21332560? ago

Eric Cia*

20729752? ago

This is one of the better discussions I’ve seen on this board. I’m glad many of you are open to the existence of highly classified “time travel” tech like Project Looking Glass. That Wingmakers.us site has some interesting ideas too. The ET angle is covered well on a lot of other sites and is definitely worth your time. I suspect we are being assisted by highly advanced beings who are helping us through this difficult transition.

20731623? ago

When I find rediculous bullshit like this comment, I look nearby to find the juicy nuggets that someone is trying to smokescreen...

20729421? ago

Ok please bear with me here. I've been pondering how the Q drops predict future events too. I also add another behaviour event into the mix, and that is the fearlessness of POTUS. Both of continence and in his physical behaviour at events.

... what if, what if God, our good God of the universe sent an angel to enlighten the POTUS/Q camp? !! What if Archangel Michael is there every day to give advice from God himself? ... just an idea...

20734559? ago



Sub contractors 400

Whom talks like a diciple of JC.

Could be an angel?

Whos chosen!?

If so how many 144000


Some how, could you be talking to 1 in 7000? Would modern day reincarnations / resserections take place with high iq as per se to deal with modern times?

Your on the right path these are all in my conversations in my rl conversations.

Would you know if JC or his diciples or his angels spoke?

What actually happend on 1111? Whom did it? Who directed it? Was it a divine driven day? Q knows

The contractor knows. The subs most likely know.



21258087? ago

I am going back and re-reading this thread. I have missed some comments, like this Gem. <

But we have of course been chatting for some time now... ;)

It is all starting to come together you realize?

There are some good decodes to see here that I have updated. <


Take care Fren.


21265560? ago

Art as functional energy.

Saw somthing today and thats what came from it. Ill have to send a photo. So you can see what inspired the reply.

21258182? ago

I had another vision.

Its all there in the q post my friend it came too me last night how. An annon suggested the real info is in the photos. This is how its done. Q suggested thst the photos had a hidden layer, my guess is the layers are like 4,5,6,8 ,11 layers deep. When you seperate the layers into numbers ie code it becomes like the universe vast and spacial kind of like the inside of our brain. But sorting the layers in 5d space is the tricky part need a fancy new quantum pc. Then all the information is free for everyone.




We have everyhting we just need to break it.

21258430? ago

In the early days when I was learning the code/comms. before I posted my Gematria decodes, I was doing Gematria analysis on every aspect of Q's posts, and the pictures therein. <

If you right click on the file and save as, it has a different file name to the one named in plain sight. <

There is much Gematria here.

I will go back and find all the clues that were left for us. It is a HUGE task.



21272240? ago

Inc q message. The key is in the differences. Keystone dna is in the differences of races our orgin story. We have more than we know.


21271472? ago

The we unos were dancing with light sabers to shadilay. And moshing. Proud as pi.

21271655? ago

Oh we dancin'!

21277931? ago

Whats up fren..?

21278326? ago

Writing the foundations for an explanation of The Satanists, Libertarians, Rabbinical Judaism, The Catholic Church and The Vatican, Secret Societies, The Music and Film Industry, Epstein and his Island. NXIVM, and how they all tick and work together. They are all one you see. Australia and NZ are very important Global players in this scene. <

It is so BIG that even I cannot believe what I have discovered.

It will take much work to check it all, present it right, and to do it justice.

Put it this way Fren: I get it now. And I mean REALLY get it.

I thought I knew what I was talking about before, but now the Veil has literally been lifted, and I am reeling in horror at the sick reality of things. Shell shocked to say the least.

I must also go back to Q's posts and tie those in too, as I get them ALL now fully.

Princes of Hell. <

All I can say Sir is > WOW!

21283026? ago

And the joos take turns torching thier counter tops during holiday, for like a week ish. Dem bugs.


21284257? ago

They use people as the Alter in their ceremonies. <

21286307? ago


21282976? ago

Two sides one side wants to save the earth other side wants it to decend into darkness, so they can remain . If it decends into dark they get thier mass sacrifice, if we expose and change the light to a higher vibration they loose, which has mostly occured. Just need to put the dying dog down now. Hence every dog has its day.

Knowing is half the battle, 1 % of speration. I thought to myself why havent we told everyone so we can prepare? Why keep it a secret ? And the answer was good vs evil Ego. Self preservation vs the race. I did my part came to a place where i could survive now the question becomes can we save the race. I think i have given enough to those worthy to do with what they may. If it expands outward so be it. If they choose to listen then the p.e.p.e changes in their favor. Its like god saves thos who save themselves, we can not change the things we can not change. Alchoholics cant be helped they have to help themsleves hard truths are and tough love require a faith beyond modern existence.

Me too in seminary housing. Some things are fubar but are also for a reason it made me stronger in the end nearly killed my soul but hell has no furry like a scorned soul.

Post 1441<

Post 144

Post 4441

Post 1444.

What is hidden in plain site perhaps Tesla towers?

Alien hardware?

The photos. All metal buildings? Exo skeltons? Odd colorations? Squares on top of buildings..... WE HAVE MORE THEN WE KNOW.

21283840? ago

1441 photo save as file name Gematria reveals these notable results >

like a dog 106 384 64 16

melania 106 330 55 14

al qaida 106 270 45 12

decode me 106 324 54 12

gold backed 106 384 64 2

kalergiplan 253 636 106 11

foxnews 1391 636 106 10

fisa 106 210 35 2

bank of england 226 636 106 4

book of hecate 290 636 106 4

the sangraal 353 636 106 4

snowflake 1122 636 106 4

night thief 292 636 106 2

pi crust 542 636 106 2

hillary rc 621 636 106 2

obama the feign 264 636 106 2

farage for pm 326 636 106 2

avicii sos 961 636 106 2

barack obama done 280 636 106 2

clintons 352 636 106 2

liquifier 408 636 106 2

the rfid chip 292 636 106 2

the children 282 636 106 2

excavating 1166 636 106 2

the dark art 389 636 106 2

d n c retards 407 636 106 2

black hellhole 172 636 106 2

puzzle 1285 636 106 2

they live 1247 636 106 2

was a diddle kid 1061 636 106 0

payback time 621 636 106 0

poke the bear 326 636 106 0

isis defeated 328 636 106 0

jewish agenda 1670 636 106 0

periscope 362 636 106 0

snuff film 407 636 106 0

conan the dog 308 636 106

q hand genocide 246 636 106 0

stay awake 1508 636 106 0

codebreakers 335 636 106 0

21283441? ago

"co-incindentally" > 1441 and 1444 have been time stamps in videos from The White House, and I have done Gematria on them but not published yet. > Multi layered Gematria.

I must study the Tesla material much further. I have already studied the numbers and how it relates to the 3, 6, and 9.

I get the concept, but I am not an Engineer, so I would require help to build any Tech.

I am interested in Free Energy.

This is THE MOST important thing to solve for the future.


'o-o' <

21288868? ago


21258566? ago

Fucking understatement of eternity.

Like 8.

20734326? ago

Folks should check out the classic, but not really known about film from the late 1930s to early 1940s called "Gabriel in the White House." I saw it a while back on AMC. It's about an American President that positively reforms the US and, in effect, the rest of the world. Interestingly enough, how the story goes spookily hearkens to what is going on at this period in time.

21258763? ago

Anonymous View

Gabriel Over the White House is a 1933 American pre-Code political fantasy

Pre code?....hmmm interdasting choice of words.

20731642? ago

Oh please. Religious smokescreen.

20730025? ago

Q = Michael, interesting!

20730016? ago



20725832? ago

POTUS tweet correction: Their crimes, misdemeanors, treason

“Is their a case for impeachment? Absolutely not!” There is no high crimes or misdemeanors, no treason, no extortion, no treason.” RD Robert Ray

“Is there a case for impeachment? Absolutely not! There is no high crime or misdemeanor, no crime, no extortion, no treason.” Robert Ray

20725639? ago

Nice work anon!

20725634? ago

Looks good to me! Gj!

20725626? ago

thank you for the dig, this is exactly what we are supposed to be doing, looking at last Q drops with what is going on today.

We have more than we know.

20725582? ago

Remote Viewing works, whaddya' know.

If you knew truth, you'd never sleep again...

20726470? ago

Remote viewing is demonic. There is an interview with that military remote viewing guy and Malachi Martin on Coast to Coast AM. You should give it a listen. I hope that is NOT what they are doing.

20765442? ago

I will not listen. I have listened to radio host after radio host act shocked, day after day, yet just continue rolling on with their next guest.

If you don't get that is a problem in itself, you are trapped inside their psyops permanently.

When remote viewing, and other proven abilities become a religion, you 'satan' types are going to have get your pitch forks agains and act like monsters. As has been done in the past.

Demonic... childish fear predicated on nothing more than illusion and fear. If god makes one, god makes all. If god gives you courage, you shouldn't have anything to fear and certainly have no rite to claim something you do fear, is demonic.

20728936? ago

Malachi Martin? Scumbag Jesuit.

He once said, (on C2C), that when Jesus' side was pierced,

that Christ "bled like a stuck pig". He falsely prophesied regarding

who would be the last Pope, along with countless other bullshit.

"Major" Ed Dames? Con-man extraordinaire.

His "service" was "so secret", that there is no record of it. The rail of a man with a bowl hair cut, made so many false predictions, I can't even begin to remember them all. How about "THE KILL SHOT"? Yeah...The KILL SHOT. He shucked a lot of his "Remote Viewing Training Packages" though.

George Snorey had Dames on again, about 2 years ago. Too bad he didn't ask Dames about what ever happened to THE KILL SHOT that was going to destroy half of the life on Earth. I only tune in to C2C to keep an eye on the BULLSHIT that is being sold to people like the above Anon.

Art Bell? Give me a fucking break.

Don't even get me started on this fraud. He never wanted to talk about "things that go bump in the night". He started his Sunday night show, "Dreamland", to keep people from talking about "conspiracy theories" on his weekly/nightly political show. His plan backfired, because it only caused more Conspiracy Theorists to call during the week.

He hated it, and openly professed such. If you think otherwise, it is because you were ALSO late for that whole party. Not going to bother to explain it much more. But if you started listening to C2C when it was already a conspiracy/ufo/etc. program, you don't know shit about how it all started. Bell hated the fact that the conspiracy callers "plagued" his weekly POLITICAL show. He of course, was smart enough to acquiesce to the audience's demands, when he realized the huge boost in ratings. He then rode the wave and took all of the credit for the change to his show that he previously had despised.

Art Bell was never on our side. He was a Gatekeeper. And if you don't know that, you need to read more, lurk more, and shut the fuck up in the mean time.

Remote viewing "demonic"? Tell that to John the Revelator or Daniel. Tell them that having an experience where you see the future is "demonic". Being a Boomer myself, I have a low tolerance for Boomer idiots like 20726470. Uneducated, under-knowledged, and way, way, late to the party. But keep thinking that you are informed. Bet you listen every single night to George Snorey, glued to the radio as if your life depended on it.


20729998? ago

well tell me, who should i glue myself to an electronic device for??!?eleven??

20726774? ago

How is it demonic?

20729943? ago

Curious as well. Lots of things "seem demonic" but are beneficial. Perhaps, "to a point"???

Energy healing is one such oddness. Jin Shin Jyutsu, "Quantum Healing" (a book), and other energy healing methodologies involve hand placement and deep breathing. Seems a common component, and also of "laying on of hands."

That latter is in Scripture, so I'm pretty sure it's something worth doing.

That said -- I don't want to sin; I don't want to abominate; and I don't want to be demonic.

20765410? ago

It is not demonic. It is an innate gift within everyone. Like gods, but never gods. All holy books refer to awakening the spirit within in some capacity.

Christianity, at its core, is just another coven. The legal system today is a result of christians and pagans trying to sort out the law of the land and the law of the sea. Catholics and Jews bastardized as much as any other group. Once you dig deep into how laws are created, what the words mean (legal and religious) you quickly see the only holy war being waged is fanatics trying to tell other men and women what to do or how to live.

To call something demonic with nothing more than a book written by multiple authors and edited hundreds, if not thousands of times, shows the sort of issues we all face trying to leave free in the land of freedom.

20726447? ago

I know the truth and sleep like a baby. It's a choice to know your enemy. By choosing to know, you won't be shocked by knowledge gain.

20725262? ago

Look I cant share this and it may not even be anything. Can someone make a new post for me?

Today after reading the whistleblower account I connected some dots. In June 19 trump said he would take info from another country on his hypothetical he said Norway. This is mentioned in the account.

Now today, the relevant country for this is Ukraine.

Wondering how they are connected if at all I started googling/ddg. Crowdstrike+ukraine+norway

I get some articles relating to crowdstrike doing security work for nor-shipping.

And when you start looking at the maritime related stuff between norway and ukraine you can see there is a huge connection between those countries and the maritime industry.

I dont know what all this means and I'm not great at digging, but Q did say watch the water and I cannot help but feel like this may be related.

I will try sharing in a few threads today.

Try 2

21258465? ago

What did we find in the north sea?

20724927? ago

Remember that time Trump tweeted Q Code and told us it was Seth?


20724901? ago

JA has a dead man's switch in place. That's why he ain't DEAD. Simples.

'o-o' <

20724885? ago

Biff knows 88MPH. -o-o-

20724980? ago

8 + 8 = 16 >

1 + 6 = 7 >

7 = The divine number before the octave hits infinity at 8, after which we push through to 9 [CLOUD NINE]. The whole WORLD is going to change and you won't believe your eyes!

Get it?


'o-o' <

20746160? ago

Bingo! And they know it but as hard as they try NUMBERS NEVER LIE They will fail. The Truth is their for all to see in everything created. No Coincidences.They can only hide it from the weak Brainwashed fools.

20746879? ago

Thank you Patriot. You get it.

Numbers = Letters = Sounds = Colors = Shapes (Geometry).

Pi and Phi are they keys to The Kingdom.

All is one, and connected through Mathematics.

That is why I do this work. It's hard AF, and draining, but those that CAN do it, SHOULD.

Peace, and may The Holy Spirit be upon you, within you, ALWAYS, and in ALL WAY.

Kindest regards,

The Number Fag.




'o-o' <

20732049? ago

but will i be able to pay my bills?

20732101? ago

Start putting energy into the system in a calculated way, and energy (money) will flow straight back to you, and your bills will be paid.

One cannot stand in front of the "Stove of Life" and say "give me some heat", without first putting some wood (fuel/energy) into it. Then it takes a spark and attention to get going. It is after this point the fire starts roaring like a train.

Have faith in the knowledge that The Universe is unfolding exactly as it is intended.



21255945? ago

Not sure who you are. But with this new info coming out about mayan calendars and such and 7 being said many times and people of the corn or something of that such. But im biting now. Did you know that when we had this conversation previously? I remember something about when the mayan calendar ended last time we enter the 7th iteration or such. Is this all related? I have so much to learn.

21258823? ago

Movie people of the corn. Hmmm.

21257837? ago


Yes I know you > your writing style. <

I have been having visions lately > Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and my Synesthesia has been acute. The Gematria is all lining up nicely.

Yes I did know about The Mayan Calendar. My prior timeline ended on 21st Dec 2012. My wife of 24 years left me that day, and took away my children, so I remember it well. I have been on the 'Hero's Journey' ever since. <

Have you read this post? >



ii) CODES & DECODES EXPLAINED > THE MASONIC WAR FOR CONTROL OF PLANET EARTH - An insight into 5th Dimensional Thought - By NMBRFG > 'o-o' < PART 2


Plus >

All NMBRFG Decodes in one post by The NumberFag - As requested - 5:5 - D5- 'o-o' <


Read the first post above thoroughly > It's for mind expansion purposes.

Everything goes in cycles and by The Numbers. So it much be that we reach a new octave at 8 (7 is a DIVINE number).

Please stay in touch Fren.



20734581? ago

Hehe i just gave up on money and let it have no power over me cause i embraced my faith in my self and skillz . Took a leap and refused to work for others and chose self . Salt will soon be a commodity worth holding. Faith in self and the universe so agree. Hard to grasp if one has fears and asleep.


20734637? ago

That's beautiful. Just perfect fren. I too am going to work for myself shortly. Information is worth something apparently, and I much to offer. Take care.

'o-o' <

20732830? ago

Vortex Math, you say, huh?

20733097? ago

Yep. Mod 9.


Then watch these for hours. It re-wires your brain: >




20727718? ago

binary 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 etc..

1 2 4 8 7 5 | 1 2 4 8 7 5

Vortex math

3 and 6 oscillate.





9 is everything and nothing, simultaneously.





9+any number = that number.




20731861? ago

Yes that is EXACTLY where I am coming from. SPOT ON. :)

I just woke up and have slave Matrix tasks to complete today, but I have reams of information and calculations on this specifically for you..

9 is a Master number >

Mod 9 Vortex Based Mathematics is the key to Zero Point Energy. I have much research I have put together, but it is not complete, and not collated. Remember that energy that's flows in one direction (+ve etc.) also has the reverse sequence happening at the same time, in order for balance to exist (super symmetry). A reminder that energy/matter are one, and neither can be created or destroyed, just altered.

Connect this sequence visually vis a vis Sacred Geometry, to numbers and their corresponding colors, and then start linking corresponding letters to numbers via Latin (English) Gematria.

ALL of it ties in together. Imagine glyphs (symbols) spinning and moving in every direction, but dependent on the energy state and intentions in the system at the time.

When you gain enough knowledge of geometry and mathematics, your brain will start making connections you have never seen before. It's like lifting a veil of confusion. Pi and Phi are you next home work assignments.

Very well done indeed.


Kindest regards,




'o-o' <

20731723? ago

This is so beautiful...

21258101? ago

That's because it is The KEY. <

20729847? ago

love vortex math!

20728258? ago

I was born on 29/09/69

20726442? ago

Figures lie and liars figure.

20731672? ago

Numbers smokescreen.

20724684? ago

I believe that one of three things are going on. 1) There is a Looking Glass that can see somewhat of the future and this is closely guarded by the military and has been used. 2) The military has an AI system that is so beyond the scope of what "they" want us to know. This AI system can run billions of Game Theory possibilities and very accurately account with a percentage the chance of the event happening. Combine this with military planning and you basically can predict the future. 3) Maybe they both exist and the military is using both.

20724943? ago

What about all the Cheshire [CATS] in the continuum? You Anons don't get this at all! Disappointing but understandable.




'o-o' <

20725783? ago

Expand your sharing of this knowledge.

Unless you intend to deceive....

20727572? ago

He's shared a ton of great info. I think (by looking at his reply, and he can correct me if I'm wrong), that he may mean IT to be the creative universal rhythm that can't be controlled or predicted, but rather worked around from a higher dimension where linear time doesn't exist and everything is happening at once.

If you've never seen the movie Arrival, I highly recommend it. It's pretty dang relevant & may explain it in a way I can't.

20725894? ago

No deceit.

You see, IT can't be told. It's not like that. You won't understand. I can help on the journey, but it is ultimately up to you...

I won't abandon those still asleep. This is why I am here. The only reason apart from fighting Evil.

There is a reason it is called "THE GREAT AWAKENING".

Check in here tomorrow, and I will have much more for you. Patience Anon. I feel your frustration. I too was confused and frightened.

Take care.

Kindest regards,




'o-o' <


Love to you.

20731563? ago

I stumbled upon the term the Christ frequency a couple of months back and through that found a series of books written by Paul Selig. The first is called I Am the Word. It is a channeled book which guides you into raising your frequency and allowing the energy to flow through you and raising ones consciousness.

Has anyone read these books? I'm looking for answers and there is so much misdirection. I believed and felt it when I was much younger but was ridiculed into lethargy and I'm trying to find my way back. Any relevant information would be greatly appreciated.

20732045? ago

Wow. Where do I start. There are so many of you craving this information. It's not easy to piece it together.

Have you read my previous posts. There are gold nuggets in every post and comment. Please re-read them. Much being put together for Anons. Thanks for your patience.



20727474? ago

I'm very interested in what you have to say but I'm afraid I will miss your post tomorrow. I'm still kind of ignorant to voat on how to follow an anonymous person.

20731279? ago

I will find you. I don't miss details of those interested in my work. Thanks.


20729722? ago


20725296? ago

Please explain. You seem to know. Any crumbs that you can throw at me would be appreciated.

20735628? ago

Hi. I have not forgotten you. I am just busy working on multiple projects. I must think very carefully about what information I will provide you, and the way it will be given. Thanks for your ongoing patience and understanding.

Kindest regards,


'o-o' <

20736684? ago

I am willing to learn and I want to be able to move out of 3D to 5D

20725523? ago

People that exist conciously in this place (5d+), don't talk about it. It MUST be experienced to be understood. It's living in the higher realms of your mind, which is actually you in much higher realms. You don't just exist here in your 3D physical shell (Meat suit), you are really somewhere else; you are fractal, and what you think, feel, and say, is recorded FOREVER, on display to EVERYONE, and you can't hide anything at all. Think the Truman Show. That is what you are experiencing in this reality. It's enough to make you crap yourself at first.

Pleased wake up, but do it gradually, or you'll end up in a Mental Ward. It's hard to understand, but once you start your journey of understanding, your mind will LITERALLY ascend to higher realms.

Many that walk among you know this, but are silent, as this truth cannot be discussed openly without repercussions.

"To talk about IT, ain't about IT".

Why do you think (((they))) and The Freemasons are so powerful. They don't need to speak to communicate, and it puts the rest of Humanity at a disadvantage, hence the state of this world. Pray to GOD and Jesus, and have the power of The Holy Spirit upon you ALWAYS, and in ALL ways.



'o-O' <

20725624? ago

Thank you...but I have heard about this and I want to know more. I want to know how I can train my mind to get there. What can I do? Can you help me get there? I know that the truth can not be discussed, but there has to be a way to train the willing, the ones that want to be awake and not stuck in sleep forever. Please instruct me.

20735586? ago

Hi fren. I am just checking in on you. HRU? Any progress on your end since our conversation yesterday?

20736671? ago

I'm focusing on more love and no hate. All positive and no negative. I want to be awake and headed to 5D.

20736768? ago

There is a lot of work to do Anon, not going to sugar coat it.

When IT happened to me, I nearly went insane.


'o-o' <

20736954? ago

I'm not looking for easy at all, just a path that I can take, and maybe someone to guide me and instruct me. If it were easy everyone would be in 5D.

20737256? ago

I have promised to help you. And I will.

20737345? ago

I need to find a way to contact you through email and not through this thread

20737971? ago

Pleasure to meet you. I live on the other side of the world, so bear in mind it is c. 2.20 am here...

20738086? ago

it came through

21257922? ago

Hi. Are you well? <

20738135? ago

Great. Now we are in business.


20737808? ago

Did you get the contact?

20737841? ago

no...did you send something?

20737918? ago

[email protected]

You have 3 minutes. Then this message will self destruct.

20737896? ago

just emailed you.

20737834? ago

got it. Now delete your details please.

20737472? ago

Got it?

20737437? ago

write this down now as it will disappear in 120 seconds: -

[email protected]

20734509? ago

Dont wear jewlery, dont listen to post 1920 made music unless its divne, magic sword and such find hidden math (divine) try to ground your bed while you sleep, super ground or earth in a large mineral source lake river pond as often as poss. do 30,60.90 days away from society self reflecting. Find and take nacent iodine, b12 methocabolbin, then liquid ionized milerals. Never use drugs or alcohol. Walk a path no one else walks.

Sincerly helper fag.


20728981? ago

This guy does a ton of very easy to consume and understand videos to expanding consciousness. Very good place to start, in particular look for his 3D > 5D content. It is somewhat literal and metaphorical content, which can bend your mind quite a bit, but he keeps it pretty simple to understand. Once you recognize that we are a vibrational frequency, and that things like 3D and 5D are frequency based, it begins to make more sense.

Think about it this way....I'm driving down the road listening to 93.3 on the radio, does that mean that is the ONLY music that exists, because it is all I can perceive? Or in that same exact space, can I tune into 100.1?

Consciousness basically operates on a scale. Let's say Fear = 0 and Love = 10...as your frequency increases, you move closer to love, and as you hate and get angry, you slide down toward fear. The lower you guy, the more awful of an existence and you will pick up more evil and awful things. As you climb the ladder (5D is said to exist without duality, we literally leave hate/fear/anger behind, because we can no longer conceive of it in our higher vibrational state), you move out of what we know today and just simply no longer can perceive the bad stuff, just like when you are listening to 100.1 you can't hear what is playing on 93.3

20734514? ago

Wat d fug how is fear and anger linked. This is dubious.

20729041? ago


20734519? ago

Most music is co opted the post above is not sound.



20726741? ago

Pray to recieve the Holy Spirit, it is the only way (path).

Ask in the Name of Jesus, and you will feel it come on you - if your whole heart is truly accepting of Him.

God bless, Patriot.

20725730? ago

Start drawing sacred geometry. The flower of life. That's how I started. Then it went to numbers, music, colors, language, patterns etc. Your IQ will at least double. I will help. I must think a bit how to help you all.

It's 2.20.22 seconds AM here atm...

TBA Fren.


20731948? ago

I love this advice, ThanQ.

20731961? ago

You are welcome.

I have a busy day today, but I have you at the forefront of my mind, and will make good on my promises to help you all out. Thanks.


20724663? ago

Yeah, nicely done, anon. Thanks for the food for thought.

20724591? ago

I don't get it, but I believe that you believe it.

20724507? ago

I've always believed the drops aren't linear. They are breadcrumbs of the future. How they know all this is baffling. My only theory is this so strategized, and every move not only assumed but known, that the "game" or "movie" scenario was run and the end was known from the beginning.

20730939? ago

Future proves past

20727448? ago

Same. Yep

20727029? ago

As a physicist this is in my realm of possibilities... but I have it narrowed down to 2 things. As Q says there is no such thing as coincidences. This means one of two options: Quantum Computer Fuckery at the likes that no one has ever seen. Or... Time Travel.

Both concepts are well within the probability and acceptable laws of physics. We know publicly about QC, but time travel would be Class. At the highest level. We have had time travel tech long before quantum computing... so wrap your mind around that. Love and Light to all my motha fuckin patriots... we are taking this shit back... this time for good !!!!!

20734414? ago

Chomps popcorn from the all seeing ^.

Visions everyday now.

I was sent advanced particle physics. The information just flows into me. No uni degree<!

Hmmmm. - + my concept

( +- ) original idea.

+- my concept

-+. My concept this translate to 8 or infinity never ending.

It has to be

Probably shouldnt share that oh well. Basic particle physics was basically a lie taught to us so we wouldnt question the rest.


20734432? ago

Spacing is important and it auto corrects the spacing. :(

20731702? ago


20728918? ago

I don’t think of time travel in the literal sense with regards to Q. The deepstate have been using the same play book since the times of Jesus Christ. Maybe even earlier. They also always telegraph what they’re about to do for some bizarre reason. Like the Illuminati playing cards from the 80’s that describe today’s current events in great detail. If you have the intelligence and are good at reading crumbs it’s possible to predict what the deepstate will do next. Being predictable makes you defeatable. Our military and white hats have had over 20 years to create a plan to undo a what could be a 1000 year old plan from the deepstate.

20729604? ago

This! Their "religion" says they must telegraph their moves. Thus, we just sit, monitoring said telegraph! :)

20727405? ago

man, first thought is time travel but not in the sense of set the dial to X date and time and hit the button, but more like sticking your head into the past or future and getting a good look around

20729600? ago

"Time Scrying"

21279002? ago

"Seeing through Time". <

Be careful doing it. Dangerous.

21283825? ago

Also, if it were a globe spinning madly through "space", then one would not only need the time coordinates; one would need the X, Y, and Z coordinates as well -- and, from what central point? Etc.

If traveling through time and you're off by half a second, you'll be a quarter mile or so up and would go splat -- or, would be embedded in something, and stop circulating.

With the true flat nature as Scripture describes it, though? You just need to move through time, the X, Y, and Z pretty much stay the same (although "Earth changes" might have some effect, like earthquakes and development -- I no longer believe in "tectonic plates" and Pangaea though).

20729842? ago

wow. never heard of that term before. yes, i agree.

21279013? ago

"Scrying, also known by the names of hydromancy, crystal gazing and oculomancy, is the ancient art of revelation.

Traditionally, scrying has been portrayed through the popular image of the psychic gazing over her crystal ball. But scrying, like all esoteric practices, is not about “seeing the future.” The future can’t be seen, it can only be speculated based on present moment information.

The word “scrying” actually comes from the Old English word descry which means “to make out dimly” or “to reveal.” Therefore, scrying is about revealing the unseen through the use of our in-born second sight. Second sight is our capacity to see things that can’t usually be perceived through our five senses.

Spiritual Awakening Book Advertisement image

Scrying was first mentioned in the 10th Century in an Ancient Persian text called the “Shahnameh.” Later, as Christianity rose to power, scrying was outlawed as a work of the “devil.” And yet almost every culture has used some form of scrying: from the Native American’s observation of smoke, to the Egyptians use of oil gazing to gain wisdom. These days, scrying has largely evolved into a pagan practice. But you don’t have to be pagan to experiment with it.

Scrying helps us to get in touch with our unconscious minds: the realm of the soul. As such, it can be used as a powerful form of self-understanding and psychoanalysis. If you’re struggling to find direction, meaning or purpose in life, scrying could be a wonderful way to get in touch with your core needs, dreams and goals.

Usually, scrying is performed with the use of a reflective surface, such as a mirror, water or crystal globe. However, there are many other forms. Here are nine common types:

Wax – This is done by dripping wax onto a water surface. The scryer then interprets the images or words formed from the dried wax.

Cloud – Also called cloud gazing, this form of scrying involves observing clouds and the shapes they form. This is used to gather special information or knowledge.

Mirror – This is perhaps the most popular form of scrying. Also called catoptromancy, this involves relaxing your vision and staring into a mirror. After a while, images and scenes will begin to emerge.

Water – Staring into water, images can be perceived after a time. Objects such as pebbles can also be dropped into the water to create ripples. These ripples are then interpreted.

Oil – This form of scrying can involve pouring oil into a dish, rubbing it on the body, or coating a cup/plate. The scryer then observes the light reflected off the oil for information.

Fire – Possibly the most ancient form of scrying, this type of scrying involves gazing into fiery flames for visions. This can be done through the use of a simple candle or oil lamp. Bonus points if it’s a bonfire!

Smoke – As smoke rises from fire, its ethereal shapes present spiritual messages.

Crystal – This is the stereotypical form of scrying, but nonetheless very effective. It involves the use of a crystal object (usually a ball or globe) to gather special meaning.

Eye – This is unusual! Also called soul gazing, this form of scrying involves looking deep within a person’s eyes and observing the reflections".

21279803? ago

ok, so gonna go with Occam's razor here. at first, i thought, it has to be some form of time travel, or "scrying" as you've enlightened me to. Well, I was watching X22 yesterday and holy shit - Q had cameras in the hussein's SCIFs. So, in this sense, "future means past" is just Q's way of saying, "we knew all of their plans." I have to admit, though. Time travel is way more fucking cool.

21283105? ago

They are LITERALLY recording everything going on. <

"We have it all".

How do you know there aren't Time Windows being used to peer into the past and future, even the present in real time...?

Then there are those can can see and know > Remote viewers, Telepaths and Clairvoyants et alias.

20730045? ago

Learned it myself a few months ago. Carry on, patriot!

20725990? ago

Think about the way PULP FICTION is put together. It is not in order, but makes sense at the end. This is what we are experiencing with Qs posts. Thanks.


20729576? ago

I loved that aspect of it. Dead guy appears in the ending scene.

There was a sci-fi short story decades ago, about a simulation which ran slower than "real time" (which makes sense, as we had e.g. ray-tracing back then which took minutes to draw a single frame, 30 of which appear every second while watching).

The idea in the short story was that the people living in the simulation experienced time as linear; whereas, the people living in the "real world" lived much faster than them. And in addition, sometimes the simulation was calculated on various different computers/devices, and sometimes even, out-of-order!

To those living in it, time progressed one second per second. To those living outside it, not so much.

I love this 11 minute video about 10 dimensions -- we don't need any more than 10!


21258325? ago

Perhaps why i look 10 years younger then i am?

20725794? ago

Everything left to chance may have been resolved before anyone was made aware of it. The dominoes could have been setup, and falling for a long time.

20726129? ago

god, can you imagine if we had been alerted to this years ago? I'm just thankful that if this is the end of it all, and it's winding down, it won't be nearly as unbearable to endure.

20727347? ago

Some people were. Imagine how the architects of the plan must have felt all this time :-o

20729543? ago

Imagine Irwin Schiff, dying in jail for his -- I was going to say "beliefs" but it's more accurately, "knowledge."

20726043? ago

I think it is pretty obvious that the Pyramid of Evil Ones was being watched and fully documented for a very long time.

And an Organization for Human Freedom was being set up with a plan of action for the future. This is the beginning of that future.

From the start of the Q posts, they were naming who, what, where, when, how, and why.

So as not to reveal classified information, much was given in the form of questions rather than statements.

Future proves past.

20724972? ago

It's like the Matrix... they know the programming, they know which buttons to press, we live in a simulation, and the final solution is already known. We just need to become aware of that solution.

20724938? ago

I think that's what the "MAP" was for. I don't think we ever figured it out. But I believe the map was supposed to synchronize these events into order for us and help us match and place drops for the correct dates.

20726103? ago

NMBRFG here.

I was shown a star chart of constellations by a WOKE friend (put it that way).

He left the book open to a page showing the constellation Hercules.

In the center of the formation lies LITERALLY A Keystone. It has multiple meanings, but this is definitely one of them. The Zodiac and Precession of The Equinox is critical to understand here.

Go check it out. Study carefully.

I will have much more for all you wonderful souls tomorrow.


Kindest regards,




'o-o' <

21258442? ago

Maga pic please

Your pal.


20728142? ago


Just the other day.. Last Sunday in fact I did sound for a talk on this subject.. The original paintings of the constellations (6 of them ) were there..

20731749? ago

This I need to study. I will be in touch with analysis. <

20728053? ago

Glastonbury zodiac.. Do you know it ? Laid out in glyphs over the somerset landscape.. Universal star map..ancient .. John Michell covers it in his books

20731510? ago

Digging the connection. TBA.

20724911? ago

There are those that are playing this game well above 3D. That is how they know. [WINDOWS] to the World...

['O-O' <]


20725160? ago

nmbrfg! it's an honor, sir. Fascinating, man. Numbers are the keys to the universe, no question.

20725231? ago

I have posted a lot of material here over the last 12 hours signed with this: 'o-o' <

Look for my work and re-read it.

This material will make you ill. Pray before reading it and looking at the linked photos. Seriously. I was admitted to hospital after researching all this for 3 days last week. Spiritual Warfare is very real.


Take care Anon.




'o-o' <

20724630? ago

I've been thinking possible exponentially or algorithmically like a bomb timer showing "99:99:99:99" counting down exponentially is about 10-12 minutes. Obviously longer for the endgame to manifest here, but a similar idea. I think things will come to a head pretty quickly once certain events are set in motion.

20729195? ago

I like what you described. It aligns with what I learned from Dr. Chuck Missler, who sadly died last year.

The speed of light is not a constant!

It is slowing down.

Thus, both the "Hebrew year" and "carbon dating" could be accurate! That's really neat. And, fits your equation similarly.

20724682? ago

it is definitely all timed and like a puzzle - the more pieces on the board, and the image begins to take shape, the faster they fall into place.

20724894? ago

yeah the 1-yr delta I've noticed....can't be a q-bert and NOT notice that much. You did a great job finding that 2-MONTH delta...does that mean the "bomb timer" has been set in motion?

It's as if we're making a big 5000-piece jigsaw puzzle, ever done one of those? Takes weeks or months...you work on parts then leave it. You'll get several big pieces of it together, but dunno where in the puzzle the big pieces fit. As other smaller pieces get put into place, you find reference points and get an idea "about where" it goes, then finally you find a spot where one or more attaches, and the picture gets even clearer.

I understand the thought process...I'm going through the same thing.

Mainly right now, I'm wondering how Trump can keep the economy from train-wrecking for another year-plus. My education is in business and finance, so I'm watching economic indicators and they're getting so bad some are at pre-'08 crash levels.

For instance, heavy truck orders are down 80% year over year. A couple of carmakers (Ford is one) who won't even ANNOUNCE their numbers, they're so bad anymore. Real Estate is crashing, just yesterday they were saying home sales are at 7-yr lows. LOTS of things at multi-year lows.

Even things that you wouldn't think matter (but do) are negative. Who was it on YouTube, Jeremiah Babe, that guy in Vegas who does daily updates, he says all the high-end stores in Vegas are empty....THAT'S TELLING too, if rich people aren't even spending money.

I keep thinking back to "Gold will destroy the Fed" and here I am, on SS Disability for being shot in the back by a gang, wishing I could work but looking at the same type of news as I was when I was convalescing right after the shooting (Jan 4 2008) and as they say, history may not repeat itself, but I sure am seeing it doing a lot of rhyming.....

21258385? ago

Unfortunately i know now you were set up and shot on purpose. Just like how the cabal stole my house and killed seth. Sorry to tell ya. Stay frothy patriot.

20725310? ago

I've thought about this, but not very deeply. Scenarios:

a) US Economy stays afloat until election because of lower interest rates and more QE. US keep global economies afloat too because of the power of USD/reserve currency. Last shot of heroin, least pain (plan A)

b) US Economy crashes or deep recession before election. Trump / Patriots blame the fed, commies / dems blame trump. Riots ensue (no more free shit). Trump call for Martial Law in the cities, and cleans up the mess. Election delayed, Senate blocks impeachment - again. New system implemented by Trump - Fed is out - gold is in. Trump does not run for reelection, but supports person who will carry on - Don Jr. / Ivanka?. (Plan B)

c) Global collapse led by US collapse. Similar to B, but includes Russia (primarily) and China/India - all of the countries with the most gold (assume we have ours - probably a priority of the Patriots since day 1). EU and other zone have no gold, so they will have to follow suit. Trump and Putin are the (Christian) hero's who save the world, implement a new system, and take down the cabal - all in about a 1-2 year timeframe. The world is awakened to the evil of the cabal, and many are executed for all to see (never happens again).

I'm hoping for A. Them C can happen in a controlled way, that would be the least disruptive / deadly.

20726217? ago

I'm thinking a variant of C but the world economy being bad then finally the US economy goes, taking the rest down for sure with us. What's bothering me is all the shenanagins of the financial system. We may well be in the middle of scenaro (A) now, because I think it was 2 days ago when the dollar went up 70 basis points in a day. That doesn't happen unless something really odd is going on. And some REALLY odd things ARE going on when interbank lending is done at TEN PERCENT overnight. We know the left WANTS to collapse the economy over one person. I'm not sure the left will LET things resolve peacefully because of the junk they've done and are about to be exposed over. They don't care. They WANTED to collapse the USA via illegal immigration and other things....and only stupid people back them up. I'm no fan of either "party" these days. More of a fan of the USA and of the truth!

20726274? ago

Thanks for sharing, good points all. If that were to be the scenario, I still think that the lefty/commies would revolt (resort to violence, just like all commie revolutions.) Q has indicated this to be a potential problem. Given the inevitable violence, a National Emergency / Martial Law would be justified. The tricky part IMO would be keeping the Senate on the side of Trump to quell the violence, but I believe this can be done.

Under (selected) Martial Law, all of the mass-arrests and unsealed indictments can happen, the swamp can be drained (by the Military / Q / Tribunals etc) while Trump resets the US financial system under a gold standard and audits/ends the Fed.

20732441? ago

I sure hope that's how it works out, realistically speaking.

20724598? ago

I came to that conclusion pretty early after I discovered Q. It troubled me greatly that all these future things could be known right down to the smallest details. So I started investigating "other areas" and what is going on is far outside our understanding of reality. How much of that will be disclosed when the time comes I don't know but I'm ready for whichever of the several possibilities it comes to be.

20729107? ago

kek, "when the time comes" means little when dealing with dimensions above ours! They can move through time, and also at higher dimensions move through lower dimensions, including changing the starting conditions!

I love this 11-minute video on the 10 dimensions: https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=p4Gotl9vRGs

20734359? ago

What is 5 d what is 5 e? Not boron but the aether is 5d actually where 5 e meets? Then we have

5 g somhow skipping 5f.





Hmm interdasting

21278990? ago

I wrote that post. <

BTW: >

E = 5 and F = 6 > In Isisian codes 5 = 6. So considering 5 = 6, then E must also equal F, thus no 5f, straight to 5G (G = 7).



20725696? ago

Time is a man made thing, in reality it does not exist. You must unlearn what you have learned or been taught Through schooling etc. IF you can tap into your creator, which I'm sure trump has done, future proves past. Which in reality is here and now. You can go forward and backwards In time,

Deep, but after you learn about your akashic records things become more clear.

20725373? ago

I was a little slow on the draw; but after a couple 1 year delta proofs popped up I really started to consider the possibility that either there's some ultra super-computer that can project into the future, there is some literal time travel going on, or some ET assistance going on behind the scenes.

I have no idea, but I've definitely seen enough now to understand what was meant by mathematically impossible to be coincidence.

20731436? ago

The easiest way to predict the future is to create it.

20731967? ago

“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

― Karl Rove

20725875? ago

Excellent dot connecting, OP. My money is on actual time travel, through the Tesla-Trump connections. Remote viewing and AI could not accurately predict, and even Q team could not control all of the variables that could prevent a proof from coming true.

20725757? ago

It's called NSA Data Center and some major AI to sift through it all.

Then add in some top military strategists, Bad|Good actors, and the screenplay is ready to go. Now we get to watch the Mockingbird Media cull itself "organically" as a few more nonNPCs wake themselves up before the big reveal breaks all the minds of the real NPCs.

20725544? ago

Us military Remote viewing?

20725998? ago


20725253? ago

Right there with you. I think the gravity of it would blow all of our minds, as Q said. They probably played out the plan/movie a million different ways using AI to make sure everything went smoothly. Plus military planning spanning decades.

God it gives me goosebumps.

20726384? ago

Whose AI? MI? NSA? It must be separate from the CIA or it couldn't have been kept a secret.

20726539? ago

Probably NSA/MI breakaway programs or some shit.

20731977? ago


20725593? ago

i agree, they probably played out the different ways the mission could go down. They carefully planing out their strategy to take down the DS years in advance. the white hats could not afford to make any mistakes, otherwise the plan to take over the world would have advanced and we would become their slaves.

20725168? ago

I agree and I have tried to explain this to some. Wow, that was a mistake.

20726602? ago

Yeah me too. You know what I do now? I don't bother unless someone has already proven to me that they're somewhat awake, or unless they ask me outright.

It's just too frustrating and a waste of time and energy on my part. I know it doesn't help the cause, but it does keep me from being less angry.

20734327? ago

He he i can so relate to wwhat is being discussed for me its not weather they are woke or not its more are they worthy.

20727784? ago

I agree I am at the point that being called names is just too annoying to bother with it. I think it has to get really really bad before most of this world wakes up!

20724650? ago

Very well said

20724611? ago

agree 100%

20724470? ago

When watching a movie, the ending is already known by the creators of the show.

You have more than you know.

20724655? ago

like a good murder mystery, only on steroids and nuclear power. The funny thing is we do know the answer...."the Progressives did it."

20729065? ago

Professor Progressive; with The Internet; in The Globe.

20734558? ago

Or Wigger in the White House with a pen and a phone.

20724461? ago

Good Find anon. +1