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20780113? ago

I'm a woman and love men! I'm sick of all this man-bashing stuff going on.

20780480? ago

Damn! Me as well. Have had it up to the ceiling with this shit! And you know who is going to suffer the worst? The young girls with mothers like me who raised them to be traditional females looking for traditional males. Because people will automatically assume they are as twisted and fucked up as the ones being paraded around in the public eye. Absolute Horse-shit!

20780549? ago

Where does an Australian Traditional Values (Alpha) Male find such attractive, strong and Traditional Values Women these days?

Asking for a friend.


20781112? ago

Australian male here. Join group activities that attract you but are still likely to have a reasonable number of females. E.g. bush walking, language learning, etc.

20781349? ago

Excellent fellow Aussie Anon. I will do that. Thank you.

While I have you, I have been posting about SKY News and The Murdochs.

There is much material and comment i have posted here yesterday and today, and I am digging on them further and the Media here at large.

Please feel free to peruse my post and comments and add to them, with other Aussie Anons.

Thanks Cobber.