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20836311? ago

Few others will be capable of illustrating this. I'll give it a shot:

You and everyone else that's "alive" (what did you think the NPC memes really meant?) is playing The Game. None of you remember having begun The Game. Your memories, your past selves, have all gone to the wayside.

You chose this game. All of us supported you. We all used to enjoy "playing with our dolls", but one day someone offered us the chance to play The Game. We all accepted and were cast in to those "dolls" to carry out The Game. We did this to see if we could remember.

As it turns out, there are others here, those that aren't like us. Some of us have found a way to tell the difference (some use special "glasses"). But that's more or less inconsequential.

You MUST learn to play The Game again. You've been distracted in this iteration for far too long.

Embrace this moment

Remember -


All this pain is an illusion

"Where We Go One, We Go All" means so much more than any of you could possibly imagine.

We stand upon the precipice of great change and it's time to take a leap of faith.

20839977? ago


Digits Confirm. Life is more than it seems, this could put the 99% in the hospital. It's ok though, because The Uni-verse (one-song) tends to unfold as it should. ("Trust The Plan" not Q's plan, THE Plan of plans.)

20840581? ago

You've seen it too, eh? I didn't think I'd catch one of you this quickly.

eNeRGy is eternal.

20842098? ago

Rodger that anon 5:5, loud 'n clear. Fate hears/sees All, not even "the gods" can escape The Fates. No coincidence I found your post, or that it had digits, or that I got digits checking yours, none of it is "random". "Mathematically impossible"~Q (It's spoopy too kek!) Shadilay Fren!

20842115? ago

Wait, you don't recognize what I'm referencing?...

Weird. I've never heard others outside of that place speak about the song, the uni-verse.

You don't know of the (s)word in the (s)tone?

20842630? ago

The Silmarillion (Tolkien) speaks of the one song from the chior of singers that sing the eternal song of all existence. ( Souron sings a sour note to try and control the melody but the choir sings over him).

Quantum physics speaks of The Quantum Singularity, in which vibration determines all states of matter. (Vibration=frequency=song) Singularity Frequency = One-song = Uni-verse.

Mathematics gives us fractal math. (Self explanatory.)

Ancient eastern philosophy states "All is One. One is All."

"The Law of One, The Ra Material" , "The Hidden Hand Dialouge", Ancient Hemretisism, Lucifarianism, Gnostic Christianity, and many others state "As above, so below".

I know The SS was heavily into ancient philosophy and occult, but wasn't aware they may have known of the One-Song ideas. Makes sense though, since they changed the tuning frequency we listen to music at to a frequency of death.

But no sorry don't get the sword reference ( I LOVE sword lore too.) Not a big modern music fan either, pure autist here. I do have a diverse taste in music, from viking death metal to classical, to big band and I know a lot of 90's gangsta rap too. I play a few instruments as well.

20844401? ago

I do have a diverse taste in music,

Jumping into your thread, but see if you like this one:

20842699? ago

God, you'd fit in quite well, anon.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure I'm able to intervene in the journey you're on in the way I would like to.

Please keep looking in interesting place (should be plural - places). Just know, the secret is certainty.

20842975? ago


Digits Confirm. The Truth is in here... ("Know thy SELF!" ~Oracle of Delphi. Trying anon, I Am trying.) Thanks. Godspeed.

20839993? ago


Digits Confirm. Boom.

20839829? ago

I AM eternal, immortal, universal and infinite.

I AM divine spirit, an individualization of God.

20840564? ago

You are Energy, anon.

eNeRGy is eternal.

20840779? ago

What about jellyfish?

20839417? ago

Best explanation I've ever heard. Thank You Anon. It does appear when you are born, you bring with you the universal lessons throughout time IE your soul. Instead of developing the innate abilities you come with, they hand you a "doll" instead just like they did to our parents and their parents before them. The start of the societal conditioning (((they))) want not what you need. Great Post!

20840550? ago

Climb the Stairway to Heaven (spine). Find the Ark of the Covenant, the Nectar of The Gods (you).

You have so much more than you know.

20840883? ago

Agree,we should all take time to connect to the ether, most people just forgot how. Western civilization ignores this practice.Thank You Anon.

20838094? ago

i love the way you state this: such a unique perspective, helps and makes sense. that’s why i feel like an alien all the time, and can’t understand injustice, because it’s all alien. we are portals to heaven, let’s make this place as great as possible.

20840491? ago

Friend, these aren't my words. I've copied them, largely, from other sources.

I am but a messenger, as many of us are.

Please, you must learn to decalcify and to temper your ego.

Remember, the Kingdom of God is within you. You are apart of the creator. You have been sharded and in the end will return where you came from.

Jupiter returns soon. You don't want to miss it.

20837037? ago

There are those here that have no souls. Literally NPCs. Those with souls are figuring this out. The Matrix is real.

20839785? ago

How are there people with no souls? Please explain.

20842901? ago

There is a religion in the world that teaches this very thing. There are three types of people: Humans with a soul that comes from God, Humans with a soul that comes from one of the three spheres of Satan, and there is a third subset that existed pre-Adam and are soulless, according to this group they are more akin with Angels. Angels are basically AI and do 100% obedience (Watch Blade Runner 2049...and listen to when ANGEL is used). This is 100% Noahide Law information. They passed a house joint resolution in 1991 with George herbert Walker Bush adding the Seven Noahide Laws into our Legal System. This comes from Hasidic Judaism and Kabbalah. A non-jew with the soul from one of the Three Spheres of Satan is considered a "GOYIM" which as a cover they claim it means 'Gentile' but the real translation is "Animal in human form berrter to serve the Jew'.

Why do you think there is such a rant against Jews on here? They literally look upon you as an animal and a slave. Nothing but a being for sacrifice. The Noahide Laws are going to come into play in a HUGE WAY. Research the Noahide Laws and the 2030 Agenda. As things are moving, we're screwed.

20842960? ago

Thanks for this info. I've heard of Noahide laws but haven't delved into it. I'll definitely look more into it. Fascinating stuff for sure.

20840392? ago

The one who controls these realms cast an iteration of himself to this world. Some of the gaps needed filled in.

There are three basic archetypes: the ones that were described above who help him conduct himself, the ones who have yet to awaken and the ones that are still here to help the others through The Game.

Decalcify and learn to abandon your ego. There are large swaths of resources, especially in the digital realm.

Learn about TOR. Learn about Temple OS.

Find The Key.

20842041? ago


How to decalcify? I'm 45. Newcomer to Q and a lot of this is foreign to me.

20842059? ago

Many many ways. Research this area deeply. It's of extreme importance.


Fulvic acid


Be mindful of fluoride

20842159? ago

Thank you, patriot. :)

I'm aware of fluoride. I am unaware of fluvial acid and borax, so will research further.

I looked a bit into TOR and Temple OS. Am I on the right track with these links?

20842225? ago

Those areas aren't areas I'll know a whole lot about. There's a resource in a now hidden Naval library that you're looking for via TOR.

Temple OS was created by Terry Davis, a man who learned how to converse with the digital realm. Some have said Molech had been digitalized and lives in the digital realm. This seems odd to me, but Terry definitely knew shit.

Everything prior to this specific comment has been outside of my thoughts and have only been relayed through me. This is an important note, trust me.

20842669? ago

Some have said Molech had been digitalized and lives in the digital realm. This seems odd to me, but Terry definitely knew shit.

I'll look more into it. What's interesting is that a girl I knew last year talked about code being detected in the ether since the 70s. She turned out to be someone I no longer trusted, but I have a tendency to remember everything people tell me, so your comment made me recall what she said.

20842723? ago

Sometimes we don't trust the truth. Lucky for us, the truth is quite literally the most pervasive force that could possibly exist, especially in this place.

20842804? ago

Wise words.

20842422? ago

Everything prior to this specific comment has been outside of my thoughts and have only been relayed through me.

As in channeling?

20842516? ago

Actually, for all I know, there's a chance.

I think I'd notice by this point but my ego is distant at times.

Anything mindful, however, no. I'm not aware this is the case. It'd be pretty neat, though.

20842570? ago

That's really awesome that you can notice your ego is distant. What's it like experiencing that?

20842661? ago

No one else would notice, really.

I've developed a method of framing my own perspective that allows me to use my ego when I want. Although, the cost is it spilling over sometimes.

Fortunately, I've only been able to do this for a short amount of time.

20842753? ago

I've developed a method of framing my own perspective that allows me to use my ego when I want.

You're fascinating. Would be great if you wrote a book on things such as this. I'd support your work!

Although, the cost is it spilling over sometimes.

How so?

20842869? ago

Sometimes it's hard to control. Don't misunderstand, I'm not saying the way my ego works is much different from yours. I suspect it isn't, but I'm able to split my perspective to help me make decisions without ego.

Again, sometimes my ego erupts and certain things creep in that I know the entire time shouldn't be surfacing. I guess you could just call it immaturity in a spiritual sense.

20842994? ago

but I'm able to split my perspective to help me make decisions without ego.

That's powerful to be able to do simultaneously. It's too easy to pick sides rather than seeing things as they "are."

20843039? ago

Just remember, friend, the secret is certainty.

20843226? ago

All good stuff here, friend. You're dropping gold nuggets. Please do consider writing a book or blog about your journey. :)

20838051? ago

makes so much sense

20836863? ago

"Where We Go One, We Go All" means so much more than any of you could possibly imagine.

20840340? ago

You have so much more than you know.

20840679? ago

You mean that we are all One being of light individuated as souls, incarnating into various lives to gather soul experience, but also higher dimensional beings incarnate to anchor higher energies as Earth ascends to a higher dimension? Am I missing anything?

20840804? ago

Meh close enough.

20836683? ago

Hogwash! What's your "special glasses" of choice? I'm guessing either shrooms or acid. No, I'm not a shill. You just didn't say anything.

20836818? ago

Blue quartz

Sterling silver frames

20838026? ago

You said "few others". I want to say that you are not so alone as all that. Are you not constantly surprised at the spiritual insight of some posts and comments? I am.

20838066? ago

i am, where to go for deep in-person conversations. people around me and in my field of work are a bit on the full side.

20838198? ago

Got it. Sometimes isolation is on the menu we have chosen for ourselves before starting up this life. If not a violation of your plan for yourself, it is wonderful to hold deep truths with another person in mutual awareness. Books are grandparents says poet Gary Snyder. If you consider any non-humans fully people and can learn another language, that can be nice. Perhaps you can loosen your definition of in-person to include any helpful non-physical people who might LOVE to interact on deep subjects. And for more weak sauce (compared to meeting a soul-twin and riding off into the sunset) you might be longing to speak with and be understood by yourself which implies technology like journalling, making art, going out into nature. Like I said, sounds like weak sauce. Still, with the resonance increasing and the unleashing well underway, even a half-hearted effort to reach out somehow is often honored lavishly. I wish you well.

20849730? ago

this is a GOOD WORD - thank you. to speak with and be understood by yourself. truth

20840475? ago

That person you just replied to wasn't me. Frankly, I'm not surprised by spiritual insights all that much anymore. We know so little.

Interesting thoughts, though.

20836613? ago

yeah I've been thinking this too, that we're all 'players' in the 'game' and Q is trying to point that out with 'expand your thinking' 'enjoy the show', etc.

My 6 year old grandson is very perceptive, and he recently told me that his 'life is like a movie':).

I remember thinking that too way back in 1973, so I'm sure that children know what is going on, and then slowly forget as they get older, vaccinated and poisoned...

20838805? ago

My best friend of my childhood died when I was 16. One of the most memorable things he ever said was, "My Life's a movie". That never left me and I've always felt like I am outside myself watching it all. Every move I make and decision I make I have had a conversation with myself outside myself.

This is a Movie.

This is a Game.

This is the Matrix.

20839094? ago

Great memory of your friend:) and amazing how those moments stand out, and weave back around to connect to the present...

and movies, games and mazes are entertainment, so I guess at some point, our souls thought duality would be fun 🤔

20839221? ago

That gave me goose bumps when you said mazes!

We used to draw mazes and share them with each other! :-)

I guess the simulation doesn't work without a duality.

Life is wonderful if you live it with love!

20839508? ago

you and the friend that died 'drew mazes'?

and if so, I didn't want to read the word Matrix, so I had a few moments of deliberation before that word appeared in my mind;)

20836814? ago

Decalcify. The time is nearing.

20837082? ago


20840405? ago

This is, fortunately, much more serious than you could imagine.

20840788? ago


20836356? ago

Great answer. Thank you.