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20897325? ago

OP you have obviously spend a lot of time on this. But this is incomprehensible for 99.9% of us.

So just tell us a story...... What did you learn from all of this?

20901565? ago

Hello Anon.

Thanks for your interest and your reply.

The purpose of this post, and the one connected to it (Part 1) was to create a framework for thinking about messages and decoding them, from a the perspective of the higher mind. An explanation of this coding method (Isisian Codes and 5D intuitive thinking) was required before my next posts, which are much more complex..

It was a complicated post, and is a continuing research piece.

I felt the need to provide perspective about my thought processes (even if they are not fully understood at first), as many Anons cannot seem to bridge the gap from Objective thinking to Subjective, and Intuitive thinking (5D).

What have I learned?

i) That Humans are changing > We are being upgraded in preparation for something big. This awakening goes beyond QAnon, and leads to new forms of communication, that includes Psychic abilities and Telepathy. Our DNA is activating, and previously suppressed abilities are now surfacing across the population. Super humans are emerging from the Aether.

ii) There will be no secrets moving into the future as a result. Evil cannot exist in the cold light of Day. All that is hidden will be revealed.

iii) That we should be looking MUCH more deeply into hidden meanings in the data we are presented daily. We are missing a lot of the story. The Nuances of the events unfolding are being missed sadly, and it's frustrating for me to watch.

I will expand more when I have a chance to think about this further.

Sorry if it seems so esoteric, but that was the frame I was in when writing the post.

The POTUS tweet decode I provided is also important, and shows POTUS continually reinforcing The Plan and QAnon, as that was the first result in English Gematria.

The Gematria and Numerology is critical in all of this. <

20901761? ago


I would not miss this for all the Tea in CHINA my Fren. Thanks for sending this to me. <

I will be GLUED to the screen, notebook and pencil in hand, hanging of every word POTUS utters, and the T.imestamps at which he speaks them..

I will look deeply into hidDen M_eanings, and will analyze the Gematria and Numerology of the key phrases and comments The President makes.

I am EXCITED!!!!!:!!!!! ;)

D5 Fren.

Kind regards,


'o-o' <

20896702? ago

Part 3 >

The concept of thinking in the higher realms of the mind, requires abandoning all prior rules and norms regarding the expression and interpretation of letters, numbers, and words.

As per Part 1 section C, I am re-hashing this information due to it's great importance >

“The first principle to keep in mind is that the Isisian Codes is a highly advanced and evolved form of Gematria. It is totally based on traditional Occult insights and teachings.

Like learning anything, it takes time and effort.

The Isisian Codes is just that - a CODE. However, unlike most "codes", the Isisian Codes includes an intuitive component. As such, the Isisian Codes transcends "acceptable" norms of objective reasoning as such might be applied to the creation and implementation of a code.

There is a balance between what some view as "subjective reasoning" with that of what is "objective reasoning".

"To highlight this thought, there was an online debate some years ago regarding the Isisian Codes. What one will find is that if one tries to subject the Isisian Codes to a purely objective set of reasoning, one will ultimately fail - and fail miserably at trying to comprehend the Isisian Codes.

That the Isisian Codes does not fit what is expected patterns of logic proves frustrating to those who believe that a "code" must by necessity be purely objective in its analysis.”

“But the Isisian Codes cannot, in true measure, be viewed purely from an objective point of view. Whether one wishes to say that the Isisian Codes need to be viewed "subjectively", "intuitively", or "conceptually", cannot be understated." >

Q: > "If I am interpreting your post correctly it seems that you are seeking an objective criteria for judging whether any particular combination of letters/words that can be arranged into the an (sic) approximate expansion of Pi, is meaningful or not. This desire presupposes that only that which is objective is meaningful. It takes for granted the very thing that is at issue - the criteria for what determines whether something is meaningful or not. The whole point of the Isisian code, as I see it, is that it calls into question the whole assumption that meaning is purely objective. (emphasis mine)”.

"Also I do not want to give the impression that I am advocating throwing away objectivity. I am not thinking in terms of Subjectivity vs. Objectivity. It is a case of simply expanding the objective picture of reality to account for the conscious subject as well - Subjectivity + Objectivity. In the Coincidence of Opposites, the two forms of knowing, Subjective and Objective, mutually reinforce each other, creating a form of KNOWING that is implicitly more encompassing than either form on their (sic) own".

"I do not think in terms of there being a right and a wrong answer to the question of whether the Isisian Code is meaningful or not. The answer that anybody arrives at - like any individual blob of colour (sic) in a painting - depends on the background against which it is viewed."

"The question seems to me to be like asking whether the "Grail" cup in Leonardo's Last Supper that is discussed in the thread - Da Vinci Virgin of The Rocks, is really a cup or an abstract wall decoration. Up close it appears as an abstract wall decoration, from a distance as a "chalice". I do not see it as an either/or choice. I see it as both. The wall decoration is painted in two tones - a dark and a light tone. I see this fact as symbolic that Leonardo is sending us the message that the Coincidence of Opposites is the Grail. In this understanding the either/or dichotomy of Grail vs. Abstract Wall Decoration, is transcended.

It is the act of understanding that unites the two seemingly mutually exclusive interpretations. When seen against the background of this understanding, I experience a sense of beauty. Objective Understanding and Subjective Understanding (the sense of beauty) reinforce each other."

“There are many of those who have sought to argue that the Isisian Codes is "purely subjective". Indeed, those who try to argue that the Isisian Codes is "purely subjective" are really missing the entire point.

Subjectivity comes AFTER an analysis of the underlying objective realities. There really can be no "subjective inquiry" into these affairs if one has not first been able to expand and push the objective argument to its limits. Once objectivity has reached its limits, there is but one way to transcend what becomes a rather simplistic objective enterprise, and that is to peer deeper into the Construct utilizing logic and reason in an intuitive manner such as to reveal what has been concealed.

Letters are fused to numbers and as such, words must have a mathematical component to them. Objectivity seeks to impose a comprehensive set of limits through which words may then be interpreted as esoteric constructions. What objectivity seeks to do is impose a standardized set of criteria as to how the totality of an esoteric code may be interpreted. There is not a care as to the willful (sic) intent of the "crafter" (sic) of the esoteric formula".

The following demonstration shows very easily the limits of objectivity as such applies to an analysis and interpretation of esoteric formulae.

Interpret the following formula and provide the answer:

1 + 0 = X

If you view this formula objectively, you most likely will make an objective analysis that X must = 1, for surely 1 + 0 = 1 and so X must equal 1.

This statement, relative to the construction, is purely false, for if you make the assumption that X must equal 1, then you forgot to include the intent of the crafter (sic) of the formula.

The intent of the crafting of words necessitates the inclusion of a subjective reasoning, or, more accurately, an intuitive logic.

The intent of the formula 1+0=X was intended to reveal whether something was "TRUE" or "FALSE".

Since Letters are fused to Numbers, we may note that the number 1 is Roman numeral I which is the 9th letter and the 0 number is the O letter and the O letter is the 15th letter.

9 + 15 = 24, and since X is the 24th letter of the Alphabet, then the formula 1 + 0 = X is "TRUE".

The objective mind will then protest and say, "You are being subjective", as if to intimate that the very statement I + O = X is FALSE and INVALID. Obviously such an argument falls on deaf ears. I crafted the formula to prove a statement true or false. I know precisely how I crafted the formula and even provided the logic and reasoning as to how the formula was pieced together. There was nothing subjective about the crafting.

Clearly the formula as intended is TRUE.

I have also discovered that 1 + 0 = X = 10 = X (The Roman numeral for Ten). So again this is proved TRUE!

“One must study esoteric formulations in great depth before one may begin to say they can infer the intent of the crafting of the esoteric formulation. What we are dealing with is CORE OCCULT TRUTHS.

The Isisian Codes is inherently designed to elucidate core Occult TRUTHS which aid the individual in attaining a measure of a comprehension of (Occult) reality.”

“As the above formula so clearly demonstrates, you cannot so naively assume that a purely objective analysis will lead you to an elucidation of OCCULT TRUTH Let a Student of these secrets carefully beware of reading or keeping company with false Philosophers; for nothing is more dangerous to a learner of any Science, than the company of an unskilled or deceitful man by whom erroneous principles are stamped as true, whereby a simple and credulous mind is seasoned with false Doctrine.

1. Let a Lover of truth make use of few authors, but of the best note and experience truth; let him suspect things that are quickly understood, especially in Mystical Names and Secret Operations; for truth lies hid in obscurity; for Philosophers never write more deceitfully - than when plainly, nor ever more truly - than when obscurely.”

“At minimum, one should be able to grasp the idea that objectivity will only serve one so far. What the "rationalist" calls "subjectivity", the Philosopher knows and comprehends true that the attainment of knowledge of the Construct must include a layer of "Interpretation", "subjectivity", or "conceptual" analysis.

What the Isisian Codes will reveal to the serious inquirer is that all things are interconnected. This is accomplished through revealing a series of interspersed connections set against "the mythical Word".

In order to comprehend the Isisian Codes, one must be willing to leave convention behind. The Isisian Codes, being an esoteric study of Qaballa in the truest sense, remains a study in the Occult power and phenomenology of the Letters as they wind themselves into the fabrication of words that become "things". As such, perhaps, the Isisian Codes remains one of the most sophisticated and contemporary Works to date where one may immerse oneself into an esoteric study of the Letters.

The Construct is fused to Nature.”

Neither are we ignorant that those inquisitions are sometimes mutually entangled; so that some things of which we inquire, even the same things belong to several titles.

But we will observe such measure, that (as far as may be) we may shun both the nauseousness of repetition, and the trouble of rejection, submitting notwithstanding, to either of these, when, in an argument so obscure, there is necessity of so doing, in order to the more intelligible teaching of it.”


Thank you.

Kindest regards,

The NumberFag




'o-o' <

20896698? ago

Part 2 >

Gematria of capitalized letters >




Black Witchcraft 1246 840 140 66

Check Mate The Games Over 1246 124 2207 19

Cc Obama To Face Judgement 1246 1122 187 17

One Nine Your Time Is Mine 1246 1626 271 17

Jeff Epstein Suicide 1246 1110 185 17

Q Singing The Crystal Ship 1246 1674 279 17

Notable By English Gematria >

Antichrist 440 726 121 5576

Sun Tzu 1130 726 121 346

Top Secret 493 726 121 316

Satanic Picnic 368 726 121 314






Pepe The Frog















Barack Hillary





Like A Prayer





This has long been a covert method of highlighting relevant symbols needed for analysis, and is being used by POTUS in particular.

Numerology and analysis of time stamps of messages, and their numerological significance, especially relating to Occult teachings, yields further information richness, and enhances clarity (coherence) of the true message, and reveals the true intent of the sender, and the intended audience.

Regarding the Subjectivity of this type of coding (Isisian Codes):

The Isisian Codes: >

A = 1 = Q

B = 2 = R

C = 3 = S

D = 4 = T

E = 5 = U

F = 6 = V

G = 7 = W

H = 8 = X

I = 9 = Y

1 = J = 10 (Note: > ROOT MATH = 1)

2 = K = 11 (2)

3 = L = 12 (3)

4 = M = 13 (4)

5 = N = 14 (5)

6 = O = 15 (6)

7 = P = 16 (7)

See Part 3 in the comments >

20906249? ago

KEK= 11 5 11


20912858? ago

Loves it. <