Police Raid Islamic School, Discover 300 Boys Tortured and Held as Sex Slaves (godfatherpolitics.com)
submitted 5.3 years ago by 3452056?
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20790691? 5.3 years ago
mk ultra.
brainwash them, make them jihadists, send them into the west.
20840584? 5.3 years ago
The Shriner, the Arab rituals, the Mason ... is there a link? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3397116/20314563 Agent Smith Programming - you tell anyone that these people worship lucifer and they turn into matrix drones. It's fucking crazy.
20840768? 5.3 years ago
I'm aware of the Islamic symbols used in Masonry. All of it connected through Lucifer, yes.
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20790691? ago
mk ultra.
brainwash them, make them jihadists, send them into the west.
20840584? ago
The Shriner, the Arab rituals, the Mason ... is there a link? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3397116/20314563 Agent Smith Programming - you tell anyone that these people worship lucifer and they turn into matrix drones. It's fucking crazy.
20840768? ago
I'm aware of the Islamic symbols used in Masonry. All of it connected through Lucifer, yes.