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21064781? ago

And george is a what????

A jew.

21065283? ago

Mystery Babylon .... Secret rituals of Masons, Fascists, Commies, the Pedo Vatican, islamist rituals and Jewish Occult .... is there some thing that linked them all?

Freemasonry was created in Scotland by the descendents of the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar we're a group of Crusader Knights who studied Kabbalah and other Esotericism while in the Middle East and imported much of that philosophy into Medieval Europe. They were also known for their international banking and financing due to having a wealthy brotherhood that was spread all over Europe.

The Saudi Royal family are Sabbatean Frankists (crypto-Jews) and are the money behind the violent extremist Wahhabist Islamic movement.

Not sure where Iran is at right now.

Christians - Sun (son) worshippers

Muslims - Moon worshippers

Jews - Saturn (original Sun) worshippers

21066487? ago

I remember when the Catholic church targeted Sabbatean Christian Jews. Nearly wiped us all out but we are still here. Watching from the sidelines as once more you fucking nazi scum try to destroy freedom.