ago

The reason they create so many different religions is to try and cover as many demographics as possible.

Their favourite strategy is to give us 99% truth to give themselves legitimacy and 1% lies to try and send us down a false path...

20315045? ago

This is brilliant. I just decided recently that all churches are infiltrated hence we have no real churches with Jesus leading them. I see a time in the future when most church leaders will need food stamps.

20315407? ago

The churches only exist while people keep going to them, kind of like the government only exists because people keep going to work for it

20315391? ago

If you want to watch this strategy operating in real-time, watch Alex Jones for a while because he uses this exact strategy....

20308763? ago

A lot of the interest in patients claiming to have recovered buried memories of Satanic ritual abuse

Fells Acre Day Care in MA, mid 80s and a DA with an eye for higher office, Luther Scott Harshbarger. These clowns have no compunction inventing facts to fit the made up crime. In turn it becomes foundational in their later higher campaign(s). Reminds me greatly of the mid 2000s on moral panic about massive college sports team & frat house "rapes".

20308679? ago

When I look back at things, the Satanic Panic of the 80's was the first nudge awake, for me. It wasn't a big awakening at all, but it made me NOT use daycares. It made me and spouse work different shifts/hours to be with and raise our own children. It got me back to church with the kids, at least for a time, got me to where I realized what I believed and allowed me to try to raise my children with a Biblical influence. I think now that that was the absolute begin point for me.

20308402? ago

It's already happening here on voat, just look at Morbo and others like him.

20307882? ago

It was both a gaslighting, but also an attack on christian Fundamentalism.

Gaslighting is a way of taking names, a covert census report, disguised as a mass-movement.

20307690? ago

Notice how all the excuses that dismiss everything away are nothing but catch phrases.

This is how these pedo satanists do it. They have no argument beyond these pedo tricks.

Satanic panic!

Conspiracy theorist!

Anti Semitic!

Diversity is our strength!

White people are racist!

Men are rapists!

Gender is a social construct!

Borders are racist!

The fact that they often rime shows just how childish and dumb these predators are.

20312132? ago

Unfortunatly, the fact that it works shows just how childish and dumb the population has become

20313736? ago

I'd say naive

20311689? ago

Notice how all the excuses that dismiss everything away are nothing but catch phrases.

Great f-ing insight anon! Bravo! Instantly reminds me of the fabled Jedi Mind tricks.

"these aren't the droids you're looking for."

"he can go about his business."

The fact that they often rime shows just how childish and dumb these predators are.

Perhaps it seems so, but I assure you these predators are very clever. The fact that they often rhyme shows these predators have a finely tuned knowledge of how humans work.

20309876? ago

That's all the left has, empty platitudes: catch phrases, buzzwords, slogans and virtue signaling with no thought or substance behind any of it.

20307276? ago

St. Michael the Archangel,

defend us in battle.

Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,

and do thou,

O Prince of the heavenly hosts,

by the power of God,

thrust into hell Satan,

and all the evil spirits,

who prowl about the world

seeking the ruin of souls.


20307662? ago

I prefer to pray in the name of Jesus.

20312428? ago

If you were really smart you'd start praying to the reflection you see in the mirror....

20319705? ago

No thanks.

20307754? ago

I pray in the name of Jesus, as well as the St. Michael prayer.

May God bless America, and may God bless you, fellow anon.

In Jesus' name,


20307220? ago

Get ready because it's coming back...

It never stopped.

20307123? ago

Already happening if you know how to read the news correctly and spot the propaganda.

20314526? ago

Normalization as scandals and people were rented to the White House? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3248967 Charlize Theron still not sure if she has a 'son or 'daughter', says its possibly sex is transgender like Baphomet or the old Pagan Babylon Shemale Transexual Gods of ancient Egypt Arabia

20306842? ago

Fuck censorship.

Gas tipper Gore and every other commie.

20306706? ago

Saying it over and over and over...got to come up with some sort of concrete proof this is and has been going on. Talking and producing red shoe paintings and symbols are not going to bring the masses to believe. There just has to be a way to literally show something concrete. Not saying complete gore, but there is plenty to show to gain belief. Just sayin'.

20307489? ago

are you stupid or a shill

how about nxivmcult epstein island and podesta brothers

that hould be proof enough

how about "suicides" epstein, podestas unreognized son, that vip singers and persons

cant remember their fucking names. but anons know

20311146? ago

Chester Bennington (Linking Park) and Chris Cornell (Soundgarden).

20311200? ago

that are the ones

And Avicii and that Netherlands princess,sorry about my brain being stuck

I have fever ....

20311684? ago

Yes, almost too many to list. I think there's a list somewhere (hopefully).

Take care of yourself anon!

20307814? ago

Been here for a long time and no, not stupid nor a shill here. Have contributed greatly over time here.

Don't see the proof that will shock the masses out there, or it would have. Must be able to overcome cognitive dissonance (cd)and that explains why the proof that has been made available is not proof enough as you say. Granted, many are beginning to wake, yet, those who are still not nearly enough to really get outraged. Once again, not referring to showing any actual, horrific gore, but rather, to show something for people to see that is simply undeniable to what is going on.

Remember that we here have been working and researching for ourselves and together for years which makes the whole picture come together to what is actually going on behind the scenes currently and historically, to some degree at least, even though we too do not know vast amounts of info which lies down the deep rabbit hole, but the masses have not done anything but worry about putting in the new dishwasher and getting to work on time. The masses must be provided information in order to overcome their doubts by way of cd, the MSM, etc. Unless they too get a solid dose of the truth, no, they will not awake from their slumber.

Now, you going to contribute to the convo or call me some more names?

20309799? ago

Even if we had the actual snuff films showing these politicians the news would never show even 1 second of any of it. They would give it a label and run hit pieces to distract people away from it. Then another fake mass shooting or small military action to get them screaming about that memory holing the evidence.

20307850? ago

I agree with the pre thought and

you are correct.

sorry for calling names.

We need to produce hard proof 300 words articles and

youtube videos shorter than 2 min. for normies.

20309675? ago

I am glad you wrote this;

*"We need to produce hard proof 300 words articles and

youtube videos shorter than 2 min. for normies"*

Damn near impossible to get most of our fellow "Future Patriots" to bother to dig. Attention spans being what they are now and add to that the effect from seeing so much violence, gore, sex, sex SEX in ALL forms and in all means of mass media, (to include the gaming community). People have been desensitized to reality and may not give a shit until it affects them/us adversly...

20310189? ago


20307888? ago

Agree with you Anon.

Substantial info in small, easy dosing.

20307091? ago

I agree. One of these members needs to go in with a hidden cam and get actual footage. The problem is going to be the instant claim that whatever gets shown is deepfake.

20306772? ago

excuse me... but that is NOT the standard

are rape victims forced to have VIDEO evidence of their attack ?

20307560? ago

Hasn't it been said that all those high profiles who are involved do get video taped as a form of an insurance policy for the cabal? Bet WikiLeaks has some of that.

20306672? ago

Great cultural history lesson here. I remember all of this. That false memory crap really opened peoples eyes to the power psychology had on its patients. The movie Sybil was also referenced a lot. There's a video of a Navy guy on a talk show who was open about his Satanic beliefs. His eyebrows reached to the sky. His wife was there too. It was disturbing.

20306961? ago

That guys name was Michael Aquino

He was CIA, he is also the founder of the Temple of Set.

He’s a real dude, he’s still around (retired). He is an evil MF.

20307072? ago

That's the one! I was blown away to see him in active military. (shudder)

20308686? ago

I think he was Army...worked for PsyOps in Vietnam them for NORAD or whatever the Space Command was called at the time

20309731? ago

He was an Army Lt.Col and some of the abused kids could pick his picture out of a line up and describe the inside of his house! Still not enough to go after him, spooks are untouchable unless you do it yourself. The government will never go after them.

20316626? ago

Ive always wondered what his deal was, he strenuously denied anything, wrote a book about being falsely accused, but seriously that dude had to be up to some hairy shit to be both Church of Satan and a high-up in government

20306597? ago

https://files.catbox.moe/pkznl2.png :

A Brief History Of "Satanic Panic" In The 1980s

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