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19847904? ago

Why hasn't it been impounded ???

19849102? ago

same reason 911 happened, police clown agency do not work, the system might b still broken

19849140? ago

It's definitely still broken.

19848017? ago

Liquid $1.8 mil is better than a used helicopter. Let him sell it and take the $$$.

19847978? ago

Hopefully they are watching. If all else fails there is always Citizens Arrest, they were using fake tail numbers? In the United States a private person may arrest another without a warrant, for a crime occurring in their presence. For which crimes this is permitted may vary state by state.

19847944? ago

He was also in France, Pais. @roznak Don't trust the Euro police to do shit, they are deep in the mess with Commie fags, the Roman Catholic pedos and the criminals of the Royal families. @Wheatstone @fluxusp @anonymiss @InnocentAngels Some of them seem to also be all over social media instragram, myspace, doing selfies etc