21018040? ago

Any person that witnesses something supernatural is easy to bring them into the flock. Jesus said many will come doing works in my name. .......they are the evil ones. Nephalim.

21015435? ago

they were bringing kids from all over the world, not just Haiti, and using Red Cross money to do it. he had several procurers for teenage sex victims (Rachel Handler, for one, who then had others under her). those were modelled in catalaugoes, then purchased by elites for use and disposal. untraceable people.

Epstein was heavily invested in Psychological research (much for video games) and Transhumanist endeavors (super soldiers, chimera, etc.). This ties to abortion. I guarantee that sick fuck had at least one frankenstien lab where unborn babies brains are made into robots. someones been working on this and Epstein either funded them or knew them... he had Steven Hawking at his island at least once, as well as pals with Ray Kurzweil and Bill Gates. many victims Epstein tortured for video game research. they wanted to get the really intense emotions right. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2019/08/02/truth-jeffrey-epstein-fascination-transhumanism/ this article gave me a deeper insight into his very SICK and twisted mind. unfortunately you have to pay for the full article.

also, sidenote: y'all are gonna think I'm crazy but I think demons might show up tangibly at these events. Alister Crowley had frequent visitation with demons (used drugs, yes, but thats another portal) and wrote about how there is power in the shedding of innocent blood, and wrote very specifically about how to do it. I think these demons are ancient 1/2 gods or fallen angels (Genesis 6) who still eat humans and drink their blood. this cult of Baal has been around forever, and innocent blood sacrifice is global. heads rolling down pyramids all over the globe.

21017518? ago

Old Myspace? Archive it! Adriana Ross & Rachel Guinness/Rothschild Chandler's With many Epstein Co-conspirators... "connection " private profiles yet pics are fucked. 2 girls inside a pentagram https://voat.co/v/QRV/3459053/20854039 Yea no doubt. The art is just a front.

21027979? ago


21015630? ago

Every continent has a cave where inscriptions have been painted, carved documenting the arrival of angels and other events. These are strikingly similar. Babylon scattered and they want to gather it up in the end.

21015699? ago

I didn't know about all the caves. Makes sense. dark place in the belly of the earth. tunnels. vampires.

Ellora cave in India is INSANE: somebody or something carved a highly intriquite cavern out of a mountain, and every square inch of it is made from the same rock. I would guess its the largest sculpture in the world. entire mountains removed, not a bit of the rock is found anywhere in the region.

maybe this is what the nephilim will make for you if you give their bellies full with clean blood and meat. the Bible says the canaanites destroyed the land. I think they were giants and had massive appetites.

anyway watch this: it's family friendly travel archaeology related


21015154? ago

Wow - what a lot of baseless claims.

When did QRV become a creative writing forum?

21017177? ago

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21015245? ago

When did you become a SHILL?

21015366? ago

Fuck off. Not everyone who strictly adheres to your claims is a shill.

I didn't see anything in that Twitter chain that was new or wasn't stuff that oldfags already knew. Cut it with the sensationalism, you're just as bad as the MSM.

21021490? ago

You either keep attacking others to make yourself feel better due to low self-esteem or are ARE a shill.

21022343? ago

I'm not 21015154.

I wasn't "attacking others", quite the contrary. I'm calling you out. I repeat - not everyone who doesn't strictly adhere to your claims is a shill.

Funny how you go straight to ad-hominems as your argument though (projection on your part given what you just said, funnily enough) - it tells me all I need to know. A downvote is not an argument, by the way.

21022792? ago

Don't like being called out as a SHILL? Then don't act like one.

21023605? ago

Once again, because it seems it didn't penetrate your skull the first time - not everyone who doesn't strictly adhere to your claims is a shill. If anything, you're the one acting like a fuckwitted shill, not I.

21023715? ago

Harass much? Typical SHILL behavior. Perhaps you'll stop harassing when you've earned $100 for this dialog.

21023790? ago

The only harrassment I see is from you being intolerant of those who have skepticism on your posts.

Let's count the insults you used: shill, low self esteem, again calling me a shill x2.

If you can't argue in good faith, I suggest you be quiet.

21024121? ago

My dialog with you has been nothing but in 'good faith'. I'm just calling it like I see it. Just so you know, this isn't PC-Land.

21024199? ago

Your idea of "good faith" is severely warped, then.

21024575? ago

Who are you to judge?

21015355? ago

The other user is correct: extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence... yet zero sources were provided.

This Tweet reads like torture porn fan fiction.

21014625? ago

A filthy jew, like most jews, was a sexual degenerate pedophile. He had many children as sex slaves. Israel is known for it. Then after he and his jewish friends were done with them, they were either sent to israel or killed and probably cremated or fed to sharks.

21016541? ago

Can u guys email or ring Interpol, the FBI or NYPD? Because maybe Larry, Epstein pilot is selling the Jeffrey Epstein helicopter https://voat.co/v/QRV/3346437/19847904 Why hasn't it been impounded ???

21013998? ago

What is the significance of bringing up this tweet from July? Is something else about to be revealed? Just curious why everyone here is acting like they've not read about all this before?

21016478? ago

somebody on an island with a genetics lab and ranch, Q mean The Kalergi Plan? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3478548/21012400 Our Movement is like a think tank to correct the clown led world.

21014617? ago

Perhaps not everyone has.

Think OUTSIDE the box.

21013787? ago

Yes, it's incredibly sad. But it has to be faced, by everyone. Remember, there are people that believe in God and by reason there are people that believe in the opposite. You just have to be convinced that those that believe in the opposite have taken over the major power structures like Gov and Biz in this world.

"Remember when Olivia Jade was outed for her parent’s pay scheme at USC? Did you know she was in the Bahamas that week on a yacht owned by Rick Caruso, the Chairman of USC? What if the $500,000 payment was to get Olivia in [their] “club”?"

What is the inference here? That Jade is a recruiter to brainwash elite kids?

21013299? ago

Whoever wrote this fanfic doesn't even know that the birds on the temple were cockatiels, not owls.Stuff like "Below the Sun Dial is where the tunnels branch off into the 4 cardinal directions to each Temple" states pure speculation as if it's fact.

21015320? ago

cockatoos, not cockatiels. cockatoos steal another birds young and eat it. thanks why they like em so much. I believe its the sulfur crested cockatoo Richard Branson has several.

21013419? ago

Do you happen to know otherwise?

If you do, share.

If you don't, then who are you to judge?

Just because the information is unsettling doesn't mean you have to rip holes in it as if you know better when you clearly don't.

If you do happen to know better somehow, then share.

21013615? ago

If you don't, then who are you to judge?

If someone pulls a theory out of their ass, and presents it in a breathless way as if it's more than theory, I will judge the fuck out of them. Best to have some restraint and be very clear about when presenting mere possibilities.

Just because the information is unsettling

Do you know the different between "information" and speculation?

21014989? ago

Do you know the difference between someone passing along a link and someone who's actually the Author of the information you're reading?

If you're troubled by the information, why not go to the SOURCE and ask him?

21021075? ago

If someone puts a turd in my hand they are just as culpable as whoever owns the ass the turd came out of.

21013376? ago

Take the two birds on the roof from the side and make them face each other there is another location on the island with the same birds facing each other, on both sides of a pathway, if you put them beak to beak it creates the illusion of an owl. Also why have hills all around with a single walkway into it?

21013607? ago

This. I remember when 8chan figured this out. They were wondering if Q saying think applied in their discovery. Also Epstein island/temple being the keystone.

21013396? ago

Also why have hills all around with a single walkway into it?

The theory that came before the "sacrifice pit" theory was that it's a missile launch site (perhaps part of Israel's "Sampson option") given that there are other launch sites with a very similar design.

21014830? ago

The vibrations from the launch of standard rocket craft would likely destroy the underground installations. There seems to be circles randomly placed in the pit and I wondered if a circular craft landed there.

21013541? ago

could be both.

21013160? ago

Duchess of York (Sarah Ferguson) and the facebook social media page of the Zorro Ranch house keeper https://voat.co/v/QRV/3417944

21013187? ago

Kufic is the oldest calligraphic form of the various Arabic scripts and consists of a modified form of the old Nabataean script. Kufic developed around the end of the 7th century in Kufa, Iraq, from which it takes its name, and other centres. Until about the 11th century it was the main script used to copy Qur'ans. Remember, Epstein has a passport with his picture on it, a different name, and claiming he was from Saudi....pattern on the tiles at Epsteins castle are KUFIC designs - also called sqare cubic Kufic alfabet?

21012987? ago

The truth of these evils will have the power to unite the entire world. Every decent person will stand against these sick fucks.

21057168? ago

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21013214? ago

So Epstein has some kind of ancient middle eastern symbols around his island temple, and a middle eastern (Saudi Arabian) passport hidden in a vault.

If it looks like an ancient pagan cult, and it walks like an ancient pagan cult, and it talks like an ancient pagan cult, it must be an ancient pagan cult.

...Yes, and it goes back to ancient times - ancient Greece and Rome, maybe earlier. Look up the "Cult of Dionysus" sometime and it's relationship to the Bacchus. Next look at some of the pictures of the front of Epstein's townhouse...find the keystone of the main entrance...it is a sculpture of the wickedest Bacchus I've seen. Remove the keystone and the arch collapses...my guess Epstein, or what they found inside, was the/a keystone to the whole operation. Then watch "Eyes Wide Shut" again.... I would guess that behind Epstein and the Island are the people we refer to as "They," as in "They control the markets," " They control the politicians," " They start wars," etc.

21015082? ago

It's the religion of Mystery Babylon. And Jews are the current guardians of the Babylonian Slave Code.

You can break the Jews up into different groups.

Zionists - Want Greater Israel and are strongly ethno-nationalistic.

Luciferians - Obsessed with intellectual illumination and bringing about a New World Order consisting of a single government, single currency, and single language run from Jerusalem.

Sabbatean Frankists - Strongly adhere to the inversion principle and believe that they can quicken the arrival of the Messiah by introducing as much sin into the world as possible.

Back in the 18th century an alliance was made between these three groups represented by Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Banking - Zionists), Adam Weishaupt (Political Illuminati - Luciferians), and Jacob Frank (Esoteric Philosophy - Sabbatean Frankists).

This alliance of networks has infiltrated every major institution on the planet (Fraternal Lodges, Governments, Catholic Church, Saudi Arabia, Global Finance, Public Education etc) and has focused them all on fulfilling their goal of establishing a global government out of Jerusalem and doing anything to hasten the arrival of its ruler Mashiach.

21016575? ago

Where do the Freemasons, Iran and Saudi fit in? For example the Grotto or Shriners, where prays in secret ritual are made to a Moongod named al Lah ?

21029832? ago

Freemasonry was created in Scotland by the descendents of the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar we're a group of Crusader Knights who studied Kabbalah and other Esotericism while in the Middle East and imported much of that philosophy into Medieval Europe. They were also known for their international banking and financing due to having a wealthy brotherhood that was spread all over Europe.

The Saudi Royal family are Sabbatean Frankists (crypto-Jews) and are the money behind the violent extremist Wahhabist Islamic movement.

Not sure where Iran is at right now.

Christians - Sun (son) worshippers

Muslims - Moon worshippers

Jews - Saturn (original Sun) worshippers

21065286? ago

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21014628? ago

You say a lot of shit but not the word jew.

21015445? ago

You say a lot of shit but not the word jew.

I disagree


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21014167? ago

suggestion to all read honor Harrington series by David WEBER. all sorts of bread crumbs on how the cabal operate in the series.

21013156? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3443581 Serious question had been asked, why does Bill Gates do what Jeffrey Epstein tells him to do?

21012784? ago

https://archive.ph/11Xrl :

🇺🇸 3Days3Nights 🇺🇸 on Twitter: "1) EPSTEIN’S TORTURE ISLAND #QANON

Patriots are asking me to describe what really was happening on Epstein’s Little Saint James Island (LSJ).

WARNING: The theory in this thread will sadden your heart.… /xBgqYq6HKJ"

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