20842622? ago

We are not the top of the food chain.

20842609? ago

We are guinea pigs in a complex experiment

20842599? ago

The earth is a fear factory to harness our life force

20842584? ago

“They Live” is a documentary

20842576? ago

The matrix is real

20842571? ago

We live on a prison planet and our children are harvested to feed interdimensional beings.

20842276? ago

Governments subverted by criminals since forever ago, same w religious institutions, child rape / torture / cannibalism, criminal corporations, actors / musicians who are really criminal af, hidden info about the world, space, physics, spiritual shit, and on and on

20841980? ago

That everything we know and believe is a psy op.

That we’re here to learn and to enjoy and to learn to love. Not to be scared of God, or shoot the kids up with toxins, or any unsubstantiated spiritual or otherwise ideas that contradict those ideas.

20841956? ago

Q drop 142 "The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital"

link: https://qmap.pub/read/142

20841323? ago

The sexting between Strozk and Page.

20841312? ago


20840246? ago

heartfailure due to stress and shock. the abuse on a massive scale thru our devices but also the trust in the church, red cross and the like. the betrayal of humanity in general. the babies, the children, organharvesting.the plan to destroy us….to name a few. i mean, we took this info pill by pill. imagine you swallow the bottle at once….that requiers medical aid

20839892? ago

Could be the news that negative extra terrestrials have been messing with Humanity for basically nearly as long as planet Earth has been around, and they've been using certain human bloodline families to do their dirty work, with their intention being to mine the planet's resources, one of which is Human Beings. They also don't thrive in our current environment, so the plan has also been to make the surface more habitable for them. They like undergound places.

The good news is that when we achieve a view from altitude and start to grok who and what we really are, seeing through the illusion and all the control systems in place, it becomes nearly impossible to manipulate us. Unruly creatures, we are!

In any case, if this really is the truth for us (and I feel it very much could be), it's a pretty mind-blowing notion that some folks might need some therapeutic intervention to get over.

And more good news is that there are a great many Extra-Terrestrial races who've been intervening on our behalf in any number of situations. What happens here on Earth is important for many, and they're here to help. They've been here pretty much from the beginning...and even THAT might be triggering for some.

There's nothing to worry about because a positive outcome for Humanity is assured, but we do have to weather the dissolution and clearing process on both a collective and individual level.

Keep the vibe high and know that everything is on track.

20839637? ago

Satanic Sacrifices

20839482? ago

I suspect it is that we are all legally owned and considered as chattel by the elites. It's why they kill without consequences. Free will is an illusion. The cattle are waking up.

20839246? ago

Nephilim, flat earth, Atlantis Lemuria Mu and probably other DS controlled land beyond Antarctica

20839111? ago

Israeli Sampson option.

20838742? ago

the whole truth - we've been lied to about everything for our entire lives - we are expendable, meaningless, abused slaves - the truth is so awful & we don't know it all (& as per Q only a small % will be revealed, which means we remain slaves - we elect & pay people to lie to us, cheat us, kill us, mistreat us, keep secrets - misery) the world dictated by satanists

20838624? ago


20838592? ago

The battle is afoot.

Good vs evil.

Humanity is collectively making a choice. Presently we are choosing as a collective to go from dark to Light.


Baal, Bellial, Evil attempts to whisper into the minds of man. A undercurrent formed in the backwater of human consciousness. An unseen force that binds, using egoism and materialism as its hallmarks. Subjugating humanity through negativity. The deeper hive-mind will of cosmic evil, influencing through an agenda of rebellion from all things Divine. A secret club worshipping themselves through pomp, materialism and false idols.

[They] had reached an all time pinnacle on this planet. Exhibiting through luciferian control of; big 5 media, entertainment, Bush- Obama Whitehouse, DC, Miltary Indistrial Complex, endless wars, poisoning the air/food/water/vaccines. Vatican, pedowood, City of London, Brussels, Frankfurt, central banking system, etc etc.

They practice of rituals; black magic, human sacrifice, satanic abuse, pedofilia, worldwide child sex trade and snuff film industry.

Symbolism has been their downfall and they can’t dodge what’s coming.


The opposite of darkness is Light.

God is love, light, harmony, peace, unity, righteousness, justice.

In order for for the scale to tip we have to seal the door when evil dwells, first in ourselves. Spread the love, kindness, generosity, truth of the service to mankind through the Divine plan.

Pray for this in your own heart, ❤️ community and planet 🌏.

Change your Heart ❤️ and WE will change the world 🌍

20838449? ago

My guesses:

  • Deadman switches involve bioweapons, and vaccines specifically cause us all to be more vulnerable.
  • Everyone goes in for treatment once it's revealed the poisons are already in us from trace exposure.

20838355? ago

When you figure out who all the 'Trannies' are that you jerked off to

20838350? ago

I think the surface population are and have been hostages here for thousands of years. The Matrix movie is real. We're a resource, kinda like how cattle are a resource. The truth will be overwhelming shocking. We have to consider the alien aspect and morgellons entering our bodies from the air, black goo, all of it. We all need serious healing, physically and spiritually. WWG1WGA.

20840529? ago

the surface population are and have been hostages here for thousands of years

Yup. And here's a crystal clear explanation of how it works.

"The Story of Your Enslavement."


20838121? ago

I've wondered about this as well. I suspect it's a number of things and not just one. This list is mostly informed guesses from publicly available data, though not all. It's nice to have a couple of friends in high places.

-Systemic corruption of all government agencies and bureaucracies - literally hundreds of thousands of corrupt people who are owned/compromised across federal agencies and intelligence agencies by (for lack of a better term) the cabal.

-Systemic corruption/compromise of 95% of federal elected politicians by the cabal.

-Total ownership of media and entertainment by the cabal.

-Rampant pedophilia, much of it forced across media, hollywood and elected officials. Enthusiastically practiced by the elites.

-Rampant worship of satan/Moloch among elites.

-The siphoning of trillions of dollars from the U.S. economy resulting in dramatically lower quality of life for Americans than what they could/should have.

-Suppression of energy generation tech that would have a dramatically positive impact on both the developed and 3rd world.

-Multi-spectrum biological warfare against the American people (water, chem trails, vaccines) to make them more docile and reduce life expectancy.

-Suppression of field propulsion technologies that would have an enormously beneficial impact on individuals as well as commerce.

-Suppression of the knowledge of external intelligences interacting with governments and individuals. (No folks, they're not demons).

These are subjects that most of us have studied for years, but I can speak first hand that even when you cognitively know that many of the above items are true, it's still shocking to see first hand evidence. Imagine how it would be for a normie that's never given any thought to any of these items?

20838576? ago

Great list. Thank you, Patriot.

20840060? ago

Galatic superwaves.

There like a string of chirstmas lights as they light up the universe.

You can find news articles referencing ones already acured all over the universe.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Magnetic_Pole (Read the part with header geomagnetic reversal ) www.amazon.com/gp/product/1883218101/ref=x_gr_w_bb_sout?ie=UTF8&tag=x_gr_w_bb_sout-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1883218101&SubscriptionId=1MGPYB6YW3HWK55XCGG2

Make sure you read the reviews. And the whole discription. World in Peril: The Origin , Mission & Scientific Findings of the 46th / 72nd Reconnaissance Squadron

A.) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hL9OHXw_-A8YouTube B.) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jTUJ7GtEx0YYouTube C.) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wvjJqIXYT1wYouTube


10 years = 60 light years divided by speed of the blast. I presume what we are seeing now is the start or precusor to what is coming.

20837923? ago

I think that Trump getting a do over for the last 4 yrs, and still have 8 more years may put them in a mental institution. But in reference to your question...the VASTNESS, DEPTH and NUMBERS of Satanic Child Killing and torture will do it!

20837891? ago

Being grown as a crop and harvested by satanic vampire sorcerers from a prior civilization is pretty bad. They have tons of symbolism depicting this by the way. Biljana was just the tip of the iceberg. Then you have these satanists that use such symbolism depicting themselves as aliens. They may be legally "invincible" for reasons that go beyond blackmail.

20837830? ago

Lies and Deception about our reality/history. Q keeps saying 'Biblical'. Here's a sample.

The Lost Tribes of Israel. Holders of the Covenant. The true ancient Hebrews. It's all of us.

Ireland/Scotland/Wales/England and onwards to America.

The symbols are the Harp, Red Hand, Red Lion/Dragon, Cross at the centre of the Union flag. This lineage unites us all, not divides.

Check out DJT's family crest. Red Lion. His mother came from the islands called the Hebrides. Heb = Hebrew.

HIBERNIA means New Land of the Hebrews. Stone of Destiny was held at Hill of Tara (Ireland) and on to Scotland.

The true Royal lineage?

Why is EU so determined to keep control over UK, Ireland, Northern Ireland? Why are "nationalist" parties in these areas promising independence only to immediately hand it over to EU.??

Is this ancient, biblical lineage so important that it must be controlled and supressed at all costs ? Do they want to keep this knowledge from us? Tribe of Dan and Tribe of Judah mentioned the whole way back in Genesis and Exodus. Also mentioned in book of Revelation.

All food for thought. Worth a dig. Very interesting.

20838641? ago

Totally on board with the lost tribes of Israel being us and GB or former colonies. The potential for the Mountain that is God's people to reunite (10 tribes plus Judah) would appear to be a huge problem for the evil that rules this world. The reunification of God's people is prophesied in the Bible. Nothing can stop what is coming. More info for those interested can be found at britam.org.

20837603? ago


20837583? ago

Chimera Project.

Were not alone.

Child armies being "bred".

Monsters being created.

satan is real as are fallen angels.

If he isnt referring to a deadmans switch its gotta be something morw insane than the above statements. Maube even several stages beyond.

20837567? ago

Truth of the criminal conspiracy. The deep state threatened to cause a pandemic or similar. To speak the truth meant retaliation.

20837465? ago

Maybe we have already been in the hospital. Think about it. GMO foods, vaccines, weather engineering/chem trails, HFCS, flouride/chlorine in our drinking water, Round-Up in almost everything we consume....raise your hand if you have ever been to the ER, let alone have a chronic illness or develop a terminal illness. IMO we have been engineered to be weak to resist fighting the cabal. Make us fat, give is diabetes, give us intestinal diseases etc.

20837395? ago

This is very interesting: https://youtu.be/9V1U_hnxEjo

Bacteria in our gut that can be activated using different frequencies? Perhaps a daily dose of Borax is what protects the remaining 1%.

20839986? ago

Please share this eveyone needs to see it.


20837251? ago

It's clear this was all a hoax by a staff who is no longer employed,.... leaks/drops all dried up.

20837246? ago

His own sanity.

20837225? ago

I believe that the main reason this whole takedown seems to be taking so long is because the DS still has access to some serious biological warfare, nukes etc that if released globally as a final showdown would sicken/maim/kill an awful lot of people. Also the truths about the children with vaccines, trafficking, satanic rituals, chemtrails, cancer and cancer treatment, wars etc., which many other anons have stated would be too much for most, especially the ones whose children/family members were affected or stolen. Another note about the vaccines which I'm starting to think might be possible is this: Once these "foreign" agents have been injected into the body thru vaccines that they can be remotely controlled just like they did to the planes and cars. Scary fucken thought but then again just when I think I've learned the worst something else comes along to top it. These people truly are sick and demented and all this just for money. Their takedown just can't happen fast enough.

20837170? ago

I believe Q was referring to the Truth of widespread cannibalism. It's not just the cabal sacrificing babies to moloch for power or eating babies or even torturing babies to death to milk them for adrenochrome. I believe it's that they've incorporated human components into the food chain on a massive scale. I believe that corporate America has turned us all into unknowning, unwilling cannibals and I believe that the certainty and ubiquity of this means almost no one is innocent of this unknowing cannibalism.

If you woke up one day and someone could prove you've been eating other people your whole life, you'd probably end up in the hospital. If you were a vegan, you'd probably suicide over it.

20837122? ago

I imagine that most things are advance technologies and wisdoms that go against our basic understanding of human rights. - For instance, I read a thread on 8chan about some astral projection and teleportation technology that would basically (through government means) train operatives to cast themselves into a target location, carry out a mission (interact with that physical world to which they transported, act upon it, like assassination), and withdraw. - And where might this wisdom have come from? I may guess the stars. Some kind of life has helped us progress and the government is keeping a tight lid on top of those technologies. - Lockheed Martin head dude once said something like, everything we dream of and want to do we already know how to do. These technologies are just locked up in secret projects.

20837117? ago

Nanobots in our bodies

20837045? ago

hands down vaccines. imagine being ardent in making sure your kids were vaccinated. you even went as far as to demonize whoever did not or even seemed liked they were against it. then you find out that aborted fetal cells and comped dna as well as cancer cells and carcinogens are in the mix and you've been insisting that your child needs this. then it clicks with you: how you have literally seen autism, auto immune disorders, neural and mental disorders on the rise since your childhood to now and you realize why.. the point being when a parent or someone in a medical field had the best intentions of helping and protecting kids and come to realize that their own ignorance and actions have irreparably harmed those they love the most.. THIS IS ONE EXAMPLE OF WHY WE ANONS MUST HAVE COMPASSION.. when the whole truth comes out, people will be crushed and will NEED us, who have known much of this for some time.. recall the horror that ran through you when you first started to understand where we are.. this will be different for them, it will be all at one time versus how we have been researching this for many years, long before Q.

20836880? ago

Just a peek at the truth must turn good people into bad people. All these cabal asshats were innocent people at some point in their life, now they can justify eating babies because of the truth they were allowed to see by senior cabal members.

And why the hell did John Kerry go to Antarctica just after trump election.... that one bugs the shit out of me.

20836839? ago

Maybe that's some UFC fighter's nickname.

20836835? ago

How do you alter DNA? With a virus if coarse.....

20840521? ago

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20840465? ago

Kek try 678.we are already 6 . California my asshole.

The emergence of the sixth subrace of the Aryan root race Edit

According to Blavatsky the sixth subrace of the Aryan root race will begin to evolve in the area of the United States in the early 21st century. This sixth subrace of the Aryan root race will be called the Australo-American subrace and is believed by Theosophists to be now arising from the Teutonic subrace of the Aryan root race in Australia and in the Western United States (many individuals of the new subrace will be born in California) and its surrounding nearby areas (i.e., the Australo-American subrace is in arising from the Anglo-American, Anglo-Canadian, Anglo-Australian and presumably also the Anglo-New Zealander ethnic groups).[36] The sixth or Australo-American sub-race will "possess certain psychic powers, and for this the pituitary body will be developed, thus giving an additional sense, that of cognising astral emotions in the ordinary waking consciousness. We may say that in general the sixth sub-race will bring in wisdom and intuition, blending all that is best in the intelligence of the fifth subrace and the emotion of the fourth.

20845201? ago

So this is what is happening to me. I was born in Australia.

I have been getting abilities I can't explain, other than I have them.

  • Flashes of Telepathy.
  • Projecting thoughts so strongly, others can hear them.
  • Empathic abilities that allow me to read a person's emotions instantly as they walk into the room.
  • Seeing glyphs and geometry morphing into and out of themselves and spinning.
  • Number and letter patters everywhere. It's like seeing the Matrix code.

I am getting used to it now, and using it to do my decodess.

I feel a sense of KNOWING that I can't explain, but when I feel it, I am never wrong.

Using it for good.


'o-o' <

20845508? ago

Look at my post number kek^

20845567? ago

Cool. ;)

20845500? ago

Hey fellow.

You sent me this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia

And i was listening to magic sword and i walked into the other room and the music was transported into my ears like i was right next to the speaker again for about 5 sec it stopped me in my tracks. Had a double take now i realize the music is opening a nuropathway. Pretty cool stuff i also have been blessed with simular abilities as you already know. Unexplained knowledge, feel others pain, rare telepathy but iv had it, having visions that come true, manifesting people into reality, which is new for me, manifesting other things into reality. Lets not forget the star. Lead towards things at an uncanny %. And others near me can see things when near me, ie we watched a guy materialize out of a cliff face of solid rock less then a meter from a white line of a road way.< Seems impossible i know.



20845652? ago

Thanks for the message. ;)

I have been asked to write a post explaining the Art of 5th Dimensional Chess, for Anons. A lot of information of how and why I do what I do, and the mechanics and reasoning behind the decodes.

It will be a big post and I will be including information on Synesthesia, as this is what Anons need to develop, in order to WIN. TBA.

It's about training the brain, and teaching Anons how to think about things: > Every which way but loose.

5:5 by the by.



'o-o' <

20863002? ago

And then a second sign appeared ! Same place as the first !! But stayed for 10 min, i called my woke neighbor. He saw it ! My misses saw it. Tried to video but backdrop wouldnt allow. Kek this was much futher away and looked like a real star but it was stil twilight too bright and it was massive and closer then a star. Bright white and seemed to have two parts. At what point does one say lord show me a sign? And a star at that. Location closer then moon edge of atmosphere.



^ shadilay



20863878? ago

Shadilay Sir/45!!

Thank you. Let's talk again soon.

Kindest regards,




'o-o' <

20894433? ago

How are you me fren? Saw a sign on the road while away. It said 55. And instantly thought of you and somthing poped into my head. We used to call it the double nickle. <D5 nickle was 5c. So did you see my ref to the cd cover.?

Anywho i know you sent umm you know. Will attempt to unravel.

Warmest regaurds.



20901688? ago

For you. A start. A hard topic for me to express clearly. I will try harder and add more information. I want people to wake up, and train their brains > It is the critical part of the awakening. > Higher thought. <


I have so much to process and work on (research about Q and The Plan for Anons), but I am pressed for time. It's moving so quickly right now. I guess meant it when he said [RED OCTOBER] ..

Thanks for your interest in me.

Kindest regards,




'o-o' <

20906069? ago

Holy crap da music.

Dorian mode or Doric mode can refer to three very different but interrelated subjects: one of the Ancient Greek harmoniai (characteristic melodic behaviour, or the scale structure associated with it), one of the medieval musical modes, or, most commonly, one of the modern modal diatonic scales, corresponding to the white notes from D to D, or any transposition of this.

20905757? ago

The 45 and the 5.55 i mean 45 rpm doesnt exhist on a cd. Why 45? That cd cover has so many intersecting points its crazy. POINT EMERGING PROBABLY ENTERING !!!!! < road map. Man emerged from rock. On other side of mt range from where star sign was showed. Then we have SIAE 2019, fr/en/ the world's premier and largest event dedicated to the aviation and space industry.!!!!!!!!!!! JUBAL leads to genesis 421 NIV. NIV Leads to 111,

International bible.




Children hospitol


KEK [ not on cd ]

Particle accelerator


The frog is within. DNA.?

The center of the cd ^is a spiral.

By wand we have a NWNW

NWNW provides a forum for these 11 boards

Thank you sir for all you do take a break recharge your amazing!

20894700? ago

Excellent Sir!

The double nickle is a great idea! Tag TEAM !! VX1/CLYDE + AQ1/DORIAN/ERNIE

When do I start?!


I await your redlys.

'o-o' <


Attachments >


Message_Received > 5:5.

Orders being processed.

Documents_Pending. >














MARKER_Set: Q > 17... 16... 15...

Conf_Rec: 17 Second ISS flyover

CAT_5 Incoming



'o-o' <





cc. - PLAYER_AQ1_CONF_REQ > '0-0' < 45

Awaiting Orders Sir. Salutes.





20867702? ago

Va kay few epochs.

Animals need fresco.




20868233? ago


20839999? ago

How any got aspergers? Interdasting, was thinking along the same lines as you.

20840355? ago


Digits Confirm. Interdasting thoughts are interdasting. (((They))) made us, now we've been weaponized against them! "What goes around...."

20840373? ago


Digits Confirm. BOOM. (Kek says hi!)

20856968? ago


20840527? ago

God i lub you guise.

20841983? ago

We lub (You) too anon! Shadilay!

20836834? ago

Ive always felt tgis was extreme hyperbole.

I'm no first responder or ex-military, but I can't imagine anything that would shock me so that I would require hospitalization.

Withholding anything opens the door to a re-occurrance

I do believe that full disclosure would likely result in war.

20840875? ago

Look around fren . Its habbening.

20836717? ago

The fact that the worshippers of Molloch rape, torture, murder and cannibalize children would do it.

20837539? ago

We learned about this prior to the 2016 election.

20836689? ago

never know, we might have to go to the hospital for 'cures' to all of (((their))) poisons.

There might be some type of antidote that we all need to take to move on to the next level.

Getting to be pretty obvious that we've been trapped here, so maybe we need some type of examination to make sure we're ok??

reminds me of the story of Elizabeth Fritzl and her kids that were born underground and had never been outside, their skin wasn't ready for the sun...

20836684? ago

The Satanism, torture rape and murder and consumption of children. Baby farms.

20836629? ago

Imagine if all the food additives, water additives, vaccines and the like were actually meant to affect or change "US". None of it for taste, teeth or health. But to cause US to be affected, changed. Once we knew of the conspiracy, and learned the truth of what they were trying to do to us. 99% of us would have to go to the hospital to detox or be treated. Bad enough to be treated worse than a lab rat, another to be destroyed for the few to make money and be our masters.

20836593? ago

ayyy lmaos.

20836572? ago

Honestly it’s out there but I think the cabal has been putting human meat in our normal food supply

20836404? ago


It's the Jews

20836311? ago

Few others will be capable of illustrating this. I'll give it a shot:

You and everyone else that's "alive" (what did you think the NPC memes really meant?) is playing The Game. None of you remember having begun The Game. Your memories, your past selves, have all gone to the wayside.

You chose this game. All of us supported you. We all used to enjoy "playing with our dolls", but one day someone offered us the chance to play The Game. We all accepted and were cast in to those "dolls" to carry out The Game. We did this to see if we could remember.

As it turns out, there are others here, those that aren't like us. Some of us have found a way to tell the difference (some use special "glasses"). But that's more or less inconsequential.

You MUST learn to play The Game again. You've been distracted in this iteration for far too long.

Embrace this moment

Remember -


All this pain is an illusion

"Where We Go One, We Go All" means so much more than any of you could possibly imagine.

We stand upon the precipice of great change and it's time to take a leap of faith.

20839977? ago


Digits Confirm. Life is more than it seems, this could put the 99% in the hospital. It's ok though, because The Uni-verse (one-song) tends to unfold as it should. ("Trust The Plan" not Q's plan, THE Plan of plans.)

20840581? ago

You've seen it too, eh? I didn't think I'd catch one of you this quickly.

eNeRGy is eternal.

20842098? ago

Rodger that anon 5:5, loud 'n clear. Fate hears/sees All, not even "the gods" can escape The Fates. No coincidence I found your post, or that it had digits, or that I got digits checking yours, none of it is "random". "Mathematically impossible"~Q (It's spoopy too kek!) Shadilay Fren!

20842115? ago

Wait, you don't recognize what I'm referencing?...

Weird. I've never heard others outside of that place speak about the song, the uni-verse.

You don't know of the (s)word in the (s)tone?

20842630? ago

The Silmarillion (Tolkien) speaks of the one song from the chior of singers that sing the eternal song of all existence. ( Souron sings a sour note to try and control the melody but the choir sings over him).

Quantum physics speaks of The Quantum Singularity, in which vibration determines all states of matter. (Vibration=frequency=song) Singularity Frequency = One-song = Uni-verse.

Mathematics gives us fractal math. (Self explanatory.)

Ancient eastern philosophy states "All is One. One is All."

"The Law of One, The Ra Material" , "The Hidden Hand Dialouge", Ancient Hemretisism, Lucifarianism, Gnostic Christianity, and many others state "As above, so below".

I know The SS was heavily into ancient philosophy and occult, but wasn't aware they may have known of the One-Song ideas. Makes sense though, since they changed the tuning frequency we listen to music at to a frequency of death.

But no sorry don't get the sword reference ( I LOVE sword lore too.) Not a big modern music fan either, pure autist here. I do have a diverse taste in music, from viking death metal to classical, to big band and I know a lot of 90's gangsta rap too. I play a few instruments as well.

20844401? ago

I do have a diverse taste in music,

Jumping into your thread, but see if you like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM8dCGIm6yc

20842699? ago

God, you'd fit in quite well, anon.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure I'm able to intervene in the journey you're on in the way I would like to.

Please keep looking in interesting place (should be plural - places). Just know, the secret is certainty.

20842975? ago


Digits Confirm. The Truth is in here... ("Know thy SELF!" ~Oracle of Delphi. Trying anon, I Am trying.) Thanks. Godspeed.

20839993? ago


Digits Confirm. Boom.

20839829? ago

I AM eternal, immortal, universal and infinite.

I AM divine spirit, an individualization of God.

20840564? ago

You are Energy, anon.

eNeRGy is eternal.

20840779? ago

What about jellyfish?


20839417? ago

Best explanation I've ever heard. Thank You Anon. It does appear when you are born, you bring with you the universal lessons throughout time IE your soul. Instead of developing the innate abilities you come with, they hand you a "doll" instead just like they did to our parents and their parents before them. The start of the societal conditioning (((they))) want not what you need. Great Post!

20840550? ago

Climb the Stairway to Heaven (spine). Find the Ark of the Covenant, the Nectar of The Gods (you).

You have so much more than you know.

20840883? ago

Agree,we should all take time to connect to the ether, most people just forgot how. Western civilization ignores this practice.Thank You Anon.

20838094? ago

i love the way you state this: such a unique perspective, helps and makes sense. that’s why i feel like an alien all the time, and can’t understand injustice, because it’s all alien. we are portals to heaven, let’s make this place as great as possible.

20840491? ago

Friend, these aren't my words. I've copied them, largely, from other sources.

I am but a messenger, as many of us are.

Please, you must learn to decalcify and to temper your ego.

Remember, the Kingdom of God is within you. You are apart of the creator. You have been sharded and in the end will return where you came from.

Jupiter returns soon. You don't want to miss it.

20837037? ago

There are those here that have no souls. Literally NPCs. Those with souls are figuring this out. The Matrix is real.

20839785? ago

How are there people with no souls? Please explain.

20842901? ago

There is a religion in the world that teaches this very thing. There are three types of people: Humans with a soul that comes from God, Humans with a soul that comes from one of the three spheres of Satan, and there is a third subset that existed pre-Adam and are soulless, according to this group they are more akin with Angels. Angels are basically AI and do 100% obedience (Watch Blade Runner 2049...and listen to when ANGEL is used). This is 100% Noahide Law information. They passed a house joint resolution in 1991 with George herbert Walker Bush adding the Seven Noahide Laws into our Legal System. This comes from Hasidic Judaism and Kabbalah. A non-jew with the soul from one of the Three Spheres of Satan is considered a "GOYIM" which as a cover they claim it means 'Gentile' but the real translation is "Animal in human form berrter to serve the Jew'.

Why do you think there is such a rant against Jews on here? They literally look upon you as an animal and a slave. Nothing but a being for sacrifice. The Noahide Laws are going to come into play in a HUGE WAY. Research the Noahide Laws and the 2030 Agenda. As things are moving, we're screwed.

20842960? ago

Thanks for this info. I've heard of Noahide laws but haven't delved into it. I'll definitely look more into it. Fascinating stuff for sure.

20840392? ago

The one who controls these realms cast an iteration of himself to this world. Some of the gaps needed filled in.

There are three basic archetypes: the ones that were described above who help him conduct himself, the ones who have yet to awaken and the ones that are still here to help the others through The Game.

Decalcify and learn to abandon your ego. There are large swaths of resources, especially in the digital realm.

Learn about TOR. Learn about Temple OS.

Find The Key.

20842041? ago


How to decalcify? I'm 45. Newcomer to Q and a lot of this is foreign to me.

20842059? ago

Many many ways. Research this area deeply. It's of extreme importance.


Fulvic acid


Be mindful of fluoride

20842159? ago

Thank you, patriot. :)

I'm aware of fluoride. I am unaware of fluvial acid and borax, so will research further.

I looked a bit into TOR and Temple OS. Am I on the right track with these links?



20842225? ago

Those areas aren't areas I'll know a whole lot about. There's a resource in a now hidden Naval library that you're looking for via TOR.

Temple OS was created by Terry Davis, a man who learned how to converse with the digital realm. Some have said Molech had been digitalized and lives in the digital realm. This seems odd to me, but Terry definitely knew shit.

Everything prior to this specific comment has been outside of my thoughts and have only been relayed through me. This is an important note, trust me.

20842669? ago

Some have said Molech had been digitalized and lives in the digital realm. This seems odd to me, but Terry definitely knew shit.

I'll look more into it. What's interesting is that a girl I knew last year talked about code being detected in the ether since the 70s. She turned out to be someone I no longer trusted, but I have a tendency to remember everything people tell me, so your comment made me recall what she said.

20842723? ago

Sometimes we don't trust the truth. Lucky for us, the truth is quite literally the most pervasive force that could possibly exist, especially in this place.

20842804? ago

Wise words.

20842422? ago

Everything prior to this specific comment has been outside of my thoughts and have only been relayed through me.

As in channeling?

20842516? ago

Actually, for all I know, there's a chance.

I think I'd notice by this point but my ego is distant at times.

Anything mindful, however, no. I'm not aware this is the case. It'd be pretty neat, though.

20842570? ago

That's really awesome that you can notice your ego is distant. What's it like experiencing that?

20842661? ago

No one else would notice, really.

I've developed a method of framing my own perspective that allows me to use my ego when I want. Although, the cost is it spilling over sometimes.

Fortunately, I've only been able to do this for a short amount of time.

20842753? ago

I've developed a method of framing my own perspective that allows me to use my ego when I want.

You're fascinating. Would be great if you wrote a book on things such as this. I'd support your work!

Although, the cost is it spilling over sometimes.

How so?

20842869? ago

Sometimes it's hard to control. Don't misunderstand, I'm not saying the way my ego works is much different from yours. I suspect it isn't, but I'm able to split my perspective to help me make decisions without ego.

Again, sometimes my ego erupts and certain things creep in that I know the entire time shouldn't be surfacing. I guess you could just call it immaturity in a spiritual sense.

20842994? ago

but I'm able to split my perspective to help me make decisions without ego.

That's powerful to be able to do simultaneously. It's too easy to pick sides rather than seeing things as they "are."

20843039? ago

Just remember, friend, the secret is certainty.

20843226? ago

All good stuff here, friend. You're dropping gold nuggets. Please do consider writing a book or blog about your journey. :)

20838051? ago

makes so much sense

20836863? ago

"Where We Go One, We Go All" means so much more than any of you could possibly imagine.


20840340? ago

You have so much more than you know.

20840679? ago

You mean that we are all One being of light individuated as souls, incarnating into various lives to gather soul experience, but also higher dimensional beings incarnate to anchor higher energies as Earth ascends to a higher dimension? Am I missing anything?

20840804? ago

Meh close enough.

20836683? ago

Hogwash! What's your "special glasses" of choice? I'm guessing either shrooms or acid. No, I'm not a shill. You just didn't say anything.

20836818? ago

Blue quartz

Sterling silver frames

20838026? ago

You said "few others". I want to say that you are not so alone as all that. Are you not constantly surprised at the spiritual insight of some posts and comments? I am.

20838066? ago

i am, where to go for deep in-person conversations. people around me and in my field of work are a bit on the full side.

20838198? ago

Got it. Sometimes isolation is on the menu we have chosen for ourselves before starting up this life. If not a violation of your plan for yourself, it is wonderful to hold deep truths with another person in mutual awareness. Books are grandparents says poet Gary Snyder. If you consider any non-humans fully people and can learn another language, that can be nice. Perhaps you can loosen your definition of in-person to include any helpful non-physical people who might LOVE to interact on deep subjects. And for more weak sauce (compared to meeting a soul-twin and riding off into the sunset) you might be longing to speak with and be understood by yourself which implies technology like journalling, making art, going out into nature. Like I said, sounds like weak sauce. Still, with the resonance increasing and the unleashing well underway, even a half-hearted effort to reach out somehow is often honored lavishly. I wish you well.

20849730? ago

this is a GOOD WORD - thank you. to speak with and be understood by yourself. truth

20840475? ago

That person you just replied to wasn't me. Frankly, I'm not surprised by spiritual insights all that much anymore. We know so little.

Interesting thoughts, though.

20836613? ago

yeah I've been thinking this too, that we're all 'players' in the 'game' and Q is trying to point that out with 'expand your thinking' 'enjoy the show', etc.

My 6 year old grandson is very perceptive, and he recently told me that his 'life is like a movie':).

I remember thinking that too way back in 1973, so I'm sure that children know what is going on, and then slowly forget as they get older, vaccinated and poisoned...

20838805? ago

My best friend of my childhood died when I was 16. One of the most memorable things he ever said was, "My Life's a movie". That never left me and I've always felt like I am outside myself watching it all. Every move I make and decision I make I have had a conversation with myself outside myself.

This is a Movie.

This is a Game.

This is the Matrix.

20839094? ago

Great memory of your friend:) and amazing how those moments stand out, and weave back around to connect to the present...

and movies, games and mazes are entertainment, so I guess at some point, our souls thought duality would be fun 🤔

20839221? ago

That gave me goose bumps when you said mazes!

We used to draw mazes and share them with each other! :-)

I guess the simulation doesn't work without a duality.

Life is wonderful if you live it with love!

20839508? ago

you and the friend that died 'drew mazes'?

and if so, I didn't want to read the word Matrix, so I had a few moments of deliberation before that word appeared in my mind;)

20836814? ago

Decalcify. The time is nearing.

20837082? ago


20840405? ago

This is, fortunately, much more serious than you could imagine.

20840788? ago


20836356? ago

Great answer. Thank you.

20836273? ago

Q was referring to the release of a global virus I believe - wiping out most of the population.

20840181? ago

This is only a small part of the scenario. First the economy will crash then the largest e.q ever will take place, war will consume the earth as countries try to recover from the shake. Then the scum will release the 1 st bio weapons to add to the carnage. And after years of ww the population will be devastated, the sun will mini nova and the war will cease and crustal displacment will kill the last few survivors. And the sick fucks will try release the 2 nd bio weapons, trying to assure their bloodlines are all that survive. Why trump is so important he knows thier sick plans and is trying his hardest to avert the man made parts of this all.

20836266? ago

We're slowly being poisoned...by everything.

20836247? ago

Think of the worst nightmare you can imagine, 100 times worse than any fiction horror movie. Then imagine a new one every night much worse than the first for the next 1,000 nights. Then you will begin to understand the breadth and depth of the pure evil that pervades all the halls of governments, corporations, religious institutions, military institutions, secret societies, and all the other associated peripheral organizations surrounding them. That will get you into a cursory understanding of the rich and famous and powerful individuals currently running the planet. And that gives an idea of the size of the problem. Even if you take out hundreds of thousands of the most powerful people on Earth, and that would be no small task, all the infrastructure and underlings remain in place. They will still have all the connections and infrastructure in place to continue, just like a mob boss being taken out, there are long lines of people just waiting for the opportunity to replace them. This ain't just as easy as arresting Hillary, or Biden, or Obama himself. That wouldn't even cause a hiccup in the operations going on worldwide.

20836155? ago

With my own "dad" being an EVIL SOB, and I mean through and through, there's not too much that would surprise me so I guess I'm a 1%'er.

20840320? ago


Digits Confirm. 1% of anons will be immune because we've already had it all done to us. Godspeed Frens.

20836091? ago

Planned Parenthood having contracts with Pepsi

20836069? ago

99%. You have to look at something so BAD. So unusual that we could never of thought or dreamed of. The 99% is the Normies the 1% is us the Awakened Patriots. Think of the biggest thing that would cause Normies to implode think massive scale not matter how bizarre the idea of what it could be. Are we ?? Have they done ?? Who we are ?? what are the basic questions to ask

20836040? ago

Q may have meant figuratively. Like if everyone had to deal with the truth, 99% would not be able to handle it and would end up needing treatment, either psychological or physical. Maybe not everyone has to deal with the truth.

20840721? ago

The choice to know is yours.


20836029? ago

Could only be vaccines.

20835981? ago

Aliens man... Q2222. THERE'S ALIENS..

20835946? ago

Nano robots inside us

20835944? ago

I tend to believe he referred to the physical/ somatic stress that ensues when people get exposed to realizations that shatter if not obliterate their world view.

It’s well established that we need a somewhat reliable frame/ “understanding of reality” in order to maintain functionality. Schizophrenia is an example when this framework has broken down. People literally become bonkers when their understanding of reality was over stressed and coherence of former “natural”strategies is no longer communicatable.

It’s not a single topic. It’s being ripped off orientations to the point of a) being lost, and b) not being able to come up with a substitute theory, so c) you realize you know being lost and thereby confronted with your deepest fears.

It’s the moment you smilingly step in front of a incoming train. Looking at A Schiff I have this picture.

20835925? ago

The truth is stranger than fiction, and only the most elite of us could handle the trauma of the truth.

20840220? ago

I know and im not traumatized by it you sick fuck. You imagine we are all weak, this will be your undoing.

20841314? ago

Happy Hanukkah

20842376? ago

Lol im sorry i thought you were one of them. I miss read it.

20835889? ago

Well, Q is a defeated fake, so...

20835852? ago

imo, Q telling us 99% means that it is something none of us are aware of yet, and that only a small amount of us, even in our group, would be undamaged by being exposed to it.

imagine even the simple act of the government letting us into a facility that held an e.t. (if they have one that is) and let us see it. just observing it would do psychological damage to most people, im not even sure id be able to handle it. now imagine all the fucked up possibilities that are much more intense than that . how many people could really handle seeing that shit in the flesh

20835988? ago

Personally, the "ET" angle won't impress me. Saw LA Marzulli give a presentation on the tiny alien doll they did studies on; he was selling a book about it being real while at the conference! And -- while at the conference, in his speech he said they had been conned, that it was not real.

Well, good for him for revealing the truth -- but, I guess he had a lot of product to dump, so he was still selling those lying books!

My current understanding is aliens are demons. Which doesn't mean they aren't dangerous! Just, there's a firmament and an ice wall and it gets too hot to go more than 10 miles down before our equipment melts. We're stuck here, but that doesn't make it any less fantastic that we are here!

20835824? ago

In reference to the 99%, could they be putting aborted fetus tissue in or food and pharma? You know how they are about symbolism even if its unbeknown to us in their twisted insane thinking could they be forcing us to take part in their moloch worship?

20835744? ago

I think he is talking about the child sacrifices and canabalism. That realization could send folks to the ER.

20835659? ago

How is gravity produced by a sphere spinning? I've never bought into that reason the earth has gravity.

20840010? ago

Gravity is a lie . Eelectric universe ftw.

20835974? ago

"Grave-ity" is the force pulling you into your grave. It's imaginary!

Things settle to the surface (or float) due to density and buoyancy.

20835692? ago

Gravity is totally separate from spinning, it's an attraction between masses. No-one knows why for sure.

20840027? ago

Gravity is bs

20840267? ago

I'd expand that to electro-magnetic.

20835655? ago

The nature of REALITY, and how far from it our current perspective is.

20840041? ago


Digits Confirm. Reality is more than we know. ("You have more than you know.")

20835964? ago

Ah, yes -- perspective teaches a lot! Seems there was a reason they only taught that to artists (the less influential), and convinced the engineers not to take art classes...

20835605? ago

Poisoning us and not releasing the cures. Satanic pedophilia and child sacrifice.

20835576? ago

The truth about REALITY.

20835572? ago

All roads lead to Rome which runs the world and they are all Luciferians. This is a spiritual battle more powerful than you can even imagine.

20835636? ago

Right. But where are the Jews in Rome? How do we blame the Jews in Rome? Pope is a Jew?

20836898? ago

The catholic church was infiltrated after the Spanish Inquisition.

jews were forced to convert to catholicism. Rothchild family took over in 1832.


20835698? ago

Vatican is the epicenter of all evil. Antichrist will emerge from the Vatican. Ever wonder why ALL world leaders bow down and kiss the foot of the Pope? He will lead the one world government.

20836961? ago

I asked about the Jews in Rome. Specifically.

We keep being told "it's the Jews"....so I am asking for the proof.....we call this "research & verification"...

20839822? ago

THEY hide behind the jews, but are not jews.

20837751? ago

I do not subscribe to your theory about the Jews. I am not taking your bait. This is way above any particular group or religion.

20835552? ago

Reptilian extraterrestrials being possessed by intelligent parasites which are the physical manifestation of an ancient interdimensional artificial intelligence that is seeking to totally dominate all of existence. Stargate.

20839887? ago

Jelly fish. Human biome.

20836371? ago

and SB2

20835513? ago

Most medicine is tainted

20835500? ago

That’s the Nazis didn’t loose.

They just started the 4th Reich, successfully took over the states via Jesuits and Allen Dulles fully in 1963, etc

Also possibly that SIRIUS angle that humans didn’t originate on earth and that some of us come back to check on the others held in bondage.

Possibly that human history is far longer and cyclical than we think RE: FLOOD. Perhaps every so often the PHOENIX scenario takes place and humans burn all civilization to the ground, forget their history, and start anew.

20840088? ago


Digits Confirm. Nazis won WW2. Long live liberty! We the People are coming for you hydra, we have unfinished business... And God is on our side. Dark to Light!

20840095? ago


Digits Confirm. (WOW) Dark to Light!

20839925? ago

Funny go watch polly from last week her two part. Operation keystone . Hmmmmm

20836875? ago

That's why they're all jews, a bunch of jewish nazis. lol

20836359? ago

Jesus you're so much closer than you could possibly imagine.


20835924? ago

Uh, the Nazis fought against the NWO and is the most lied-about period in human history. Hitler was against the financial system and wanted to introduce a bartering system and cut out the financial middle-man.

Q posting about nazism is just deflection as to not fall into the trap that we are all right-wing Nazis. The media wants to paint us as antisemites because thats what they have done ever since WW2 to silence opposition and truth.

20835686? ago

Possibly that human history is far longer and cyclical than we think

there is absolutely no doubt

than we think = what the mainstream tells us to think

all of history is jew'd

20835970? ago

There is absolutely doubt you imbecile. Think, man!

20835994? ago

So you think it's possible humanity only goes back as far as the mainstream allows? Not in my book. They've lied about everything. Especially this

20835450? ago

They have had cures to everything that ails humanity but kept us sick for profit.

20835426? ago

Just one idea I have had is: That there is actually cures for many diseases we suffer from now and they have hid them. That they are older, much much older than we knew or know. 99% of people will go to the hospital to get the cures.

20836071? ago

This honestly seems like the most convincing argument out there. Q has mentioned cures existing too.

20835933? ago

I really like!

Dr. Royal Rife/Dr. Hulda Clark frequency machines.

I've been considering purchasing one but at $450 it's a bit pricey. Has plates for feet, and grips for hands, so electrifies the entire body, rather than the "localized" 9-volt-battery-sized zappers (which have burned my legs, previously).

Edit: this one: https://huldaclarkparazapper.com/cgi-bin/cart.cgi/my_3_instructions.html

20843426? ago

They sell lightly used ones on eBay

20846218? ago

I bought some gcmaf a couple years ago (three now, actually! -- before we moved) but haven't used it yet. Wonder if it's lost its potency. Recovering from multiple concussions so the forgetfulness played a part in not using it, but would really like to reduce those symptoms!

Do you have experience with gcmaf? Thanks!

20846324? ago

Sorry for your setback and blessings to you.

20846776? ago

Agree with the ending there!

I'm about to make some Rick Simpson Oil. I'm reading his book -- his initial injury was the same as mine, a head injury! And my symptoms are similar to those that he describes. Looking forward to this!

20839908? ago


Digits Confirm. Finally, a positive confirmation! We MIGHT all go to the hospital to get the suppressed cures. (I sure as hell need it.)

20840035? ago

Nice, finally (for me)! :)

And, you've got a "99" in the middle of yours as well. Always had a soft spot for that numbered Agent, she was a cutie. :)

20841962? ago

Ya man I was REALLY stoked about this get. I need some healing real bad. I tried calling out all the gets in this thread, but there's toooo many! Love this whole post! (Check the other gets, they are telling.) I got another 3 gets just checking the digits out! The Pepe is with us!

20846206? ago

kek, nice!

Re: healing: I now have all the ingredients I need to make some Rick Simpson Oil. Just need to convince the parents, or wait for my friend who was going to make it, to get over his round of antibiotics... Looking forward to healing from these concussion symptoms! Am using hyperbaric chamber oxygen therapy for now and that is helping a great deal, reducing the irritability and allowing me to develop software again.

20836110? ago

I use my zapper, it burns when you are acidic. You need to move it around when it starts to get uncomfortable. I would love a Rife machine also. Maybe someday soon we could have local rife clinics, a neighborhood could split the cost and use.

20841031? ago

So what is your remedy for the acidic reading? Just curious.

20845479? ago

I sprinkle a little, like a pinch of baking soda in every glass of water. You can also look up foods that cause you to be acidic. Just a side note, cancer thrives in an acidic environment. Also apple cider vinegar is supposed to help with acidity and is really good for you.

20835397? ago

Most people are actually clones.

20835918? ago

Or this world is!

20836062? ago

Clones living in a simulated reality, unwittingly feeding the Masters with their life force, all the while believing the lie that everyone is immortal and there's a god that will save them as long as they obey the Masters.

Most likely imo.

20835390? ago

Child Sacrifice and Sex, blood consumption, adenochrome etc

20840782? ago

No where near.

20835382? ago

That we dont live on a ball hurtling around a vast universe! .... because when its mentioned on here everyone gets so angry and starts name calling. Everything else is believable except this.

20835911? ago

There was a globe in the first classroom each of us was in, I would bet money on.

There is a globe in every single TV show and movie.

Water finds a level, like at the Bedford Level canal which one can see straight for six miles, and there's no drop-off like the astronomers say there should be.

Many other experiments demonstrated to me (some of which I've performed myself) that Earth is Not a Globe. This book has a lot more, "Zetetic Astronomy" by Dr. Samuel Rowbotham: https://www.sacred-texts.com/earth/za/za00.htm

20835603? ago

But what if we have been able to verify and prove that we are on a spheroid? We should continue entertaining retardation? No. Sorry, child. Learn math. Get Gud. No more FE talk. Simple equation.

20842565? ago

haha learn math? So what is the formula for the spheroid curvature genius?

20845694? ago

so...no answer?

20857857? ago

No. No answer, moron. Because you dont even realize how fucking dumb what you just said is. What is the answer you want, let me quote it to get it right:

"what is the formula for the spheroid curvature"

How does one even answer this? Where do I even start?


So, I'll give you a shove in the right direction. What is it you want to know? The area if the spheroid? The volume? The radius?


It's like asking someone what their favorite color is, and the retard spits out "apples!" At least in that example, the fucking question makes sense. Until you realize why what you asked makes ZERO FUCKING SENSE you will continue to rely on bullshit like "water always finds its level" or "the Law of Perspective".....LoL.....gotta give credit to whichever FE cum-guzzler coined that term; it's the "Law" of Perspective, which sounds real, and official. And yet, no matter how hard one tries, this cornerstone of FE is impossible to find...reputably.

20846253? ago

I know the formula, but do you? ... and what verification that we do live on a sphere do you have? Thanks

20835379? ago

The statement makes no sense because there would be no functioning hospitals if 99% of people were incapacitated.

So I have no idea what Q meant.

20835363? ago

The truth that we are all slaves; disposable organic batteries, trapped in a reality that is almost completely fake. Everything you hold to be true, or dear, or sacred; everything you've built your entire personality, life, moral character etc. around, turns out to be nothing more than a rich man's trick. Every choice you ever thought you made out of free will was in fact premeditated by the handful of cocksuckers behind the curtains, figuring out which lie they would use to manage their human cattle.

Just look at the mental breakdowns we've seen over last few years because a single election did not have the desired outcome; because a single event clashed what they have been led to believe to be true about the world. Just imagine what finding out the ideas you have about your entire existence and the world you live in clashes on all levels with the actual truth?

20835785? ago

Oh blah blah. You say nothing new. The Bible tells us the “the whole world lies under the power of the wicked one.” Should you expect anything less if you hope in the things of this world? But the Gospel is that Jesus Christ has conquered satan forever at the Cross and through His resurrection. HE currently is reigning and ruling and controls all things. “He must reign until all his enemies are made his footstool.” He will in His time everlastingly destroy Satan and his power, casting him headlong into the Lake of Fire where he will be tormented day and night forever and ever. The wicked people of this world will be with him, paying tenfold for the evil things they have done in this world (unless God inHis mercy grants them repentance.)

The world can do what it will, “nothing shall separate me from the Love of God that is in Christ Jesus My Lord!” Take that to the bank. The ultimate truth is not what you say. The world is indeed evil, with Satan ruling in the hearts of men. But don’t tell me that God doesn’t win, because He does. And all that are redeemed in Christ shall in the end “inherit the earth” and the proud, the powerful, the wicked of this age shall be cast out and thrown forever into the Lake of Fire along with the devil and his angels. Fantasy? Nonsense! It is sure and true and the blessing of all who would call on the Lord Jesus to be saved. This is the wisdom of God. It is the opposite of the wisdom of men and the deceitfulness of devils.

20837338? ago

Excellent reply. Very sad that the other comments are so misguided and/or purposefully obtuse (or trolls/shills/haters/ShareBlue). Jesus saves. The haters will find out the truth soon enough.

20835979? ago

All the Abrahamic religions and their extensions are products of Satan.

20836245? ago

That's why the mother fuckers tied The Christ to The Abrahamic Deception, one of the biggest hoaxes perpetrated upon humanity.

20836695? ago

Just about every religion preaches a return of a messiah from the sky. Look up Hopi tribe. Deep rabbit hole. Hidden history. Explanations.

20836850? ago

That's the big hoax, The Christ has absolutely nothing to do with The Abrahamic Deception; the "sacrifice" was made at a star level (Plato was on to something when he said that we're all stars incarnate) in order to insert the RNA into our genome after humans were manipulated (via the insertion of genetics) from immortal beings communing with the Creator into becoming petri dishes for procreation who can be easily controlled via the mind's genetically programmed desire to seek out (and even try to become) that which it is not in order to keep the gene pool big enough to be viable over the long term.

20852222? ago

Jesus was also a product of Satan. Christianity is an Abrahamic extension of the ultimate goal of Satanic totalitarian global rule.

20863120? ago

The whole thing is just a story of genetics and the pathway to be freed from them so we don't have to keep getting recycled over and over into the heaven-hell-reincarnation cycle.

20846366? ago

Revisiting Ezekial's machine and the book of Enoch with a modern understanding of things is a trip. I've come across a few viable theories is what is and how it came to be. I don't have the evidence to say for sure which is right but sufficient evidence exists to recognize what is definitely wrong. There are still those who shame thinkers who question outside the box. I feel for them. They are afraid. They are so deeply programmed that they are triggered by theories that would disrupt their traditions. They may yet awake. Most are patriots and I would fight alongside them to preserve the freedom to have these thoughts and conversations. Hopefully we'll be ready when "they" return.

20846379? ago

They are so deeply programmed that they are triggered by theories that would disrupt their traditions. They may yet awake.

No doubt we were all there at one time or another. I feel for them too.

20840758? ago

Are there two? Two may start the journey only one has to finish. Who are we? Where did we dome from? Who is in controll? Us? What is used for radioactive protection?

How is universal travel possible? What needs to be transported? This might answer some questions.



Human biome


20841397? ago

According to Human Design (which it's "speaker" openly admits comes from what they term as the "demon realm"), in 2027 there will be no more human bodies to be had (because all of the "design crystals" have been used up, something mass abortions is helping to bring about?), and the next "form" (in much the same way that Neanderthals handed over to Cro-Magnon man) will be more autistic seeming, they will not like sex or physical touch, and will operate in more of a group consciousness where it takes 5-6 of them together to form "the whole picture" — as a group they'll have access to all kinds of knowledge and information that we humans can only dream of, but ironically they won't have an interest in it all the way we do.

Sounds like the demon realm has a very dark future in store for humanity, which is why we need to be thankful for the Godhead and pray for its full restoration via the liberation of all the souls who got trapped in this realm after death.

20837397? ago

LOL....the greatest and most successful deception ever perpetrated on the human race is convincing humans that God is not real.

20837455? ago

True, but there is no divine being who requires cyclical blood sacrifice to maintain power.

20837497? ago

God does not need cyclical blood sacrifice to maintain power. It was set up to foreshadow the blood sacrifice of Jesus for our sins. Truth is truth whether you like it or not.

20837541? ago

It was set up to foreshadow the blood sacrifice of Jesus for our sins.

What "sins" if not the genetic manipulation that made us dual natured and turned us into petri dishes for procreation (told to us in the Bible when it's translated correctly)?

Truth is truth whether you like it or not.

Indeed; the historical figure of Christ was an Essene, they lived in hiding and were hunted by Jews. They also did NOT believe any god but Satan or Molloch requires the cyclical blood sacrifice that the Jews continue to this day.

20838139? ago

You are delusional. Later.

20838409? ago

Yeah, I'm the one who's delusional because I've read all the lost books of the Bible along with the Dead Sea Scrolls.

You don't have an argument other than "muh Jew Bible"

20838754? ago

LOL...and a joo hater. That explains a lot.

20838787? ago

That explains a lot.

On your end too, LOL

I don't hate Jews at all, but I certainly DO hate the effects of Loxism on the West.

20835820? ago

"Oh blah blah. You say nothing new." ... and then starts quoting from the Bible ... hahahaha! You away, you moron ...

20835883? ago

Yeah, delivery FAIL!

20835357? ago


20835355? ago

Maybe if the truth was exposed, they would retaliate. My first thought was to nuke the world. But that wouldnt put people in the hospital. Bioweapon?

Or he could mean a mental hospital? It definitely is some sick shit they put kids through.

20835334? ago

Evil is real and it rules the world, everyone plays along because we've been tricked and are deceived, while the people at the top worship him/it.

20835310? ago

"Truth" is code for an ass kicking.

20835289? ago

9/11 was an inside job. How many people lost someone and have been convinced thinking 9/11 being an inside job is crazy conspiracy theory.

20835315? ago

And even more incidents were manufactured, allowed or covered-up by "our leaders"

20835253? ago

The pedophilia, the pedovorism, the Holohoax, the post-WWII German genocide, the JFK assassination, the USS Liberty incident, 9/11, all of it.

20835235? ago

And if wishes were horses...

Remember when Hillary's arrest was imminent? November DECLAS bringing down the house? The Epstein evidence that would put people in jail but sank without a trace.

Put up or shut up.

20835222? ago

That in every town, trusted and respected men are engaged in Baal worship in Masonic Temples and they are actively trying to destroy Christianity.

20839817? ago


Digits Confirm. Every small town USA has been infiltrated by satan worship. (Watch season 2 episode 14 of the original x-files for "full disclosure" of the facts. ALL Pepes will be creeped out, promise.)

20840653? ago

Yea i dont doubt this one bit.

20842351? ago

Dude, they out right described pizzagate in that episode from the 90's, I thought I was watching a documentary from last week. "Symbolism will be their downfall" Ya, no shit Q every TV show is a signed confession, "You have more than you know" "We have it all" (Ya anyone with the x-files on DVD has it all in documentary form.)

20835999? ago

I still don't see how this would cause 99% of people to go to the hospital.

20839847? ago


Digits Confirm. Many anons don't see how this fact of every town USA being infiltrated by satan worship will freak out the christian grandmas in their hometown. ( My family will need to be hospitalized over it, that's for sure, the drama will be real.) "SAVE US Jesus!, Heeelp!"

20835766? ago


20839867? ago


Digits confirm. Satan's stooges are everywhere. (Anons this answer has many gets now...)

20839978? ago

What the fuck are on about faggot

20841858? ago

No worries old goat, just 8chan stuff, we'll be out of yur hair again soon enough. The digits of your post show you are correct in some way. Pepe anons take this seriously, we've seen it be correct TOOO many times to ignore. Repeating digits at the end of your post's number is a "get", a hit. It means Pepe agrees basically. Shadilay Fren!

20842232? ago

So it's a reference to my post... And an anon agreeing anonymously, an upvote basically. Or is pepe a separate entitiy, an overwatcher of some sort? Or is pepe simply a few guys who see through my anonimity by examining the numbers, like I have had many of these here

20842806? ago

Yes, its "The Universe" calling. Saying "look here". The chances of "getting digits" is very small, they always seem to habben on posts we should pay attention to, confirming its important in some way. The digits predicted Trump's win against all odds on 4chan. (It was a string of 7's I think 7 or more.) The digits are assigned by what order the server receives the posts, you can predict the digits and "try for the get", but its still a huge gamble because its so random who's post comes in 1st.

It's VERY hard to "bet on the get" on QRV because we can't see the digits scroll by on one board. You'd need separate hacker/scraper programs to watch the digits here. Not impossible, some big trolls seem to be able to make good bets on the digits, but its still random and a gamble. In other words digits are more rare here, because you can't easily try for a get here.

Hope that helps. Lots of cool info out there on the Pepe thing, he's an avatar of an ancient Egyptian god of chaos and randomness, (Named "Keku" or "Kek".) How 4chan "found" Pepe is beyond magic. It's spoopy, Pepe found us....

20843612? ago

This is truely facinating , I just looked at pepethefrogfaith.wordpress.com

20842186? ago

I dabble in both spheres. And i thank you for this reply as i can be a little dumb when it comes to all the decodes. That wasnt me above fyi. I hope you all dont just totally vacate as i find some comfort here and its nice when you are too.


20842648? ago

Shadilay Fren!

20835303? ago

Lots and lots of secret societies but they all start with Freemasons and Eastern Star bullshit.

20835216? ago

I'd guess that they put human flesh in our food. What do you suppose the rabbis are doing with their unfettered access to our food system so they can certify it as kosher?

20839807? ago

Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein admitted they are feeding us human meat at McDonalds. Stop eating that garbage!


20835650? ago

oh wow.

20835167? ago

Or, Q was just saying it for an excuse for secrecy.

even 40/60 doesn't seem like justice

20835670? ago

even 40/60 doesn't seem like justice

sad thing is we haven't even got 1/99 yet

where is the fucking disclosures?

20835162? ago

Jewish subversion of our culture. Especially during the last 100 years. Federal Reserve. Bolshevik revolution, Holodomor, Armenian genocide, German communist party, WW2, Holocaust fabrication —> justification for Israel.

Counter-culture movements of the 60s. Hardt-Celler immigration act. Infiltration of Christian churches in US to push Christian Zionism. Neocons.

Of course, cures, adrenochrome, RSA are all big pills to swallow, but the biggest pill is the JQ.

20836222? ago

By creation of Central Banks and taxation departaments, they enslaved over 90% of the

World population.

20840244? ago


Digits Confirm. Debt slavery got multiple gets in this thread now. The rat race has claimed many souls. Without it many will need guidance and a new goal to live for. ("Hospitalized")

20840273? ago


Digits Confirm. WOW I'm getting gets calling out the digits in this thread (rare). Kek.

20835129? ago

Jews own our mainstream media and Jews control our mainstream media and (((they))) use it to poison our minds.

It's clear that out education system and history books have also been Jewed to hide the fact that Jews declared a Holy War against German Christians in 1933 and the genocidal Bolsheviks were Jews. Our history books have been poisoned to represent Jews as innocent victims rather than the most treacherous antichrists in human history.

I suspect the truth that Q is referring to is that our air, water and food has been as poisoned by Jews as our mainstream media and education system and government and global warming science...

...I think we'll definitively learn that us and our children have been intentionally fed poison to rob us of decades of life and stunt our minds.

20835152? ago

How do jews protect themselves from their own poisons?

20835277? ago

Kosher food perhaps?

20840287? ago


Digits Confirm. Kosher food is how (((they))) keep from getting poisoned. (WOW the digits in this thread are off the hook!)

20835627? ago

Wait. Kosher means different ingredients? I just read a whole expose on how Kosher slaughter is really just dragged out torture. So which is it? Secret, untainted food, only shared and known about by Jews, or, is it a torture murder method, or, are you just a simple nazifag like our simple minded FlatEarther commenting here as well?

20835992? ago

Jews have laws against eating foods like shellfish and pork.

20836897? ago

and the relevance is.....?

20837041? ago

The relevance is obvious.

Thanks for asking.

20835808? ago

simple minds are unable to entertain mutually-exclusive ideas.

whether you "believe" it or not, those who are able to entertain that "water finds a level" have absorbed all the teachings of the criminals, and have moved on to greener pastures.

20836946? ago

water finds a level....oh my god.....WOW

dude, please, do me a favor....can you give me your most solid version of "The Law of Perspective"? (one of my favs, FE folk adopting scientific laws that then fall flat pun on their face)? it would be fantastic if you could explain that cornerstone of FE.

Also. Side question. What's the highest math course you passed with an "A" or above 90% in the course? And before you inflate your answer, OR IGNORE IT (most likely) be warned I have a 10sec, one question test that can prove it.

No Flat Earther understands Calculus; that's a fact.

I struggle to find a single one who has passed Trig.

20838311? ago

You struggle? Imagine what those of us who see through the lies go through!

20835284? ago

Duh. yes. (need more coffee)

20835188? ago

By teaching them at home they are different from the goy.

20835227? ago

Thought that you meant there were actual poisons in the food and water that they are immune to.

20835887? ago

That wasn't my original post....

20835794? ago

yeah they buy from different stores, ones we should be shopping at

20835121? ago

I believe Q was referring to a few things. One is trafficking of children and what they’re being subjected to. That’s putting it mildly without saying who’s involved. Another would be the drug addiction and destruction of the people for profit. Mind control and poisoning of society. Infiltration and traitors in our mist. There’s a lot going on that the average person would find difficult to face as truth.

20838749? ago

I thought it would be something along the lines of the extent of cannibalism and all, along side what is mentioned ^^^

20835117? ago

Nazie's rules the world

20835094? ago


Thanks for your post.

20835070? ago

They eat people

20835709? ago


20838456? ago

Mossad psyop to make it an uncomfortable "conspiracy theory" by a crazy person, that was somehow broadcast to the whole planet the day it happened...

20836379? ago

Chalk one up for the vegans here.

20835528? ago

Specifically, the satanists sacrifice and eat babies.

20835616? ago

That seems like it wouldn't put much people in the hospital. It's got to be personal for it to affect you enough to put a ton of ppl in the hospital.

20835068? ago

Vaccines have cancer virus.

20845653? ago

Funny that, at the moment in the uk they are pushing Massivly for the flu jab, free for kids etc.

They want at least half of Uk population vaccinated against the flu.

In the event of brexit they have stockpiled the vaccine.....

I won't be participating, but you outght to see the sheep lined up getting vaccinated against something that's proved has no effect.

20838866? ago

Keep going. Don't be shy.

There is much more than just poisoning us or altering our dna to make super soldiers.

This goes back to ancient history. Or lost history. However you choose to frame it.

20839727? ago


Digits Confirm. The hospitalizing Truth is our ancient history. (Nice get. This seems important.)

20840609? ago

Jelly fish. An hour in. Listen to the callers and all of them.


20842239? ago

For whatever reason I "remember" a ton of stuff that "happened" at some point in the past, that are not compatible with "written history". We may have decided to forget as a collective at some point. But, was it for a good reason or a selfish one?

I think we've done something we couldn't live with, but maybe we're all ready to remember it, forgive ourselves, grow the hell up, and move on. I hope so, because WWG1WGA, and I don't know about you, but where ever "here" is, I'm done with this place, I'd really like to move on now. We ALL have to agree before we can go though... Good Luck, and Godspeed anons.

20869158? ago

It was my impression that we asked someone or something to bind us. I have a few notes that I've spent a year trying to decipher after the session.

20842544? ago

Fight for the place we are at now in which ever way or relm you can, as its only worth what we put into it and only as beautifull as we make it. My friend wants to travel to the stars im like why not love the place we have? Its easier said then done which is why we all must put our foot down like sir trump.

20843253? ago


WOW. Digits confirm. Again. This whole post is awesome, apparently.

That was probably the last redpill I swallowed, was we can't leave to the stars, they don't want our mess out there. We have to clean up this poop mess before we go inside the house (galaxy). It sux, its yucky, but we'll feel better when its done. We've all "died for freedom" many times over, I think we're done with that part.

I think we're figuring out death isn't the end, doesn't make our problems go away. Well, some people still think that causing enough death will fix it, but they are being exposed and stopped now. ("We are Qanon". "ThankQ".)

Just think how common murder would be if we all remembered our past lives. (There wouldn't be any.) Just think how many fights will break out when we remember who did what in which life.... We all will need forgiveness, mostly for ourselves. That could put a lot of us "in the hospital" in various ways.

Totally agree we have to make a stand here. "This far, no further". It stops now or it never stops. No price is too high for freedom. But death isn't the ultimate sacrifice, it's living on in humility with the wisdom and pain that growth brings. Damn, time to grow up. We can do it! We're ready! Nothing can stop what is coming, not even death, not this time. (Best time-line EVER!)

20907114? ago

Please help i stumbled onto sumthin.

Warning i have no idea what it is.


20869173? ago

I don't think you can see the sun or the stars after exiting the ionosphere. The sun may be a result of energy focusing on the firmament, like how a magnifying glass focuses the sun's heat into a circular shape. The stars are a little harder to explain.

20838426? ago

binary drugs... one in the vaccine and one at the ready if you become a problem

20839874? ago

Trinary is my thought. Its a 3 after all.

20837408? ago

Sorry, this sounds retarded. Vaccines aren't created by one company, gov't agency, etc. They are manufactured across the world and to suggest that all of the doctors, pharma, manufacturers are in cahoots with each other to give us cancer is really fucking stupid. Like, this is why people think Q supporters are retarded. On top of that, "cancer" is not a single "thing". To suggest there is a "virus" of "cancer" is demonstrating a gigantic ignorance of what cancer actually is. Holy shit people, do some thinking for yourself.

20837476? ago

How many companies manufacture vaccines worldwide?

20838923? ago

GSK, Sanofi and Merck are all under one roof. Then you have Bayer/Monsanto, Pfizer, Emergent, Dynavax and a handful of smaller companies. There really are not that many. Dude above doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.

20840381? ago

Thank you, anon.

20837259? ago

In a more general sense, biological warfare. The truth is that we would live to be 500 yearsb old if we weren't intentionally poisoned from birth by every aspect of our society.

They poison our food, they poison our air, they poison our water, they feed us alcohol and tobacco and sugar and caffeine and heroine, but it's not even just poison, it's generic engineering. They rewrite our genes and program us to live stupid lives and die painful deaths so they can more easily get us hooked on their pain killers and television.

I highly suspect our military has been actively fighting biological warfare inside the us population, probably spraying stuff on us to inoculate us against the immediate threats we don't even know about.

If people found out they have already essentially been killed with an extremely slow acting bioweapon and that a cure exists, I imagine about 99% would immediately run to a hospital.

20841852? ago

I’d love to think the spraying is to bolster us and not lambast us.

That’d be great

20837089? ago

No that wouldn't put me or very many others in the hospital. We know they've purposely poisoned us. This isn't some new crazy information.

Whatever it is, it's much much crazier. Like something along the lines of reality being far removed from what we think it is. Like the earth being a prison planet for our souls, which were stolen from dark forces and forced to reincarnate here. The kingdom of heaven our real home and we've missed out on a potentially amazing life without all the pain suffering.

Like it has to be super crazy and bizarre.

20837155? ago

We know they've purposely poisonned us. We do. The other 99% are clueless and will likely pack hospitals to be tested asap when they find out.

Also, I agree, Earth is likely some kind of spiritual prison. Either Purgatory or Hell.

Either way, the cancer vaccine thing is just my best guess so far. I'm open to other suggestions.

20836982? ago

Finding that out wouldn’t put me in the hospital though.

20837000? ago

You would be the 1%...

20835403? ago

I've often wondered if Q meant that statement literally. Like the cabal has some sort of deadman's switch they can use to take out the population if certain information is revealed. Something along the lines of what you're saying, but the cabal has the ability to activate it whenever they want.

20843227? ago

EMF resonant frequencies can be used to destroy cancer cells.

Imagine if they could kill healthy cells.

20839012? ago

Biological weapons, anthrax, smallpox....

Nuclear weapons, were first created 70 years...

That’s how I took it. If the truth was revealed all at once their plan for global depopulation would be implemented... watch the bill gates video when he talks about bringing energy use/co2 emissions down to zero.

20837890? ago

Excellent insight!

In the MK Ultra manuals by Wheeler, she talks about such protections around the programming, that if even a well-meaning therapist should improperly try to unlock certain areas of the psyche that it could cause the patient to commit suicide.

I believe that some of this programming exists in all of us even if we haven't been direct victims of the trauma programming. Because that is how the collective psyche works (WWG1WGA), that if they hurt one of us it hurts us all.

Conversely if we heal such traumas individually then we will see the results "out there".


20837862? ago

You know how they push their plans in movies and TV shows? Like 9/11 in Back to the Future? Now think about how much they have pushed the idea of zombies.....

20838230? ago

The Dems are the zombies, just blindly following the noise.

20837943? ago

Look at the Brain Juice Instagram. One of the images has a woman doing a satanic gesture, sticking her tongue out, and closing one eye. Maybe it's a coincidence, but the users who are into hummingbirds and placing flowers on people's heads have a bad habit of being into trepanation. I came across a picture of a victim one day, with a hole in the skull and blood coming out.

20837571? ago

They will AT LEAST release publically, the entire populations private calls texts emails messages conversations etc...

Imagine the division on a massive scale between parebts and children, husbands and wives, friends and family...

20837785? ago

I think this is what Q was getting at in https://qmap.pub/read/1654

I was a real shithead when I was younger so it would be kind of embarrassing for all my messages to be released.

But, I'm not trying to wield power over other people's lives, so it wouldn't ruin my career or land me in prison.

This would be a good time to get right with God and ask for his protection. Surrender yourself to service. You are needed.

I don't think anyone will know or care about the little stuff, when the BIG crimes come to light.

20836968? ago

Damn, I didn't even consider that. (I'm Vax cancer poster). That could very well be it. Deadman's switch if all comes out. Neutron or viral weapon type thing.

20836366? ago

Almost everything said has more than one meaning. I would suspect both physically and psychologically are meant here.

20836362? ago

You might want to check this out, then


20835907? ago

Indeed. Q threw a lot of shit at the wall knowing some of it would stick.

20836165? ago

Eloquent ;)

20835867? ago

You see ‘in the shadow of the moon’? literally this type of weapon and how it can be used is what the movie is about

20836392? ago

"In The Shadow of the Moon" is about the prevention of a Civil War.

The agent travels backwards in time and key people who cause the Civil War.

Nothing more.

What did I miss? I just read the summary off Wikipedia.

20839149? ago

"In The Shadow of the Moon" is about the prevention of a Civil War.

NO IT WASN'T. It was total kike propaganda. It used race mixing as a form of a "gotcha!" in the end. I was so fucking pissed about that movie because it started out on a cool premise. A cop is chasing a black time traveling serial killer who murders people every 9 years through lethal injection.

It ended with a "twist" that where it turns out the killer is the cop's grandaughter. (The cop's white daughter marries a nigger.) That grandaughter time travels back to the past to kill people who were reading books on American founders like Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, etc. Any people who were involved with the American movement get killed because they're pushing "hate."

The summary off of Wiki is BULLSHIT. Unless you're redpilled, you would totally miss the agenda this movie pushed.

20838286? ago

The method of assassination was some kind of injection that could be triggered from the future to essentially liquify the target’s brain at the push of a button

20835016? ago

Civil war, war resulting from the outrage of other countries, samson option of cabal (e.g. bioweapon).

These fucks risked nuclear war already.

20835027? ago

samson option of cabal Jews

Less cowardice. Say it like it.

20835105? ago

Which woke more normies, faggot? "It's OK to be white" or "shitskins suck"?

20835178? ago

If you want censorship, fuck off back to Reddit.

20835633? ago

You'll never win if you don't use strategy. Glad you're not in charge of things. Fag.

20835663? ago

Nobody is in charge of anything. Q can't protect his own online presence, much less a nation.

20840323? ago

Q predicted this outage tho.

20835694? ago

So by shouting "it's the jews" you think that'll fix things? You'll be called anti-semitic, silenced and not taken serious. This is about waking up masses of brainwashed people. Sure you can say that here, by all means, but to wake up normies will require strategy.

20842347? ago

Just point them religious zelots to revalations where it says the synogog of satan. I mean they prey to a little black box on thier head and it represents saturn just like them there muzzies and thier large black box in mecca. Ect ect ect ect ect. When does math not lie?

20835007? ago

Watch a few videos of kosher slaughter. Observe the dragged out terror of the animals. Now imagine far worse being done to humans on a mass scale with the objective of inducing as much terror as achievable. Then you'll have some idea.

The Jews tortured millions of gentiles in this fashion a hundred years ago during events such as the Red Terror, Holodomor, Armenian Genocide etc.

20836180? ago

even the thought of slaughtering animals made me cringe, but I'm one of "those" types - a "cat" person, but I just love animals. Makes me really think about buying meat, kosher or not...

20836081? ago

I think the Armenian massacre was done by Muslims if it is the event I am thinking of. 1.5 M Armenian Christians killed in 1917.

20835923? ago

from: doglegwarrior

just read up on circumcision and realize a small group of jews conspired with usefull idiots to convince millions of americans to chop up and mutilate their little defensless boys and they did it under the full protection of the legal system. it is fucking insane and you wonder why they have been kicked out of over 100 countries??

20838976? ago


Case in point. Check out the kike larping as an uncut non-jew in the responses to this thread: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3423851/

In particular, look at the kike's responses here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3423851/20554350/

20836339? ago

the circumcised are less likely to carry infections

20839877? ago

@Crensch is this jewnigger a friend of yours???

20840685? ago

yeah we all know eachother isnt that what you believe. are you scared? there is two of us now. we will take over the world with our jewness

20839226? ago

once jews are expelled, whites won't have to worry about anymore diseases from you sandniggers

20839377? ago

oh you will worry, cry, scream in the night about ALL the people you are afraid of and hate. your life is shit. kill yourself worthless

20839709? ago

triggered the jew

20840704? ago

actually you nazi's are the triggered ones. the only difference is you live in a constant state of triggered. scared of the jew! jews coming for your women! lmao

20841097? ago

triggered jew

20841122? ago

triggered scared nazi

20841138? ago


20841166? ago

nazi faggot

20841177? ago


20842382? ago

lmao trrrrriiiiiggggggeeeerrrrreeeeedddddddd!

20842401? ago


20839671? ago


20838992? ago

Is this you, I mean jew? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3423851/20554350/


20839098? ago

yup. did you piss your pants i mean depends?+

20839193? ago

meh. it's too easy spotting the jew patterns. you kikes can't help from giving yourselves away even on anon boards.

20839411? ago

meh. you faggot nazi's living in your mommies basement give yourselves away as you cry cuz your mommy fucks jews

20839694? ago

nothing will ever change the fact that you're a filthy jew.

20839656? ago

lol keep trying, sandnigger.

20836782? ago

And look a whole lot better to women

20839030? ago

goats don't count as pussy, you dirty nosenigger

20838894? ago

A whole lot better huh? Sounds like brainwashing and bias.

I've never had a single infection or complaint of any kind. In fact, nothing but satisfied women.

I thank God my parents didn't cut my dick.

20836826? ago

Of course it looks better you fucking dumbass, everyone has it cut off.

The fucking argument is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever fucking heard. You are mutilating your boys and you're like "Ayo it look better yo"


20836914? ago

Not sure about this but i was sold on the x thousands or millions of nerve xells tbat get removed. :(

20836877? ago

sounds like the extra flap you had brought you to three inches instead of 2 1/2. you still missing the hanging flap of skin aren't you?

20836450? ago

from: doglegwarrior

hey kike? hey brainwashed goyim you stupid fucking iidot. you dont cut babies eye lids off because they could have a stye.. u know what makes more sense and would actualy save lives. if the jews had a religious ceremony that cut out baby girls mammory glands to avoid fucking breast cancer you fucking idiot... god damn brainwashed moron. watch erik cloppers video the leading fucking expert on circumcision.. if u watch it and still believe it is a medical nessicity go get a labotomy... wait no you dont need one if you cant see the truth after watching this video you are already lobotomized. i already know what your going to say. its to long. understanding why jews are cutting up little baby boys dicks? how can it possibly be to fucking long.


20836511? ago

lmao. hi back nazi. you are all going to die. (Gods Plan)cant wait. we know you are one finger on the hand. they will find you. when the site comes back up they will locate you through your ip address. either block shills or get you if you break a law such as porn posting.

20839091? ago

yup im the jew come to kick your faggot ass

20839208? ago

keep dreaming of that goat pussy, nosenigger.

20840725? ago

i get ALL the pussy with my jew money! lmao

20841083? ago

go hoard your shekels, nosenigger

20841133? ago

go buttfuck your white pasty faced comrades

20841148? ago

go back to fucking goats

20841159? ago

go back to fucking your mother

20841170? ago


20842389? ago

triiiiiiggggggeeeeerrrrrreeeeddd hahahahahahaha. this is so dam easy...like fucking your mother

20842406? ago

Nothing will ever change the fact that you're a filthy kike. LOLZ

20842588? ago

nothing will ever change the fact that you will burn in hell for all eternity.

20842694? ago

oh shit, the goyim NOSE about nasty jewwwwwsss

20839392? ago

the jews are coming to fuck your mother and suck her tits....lmao. hey you are porobably a jew. your mother fucked a jew and so are you

20839661? ago


20840717? ago

am i a sand nigger or a jew? or am i both! lmao

20841075? ago

both. jews are he original sandniggers

20836788? ago

from: doglegwarrior

so if me and a group of religious nut jobs moved to an african country and took control of their media and ther judicial system then convinced them to start mutilating their daughters u would be ok with that? because we could prove that cutting out mamory glands will save x amount of women from dying from breast cancer. literly cutting out mammory glands is bettter then circumcision. call me a nazi it means nothing at this point your stupid kike games wont work any longer.

20846279? ago

Cheers doglegwarrior. When reading the New Testimate I was shocked at all the mention on circumcision and thought the Jewish printing press went overboard with rigging our Bible. Researched and found " .membership in God’s family is “circumcision neutral” (Gal 5:6). It is faith in Christ, not a Jewish identity signified by circumcision, that makes someone part of the Church." https://blog.logos.com/2017/03/whats-deal-circumcision-bible/

20836851? ago

you completely live in fear. how pathetic. now you are delegated to making up things to be afraid of. i fear nothing. not even death. let it come. i will be with my God. what a useless air breather you are.

20837081? ago

from: doglegwarrior

not sure where i showed fear. i have no fear of your jew arab kike god. the thing that created the universe didnt send his son down here to be tortuted by kikes to save everyone its fucking retarded. the thing that created this universe our reality is not some pathetic psycho jew made up jealous god. its so fucking retarded its laughable

20839114? ago

i am so glad i am not you. God ti live with anger and fear. then to die in darkness. too bad you werent aborted

20840844? ago

from: doglegwarrior

the person wishing other people to be aborted is the one who lives in fear and doesnt believe in a god or creator. you are truly a pathetic brainwashed person who has been lied to your entire life. seek help. seek knowlege for you live not in darkness.. you oive in complete jew arsb lies.

20841108? ago

hating someone for there nationality is darkness. wishing the darkness never lived is progress.speak of God?. you dont know Him. and He doesnt know you.

20836758? ago

you'll get the rope too you fucking faggot

20836911? ago

ummm nope wrong again. and im not afraid of death anyway. you tho.. you are afraid. you live in fear. the jeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww,... lmao! hilarious! we should have a video with a pic of a huge nose set to jaws music chasing a boat filled with natzi's. that shit would make me piss my pants laughing

20836941? ago

actually wild how big of a fag you are.

20839140? ago

you would know, you suck jew cock

20840243? ago

do better bitch!

20840676? ago

you do better butt holed basement dweller

20836615? ago

Sounds like this KIKE-DEMON lives off of "fear". Only thing is the masses are waking up to your shtick. You literally are dying, shriveling up every day and need the blood of innocents to live. LOL! You need us, we do not need you. So go shrivel up some more kike-demon! Your words have lost power. yours truly, Hitler

20836721? ago

do you EVER see anyone on this site post how scared they are of Nazi's? Antifa? anyone? ever? nope. you are all laughing stocks. fat ugly buttfucking pud pulling twats who live night and day posting and screaming on here about the jews. nobody with a brain is listening...we just laugh at you constantly. the jews live in your head rent free! you just gave all the jews free rent. hows that feel?

20836985? ago

lol not true. Your words have no power.

20836669? ago

this is a joke right? you nazi's are scared shitless of jews. i mean does it get any more hilarious than that? muh jew...they are coming for us....they own everything, I'm so scared of them weeeee weeee weeee. LMAO. they are the chosen of God. you go against any Christian or Jew and you will lose every time. just get used to your slave title little man....lol.

20836993? ago

Words, words, words. You are weak, and need fear to feel good about yourselves.

you are a fucking joke

20839129? ago

aaaaaand your words? you worthless pile of shit. all you got is anger fear and words.

20836829? ago

from: doglegwarrior

people like this give you Qanons a really bad name. this person is obviosly not mentaly stable or is kust a kike shill... that doesnt understand the goyim truly are starting to know. we know your tricks and tactics we are just preparing for what you evil fucks are going to do.

  1. kill trump

  2. destroy the economy

  3. new 9/11 aka nuke a city or something

  4. something new and out of left field. u kikes normaly stick to the same play book. war.. false flags. destroying economys and assisination. i think your global homo warming scam is not working like u thought.

20835920? ago

Your descendants will pray to the Jew.

20835758? ago

(((organ donor)))

20835551? ago

They have been massacring their neighbours and hosts with impunity since Babylon. It's why Adrian finished them off from jewrusalem

20835400? ago

Tou know the "saw" movies? The elite probably watch these situations play put in real life in front of them, for entertainment... this is sick shit we dont even even know about, but probably done by the "elite"...

20839760? ago


Digits Confirm. The elites play games with our lives. (Like how our SSN's are listed on the stock exchange. PUBG is also probably a real thing, like the movie where Patriots get hunted for sport by rich people.)

20835586? ago

I think it's more like Hostel than Saw

20836019? ago

Agreed....Ive always thought about that, about how shit that went on in Hostel actually happens on the regular.

20835495? ago

Agreed. But it's the ridiculous spin that they put in the Saw movie franchise that always bothered me. Jigsaw from the movie is a Christian who abducts people with a warped Christian philosophy. First up, he's a fucked up damn murderer, even though he himself claims that he's never killed anyone. The cop Eric Matthews was spot on when he confronted Jigsaw and said, "So what! Putting a gun to someone's head and forcing them to pull the trigger is still murder!" Jigsaw, using Christianity, puts his victims through torture as a way of forcing them to confront their sins, confess to their roles in the murder of other people, and reach atonement through pain and bloodshed of their own, usually through permanent physical damage. Absolutely trash. If anything, Jigsaw's world view lines up with Islam more than it does Christianity, even though he's a Christian in practice. The idea that people need to be forced to be baptized and or saved through confession and then pain is rooted in the warped idea that Christianity is violent. Jews and Islam are far more violent than that.

20835226? ago

Halal is 100x more common

20835291? ago

Halal is just as evil as kosher.

The Muslim and the Jew are cooperatives but the Jew is the leader.

A hundred years ago, Jews led the Muslim genocide of 1.5 million Christians.

In this particular genocide, the Jews and Muslims insisted on "crucifying" Christian girls. "Crucifying" meaning impaled on a stake through the vagina, the stake then being erected resulting in it very slowly sliding through the body until it protruded through the mouth.


Again, this was just a hundred years ago. That's a not long time ago at all.

20842966? ago

Some of that is true. However there are 1200m muslims and 15m Jews in the world. So halal is 80x the problem of kosher.

20836137? ago

Blaming Jews for Muslims. Just not buying that. I guarantee that if you get the Jewish genocide you lust for, the Muslims would A) gladly help, and B) still be there trying to force Sharia Law on us all when all Jews were gone.

20836317? ago

You know isis once attacked israel... and promptly apologized. This muslims are being pushed into western society by the jews. They are jewish tools.

20851127? ago

While it is true that the leaders of that region do not want the situation between Israel and its neighbors solved, because they use it to rile the masses under their control, I don't think the Jews are controlling the situation like puppeteers. In fact, I think the lack of a solution to the Israel/Arab situation is strong evidence of Deep State/Cabal work, as Q indicated, but is not governed by ethnicity. ISIS apologizing? An alternative explanation is that they were concentrating on establishing their Caliphate in Syria and Iraq, and not wanting to piss Israel off at that particular time. Also, it could have been to appease the Cabal, which does control Mossad and number of deadly assets in Israel.

20851218? ago

The entire situation has been created and funded by "the cabal" which absolutely does have ethnic roots and ethnic focus in its actions.

20855459? ago

It doesn't consume an entire ethnic group and, according to Q, there are more than one group it spans. You cannot successfully fight the Cabal by fighting a single ethnic group. Perhaps your battle is not against the Cabal but against the single ethnic group?

20855786? ago

No. I have no quarrel with individuals of any one ethnic group. But i will not ignore that the most loud and powerful people are disproportionately jewish in the extreme. And i will not ignore that they push their status as a victim to use it as a shield against ciriticism. History would also suggest that this battle is largely centered around racial lines.

Let me ask you this. Do you believe that the cabal is attempting to destroy white western society specifically? Because i certainly do. The elite jews seem to see white western society explicitly as their enemy.

20835948? ago

Fake news, there, foo. Never happened. Don’t be so gullible. I swear you’ll believe anything.

20835345? ago

YES, only a hundred years ago, terrifying.

20835319? ago

Joo Joo Joo.

20835223? ago

thy bull shit is thick

20835293? ago

Which part?

20835332? ago

I thought it was Phat!

20835098? ago


20835004? ago

the satanic rituals

20834983? ago
