21070451? ago

Why hasn't someone found him and put a .50 thru his melon yet?

21071939? ago

That filthy fucker should have been taken out as soon as it was learned that his filthy mitts were/are all over every single toppled government globally for the last several years. No wonder Putin threw his seditious front groups out of Russia. He is a cancer on society. Nasty POS, pushing the globalist agenda. I hate him with a passion, which is not a very Christian behavior, but I cannot help it.

21068939? ago

I wonder what Trump is getting done under the radar while the whole media machine is focused on these non-impeachment impeachment hearings? You know he is doing something. He has a history for using negative news to redirect the media focus while he does stuff he knows they won't like, such as some border security improvement or something like that.

21068696? ago

Beanz = Best !

21067903? ago

Soros has to be an alien wearing an edgar-suit...

21066336? ago

Love it...lets keep exposing, sharing info on any fag part of DS, helping awesome researchers with bits from others...now that is what I call a very large investigative movement...

21066093? ago

Some great work in that thread. Excellent job Patriots!

21066076? ago

Another shocking development. /s

21065056? ago

It's troubling to know that no world leaders anywhere have authorized taking Soros out.

21069543? ago

Have you seen any pictures/photos of him for the last 12 months?

21066115? ago

I'm surprised some random hasn't topped Soros because he's ruined a lot of lives.

21066340? ago

This is how you know all these shootings have been false flags. If one of us actually went off the deep end, we would be smart enough to take out a target worth dying for the sake of humanity over.

21066465? ago

Exactly. What point does it actually serve to go after nameless random people in public places? Nothing, unless you want to effect political change through terrorism. These mass shootings are nothing more than political terrorism by deep state actors who are unleashing their "Assets" to create a political outcome. Gun control and political power.

If a conservative person was going to do such a thing, we wouldn't be targeting civilians. (((They))) are well aware of this, which is why they push gun control. When and if conservative patriots actually rise up it will be through consensus and we won't be targeting nameless innocent and naive civilians. We will act with decisive strikes against deep state targets to create a vacuum in their political world. Soros would be at the top of the list. Rothschild family would also be right up there at the top. Not some poor kids going to school, walmart shoppers or commuters at the airport.

We know who are enemies really are, they can hide no longer.

21065003? ago

So let me get this straight- Biden forces Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was looking into Soros and Biden for corruption. And now a Soros-funded "whistleblower" is attempting to project all of their corruption onto Trump.

21065263? ago

Waking up in Clown World ? https://voat.co/v/8chan/3471549

21064781? ago

And george is a what????

A jew.

21065283? ago

Mystery Babylon .... Secret rituals of Masons, Fascists, Commies, the Pedo Vatican, islamist rituals and Jewish Occult .... is there some thing that linked them all?


Freemasonry was created in Scotland by the descendents of the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar we're a group of Crusader Knights who studied Kabbalah and other Esotericism while in the Middle East and imported much of that philosophy into Medieval Europe. They were also known for their international banking and financing due to having a wealthy brotherhood that was spread all over Europe.

The Saudi Royal family are Sabbatean Frankists (crypto-Jews) and are the money behind the violent extremist Wahhabist Islamic movement.

Not sure where Iran is at right now.

Christians - Sun (son) worshippers

Muslims - Moon worshippers

Jews - Saturn (original Sun) worshippers

21066487? ago

I remember when the Catholic church targeted Sabbatean Christian Jews. Nearly wiped us all out but we are still here. Watching from the sidelines as once more you fucking nazi scum try to destroy freedom.

21065106? ago

More of a Nazi

21065134? ago

Fuck off ADL

21065258? ago

He's unironically a Nazi, retard.

21066084? ago

A jew will assume any role to aid their deception. Common knowledge.

21066211? ago

You fags can always hand wave away the genocide of the Germans in Russian winter. Anything to protect that (gay) idea that Hitler was our goy and dindu nuffin. Brownshirts were treated like cattle. Soros is a kike and a Nazi, like the rest of the SS.

21066588? ago

Meh no dissagreement there

21064739? ago

https://tweetsave.com/tracybeanz/status/1187341734281404416 :

Tracy Beanz on Twitter: "🚨 BREAKING: Democrats "Star" Witness William Taylor sat on the Board of Ukranian NGO with Deep Ties to George Soros /lOzXcE3q2Z"

This has been an automated message.

21064623? ago

Jewish Kabbalah "Tee of Death" Demon's of The Order of The Qlippoth https://voat.co/v/QRV/3482653

21064392? ago

and his butt hurts