20658059? ago

You might be right but only Faggots say Full Stop

20657228? ago

I know most goyim are dumb but I’m call bullshit. Metal doors on the next gas chambers


Just before the Prime Minister and I came in here tonight, we received petitions for peace signed largely by college students that were presented by Jonathan Epstein of Trinity College and Abigail Michelson of Brandeis, and I'd like to thank them. I think they're over here. I thank them very much for what they did for that.

20655217? ago

who owns and operates the worlds biggest banks, media, private universities, congress, hollywood, small hats. .

20657245? ago

You linked to bill clinton

I know most goyim are dumb but I’m call bullshit. Metal doors on the next gas chambers


Just before the Prime Minister and I came in here tonight, we received petitions for peace signed largely by college students that were presented by Jonathan Epstein of Trinity College and Abigail Michelson of Brandeis, and I'd like to thank them. I think they're over here. I thank them very much for what they did for that.

20657327? ago

You linked to bill clinton

Where? Fuck that pedo POS. Are you gaslighting?

20656078? ago

Jesuits are crypto Jews.

20656411? ago

You're a useful idiot if you really believe that.

20656499? ago

People wouldn’t be fighting so hard if it were bogus. Crypto Jews or whatever they all worship the devil and deserve the oven.

20655229? ago

Big nose, small hats, rubbing hands.

20655293? ago

isn't it hooked nose? think ill watch borat again for the jew jokes :) was watching Dracula dead and loving it yest, mostly jew actors lots of Mel Brooks. damn it was sad, didnt laugh at anything but their stupidity, and racism.

20655424? ago

It's the Roman nose.. https://g.co/kgs/bqKDCF

20655015? ago

Jesuits Judeans Secret Societies all the same to me. They all work for the same culprit. SATAN

20655006? ago

I thought it was the niggers

20655022? ago

Wouldn’t hurt to have them removed as well

20654999? ago

OP just might work for William Donahue and the Catholic League. They love to blame the Jews and hate on women. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1999842

20655087? ago

Just another group being controlled by the Jews, just like this poster here.

20654978? ago

Even if the Jesuits were secretly giving marching orders to the Jews, which I doubt, the fact the Jews are allies to communist Jesuits shows why the Jewish community's influence in the West is a threat.

20655056? ago

Except the Jesuits have been controlled by the jews, like ther catholic church.

Pointing out the Jesuits is simply misdirection.

20655088? ago


20654957? ago

OP is a jew

20655008? ago

Yeah, you figured me out. A jew shifting the blam onto jews so the some other group to stay secret. “Israel doesn’t have nukes it’s the Jesuits that do!” Fucking lunatic.

20655113? ago

I just said you were a jew

nothing about nukes

20655130? ago

Does Israel have nukes?

20654903? ago

The Samson option?

20655104? ago

I bet your pardon?