20786378? ago

I know right!

20784880? ago

(((Hollywood))) is right about women.

20784489? ago

My wife was watching Grey's Anatomy. Holy shit that show makes me cringe. I cant even be in the same room when she's watching it. Nonstop white male bashing and all the best doctors are genius black women and gay guys. The agenda is so thick I can't believe she doesn't see it. I know I married a normie woman because I want white babies... This is the price I have to pay.

20783100? ago

Wait for it ...next is the anti-female hype. Whatever is popular is bad. Promotion of the fringe. The way you rule the majority is by destroying what connects them. The family unit is the foundation of society. Every ism(communism,socialism, fascism,etc) all attack the family, what connects the majority, while at the same time saying that they are protecting it.

20782698? ago

The good news is that we KNOW we are under attack. Slightly better than being under attack and not being aware of it.

20782534? ago

Who fucking cares? They aren't marking movies to men because men don't pay for them. Besides bugmen. You're not the target audience. Stop worshipping Hollywood. Build something. Connect with your local community to improve it.

Inb4 some cuck says "you have to watch movies to know the enemy playbook" or some variation of Stockholm Syndrome.

20790892? ago

You should care. Just because you aren't watching it and are doing something productive with your time (Kudos for that) doesn't mean that no one else is watching it. Because the masses are watching, and so are our kids, and they believe what they are being taught.

20792020? ago

Control your kids. Speak to your friends. Promote events outside of kike brainwashing theaters. Like I said above. Unplug your fucking dependence on escapism. Go hiking. Exercise. Improve yourself. "Muh movies I care for other movie fans" is cucked slave morality.

20782530? ago

Not in John Wick 3: Parabellum. Quote from the film very applicable to all patriots now--"Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum" --Winston.

20782507? ago

Stop watching TV you fucking idiots! (((They))) are fighting for your attention. They want you to be emotive(angry, sad, mad, frustrated). An emotive person can be easily controlled.

Instead pick up a book and read: start with Tolstoy's "War and Peace"

Go outside, go the park or you know... actually have a meaningful conversation with your family and friends that isn't about politics, cabal or what you did at work today and how much money you'll make or save.

Do the things that make you fulfilled as a human being. From personal experience: a fulfilled individual is virtually impossible to control

20782125? ago

Real women love men. They are our fathers, husbands, and sons. They would give their lives to protect us just so we could carry on and possibly remarry. They are the perfect accent to us and we to them. I don’t know how we will ever turn this around.

20781740? ago

Even older movies have this bend to them. Look at how they remade Aladdin: now princess Jasmine is some sort of genius and even Aladdin knows she should be sultan. What the fuck lmao

20781510? ago

It's disturbing. Men are the pillars of society. Without men who would build bridges and sky rises?

20781476? ago

This is why I watch mostly Columbo reruns and read Superboy and the Legion of Superheroes comics from the 1960s and 1970s.

I don’t watch anything new anymore except a few things my wife wants to see.

I was in Costco a month ago, in line holding my wife because she was cold. I moved to one side of the cart and the cart behind me got aggressive and moved, blocking me from my wife.

I figure it’s some jerk I’m going to have to aggressive with and challenge. I make myself as tall as possible, figuring it’s some guy 6 feet or taller. I move towards my wife and the cart from behind lets me get to my wife.

I look and it’s two very short, very unattractive lesbians in their late 20s. Apparently, I triggered them by holding my wife in my arms at the check out line. They couldn’t make eye contact with me. I think it might have been the first time they saw an attractive woman enjoying being touched by a man. The first time that they saw a woman enjoying having a man provide for her. It’s very sad to see.

This is biology. This is primal. Try as they might, ideology will NEVER trump biology. Those that adopt stupid ideologies are destined for subpar lives.

20781454? ago

Video games, too. Battlefield V had a one-armed feminist as the protag. The Last Of Us 2 has a dyke with an ugly jewish girlfriend and they kissed in the game trailer. The jewess even has on a star of David bracelet. These sick kike fucks are trying to create Wiemar again.

20781346? ago

It's only anti WHITE male. They still have "strong" male roles played by niggers. Also, the doctors and scientists are all niggers, as well.

20781124? ago

Couldn't tell you. Haven't paid for a movie in years. Why would anyone pay for the drek that is "entertainment" these days.

20781032? ago

Rambo was pretty good. Admonishing women, millennials, and Mexicans all in one film.

20780741? ago

boycott all movies, until they get the message

20780483? ago

I boycotted Hollywood a long time ago. I boycotted Gillette in the last year. Just keep boycotting what comes next. Hit ‘em where it hurts the most - their wallets.

20780509? ago

"Shave OFF that TOXIC Masculinity"!

20780467? ago

Not only anti male, it's anti white, anti American, anti values.

20780387? ago

I can just see police forces hiring male to female transgenders. Because real females are worthless. If track and rugby are doing it, why not cops.

20780516? ago

Bus Drivers...

20780349? ago

Whats intereting is that the switch over in Hollywood to women in everything took place when Hillary was scheduled to take office. Dr. Who became a woman, house of cards became a woman. All the action movies became about women. No it's not because they want her to think she can beat you up. It's cause they are trying to feminize western men so no one is capable of defending the west.

20783356? ago

I think there was a huge coordinated plan for all levels of society that was supposed to go off when Hillary became president and we're seeing various zombie parts of it being executed.

20784628? ago

Coordinated or not, there's definitely some momentum left over from before the election in all projects they had in the works. They had a formula that was guaranteed to succeed, and somehow it's not working, but they don't know what else to do.

All pre-election projects already in the pipeline are probably infected to a degree by default. Post-election projects are infected with a more virulent strain of ideology than they'd likely intended on using (e.g. Marvel phase 4), because they're trying to fix the world that they think broke due to Trump's election.

I'm not anticipating much quality to emerge for a number of years yet. We'll see what happens after the Storm.

20783052? ago

The same thing happened when napoleon was told to pretty much sacrifice his army in the cold. The men couldn't defend against the tyrant going on back home. True liberty and nationalism defeats zionists and sabbatean inspired groups.

20782972? ago

The last super hero movie I saw was Spiderman, who is a guy, and I will likely see Joker, which stars a guy. The super hero movie I saw before Spiderman was infinity wars, which focused on the male heroes than the female heroes.

20786003? ago

"superheroes" are just lesser-god worship...

20783103? ago


20780302? ago

Husband just pointed out how much of an idiot they made the dad look like in the 'Pet Semetary' remake.

20780526? ago

Homer Simpson.

20785991? ago

The Berenstein Bears father as well.

20786136? ago

Mandela effect anyone?

20786206? ago

The African leader has turned into some sort of diagram. It's now the Mandala Effect. /s :)

20780268? ago

Yes and I am sick of it for one.

Yes I am a white male.

My housemate is 22 yo, goes to uni and has white guilt shoved in his face at every turn.

He is a good young Man, and he was triggered when I start taking about this.

The Youth are waking up too.

Bring on it Kanye, release it all!

20780224? ago

I don't watch any of Hollowood's BS anymore.

20780195? ago

AND every white character is second fiddle. It is so nice to watch HBO's Succession and see whitism at work.

20780134? ago

The backlash will be epic.

20780113? ago

I'm a woman and love men! I'm sick of all this man-bashing stuff going on.

20780533? ago

Welcome Female Frien. ;)

20780480? ago

Damn! Me as well. Have had it up to the ceiling with this shit! And you know who is going to suffer the worst? The young girls with mothers like me who raised them to be traditional females looking for traditional males. Because people will automatically assume they are as twisted and fucked up as the ones being paraded around in the public eye. Absolute Horse-shit!

20780549? ago

Where does an Australian Traditional Values (Alpha) Male find such attractive, strong and Traditional Values Women these days?

Asking for a friend.


20781112? ago

Australian male here. Join group activities that attract you but are still likely to have a reasonable number of females. E.g. bush walking, language learning, etc.

20781349? ago

Excellent fellow Aussie Anon. I will do that. Thank you.

While I have you, I have been posting about SKY News and The Murdochs.

There is much material and comment i have posted here yesterday and today, and I am digging on them further and the Media here at large.

Please feel free to peruse my post and comments and add to them, with other Aussie Anons.


Thanks Cobber.

20780618? ago

I can tell you where you won't find them: Bars, clubs, twerking in the street, on a pole, at a gay-pride event and majoring in social sciences at a University. However, I will say...always be that strong alpha male and we'll find you. God Bless you. We love you and we ARE fighting to get back our unfettered access to you.

20787010? ago

I probably won't find any doing this stuff either... LOL!

Enjoy > https://voat.co/v/QRV/3451596


20781408? ago

Thank you so much. You have really made my day.





20780029? ago

anybody not realising that there is a weird anti Male agenda at play must be braindead

Except for young boys & girls which would only be brainwashed

20780560? ago

That's why they target our Youth. They must destroy them to Win.

20779951? ago

Girls now are taught that they can do anything. They have super powers. Bullshit, et cetera.This sad part is when they confront the real world and find out otherwise, there not prepared for it, their world view crumbles, and they're devastated more than they might otherwise be by the normal friction of life. They are also taught to be misandrist by the schools and that is reinforced in the media, so they blame men.

20781117? ago

Mary Sue characters.

20781305? ago

Yep, but real life Mary Sue's are appreciated and admired by neither their Captain Kirks, their managers to whom they become galactic size hemorrhoids, nor, especially, co-worker who hate them and wish them to disappear into the nearest black hole. Of course, if their manager/supervisor is a woman, she's just a bitch, but if a man, look out, an incompetent misogynist at best, or a metoo who's better get a lawyer at worse.

20779942? ago

You know you have a problem when 007 is female!

20781167? ago

How about Thor!?

20784718? ago

You mean Thora?

20779802? ago

Women can rage, but they'll never beat a man

20779786? ago

Fuck hollywood and the degenerate jew cunts behind it.

20779584? ago

It's just the jew trying to emasculate white men....

They have been at this for a long time

20779529? ago

They are trying to subvert their minds as a military tactic.

Once this is brought to light, no Jew will be safe in the USA ... not one child spared.

20779519? ago

Why are you still watching movies?

20779537? ago

Watching movies, this real life one with trump is epic.

20784685? ago

Hey I'm watching that one too!

(I think I already know the ending, but don't spoil it for me!)

20780004? ago

Not that movie, the Hollyweird ones.

20779497? ago

Now that they're taking urinals out of public buildings they can pretend that you don't really exist.

20779476? ago

Who would do such a thing?

20779462? ago

It's not anti-Male. Its anti faggots. All the mom's basement, soy drinking, pot smoking faggots. Real men dont give a flying fuck.

If you're offended, you better go lift, learn to shoot, and self defense. Go be men ffs

20785094? ago

Lovely. DOWNVOTED by a couple faggots.

There's your problem. Easily offended and no sense of humor. No backbone and no worthwhile opinion. The west is lost and coast to coast faggots cant cope. Meanwhile, real men laugh at your folly. Good luck fuckers, you're gonna need.it. Without a backbone, you are done.

20780574? ago

Amen Brother.

20779369? ago

Didn’t know people still watched movies.

20780402? ago

Depends. I watched The Thomas Crown Affair last night from back in 1999. I enjoyed it immensely.

The latest movies... Not so much.

20779255? ago

I don't support hollywood, so does not affect me.

20779539? ago

Not directly, at least.

20779195? ago

We don't watch Hollywood shows anymore or go to the movies. We've saved a bunch of money and feel good about it.

If there is a show we want to watch, we pirate it online and laugh at them while we watch it.

We won't give them one dime of our support. Two can play at that game! In the end, they need our money. Stop spending it on them.

20785953? ago

good on your financial decisions, but your morals need some help.

there's no good moral reason to allow your attention to be diverted by their filth. attention is love.

20787968? ago

What are you, a democrat now? Judging and preaching to me about morals and morality. Saying one thing and then doing another.

Am I a deplorable for watching a movie? Have I displeased my masters?

Is your creepy church/God going to come and smite me now?

You know what? I masturbated yesterday too. Am I going to hell? Oh noes. Please send help.

20788783? ago


don't give your love to their evil

or do, whatever

20780383? ago

Thank you Sir.

20779126? ago

Lots of female directors these days.

20779101? ago

Not surprised, but I watch so few movies that I didn't know this.

20779036? ago

Yep. Remembering all those nerd movies way back always making the Alpha Males the bad guys. Fact is women of all ages are attracted to Strong Alpha Males its animal instinct.

20780504? ago

Revenge of The Nerds.

20780776? ago

((They)) tried to make eating boogers cool. Sick hollyweirdoos

20781374? ago

They think we are retarded like (((them)))...

20780157? ago

Yes! I'm a woman and definitely want an Alpha Man!

20780496? ago

Right here Babe.

20778884? ago

They didnt have any lucky making the men queer (remember that push from a decade ago?). They also realized how easy it is to manipulate little girls. What better way to artificially decrease the reproduction rates than to convince millions of ignorant female children that they are lesbians?

20780278? ago

Or that they are "Gender Curious".

20780127? ago

They've had a lot of luck making the boys less masculine. I'm in my 50s. Teens and young men of today are nothing like they used to be. It's sad.

20780297? ago

Feminization of Men, and Hyper-Feminism of Women.

All the Atrazine being sprayed on our crops and ending up in our waterways, can't be helping either. No wonder the Frogs turned Gay! Save Pepe.

20782579? ago

yes atrazine and soy

20783538? ago

And sugar. Sugar consumption by boys leads to higher blood estrogen levels

20784532? ago

Don't get me started on sugar! It's also a direct cause of high cholesterol, cancer, diabetes. dementia, gout, autoimmune disorders and many other ailments. Anyone who still eats sugar in anything (or syrup etc.) is fucked. "Soft drinks" - nice name for poison. Just keep on slurping it down.

20788096? ago

It looks like I got you started on sugar ;)

20782835? ago

Soy Boys.

20779674? ago


20780607? ago


Jews own and control 90% of media :


20778870? ago

It's so boring.

I wonder if twenty something girls are surprised when they join a martial arts gym and they are not instantly throwing every man in there around.

20780759? ago

I wish I could find this article I'd read a few years ago. Some chick talked some guy at their martial art gym to full contact sparring. Said she hit him then the ground. Said she realized quickly that pretty every guy she'd ever met couldve held her down and raped her. That guys are not oppressors but protectors by the fact she had actually believed herself to be in their league.

20783848? ago

Happened to me more than a decade ago.. went into a full contact sparring with a two times female Euro champion in ITF (Tae-Kwon Do).. she went to the ground after a single massive blow.. boy, was she pissed.. nothin you can do, I am over 200lb and still in full shape

20782066? ago

Some women don't understand how much stronger men are and try to push it, first by calling the men pussys, then by calling the police because they just got hit.

20780235? ago

accomplished techniques in jiu jitsu will level the playing field to a sufficient extent, which is why I want the gals in my life to train in BJJ as an investment in situational safety.

But yeah they can't make sexy and exciting blockbusters out of triangle chokes and arm bars.

20780075? ago

I wonder if twenty something girls are surprised when they join a martial arts gym and they are not instantly throwing every man in there around.

Yes. Some actually believe this. Or at least that it will be 50/50 which is already absurd.

20779656? ago

They avoid weights "so they don't get too big"

20784542? ago

I hate it when I accidentally Arnold Schwarzenegger.

20779965? ago

As if they could, that easily ;)

20780318? ago

Chicks with z Dicks anyone?

20779075? ago

Exactly what I’ve been thinking. Girls are getting brainwashed into thinking they can take on 5 tough guys at once and throw them all over the place. Good luck with that in real life in police work or the military.

20779593? ago

police women end up getting raped by non whites

20781050? ago

Have you ever seen a police woman without a male colleague? That's why.

20781363? ago

Here's one without a male colleague. https://files.catbox.moe/d1rskh.mp4

20789899? ago

My gosh, that is intense to watch. The man was 100+ pounds bigger than her and those punches each had a crunch sound accompanying them...

So sad to watch, I do believe woman need a male companion in police patrol car work. Especially when they're not in shape, this is not to say all woman would require a male counterpart in their patrols, some are genuinely big and look like they could handle themselves..

A question I ponder is, "Should it be necessary to assume a female police officer is much more likely to use deadly force due to their lack of size & strength when compared to their male counterparts?" If so, "Would a cost/benefit analysis be beneficial in deciding whether police forces are allowed to hire using requirements based on sex(at birth)?"

20790297? ago

To answer your question, unless they are on drugs or their rights have been violated, whites always comply with officers, and so deadly force is never needed. Therefore (in my opinion), let all officers immediately resort to deadly force when verbal commands fail. If deadly force ensues, nothing of value will be lost.

Also, officers should never put hands on anyone (to effect an arrest) without a second officer present.

If you follow these rules, no officer should have problems, regardless of size or sex.

20790392? ago

Very extreme step to take there, a tazer, tranq, or pepper spray step should probably follow the Verbal commands step first...

  1. Verbal Commands (Fails? Proceed to step 2)
  2. Tactical maiming (Fails? Proceed to step 3)
  3. Deadly force authorized (Last Resort)

20792600? ago

The only purpose of step2 is to reinforce nigger behavior so that you get additional nigger behavior.

If the individual is complying, step 1 suffices. If the individual is passively resisting, you can simply place them in cuffs and arrest/detain them. If the individual is violently resisting, he is a nigger and you need to put him down. It is sad to put down a feral dog, but that is what needs to be done with feral dogs. If you do not, they breed more feral dogs and your problem is now far worse.

20803455? ago

Obviously you've got yourself aligned with extreme measures, I don't think violence will beget peace. 1 dead = family n friends pissed.

Your short term gain is lost overtime if you operate in this manner due to the resentment it would build. I get you are trying to nip a problem in the butt quick, but an animal's behavior doesn't align with human behaviors. The biggest difference is the ability to communicate and remember. Making decisions void of this logic will lead you to believe in outcomes that are just not possible.

20803864? ago

There is a peace that can be found only on the other side of war.

You should take backpacking trip across Africa. You will enjoy the peace you find there. I hear South Africa is nice this time of year.

20803924? ago

South Africa is a cesspool for prejudice ideals. Not going through there unless I'm loaded up to my neck in tactical gear, SA is good example of what you should not resort to.

20780304? ago


20779403? ago

It's just so they try and then have you imprisoned if you defend yourself

20778868? ago

Makes weak feel empowered, for a fee.

20778853? ago

Ok. Thanks for your opinion. Do you have some concrete examples for us? That would help.

20778892? ago

You are a cunt.

20779161? ago

You are a cunt.

What year did that movie come out?

20779945? ago

"Cunt" is the leading role... as he was saying...

20779178? ago

Every movie since 2010. lol