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20787489? ago

Trust me, my disavowment of Fox isn’t false. Who owns Fox? What motives might they possess to control the narrative?

20787595? ago

Well it's funny you ask Anon, as I was asking these questions here and posted this with all the answers you are seeking.

FOX Corporation itself is there as controlled opposition. It's too smelly to be totally cool.

Caveat: > Hannity, Tucker, Janine, and the good guys, are legit.

Donna Brazile and Shep... Not so much.

The Network is in a Family Power struggle.

20788144? ago

Laura is a sharp cookie. She's better on the radio than TV, though.

20787692? ago

Janine tried using scare tactics to push red flag laws. Legit? Bullshit. I won’t watch another second of that network after that.

20793945? ago

Time will tell all...