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20774635? ago

I LOVE new Box factories, and new Luxury Paper made out of waste and recycled garbage, using Australian know how!!!!! >


20773151? ago

Part (ii) of (ii) >

Continued >

Rupert risked Lachlan’s ire with the 21st Century Fox sale to Disney

After returning from exile, Lachlan anticipated fully taking the reins of the Murdoch empire. So understandably he was upset to learn of his father’s plans to sell off a large chunk of the business to Disney:

‘“Why the [expletive] would I want to run this company?” he told people close to him. Lachlan’s anger at his father boiled over during a dinner in Manhattan in the fall of 2017, three people who were familiar with the incident told us. “If you take one more call on this deal, you will not have a son!” he threatened. “I will never talk to you again.” (Representatives for Murdoch and Lachlan denied that he made these threats.)’

Cockburn is alarmed to learn that Australians could have such a temper!

Uncle Rupert didn’t always take Trump seriously

The narrative of the feature plays out over several decades, showing how Rupert Murdoch and Donald Trump became intertwined over the years, particularly after Murdoch’s acquisition of the New York Post. Who could forget that Marla Maples ‘best sex I’ve ever had’ headline? But while Donald and Rupert always worked well together, the prospect of Trump as a serious presidential candidate didn’t immediately sit right with the baron:

‘“He’s a [expletive] idiot,” Murdoch would say when asked about Trump, three people close to him told us (Through a spokeswoman, Murdoch denied that he ever used this phrase to describe Trump.).’

Given what’s unfolded since, it appears this judgment may have jumped the gun.

Trump takes criticism from Fox very personally

The most widely-quoted anecdote from the feature concerns an insight into how much Trump cares about what Fox News viewers think of him. While the Donald was happy with how he was received by the likes of Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, some of the more neutral or critical coverage rubbed him up the wrong way. Take Bret Baier’s show for example:

‘After the Fox contributor and Weekly Standard editor Stephen F. Hayes called Trump “a clown,” Trump faxed Baier a copy of his résumé, with a note scrawled across it in black marker: “Tell Hayes no clown could have done all this!”’

The love went both ways though. With Trump safely in the White House, he would enjoy taking calls from Rupert, who had stepped in to fill Roger Ailes’s shoes:

‘“Rupert, Rupert!” Trump would say, talking on the phone with Murdoch in the Oval Office, according to a former White House official who overheard the conversations. “You love the action, don’t you? You can’t get enough of this shit.”’

Bari Weiss was wrong about Australia

If, for some reason, you chose to Google New York Times op-ed columnist Bari Weiss, one of the first suggestions that pops up is ‘bari weiss australia’. This is because of a nuclear article from back in January, when the writer went Down Under and decided it was Utopia because there were fewer libs to own:

‘Australians are also, mercifully, not in the midst of a raging culture war. At home, friends are largely delineated by political tribe; couples that date across the divide are newsworthy. Here, it is normal. The political is not personal, and that’s not just because so many of the big issues that tear Americans apart (health care, guns, the social safety net) are settled. It’s that Australians never seem to doubt that there is more to life than politics.’

Her colleagues in the investigations department are evidently not on the same page, as they dedicate several paragraphs to the Murdochification of the Australian airwaves:

‘Known as Sky After Dark, the opinion-heavy, almost-uniformly right-wing lineup was an entirely new phenomenon in Australian TV. Its nighttime ratings spiked as the network quickly became required viewing for the country’s political class.’

The story describes how Lachlan deployed culture warriors to focus on the ouster of Malcolm Turnbull from the Australian prime ministership, with the nationalist Scott Morrison filling his shoes. Still, who cares about being accurate when you can expense the flights?

It’s not what you know, it’s who you know

It really is very important that Times readers know about the intimate ties between the Trump White House and Fox News. (Forget CNN head Jeff Zucker’s bid for New York mayor or the number of Obama staffers on his payroll, it’s not relevant!) Alongside Trump’s appointment of Ailes’s right-hand man Bill Shine in the White House comms department comes this delicious morsel:

‘[Hope Hicks]…remained very close to the president, the Trump family and others in the White House. (Kushner has privately told people that he provided a reference for her to Murdoch.)’

Imagine having Jared Kushner, vice-undersecretary of basically everything, as one of your references. Alright for some!

The full three articles really are worth a read, if you can stomach the prospect of a Times subscription fee. Cockburn wonders whether you might prefer to sign up to Spectator USA’s Blend newsletter here instead. It is free after all…


20781679? ago

‘“Rupert, Rupert!” Trump would say, talking on the phone with Murdoch in the Oval Office, according to a former White House official who overheard the conversations. “You love the action, don’t you? You can’t get enough of this shit.”’

Trump will be saying this to me pretty soon Anons.

I have decided to go even harder with my research and I am getting to the bottom of Media corruption in Australia wherever I can [SHINE] a light on it.

Reality TV too.

20773148? ago


Part (i) of (ii) >



The key takeaways from the Times’s VERY long Murdoch investigation

You ever watch Succession on HBO?





April 3, 2019

6:03 PM

Cockburn doesn’t want to come over as too preoccupied with the New York Times: indeed, he’s just spent the last hour or so opining about yet another mischaracterization of the Brexit situation in Britain. But it seems right to direct a rare compliment towards the Gray Lady: her tableaux about the inner workings of the Murdoch family in the forthcoming magazine is a hell of a read.

We all know followers of this blog are people on a tight schedule, so dedicating time to peruse tens of thousands of words about Rupert, Lachlan, James and co. might not be at the top of their agenda when there are cocktails to sup and opium to smoke. So for your convenience, here are the key findings of Jonathan Mahler and Jim Rutenberg’s weeks of work:

Nothing like a bit of sibling rivalry

The brunt of the story focuses on the fractious family drama playing out between Rupert Murdoch and his sons Lachlan and James. Each of them went through a rebellious stage: Mahler and Rutenberg describe how James ‘flirted with becoming a medieval historian and joined the staff of The Harvard Lampoon before dropping out in 1995 to follow the Grateful Dead and start an independent hip-hop label, Rawkus Records.’ Lachlan meanwhile was left languishing in Australia with his model wife for around a decade, before being invited back into the Murdoch dynasty fold. The Times writers describe ‘an awkward arrangement’ when Lachlan returned in 2015, with Rupert giving both sons equal responsibility and titles, as the two were ‘very different people, with very different politics, and they were pushing the company toward very different futures.’ Lachlan, the elder son, favored an ‘unabashedly nationalist, far-right and hugely profitable political propaganda machine’, where his younger brother James sought a ‘multiplatform news-and-entertainment brand that would seem sensible to any attendee of Davos or reader of The Economist.’ Neither sounds particularly sexy to Cockburn…but maybe that’s just the way the Times writers have chosen to characterize the contrasting ideologies.

Lachlan is very conservative

Just to really hammer this point home, the piece portrays James as a centrist, globalist type, whereas Lachlan is more……antipodean, shall we say. Per NYT:

‘Lachlan once presented himself at one of the family’s papers to express displeasure with its decision to run an editorial in support of same-sex marriage, according to three people who knew about the interaction at the time. (Lachlan said through a representative that he had no recollection of the incident and that he supports same-sex marriage.) According to people close to him, Lachlan questions what he sees as the exorbitant cost of addressing climate change and believes that the debate over global warming is getting too much attention.’ 

The article features various rebuttals along these lines from Murdoch family representatives, which really makes you hope Mahler and Rutenberg have dotted the ‘i’s and crossed the ‘t’s.

Lachlan’s political leanings have everything to do with the tolerance of some of Fox News’s fruitier takes recently, or so the Times authors would have you believe:

‘When Tucker Carlson came under fire for his increasingly pointed attacks on immigration — “We have a moral obligation to admit the world’s poor, they tell us, even if it makes our country poorer and dirtier and more divided” — he received personal text messages of support from Lachlan, according to two people familiar with the texts.’

Not that this concerns Lachlan’s father of course. Mahler and Rutenberg are at great pains to prove that the elder son is the golden child:

‘Murdoch’s face would light up when Lachlan would roll his chair nearer to him at meetings — and they quickly learned which son to go to with questions and requests. (“And Lachlan?” Murdoch would ask, whenever executives told him that they had spoken to James about something.)’

Cain and Abel had less acid.

The junior Murdochs don’t agree on much…except hating their stepmother

While for the most part, the authors seem to be bidding for the chance to pen a screenplay for the next series of the Murdoch-inspired drama Succession, they do note a few moments when James and Lachlan present a united front, in an attempt to save their father from himself:

‘[Lachlan] and James had tried to talk their father out of marrying Wendi over a 1999 dinner at the Manhattan restaurant Babbo — she was the rare subject on which the two sons agreed — and both of them had grown even less fond of her in the years that followed. James and at least one other company executive had heard from senior foreign officials that they believed she was a Chinese intelligence asset. And family members felt that she treated their father terribly, calling him “old” and “stupid.” (A spokesman for Wendi Murdoch denied these claims.)’

Old, fair enough. But stupid? Rupert Murdoch? A rather unfair adjective to describe the media mogul in Cockburn’s eyes.

Another fleeting topic of agreement between the brothers was the need to oust Roger Ailes, though they had different reasons for desiring it:

‘Lachlan had clashed repeatedly with Ailes early in his career in New York. He told friends that he reached his breaking point with his father in 2005 when he learned that Murdoch had said to Ailes, “Don’t worry about the boy.” For his part, James saw Ailes as a boorish showman who embodied many of the most retrograde impulses of the network’s opinion programming: its nativism; its paranoiac attitude toward Muslims and undocumented immigrants; its embrace of conspiracy; and, maybe most of all, its climate-change denialism.’

Is it weird to anyone else that ‘being a perv for decades’ doesn’t come higher on the list? See Part (ii) in the comments >

20781647? ago

Looks like Lachlan Murdoch might be alright. Not sure yet though.. Digging.

James sounds like a Globalist and a tosser according to this information, but again I reserve judgement until I meet them in person. Make no mistake, I am digging on the Murdochs. They have printed sufficient shit, and destroyed enough people's lives. ENOUGH!

What is going on at Fox is an internal Family Power struggle for control of direction of the Network, hence the two sides appearing in characters/Anchors through out Fox News, Like Hannity, and Tucker, and Judge Janine, offset by crazies like Shep, and Donna Brazile!

The Father I got no time for at this point.

20773072? ago

Rupert Murdoch

Australian-born American publisher

Written By:

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica 

See Article History

Alternative Titles: Murdoch, Keith Rupert

Rupert Murdoch, in full Keith Rupert Murdoch, (born March 11, 1931, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia), Australian-born American newspaper publisher and media entrepreneur who founded (1979) the global media holding company the News Corporation Ltd.—often called News Corp. It focused on publishing after a reorganization in which its media and television holdings were spun off (2013) as 21st Century Fox and largely sold (2019). That sale resulted in the creation of Fox Corporation, which included Fox News and other TV channels.

Early life and career

Murdoch, the son of Sir Keith Murdoch (1886–1952), a famous Australian war correspondent and publisher, studied at Worcester College, Oxford (M.A., 1953), and briefly worked as an editor on Lord Beaverbrook’s London Daily Express, where he first gained practical experience in the sensationalist journalism that would be a major influence early in his career as a publisher. His father having died, he returned to Australia in 1954 to take over his inheritance, the Sunday Mail and The News, both of Adelaide; he quickly converted the latter into a paper dominated by news of sex and scandal, often writing its banner headlines himself. The News’s circulation soared, and he then went about instituting similar changes in papers that he bought in Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, and Brisbane.

Acquisitions: News of the World, The Sun, and The Times

By the time that Murdoch acquired his first British newspaper in 1969—the News of the World of London—he had put together a proven formula for boosting circulation, which entailed an emphasis on crime, sex, scandal, and human-interest stories with boldface headlines, prolific sports reporting, and outspokenly conservative editorializing. This formula was successful with both the News of the World and The Sun, a London daily that he acquired the following year.

In 1973 Murdoch entered the American newspaper business by purchasing two San Antonio, Texas, dailies, one of which—the San Antonio News (later the Express-News)—he transformed into a sex-and-scandal sheet that soon dominated the city’s afternoon market. In 1974 he introduced a national weekly sensationalist tabloid, the Star, and in 1976 he purchased the afternoon tabloid New York Post, but in the late 1980s he sold both, profitably; he repurchased the Post in 1993. He also purchased the Boston Herald American from the Hearst Corporation in 1982 and changed the name to the Boston Herald (sold 1994). He bought TV Guide in 1988 (sold 2008). Overall in the 1980s and ’90s he bought and later sold a number of American publications—such as the Chicago Sun-Times, the New York City Village Voice, and New York magazine. Among Murdoch’s diverse publications were a number of more conventional and respected newspapers, such as The Times of London and the Sunday Times (both acquired in 1981) and the Australian (a national daily that he established in 1964). Murdoch took up residence in the United States in 1974 and became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1985, based in New York City.

Rupert Murdoch, 1978.

Rupert Murdoch, 1978.


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20th Century Fox, Fox News, and The Wall Street Journal

In the 1980s and ’90s Murdoch amassed major holdings in other communications ventures, including radio and television stations and video, film, and record companies, as well as book publishing. In 1985 he acquired the Twentieth Century–Fox Film Corporation (later called 20th Century Fox) and bought several independent American television stations from Metromedia, Inc., and then consolidated both these ventures into a new company, Fox, Inc., which has since become a major broadcast television network in the United States, rivaling ABC, CBS, and NBC. He bought the Australian news group the Herald and Weekly Times Ltd. in 1987. He thereafter purchased a number of book-publishing companies—including, in the United States, the prestigious Harper & Row Publishers (1987), the religious publisher Zondervan (1988), and the giant textbook and trade publisher Scott, Foresman & Company (1989), and, in the United Kingdom, the venerable William Collins PLC (1989). These companies and some operations in Australia and New Zealand were merged in 1990 as HarperCollins Publishers. In Britain in 1989 Murdoch inaugurated Sky Television, a four-channel satellite service, which merged with the rival British Satellite Broadcasting in 1990 to become British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB). In 2014 the company was renamed Sky after it acquired various sister companies in Europe.

This heady expansion burdened Murdoch’s international media conglomerate with a heavy debt, which he reduced by selling off New York, Seventeen, the Daily Racing Form, and several other American magazines. In 1993 he purchased Star TV, a pan-Asian television service based in Hong Kong, as part of his plan to build a global television network. In 1995 the News Corporation entered into a partnership with MCI Communications Corporation, a major provider of long-distance telecommunications services in the United States. The following year Murdoch sought to expand his presence in American television with the launch of Fox News, a news and political commentary channel that became highly influential. He subsequently looked to increase his company’s Internet holdings, and in 2005 he bought Intermix Media, owner of Myspace.com, a social networking site that had more than 30 million members. Two years later he made news with the announcement that the News Corporation was acquiring Dow Jones & Company, publisher of The Wall Street Journal, for $5 billion. Myspace suffered declining membership with the rise of rival social networking site Facebook, and News Corporation sold the site in 2011 for $35 million, hundreds of millions of dollars less than its purchase price.

Rupert Murdoch, 2009.

Rupert Murdoch, 2009.

© Monika Flueckiger—swiss-image.ch/World Economic Forum


Rupert Murdoch

Quick Facts

Rupert Murdoch.

View Media Page


March 11, 1931 (age 88)

Melbourne, Australia

founder of

    News Corporation Ltd.

notable family members

    son James Murdoch

Scandal and reorganization

By the early 21st century, Murdoch wielded considerable influence in both media and politics. However, in July 2011 he and the News Corporation came under intense scrutiny for wrongdoing at News of the World. Mounting evidence indicated that newspaper staffers had engaged in illegal and unethical behaviour, notably the hacking of mobile phone mailboxes belonging to celebrities, murder victims, and British soldiers killed in the Afghanistan War. Murdoch shuttered the newspaper later in July, but the scandal continued to grow. He subsequently testified on several occasions before British MPs, claiming that he had been unaware of the hacking. Murdoch’s son James, considered his heir apparent, was also embroiled in the controversy and later left several key posts. In May 2012 a parliamentary panel tasked with investigating the scandal released a highly critical report, which stated that Rupert “is not a fit person to exercise the stewardship of a major international company” and that he showed “willful blindness” concerning misconduct within his corporation. In addition to the British inquiry, Murdoch and the News Corporation were also being investigated by FBI officials in the United States.

In June 2013 News Corporation split its print and television and media holdings. Its print division was reconstituted as News Corporation (usually referred to as News Corp). Its television and media holdings became the much-larger and more-profitable conglomerate 21st Century Fox. In 2015 Murdoch was succeeded as CEO at 21st Century Fox by James, but he continued to chair both corporations. In 2017 he agreed to sell most of the holdings of 21st Century Fox to the Disney Company. Two years later the deal closed and was valued at about $71 billion. The hugely profitable Fox News and various other TV channels were excluded from the sale, and they became part of the newly formed Fox Corporation. During this time Murdoch also led a bid to acquire full control of Sky but was outbid by Comcast in 2018; later that year Fox sold its shares in Sky.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica This article was most recently revised and updated by Amy Tikkanen, Corrections Manager.

Learn More in these related Britannica articles:

United Kingdom
United Kingdom: Newspapers
…since it was bought by Rupert Murdoch’s News International company in 1969 has stemmed from a diet of sensational personality-based news stories, show-business gossip, lively sports reporting, and pictures of scantily dressed young women—supported Labour in the early 1970s, switched to the Conservative Party under Margaret Thatcher in 1979, and…
United Kingdom
United Kingdom: Mass culture
…powerful of these media moguls, Rupert Murdoch, not only dominated much of the popular press and made considerable inroads into the so-called quality press in Britain but was also international in scope. Newspapers, however, were but one component of Murdoch’s and similar empires. The revolution wrought by new information technologies…
United Kingdom
United Kingdom: News of the World hacking scandal
…of the flagship newspapers of Rupert Murdoch’s News International media empire, ceased publication after it became clear that a number of the paper’s reporters and editors had engaged in or condoned the illegal hacking of telephone voice .


20773068? ago





Fanatical Zionist Rupert Murdoch: Jewish or Not?

Bradford Hanson Bradford Hanson · 19 June, 2017


Rabbi Chaim Herzog, Shliach of Chabad of Melbourne CBD poses with Dame Elizabeth Murdoch during celebration of her 101 birthday. Rabbi Herzog had a close relationship with Mrs. Murdoch.

by John I. Johnson

IT HAS BEEN an issue for some time whether neoconservative, pro-Jewish international broadcast and newspaper baron Rupert Murdoch is part Jewish. His Wikipedia entry makes no mention of any Jewish ancestry, but that source sometimes does not do so even when it exists. One of Murdoch’s sisters is named Anne Kantor, so she evidently married a Jew. Jews routinely marry into social elites (the Trumps, Clintons, Kennedys, et cetera).

The question seems to be whether Murdoch’s mother, née Elisabeth Greene, who died a few years ago at age 103, was Jewish or part Jewish. Her extensive Wikipedia entry makes no mention of any Jewish ancestry.

In June 2003, Richard Curtiss, co-founder and editor of the the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, wrote in that publication that Murdoch’s mother was “an Orthodox Jew, although Murdoch never offers that information in his biographies.” Curtiss was an ex-foreign service officer (US State Department), US Information Agency (USIA), and Voice of America employee.

Without explicitly saying that Murdoch’s mother was Jewish, the Web site Voz Iz Neias (Yiddish for “What’s news?”), which describes itself as “a highly popular, rapidly-growing blog that meets the demanding media needs of the Orthodox Jewish community in New York, across the United States, and around the world,” noted her death and carried the photo above showing Rabbi Chaim Herzog with Mrs. Murdoch. The photo looks a bit odd, as if Herzog’s image has been superimposed, but perhaps not. Some observers believe Mrs. Murdoch’s appearance is distinctively Jewish.

I believe it was Kevin Alfred Strom who once pointed out that Rupert Murdoch’s behavior — fanatical adherence to the Jewish/Zionist party line while at the same time never acknowledging Jewish roots, and siring children with two non-Jewish women — is consistent with a belief that his own ancestry was somehow too “impure” to pass on as Jewish, yet Jewish enough to inspire intense devotion. But if, as Curtiss suggests, his mother was an Orthodox Jew, Rupert’s blood wouldn’t be impure by Jewish standards.

Your reporter is inclined to give credence to Curtiss’s account in the absence of persuasive evidence to the contrary.


20772165? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=gMXSNfCYLVw :

President Trump ‘on track for a landslide’ - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

20772182? ago

I love it. Thank you.


20772125? ago

OP here.

Notice the spin.

Context: > The host had an EXCLUSIVE interview with POTUS apparently (Sauce pending).

Not sure where these people lie in their loyalties Anons, that's the first thing I will say.

Listen to the whole ting carefully to get a perspective of how this is being packaged for Australians, as Declass and the rest approaches.

They seem to be Fake News, pretending they are Patriots (like Alex Jones), and controlled opposition. I am not sure yet.

They said some things that gave me hope, and that the tide is turning, in that they were discussing the Dems being fucked overall.

They were crapping on about the reason why the impeachment rubbish is starting; they reckon it's because the Dems are trying to target 12 political seats in 2020, and that the SJW left are pushing Pelosi to to dump Biden to be replaced with Elizabeth [POCAHONTAS] Warren, who is apparently being backed by Hillary [SPUNKY] Clinton.

They were also discussing the youth market flipping in the Dems favor (brainwashed kids they have been targeting, and the "Femographic"). I told they want our kids didn't I?

Anyway, these guys are certain Biden is being taken down as the front runner, as a result of The IG Horowitz report due c. next week.

Reading between the lines, next week is going to be a BIG week. A BOOM week maybe? We shall see. I will be paying close attention from Australia Patriots.

Notice they are analyzing this serious shit, from a simple "political' perspective glossing over the really deep and terrible problems facing the world, including Australia.

Where we go one, we go ALL remember? I member...

No mention of The Storm, but they HINT at conspiracies floating around, but didn't utter the words, dare they mention QAnon.

Look, it seems the right Government is in Power in Australia, and that Australia and The USA are close Allies. GOOD. It should be that way. We must stick together.

From an Anon that loves my country, and yours too.

GOD Bless America and Donald John Trump.



20772934? ago

Sky News Australia has been on the right side of every issue. There's lots of Kiwis here too that appreciate their coverage and push-back -- because in this country the entire MSM are leftist pussies.

20773041? ago

And I thought you might want to see this, just in case you weren't sure...


Fox News Owner Rupert Murdoch Outed as 'Open Borders' Globalist Seeking Erasure of US Borders

January 30th, 2016

Fox News Owner Rupert Murdoch Outed as 'Open Borders' Globalist Seeking Erasure of US Borders

Posted by: Barry

Published on January 30th, 2016 @ 07:53:00 pm , using 1217 words,

Posted in Events and Issues: Credible Resources, The S-Files, World, New World Order, Immigration / Illegal Aliens

Rupert Murdock (Sic), in fact, is a stealthy open borders believer and therefore conforms to the Globalist precept of essentially erasing the world’s borders while allowing refugees and migrants to pour in, much in the same vein as none other than George Soros.

The two have even teamed with Murdoch’s PNAE, in order to lobby Congress on behalf of amnesty for illegal aliens, and of course, providing citizenship for both illegal and legally arriving refugees.

“As an immigrant, I believe that this country can and must enact new immigration policies. American ingenuity is a product of the openness and diversity of this society.”

~ Rupert Murdoch


By Barry Secrest

While many often react as patently bewildered towards Fox News and it’s often schizophrenic treatment of both national and international events & the newsmakers involved, many may miss or even grow confused at the networks overall impetus as to the directional compass, of its agenda.

At best, while Fox more often than not tries to attract what could be described as mostly traditional Americans, there are the more subtle overtones or even nuances, in its reporting, which seeks to shape and conform its non-Liberal viewers while not blatantly offending their traditional sensibilities.

So, what is it that Fox is up to, exactly?

The network is definitely more geared towards the Right-Wing, at least in most of its efforts, but, in that same sense, Fox is not what anyone could describe as anti-Establishment, plus, many may view its strictly news gathering venue as more politically centered, certainly, than any of the mainstream media’s blatantly biased networks.

But, in order to answer the question more fully, it’s important to back away and look at the network’s affiliations, including what its fearless leader is now, more or less, trying to achieve.

In one very telling instance, is the network’s seeming love/hate relationship with both Trump and Sen Ted Cruz, including its overall reaction to these presidential candidates, even while the battle lines are continually resolving.

But, in a story from Breitbart, featured further below, an integral component of the resounding truth comes through, as evidenced by none other than Donald Trump, who is fast becoming the de facto leader of America’s growing anti-Globalist movement.

The story centers on Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch and his blatantly under-reported agenda concerning America’s open borders, and how Murdoch is seeking to both open America’s borders more fully while vying for illegal alien amnesty via his political lobbying firm known as the “Partnership for A New American Economy” or (PNAE).

The North American Union

In one PNAE study, both touted and highlighted by The Huffington Post, PNAE could be seen as crowing loudly over the fact that despite immigrants making up [only] 20% of Florida’s population, newly arriving immigrants account for about one-third of the state’s businesses.

Now, to many that should come as a great American dream story, but, then there is also the more sobering fact that since the year 2000, nearly all of the 5.7 million jobs created in the US, have gone to immigrants, even while the native population has actually lost jobs.

Rupert Murdock (Sic), in fact, is an open borders believer and willingly conforms to the Globalist precept of erasing the world’s borders, and allowing the migrants to pour in, much in the same vein as none other than George Soros, who, has even teamed with Murdoch’s PNAE, in order to lobby Congress on behalf of amnesty for illegal aliens, and of course, providing citizenship for both illegal and legally arriving refugees.


In essence, Murdoch, along with Soros, both belong to the same establishment political class club, or what many also call “the Ruling Class” which therefore ties Murdoch into the Globalist movement’s agenda towards a planetary redistribution of wealth, while erasing all national borders.


Killing America: A Shadow War Between Establishment Globalists and Citizen Insurgents Has Begun.

This critical Globalist-aligned ingredient, within the massive establishment sectors of both the Democrat and Republican parties, is the one thing that few political experts neither recognize nor acknowledge, but most assuredly does exist.

The Global Elite

In fact, this is the secret ingredient that seems to be taking hold of the often odd policy movements of both President Obama and the Democrats, who have become completely co-opted by this Globalist infiltration, while the GOP’s infiltration is now coming to fruition.

Once traditional Americans begin to recognize this facet of what is currently taking place in American politics, the rest of the story, as in the following piece from Breitbart, begins falling into place with remarkable ease, especially for those who increasingly exhibit confusion at what is taking place.

From Breitbart:

“At a press event Tuesday evening, Trump seemed to cite disparate treatment from the Fox News network as his reasoning for not participating.

“What’s wrong over there, something’s wrong,” Trump said of the “games” Roger Ailes and the network are “playing.”

In asking the question of “what’s wrong over there?” Trump has shined a spotlight on one of Washington’s best-kept secrets: namely, Fox’s role via its founder Rupert Murdoch in pushing an open borders agenda.

The Trump campaign is a direct threat to Murdoch’s efforts to open America’s borders.

Well-concealed from virtually all reporting on Fox’s treatment of Trump is the fact that Murdoch is the co-chair of what is arguably one of the most powerful immigration lobbying firms in country, the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE).

In addition to blanketing the country, media, and politicians with literature, advertisements, and a barrage of lobbyists pushing for open border immigration policies, the Partnership for A New American Economy (PNAE) was a prime lobbyist for one of the biggest open borders pushes in American history:

Sen. Marco Rubio 2013 Gang of Eight immigration bill.

While Donald Trump has pledged to deport those illegally residing in the country and temporarily pause Muslim migration, Rubio’s immigration bill would have granted immediate amnesty and eventual citizenship to millions of illegal aliens, it would have doubled the annual admission of foreign workers, and it would have dispensed 33 million green cards to foreign nationals in the span of a single decade despite current record immigration levels.

As Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)36% and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)37% told

The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza back in 2013, Fox News was essential to the Rubio-Schumer effort to expand immigration levels beyond all known historical precedent. As Lizza wrote at the time:

McCain told me, “Rupert Murdoch is a strong supporter of immigration reform, and Roger Ailes is, too.” Murdoch is the chairman and C.E.O. of News Corp., which owns Fox, and Ailes is Fox News’s president. McCain said that he, [Lindsey] Graham, [Marco] Rubio, and others also have talked privately to top hosts at Fox, including Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Neil Cavuto… “God bless Fox,” Graham said. “Last time [i.e. during the 2007 immigration push], it was ‘amnesty’ every fifteen seconds.”

He said that the change was important for his reelection, because “eighty per cent of people in my primary get their news from Fox.” He added that the network has “allowed critics to come forward, but it’s been so much better.”

Murdoch’s support of open borders immigration policies has been identified as a potential conflict of interest for years.

As ABC reported in 2013:

Murdoch, Australian born, and a naturalized U.S. citizen, has become an outspoken advocate for immigration reform and mass legalization of the country’s undocumented immigrants, partnering with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in this cause.

Whether Murdoch’s personal views will percolate through his network, or at least, temper criticism on the airwaves of those who don’t share it, remains to be seen"…..Read More


Any questions?

20773015? ago


Rupert Murdoch pledges to keep Sky News independent

Move comes as Fox seeks to allay media plurality concerns in £11.7bn takeover of Sky

Mark Sweney



Tue 13 Feb 2018 01.16 AEDT

Last modified on Tue 13 Feb 2018 09.00 AEDT



Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch has pledged not to meddle in editorial decision-making at Sky News but says he will not guarantee funding the service for more than five years, as 21st Century Fox seeks clearance for its £11.7bn takeover of Sky.

The Competition and Markets Authority said in its provisional findings last month that Murdoch’s bid raised media plurality concerns because the deal would give his family too much control over UK news media. The Murdoch family trust controls Fox and News Corp, publisher of the Sun and the Times.


What does the CMA's ruling mean for Sky News?


Fox has beefed up the so-called “firewall” remedies it had already tabled, including “establishing a fully independent, expert Sky News editorial board”. This would be made up of two existing independent directors of Sky and a third member nominated by the Sky independent directors who would have “senior editorial and/or journalistic experience”.

Fox has also pledged that no Fox employee or board member who was a trustee or beneficiary of the Murdoch family trust “will influence or attempt to influence the editorial choices made by the head of Sky News”.

This would include the selection or running of news stories and political comment and opinion.

Fox did not increase its original offer of guaranteeing to fund Sky News for a minimum of five years, a move the media regulator Ofcom indicated might help the Murdochs get deal clearance. When the Murdochs tried to buy Sky in 2011 a 10-year funding guarantee was accepted by the then minister in charge, Jeremy Hunt, as part of a package of guarantees strong enough to allay media plurality issues.

Jeremy Darroch, Sky’s chief executive, cast doubt on the future of Sky News saying that the service was no longer critical to the pay-TV broadcaster.

Sky has previously said that it could close Sky News if the Fox deal was blocked, a move that would eliminate the media plurality issue at a stroke.

Fox did not submit any responses to the CMA’s consultation on other options for Sky News, including a full sale or spin-off.

“The provisional findings contain a number of material legal and factual errors,” said Fox.

“The aggregate effect of these errors is that the provisional findings do not provide a reasonable basis on which to conclude that the transaction may be expected to operate against the public interest in respect of the media plurality.”


How much media control does the Murdoch Family wield Globally.

Which side do they serve?

Are they Globalists?

What is the go with > ownership of, control of, and sale of parts of, FOX News in The USA?

Are Fox really Fair and Balanced?

Are they Wolves in Sheep's clothing?

If you do some digging/research and you will most of these answers.

Peace Frien.

20772989? ago


About Sky News

Australian News Channel Pty Ltd (ANC) is Australia’s unrivalled 24-hour multi-channel, multi-platform news service provider, a wholly owned subsidiary of News Corp Australia.

Sky News is a news service operated by ANC delivering news you can trust, opinions you can’t ignore.

It provides unrivalled LIVE news, sports news, weather news and national affairs coverage via dedicated channels including Sky News Live (Ch 103 & 600), Sky News Business (Ch 601), Sky News Weather (Ch 603), Sky News Extra (Ch 604), Sky News UK (Ch 605), Sky News New Zealand and FOX SPORTS News (Ch 500 & 602).

Sky News is available across Australia via subscription television provider Foxtel and in New Zealand via Sky Television.

Sky News is also available to international audiences via its OTT service AustraliaChannel.com.au.

Sky News produces a host of exclusive public affairs programming including Paul Murray LIVE, The Bolt Report, SPEERS, SPEERS on Sunday, Jones & Co, Credlin and AM Agenda.

The Sky News programs inform on the issues on the national agenda featuring insights and opinions from Australia’s most influential commentators and political insiders including; Andrew Bolt, Peta Credlin, David Speers, Paul Murray, Janine Perrett, Alan Jones, Kieran Gilbert, Laura Jayes and more.

Sky News has bureaus across Australia in Sydney, Melbourne, Parliament House, Canberra, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Hobart, Darwin and regional markets Cairns and Geelong. Sky News also has a bureau in Wellington, NZ.

Sky News also operates a national digital news network SkyNews.com.au providing premium audio-visual journalism spanning global and national news, national affairs, politics, business, technology, and culture.

SkyNews.com.au houses three digital video news streams Sky News Extra 1, Sky News Extra 2 and Sky News Extra 3, featuring highlights across the Sky News channels, including breaking news, media conferences, events and programming LIVE 24/7. The Sky News Live channel is also available as an audio stream with a new online radio platform.

Exclusive members-only content can be accessed by registering at SkyNews.com.au/Extra for the Sky News Extra digital pass.

With more than 1 million followers across social networks, Sky News provides breaking news to targeted audiences through separate social channels for news, business and weather.

Sky News content is syndicated to an extensive outdoor network including as video news bulletins at more than 80 metro train stations nationwide and as the preferred supplier of video news to Qantas in-flight. News highlights are also featured across smart home devices and via more than 30 podcasts each week.

Sky News Australia commenced its 24-hour news service at 5pm on the evening of 19 February 1996, becoming the first Australian produced television news channel.

In 2001 Sky News extended its reach into New Zealand launching on Sky Television.

In 2004 Sky News Active was launched (press red on Foxtel remote) giving viewers access to news on demand 24/7 across eight screens of video content ranging from the latest news headlines to business, finance, sport, weather and showbiz.

In 2008 Sky News began broadcasting Sky News Business, Australia’s only 24- hour business channel featuring breaking business and finance news, analysis and commentary and featuring LIVE rolling ASX data during the Trading Day.

Australia’s Public Affairs Channel (A-PAC) followed in 2009, produced by Australian News Channel but funded by Foxtel operating on a not for profit basis. The channel was a platform available to all Australians for discussion and debate, encouraging participation in democracy across Australian society.

In 2012 ANC took over management of The Weather Channel now Sky News Weather. The channel remains Australia’s only 24-hour weather television with LIVE severe weather updates, local and international forecasts, beach and surf reports and more by Australia’s expert weather team. The channel also features Weather Active, localised weather forecasts at the touch of the red button on Foxtel remotes.

On January 26, 2015 broadcast boundaries were extended to include the Australia Channel service to cater for markets outside of Australia and New Zealand. Australia Channel is a subscription IPTV service providing the best of Sky News for international audiences available at www.australiachannel.com.au.

On December 1, 2016 ANC became a wholly owned subsidiary of News Corp Australia.

From May 1, 2017 ANC began producing Australia’s only 24-hour sports news channel FOX SPORTS channel.

A few months later on October 30 2017, ANC unveiled a new broadcast and business centre based at News Corp HQ in Sydney, the new home to Australia’s only 24-hour business channel Sky News Business.

On May 27 2018, ANC unveiled a series of enhancements to its Australian news service on Foxtel including the launch of Sky News Extra (formerly A-PAC) as the new home of LIVE coverage of Federal Parliament, and the launch of the standalone Sky News UK channel. ANC also revealed innovations across its digital platforms with the launch of members-only content on SkyNews.com.au/Extra featuring three 24/7 digital video news streams.

On May 28 2018, ANC announced a program supply agreement with the WIN Network (WIN) to broadcast Sky News content across WIN’s regional free-to-air television network on a dedicated channel ‘Sky News on WIN’, which will launch later this year.


20772978? ago



News Corp buys Sky News in Australia and New Zealand from Seven and Nine

Lucy Battersby

By Lucy Battersby

Updated December 1, 2016 — 2.43pmfirst published at 12.28pm

News Corporation has fully acquired Australian News Channel, which produces Sky News in Australia and New Zealand.

Australian News Channel was jointly owned by BSkyB, Seven Network, and Shertip Pty Ltd, which is wholly owned by Nine Network.

News Corp is headed by Rupert Murdoch and also publishes newspapers in Australia, including The Australian, The Daily Telegraph, The Courier Mail and The Herald Sun.

Sky News

Sky News Credit: Jessica Shapiro

Sky News is broadcast on subscription television network Foxtel, which is jointly owned by Telstra and News Corp.

The move is not subject to any media ownership restrictions because these do not apply to subscription television.

Australian News Channel has 204 employees and had a net profit of $3.9 million for the year 2015-16, according to its latest corporate filing. It owns 100 per cent of New Zealand News Channel, which runs Sky News New Zealand.

"This acquisition has come about because News Corp Australia recognises the increasing value of SKY NEWS; its employees, the shows they host and the audience it attracts. Together, we will ensure the strengths and benefits of each company are leveraged fully in the long term," News Corp executive chairman Australasia Michael Miller said on Thursday.

The investment brought together "two of Australia's strongest and most credentialed news media sources", he added.

News Corp did not disclose a price.

Australian News Channel's chief executive, Angelos Frangopoulos, said: "We are now within a global business forged by quality journalism and I can't think of a better partner to invest and grow Sky News."

"The industry is rapidly changing and today's announcement goes beyond securing the future of this company - it means it will be playing a significant role."

News Corp now owns Sky News Live, Sky News Business, Sky News Weather, Sky News Multiview, A-PAC Australia's Public Affairs Channel, Sky News New Zealand and Australia Channel, which features commentators such as Alan Jones, Mark Latham, Andrew Bolt and Peta Credlin.

Australian News Channel's gross assets are worth about $25 million. It paid its three shareholders a dividend of $3.9 million in 2015-16, down from $7 million the previous year. It earned revenue of about $53 million for the past two financial years from selling its news and weather services.

Lucy Battersby

Lucy Battersby has covered trends, technology and telecommunications since joining The Age in 2008.

20772952? ago

Fair enough.

But.. I WOULD like to know who owns them, before reserving judgement.

News Corp.? Rupert Murdoch?

Asking for a friend.