20769462? ago

Interesting how a paid "Professor" shill from Yale, no less, is her adversary. "Dr Steven Novella, a clinical neurologist and assistant professor at Yale University's school of medicine." Neurologist ... assistant professor. Wonder how much the food lobbies paid him.

20763858? ago

So many times they say "lack of professional training" -- I have no "professional training" in politics but I manage to run circles around normies...

20762587? ago

It's not that American corporations are actively trying to poison customers, they just don't give a shit and it's all about getting people to buy "food" at the lowest possible cost and preserving shelf life at the expense of people's health. American processed food is horrible with all the shit they add to food.

20762348? ago

Proof that these companies are perfectly capable of finding suitable alternatives (& labels) but just don't fucking want to.

Stop buying these products and/or make your voice heard with them. Red pill the grocery store employees by buying and then returning the product so you can tell them why.

20762057? ago

They are trying to poison us, make us infertile. Eat foods without labels- fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, etc...

20761166? ago

Uk doesn’t have a law that makes the company put all ingredients on the label.

20761158? ago

Thank goodness we have the honest FDA to look after us... wait, what? They are just as corrupt as the State Department? How can that be? But we have a DOJ, right? Oh, they are corrupt also?

20760898? ago

These companies are:



20760731? ago

Just eat real food. Anyone who eats junk food - no matter what additives are in it - is going to suffer health problems. And that includes SUGAR, which is a prime cause of hypertension, gout, belly fat, diabetes, gut disorders, autoimmune disorders (including joint pain), thyroid disorder, dementia, cancer - well, just about anything! (Read The Case Against Sugar by Gary Taubes - you'll be horrified!)

20760532? ago

From Europe.........Really Sorry to say.....its one of the reasons Europeans have always resisted US food and agricultural products.........chemicals in growing and producing.............. consumers here will vote with their wallets.............hormones in meat ...gm pollutants etc in your food chain....................same aim as Chemtrails....: ((

20760735? ago

Yep, keep you high fructose corn syrup and chlorinated chicken for yourselves yankees, we can more than feed ourselves with superior food products thank you very much. Anyone who doubts this need only look at what clothes sizes hilariously pass as “medium” in the US.

20762662? ago

I have type two diabetes as do many Americans. I've had to learn to be careful what drinks I buy. The other day I went to buy something to drink from the "juice" section. The only thing I could find that DID'T have HFCS was apple and orange juice. Only one brand of orange juice was actually real orange juice. The other was "reconstituted" with sludge in the bottom. The real orange juice had been pasteurized. At least it was juice. All the "vitamin" waters were loaded with HFCS.

20760420? ago

This is so true. Food industry use combination of "preservatives" , "dyes for color", "artificial flavors" , and different caffeine type stimulants to make an addictive cocktail that acts like a drug. Our food is literally being turned into drugs. They are addictive and have many bad side effects.

20760389? ago

(((Who))) owns those American brands?

20760351? ago

UK meat is now Halal.

Sweaty sand ninja blessings are not listed as an ingredient but I would take the additives over the 'blessings' any day.

20760336? ago

chips, candy, ketchup, instant oats, carbonated sugar drink, non-carbonated sugar drink, canned soup, cereal,

Shouldn't be eating any of this. closest to being okay are the oats and soup but how they're processed, high temp extrusion, and packaged, bpa(and derivatives that they've come up with that are the same but legally different enough to proclaim no bpa,) makes them no go.

20760306? ago

As I said before, the elite cabal lost America as a globalist colony and wants it back by slow kill

20759689? ago

What the hell.. There is absolutely no need for this shit to be in the product, people in EU are very sensitive to the word "artificial". Read the product labels, stay vigilant. This crap dumb people down, that's why it's there.

20759441? ago

Distraction, we've known about food colorings for 50 years. And people have been known to use BHT medicinally.

20758883? ago

Government is the disease posing as the cure.

Everything that can be corrupted will be corrupted.

20758857? ago

oy vey why would the pharma jews be doing that to us goyim?

20758851? ago

Our food supply is toxic as fuck, and yes it is deliberate.

20760714? ago

You get it. Thanks. <

20758449? ago

Cannot read the the pic, res too low

20761720? ago

Scroll down, but yeah, why do they even do that?

20758359? ago

You're GOING TO DIE. No matter what. Everyone DIES. Enjoy your life. Eat, drink and be merry. The key to good health is MODERATION in and of everything.

20758291? ago

Or perhaps the US food ingredients list is more comprehensive and revealing?

20758251? ago

Food is only half the story. Sodium Laureth Sulphate, the cheap surfactant chemical used in most soaps (for the suds) is contaminated with two manufacturing byproducts: Ethylene Oxide and 1,4-Dioxane.

20758189? ago

Fucking kikes leave us the fuck alone AAAAAAAAAA

20758141? ago

All the food is poison

All the food is poison

Peas carrots celery sticks

Don't eat the food it will make you sick

All the food is poison...

20761725? ago

Dont eat the food its poison food.

20758732? ago

Win for anorexics!

20758037? ago

If you are not growing your own food already/raising your own meat then you are already the problem and have no excuse... (not you OP but you random Voat lurker).

20758134? ago

If you’re eating meat you are a problem. Faggot. Veggies only please, nigger.

20758675? ago

I use a private butcher. Mass processed meat is your enemy.

20758503? ago

You are goddammed right I am a problem. Hell, I will slaughter an animal tomorrow in your fucking name! My family eats nearly only meat. I am trying to offset you fucking herbivores. I eat meat because both of my eyes face forward. If I was a plant eating herbivore (like a sheep) they would be more on the SIDE of my head.

20760751? ago

Plus your teeth, digestive system, tastes. It is not natural to not eat meat, we are omnivores, this is plainly obvious.

20758244? ago

Meat is fine to eat. Just NOT HUMAN meat. Eat what you like.

(((THEY))) want us to start eating Human meat to 'SAVE The Planet".


20757781? ago



Thank you.


20759228? ago

Even better gps cords of ingredients.

20759477? ago

Yep. I want traceability from PADDOCK TO PLATE.

20758960? ago

"Cool Original Flavor" is one ingredient in the U.K. there is the difference between horror and safety: the right to know.

20758483? ago

If you don't want GMO grain, you better find a way to triple the land avaliable for farming. It simply isn't feasible. Herbicide can be done without. But thanks to high diesel prices, which is armed robbery considering diesel is a BYPRODUCT of gas production, cultivating is more expensive than spraying. Then there's pesticides and fungicides. Without them it is extremely easy to almost completely lose a crop. There is a huge list of things that are far more unhealthy for you than grain that has been genetically modified. Focus there.

20772379? ago

Glyphosate kills your gut bacteria using the same mechanism that it uses to kill pests. Who are the pests again?

20760462? ago

Go beyond the hype, GMOs are not more efficient at all and they have the potential to kill natural organic crops and render them unable to produce seeds.

The Future of Food Documentary

20760705? ago

Thank you..

20760343? ago

find a way

Stop feeding the turd world.

20758709? ago

Most grains are modified to grow shorter and mature faster than older grains. They would be as tall a corn before the tampering. Here's your gluten intolerance that we see today. smh.

20762615? ago

When I was a kid the wheat was never more than waist height so that's bullshit.

20764284? ago

My statement refers to the time before you were born.

20776135? ago

You can still get ancient Egyptian heirloom wheat. It's not so tall as you describe. Even the ancient depictions the Egyptians put on their walls don't show it that high. I'm calling bullshit on your assertions. Even without genetic manipulations you can simply shorten the stalk length of a grain by selecting seed from shorter stock. Gluten intolerance has nothing to do with stalk length.

20776395? ago

Shut up. I won't show you the evidence I have. It was not grown in Egypt. It was grown in the Americas, but who gives a fuck.

20789635? ago

So, Ancient Egypt made fake news paintings on their walls? Damn, Fake news goes way back. Thanks for informing me. Who knew?

20790680? ago

So what your saying is the genome of all grains we eat today are from Egypt. I call bullshit. Grains grew wild in the temperate belt of the planet. Cultivation began agriculture. In some regions of the North Americas, the grains grew as tall as 4.5 ft before whites appeared. All of It was destroyed, save maize. I know Native American history. Most grains we eat are of Euro generations. Jesus Christ, it was almost 100 years after the first settlements that Euopean people would drink from streams and lakes because of their ignorance of hygienic practice.

20792001? ago

"So what your saying is the genome of all grains we eat today are from Egypt"

Never said that mr. Shit for Brains.

20792533? ago

Lmao. Punctuation works niggerfaggot! Use it sometime when you try to reeeeead!

20760009? ago

Modern corn is almost twice as tall as corn before genetics, and produces up to 3x the yields. Although I can maybe see a big company like Pioneer having some kikes at the wheel and making unnecessary genetic alterations, i find it hard to believe they would waste the time and expense, and I find it damn near 100% impossible that the smaller competitors would do it. They have to spend all they can to try to match the yields of the large companies, and are White owned and operated. The damaging things being added to food are being introduced further down the production line.

20761310? ago

They're not weaponizing the food supply. What's going on is a scientist in one study identifies chemical processes/traits in an infectious fungus that is problematic for a particular crop. In another study a scientist identifies genetic traits that can be introduced into a plant (say corn) that will allow it to produce an enzyme that prevents the fungus from metabolizing it therefore preventing grow. Another scientist (company) puts it all together making a crop of fungus resistant corn that they then sell to a company like Bayer who then markets the GMO to farmers.

That's all that is going on here. They're not studying the long term effects on animals (humans) that consume the crop because they literally can't sit on the tech for 100yrs to make sure it's safe.

But, especially where fungal resistance is concerned GM fungal resistances could cause problems for humans since fungi are more animal like than plant. So a plant that we consume that is more resistant to fungi might cause problems for us when we consume it because it might prevent us from metabolizing it properly. Don't ignore the increasing levels of food allergies and the increasing number of GMO's in our food chain just because the MSM is telling you everything is A-OK while the rich source their own heirloom organic foods grown far away from the uber industrialized farming processes that the masses consume because they'd rather pay 2 - 5 times less than what the organic foods can cost.

20764455? ago

You understand how this works and I appreciate that. The fungal resistance seems logical. But the question remains, what do we do about it? Ive seen firsthand what happens when a fungus effects a crop, and makes it almost a complete failure. There's more here than just yields that could have huge consequences on supply and demand. Lose a crop, and it's not just a corn shortage. That also will affect the beef and pork industry, which relies heavily on corn to fatten and finish out the animals for slaughter.

20761545? ago

Fuck off you idiot.

20764153? ago

I appreciate you're well thought out and elaborately expressed rebuttal. Thank you.

20768427? ago

You're welcome Sir. Read your Bible, and get good with GOD and Jesus Christ. That's the part you are missing in your life. I can tell. Peace.

20758590? ago

GMOs are POISON. I get your points completely, but GMOs need to GO.

GMOs are designed to alter Human beings genetic structure, so energy from the source flows in a corrupted manner, causing all manner of diseases. It disrupts the body and it's Harmonic resonance.

It is quite deliberate and NOT safe. Don't feed it to your kids if you can avoid it. Sadly it is in EVERYTHING. Shut the gate, the Horse has bolted... <


20759965? ago

I'd like to see any evidence of that. GMOs are altered to be resistant to herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides. That's why we can harvest 250-300 bushel per acre of corn now and almost never lose a crop unless it's to weather conditions, when before, 100 bushels per acre was considered unbelievable and insects and fungus could cause serious shortages. Now, let's say you're right, and they are making further alterations. The only solution is to obtain control of, or start, a seed laboratory and only give the grain the needed resistances for production. And frankly, although I can see a company like Pioneer doing some jewy shit like that, I very much doubt that the smaller companies are. That would be a major waste of their money and they have no motivation to do it in the first place.

20761210? ago

Asking for evidence that GMO's can be poison is like asking for evidence that vaccines cause illness or anti-depressants cause autism or African's aren't the same as Caucasians. These are studies that can be true that will never get legitimate peer review because it would destroy careers to do so.

But, don't let the increasing amounts of GMO's in our food supply stop you from ignoring the increasing levels of food sensitivities/allergies within the population. It's almost like when we genetically modify plants that we eat to be more resistant to other organisms that they become more problematic for humans to consume. It's especially concerning where fungi resistance is concerned because fungi is closer to being an animal organism than plant organism and so therefore if there's more fungal resistance that couldn't possible have adverse affects on animals that also consume the same plant.....could it?

20764364? ago

Seems logical. Although I would say there are other reasons at least contributing to the increase in allergies. One will note that these phenomena occur at a higher rate in urban populations than rural. So I would think that flouride in the water, preservatives, and probably also racemixing play a part too.

20760452? ago

GMOs are altered to be resistant to herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides

Most GMOs are altered specifically to be resistant to glyphosate, which is highly toxic to humans not to mention how fast it's changing the human gut biome, which is radically changing human cognition, and not for the better.

The Future of Food Documentary

20764338? ago

I won't argue that Roundup is definitely very bad for people. Herbicides can be done without. Mechanical tilling is effective, but due to fuel prices, no longer competitive. I have a 4 acre sweet corn patch every year that I use mechanical cultivation on with my classic 1959 John Deere, because it's safer and enjoyable. I plant it with a 1962 2 row planter as well. But looking on a large scale, how do we replace insecticide and fungicide? I don't have an answer for that question.

20764602? ago

We don't replace them since they are a byproduct of war (basically started by re-purposing nerve gas after WWII), perhaps we need to create more small scale farms in each community (with indoor hydroponics for areas with harsh winters?) and learn to do companion planting and utilize nature's inherent resiliency.

20770429? ago

Exactly this. Everyone needs to learn to farm for their fucking selves, or pay the farmers more.

20772860? ago

Decentralize everything, especially farming. And of course farmers deserve to be paid more than many other professions that we could easily live without.

20760014? ago

SOME of you are saying is valid, but what I am saying is that this technology is being WEAPONIZED and used AGAINST HUMANITY by (((THEM))) DELIBERATELY.

Do you understand where I am coming from now Frien?

20760083? ago

I know the Kikes have weaponized plenty of things. I don't believe the grain industry is one of them. It's fiercely competitive and although Pioneer has a big market share, they can't afford to jack up their prices to pay for shady genetic research if they intend to keep it. New grain suppliers pop up every few years, and they certainly are prioritizing quality of stand and yields. Around my area Pioneer has lost lots of buisness in the last 10 years. I'm pretty sure the preservatives used in food products are the probelem, not the grain. But I am open to seeing evidence to the contrary. And also comparison between Pioneer and smaller producers, because if it's anyone it's the fag owned Pioneer. I just don't see all the smaller, White owned companies being involved. If we can prove its Pioneer, we can do whats possible to ring the bell and let people know what they are up to. But the idea we can just go back to maize that produces 1/3 the crop and is insect and fungus susceptible is impossible. Of course if we got rid of all the shitskins we could...

20761251? ago

I don't believe the grain industry is one of them


Watch this and eat shit you fucking kike faggot apologist.

You should watch read this and realize literally everything in modern society has been weaponized against you by the synogogue of satan.


There is a silent covert multivector genocide being waged against you by the forces of darkness I have no doubt these kikes that worship lucifer are deliberately poisoning your food. with roundup and GMO's.

To truly take the red pill is to stare into the abyss and realized just how dark and terrifying the world truly is.

20761474? ago

WOW! Awesome Anon. Thank you so much for posting that.


20760190? ago

I NEVER said GM didn't have a use, I am saying that the motives of those that own these GMO companies DO NOT have your interest or the consumer's interest at heart.

They are secretly trying to KILL us off.

The Farmers need to produce as much food as possible, responsibly, and they do!



They are using EVERY possible technology they can, to KILL US.

That is what I am saying here.

20760464? ago

But you should have said that GMOs have no constructive use because it's true.


20760495? ago

I don't like GMO AT ALL. PERIOD.

20760527? ago

Then pay attention to what's happening to organic standards right now because they're trying to let them in, which is such a joke considering nearly all GMOs exist to make the crop resistant to glyphosate.

20760571? ago


20760588? ago

Yep, legalization is not really making natural weed legal, just corporatizing the whole venture into toxicity.

20760535? ago

Which causes Cancer. Proven fact.

Or the toxin to repel the insects is manufactured by the plant.

Then we eat that crap.


20760554? ago

Not just cancer, it's changing the human gut biome, which is making people much more easily herded, not to mention (for many) straight up fucking nuts.

20760582? ago

And Feminized in Men, and Hyper-Feminized in Women.

Glyphosate breaks down in the environment into Atrazine, a female hormone > Hence the "Gay Frogs" lol.

20760586? ago

Glyphosate breaks down in the environment into Atrazine

Whoa. I knew about the horrible effects of Atrazine on men but not that glyphosate breaks down into it. Do you have sauce?

20760639? ago

No sorry I meant Atrazine breaks down, but I was typing too fast. Sorry.

Here is Sauce for Atrazine and mixtures of herbicides etc., and lots of other poisons in the water, including Glyphosate. >







P.s. - The reference to "Gay Frogs" was a tongue in cheek jab at Alex Jones who said just that. I thought you got that. lol.

20761111? ago

Thanks for the links.

P.s. - The reference to "Gay Frogs" was a tongue in cheek jab at Alex Jones who said just that. I thought you got that. lol.

Oh, I did —  but Atrazine really did turn frogs from male to female.


When Hayes found results Syngenta did not expect — that atrazine causes sexual abnormalities in frogs, and could cause the same problems for humans — it refused to allow him to publish his findings.

20761202? ago

Digits confirm! Thanks.

20760103? ago

Nice to see somebody who is educated and seems to have spent time with these seed dealers and farmers. Thought i was alone

20759630? ago

That's not how our digestive tracts work.

20759909? ago

He said harmonic resonance, so he's automagically right.

20760530? ago

It's the most retarded comment I've ever seen on voat.

20760703? ago

How [DUMB] are you guys? Seriously. EXPAND YOUR THINKING YOU FOOLS!

20760811? ago

What you said is complete gibberish and has no detailed explanation of what you're trying to get across. GMOs are not a problem, we're not taking up corrupted corn DNA and incorporating it into our bodies. The way you describe it through the use of "resonance" and "energy flows" is complete utter drivel.

If you said something along the lines of: GMO plasmids conjugate from the GMO source material to gut bacteria forming an expression of [insert negative chemical makeup here]. Then I would entertain your rambling.

If you said something along the lines of: It's not the corn, it's the glysophate used on the corn, or the chlorpyrifos-methyl used in storage bins (among many other insecticides used), and THEN you proved their mechanism on the body...Then I would entertain your point.

Simply saying that genetically modified corn causes "corrupt energy flows" and "disrupts the harmonic resonance" means jack all.

"Mr. [20760530], what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

20760884? ago

[] can also mean [WINDOWS]. You know. For SEEING. A point of focus.

Get it?

20760922? ago

So explain how focusing on deep underground military bases is relevant to our convo here about GMOs and "corrupt energy flows" and "harmonic resonance?"

20760984? ago

I like to write with multiple meanings in everything I post. I have OCD. It makes it fun to see if people can decode the many possible meanings using a combination of random methods, to ascertain what I am actually saying (using the methods I have documented on here for MONTHS). It ALL connects. This is what 5th Dimensional thinking is all about Frien..<

Any other questions?

20760872? ago



See if this sheds any light on your knowledge of GMOs and how they might affect DNA, especially from a geometry perspective..


20760904? ago

That's your source? The plagiarist esoteric cook Dan Winters? LMAO. Who's Next? Kieth "Vanguard" Reniere? You need to take your medicine and back away from the computer.

20760861? ago

You don't have a Soul. At least I have a Soul. How's your Soul?

20760918? ago

My soul rests easy because I'm true to who I am and responsible for the world around me. You appear to have externalized your soul to some psychogibberish and allowed obvious disinfo to infect you.

20761065? ago

Do you believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, was crucified, died, and rose from the dead three days later, after which point (c. 40 days), he ascended to Heaven, having defeated EVIL, and cleansing the Sin of Humanity?

Yes or No?

20761235? ago

Not literally.

20761331? ago

Then please stop wasting my time with your OBVIOUS CRAP.


20761946? ago

Take the figurative pill.

Learn how the collective consciousness forms ideas, and learn how those ideas guide society and culture. Why is god found between two people speaking? Because that is the foundation of the formation of god. It's the ether upon which we all individually formulate our ideas and work out together the collective will. We work out the idea of god. If that collectivization of intent is from a truth seeking, and loving source, then the light is born. If the collectivization of intent is ritualized, externalized to the idea of the hierarchy and power/control then evil and corruption exists.

If you can't understand this foundational principle, then you are missing a major piece of the great awakening and Q.

20761992? ago

Fuck off Demon.

20762259? ago

He says demoningly...

20760859? ago

You are going around in circles Shill.

20760865? ago

Please explain then. How am I going in circles? Embellish further on your claim that GMOs are corrupting energy flows from corn to human and disrupting "harmonic resonance?"

Actually, first start by explaining what you meant by "harmonic resonance" and then put it in context of GMOs.

20760880? ago

I just did. Sent you a link to start for you on your Journey of Discovery into the unknown. You need to put ALL the pieces together. This is A tidy little video..

20760913? ago

Try again buttercup. Dan Winters isn't a valid source. I'm not going to accept pontification from a plagiarist as an explanation of "harmonic resonance" and "corrupt energy flows." How about putting it in your own words, here and now, because you know so much about it.

20763395? ago

Who knew Vibratron2000 was such an easy way to get them spun up.

20760996? ago

What he is saying in the video is spot on, and it ties in to genetic damage and the argument against using GMOs in general. The Geometry is also great.


20758221? ago

"that's fascist!" -libtards

20758296? ago

Yes. Quite. <

20757693? ago

In some cases, the British labels omit ingredients. For example, the British version of minestrone doesn't have chicken broth listed as the first ingredient, and I didn't see any other liquid listed that would make it into actual soup. American labels have to list ingredients in order of percentages, so you know the first item is the bulk of the product and the last items are there in trace amounts.

The Mountain Dew is a bad example. The American version has orange juice as the main flavor. The British version doesn't even identify what they use to flavor theirs.

20757835? ago

I am a Chef and that should be standard around the world. Fucking with the system, labeling, and our food generally. CONTROL AND EXTERMINATION OF 80 % OF ]US[ IS THEIR GAME). EXTINCTION CULTS? GRETA THUNBERG ET AL. ANITFA. DEATH CULT. PERIOD. PAIN COMING. D5.






20759265? ago

Virus will be released. At the time most are ducking for cover aug next year.

20763872? ago

kek, with phone fuckery i read that as "most are fucking for cover" initially! :)

20759522? ago

Got to fight HARD every day or it's Game Over. Z. <

20757616? ago

I'd let her cook my dinner.

20757582? ago

https://unvis.it/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-7508903/Food-activist-shows-comparisons-U-S-U-K-ingredients-lists-products.html :

2019-09-27 | Food activist shows comparisons between U.S. and U.K. ingredients lists in the SAME products | Daily Mail Online

"While Kelloggs said they 'won't sacrifice the great taste and quality' by removing the ingredients, Vani was pleased that they had taken note of the criticism.", "She believes that U.S. companies continue to sell the artificial ingredient-laden products because they're 'cheaper to produce' and 'they can get away with it'.", "While calling out the differences, she slammed the food companies involved for 'poisoning consumers for profit. ''Although artificial dyes are common in America, that doesn't make them safe to eat,' Vani said.", "Earlier this month, the cereal company Kelloggs responded to Vani after a petition for them to stop adding the preservative BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) and artificial food dyes to their children's cereals."

'To make matters worse, they add high fructose corn syrup, cellulose gum, and artificial preservatives to the U.S. version. '

This has been an automated message.

20761577? ago

[butylated hydroxytoluene]

20757566? ago

This is about the only reason I fear Brexit.

20760743? ago

Irish will keep feeding the Brits no matter the outcome of Brexit id say, and we produce top notch food. Sure it’s already being talked about here that if a border has to go up we’ll just ignore it as long as the Brits do the same: Irish solution to a British problem!