20514252? ago

Good info but since when does the government need things to be legal to do them?

20512673? ago

Thanks for providing this.

20511849? ago

.gov is financially (and morally, ethically, legally) bankrupt, we can't pay back the debt. The entire world is awash with unrepayable debt, now struggling to make the interest payments, and the central banking cabal won't let go of their "Precious" debt.

To keep the con going, they printed money, silo-ing it out of public sight. This is money owed by people (you and your progeny) who have no participation in its creation or its expenditure. This hyperinflation , $22 Trillion, is protected as a state secret under FASB 56 quietly passed during the Kavanaugh hearings. A doubling of the national debt to satisify the cabal.

The cancellation of Smith-Mundt protection allows .gov to lie freely to the public.

Not only about hyperinflation, but Russia-gate, 911, false flags and hoaxes, etc.

This is how serious our situation has become.

When things get serious you have to lie.

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Debt, failing to be repaid, goes back to whence it came. Thin air.

20513438? ago

i agree with you - i didn’t know about the debt doubling while justice K’s drama unfolded. i had hope that trump was control crashing the DS economy to rebuilt with gold, but that just sounds too goy to be true.

20514039? ago

What happens today has been planned for years, maybe since 2008 and beyond. They've gone through all the computer simulations. The entire global economy is more or less in a controlled demolition created by ever onerous interest and unpayable, gargantuan, overhanging, crushing debt.

The debt is the problem. It was created out of thin air and to thin air it must be retired.

50 or 100 year bonds, just crazy. Banksters take a big piece off the front and could care less about 4 generations from now. They will have confiscated most of it by then with negative interest rates and inflation of the money base.

20522687? ago

crushing debt - sounds biblical

20511599? ago

Interesting but wouldn't the 1948 act supersede the 2012 act? Anyways it's here nor there, we all know they all lie day in day out abut motives and intentions.

20511370? ago

Also R.I.P. the Fairness Doctrine. Similar life-span. 1949 to 2011.

Yet this is supposed to be the "woke" generation.

20511122? ago

dont forget that obama made it legal for the "news" to lie

20510834? ago

Well, that doesn't save them from 9-11

Just ask PaPa Bush

Oh, wait....

20510799? ago

I fully agree. Prior to the TDS takeover of the MSM in November of 2016, most people assumed the MSM could not lie. Only those questioning DS fakery (you know, ‘conspiracy theorists’) were led on a path to the discovery of the Matrix (from Titanic to Reishtag to Kennedy to 9/11 to false flags, hoaxes and crisis actors). It’s like the world IS the carnival in Pinocchio. Now, the puppets, and some puppeteers and their agents are being exposed, and it seems to require an act of will to maintain ignorance that ‘something isn’t right’.

20509697? ago


20508004? ago

"When we get done, it will be like you were never even here."

20507973? ago

Hmmmmmm, I wonder who was president then??

20507467? ago

Weird, you’d think they’d tell us about this in the news.

20507465? ago

Why has Pres Trump not done anything about this?

20509630? ago

Maybe for the time being he is using their law against them, at least until they are defeated and then he can change it. Just like he is doing with the NSA spying.

20513457? ago

when i’m high on hopium this is what i think. supplies are running low though, stopped daily rations and only apply weekly

20510059? ago

I hope that is what the case is!

20507483? ago

Not sure. He has the power to declassify anything merely by speaking of those things

20507083? ago

Honestly, why do we even have Congress at this point. All they do is hurt the American people. Maybe would should just fire all of Congress and start over with real patriotic Americans.

20506737? ago

Hearing about that one NDAA (passed over Christmas recess, I think) in 2012 which made me wake up to how evil Obama could be.

20511407? ago

The Smith-mundt modernization Act was sponsored by Republican rep Thornberry and passed by the Republican majorities in the house then the Senate. It was enacted into law as part of the NDAA signed by Obama. Obama did not create the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act. Republicans did.

20512154? ago

Similarly, President Trump has used dem operatives, like Stormy, the Squad, Twitter, etc.

20506265? ago


should be plastered everywhere

20512144? ago

If you put a "\" in front of the "#", it won't remove the "#" and turn the line into a heading.



20512690? ago

this is a golden tip. thanks, Anon!

20512806? ago

You're welcome. A broader tip -- if something doesn't look right in Preview, see what's missing (i.e., in this case the "#" was missing) and put a "\" in front of it, then preview again. :)

20513089? ago

yup yup. i love using Preview. i often catch my misspellings in that mode. :)

20506207? ago

Bring it back. I'm tired of MSM Propaganda.

20506108? ago


20506107? ago

Behind your curve? Or mine? Cause mine isn't dictated by dead men or communists.

20506054? ago

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20506053? ago

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20505883? ago

So why hasn't POTUS turned this back?

20505820? ago

The government has been lying to us all since before 2012.

20505702? ago

No one should be under the illusion that Smith-Mundt stopped all illegal activity prohibited by the law. It was done anyway and the public has let it slide or been twarted by the swamp.

20505697? ago

Barrack December 23rd 2012 before midnight when everyone else was on holiday already.....

20505556? ago

This is nice to know, but in reality, those of us with half a brain (or more) are well aware of the fact that our Government has been feeding us bullshit and lies for many years.

The question we have yet to face is this: what are we going to do to change this? What are we going to do to stop this practice, to restore our faith in this Great Republic? To hold these liars accountable for their deception and rampant corruption? To take OUR power back and return it to WE THE PEOPLE?

We can bitch and moan about how bad it is, how there is a two tiered justice system, how evil the bastards are (willing to murder, steal, lie, cheat just to hold on to their power)..OR we can work together to stand up as one Nation and fight this shit.

20514000? ago

We are currently doing just what you say. POTUS and the Patriots are slowly dismantling all the crap. It takes time because of the corrupt justice system. "When I am finished, it will be like you were never here".

20505322? ago

Lock em up !!

20505267? ago

Remind Q to remind Trump,he is as guilty as any of them.

20505488? ago

How do you expect some random sweaty neckbeard master troll going to tell Trump anything?

20505564? ago

Q is what it is

20505119? ago

Now what president was in office when this went down lol

20505020? ago

In other words, jews completely control the narrative.

20504830? ago

you're literally the only other person I've seen say anything about this. I've been telling people for quite a while about this as to the reason(s) the MSM is doing what they're doing: Because Obutthead stripped the Smith-Mundt to do exactly the opposite of its original purpose.

Well done, Anon.

20507856? ago

Yeah, the gubmint totally never lied before 2012 lol

20509941? ago

Never said or implied it didn't...that's 100% your snarky take on it. The point made is that it was MADE LEGAL TO DO by the 2012 "revision". They were at least somewhat subtle beforehand, but after 2012 it was just in your face.

Try to think a little next time.

20510851? ago

Gulf of Tonkin was subtle? Lol

20510075? ago

You’re a moron.

From the OP: “One of the amendments within the NDAA sanctions the US government, without restriction, the use of any mode of message to control how we perceive our world”

Did you actually read the bill or nah?

20513767? ago

So not going to get into a pseudo-intellectuals world view on things. Yes, I read the bill. The Revision of the Smith-Mundt was an obstacle in the way of the NDAA's directives, thus LEGALLY it could be fought in court. The revision removed that obstacle.

Now, go play with the rest of the kids...adults are adulting here.

20516042? ago

Yes yes I'm the pseudo intellectual yet you paraphrased something that isn't anywhere in the bill.

The NDAA for that year - bill HR 1540 is linked in it's entirety here - https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/1540/text

It doesn't mention anything about the Smith-Mundt act in any way, shape or form, nor does it touch on anything close to your original claim of "One of the amendments within the NDAA sanctions the US government, without restriction, the use of any mode of message to control how we perceive our world"

I think what you're referring to is HR 5736, which was introduced 6 months later

H.R.5736 - Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012


That was cosponsored by a D from WA and a R from CA and appears at first glace to be sketchy but appears to just add a department - "Broadcasting Board of Governors" to establish protocol for dissemination of official information we produce to foreign counties.

Would be happy to look at any provision of either bill you think supports your claim

20522293? ago

Literally, "States that such provision shall: (1) not prohibit the Department or the Board from providing information about its operations, policies, programs, or program material, or making such information available to members of the media, public, or Congress; (2) not be construed to prohibit the Department from engaging in any medium of information on a presumption that a U.S. domestic audience may be exposed to program material; and (3) apply only to the Department and the Board and to no other federal department or agency."

The Smith-mundt orginally prohibited everything it says "shall not prohibit:. What are you missing?

20522966? ago

I'll take it you're conceding the point that you completely misrepresented the NDAA you first cited.

1.) Your first bolded statement gives the Board of Governors the right to label and give out information that they put out to foreign markets to the American public. It doesn't give the right to put propaganda out to the American public.

2.) Yes, obviously giving credence to online propaganda directed at other nationals that may be viewed by Americans.

Context is extremely important. You give none and don't seem to understand the bill at all..

20531717? ago

SO let me understand your position: You genuinely believe your first point (1), which ties into (2) isn't an conflict of thought? Giving out "information" by the Government is often more than JUST information...it is, in fact, propaganda; e.g. gun control statistics belched by Democrats as only one of near infinite examples they engage in. Global Warming is another hot favorite. All bullshit/propaganda.

Read the original Smith-Mundt and compare to the entire revised version. You're flat out wrong in your interpretation. Context, that you seem to puff your chest on, is obvious and in our faces every single day.

As for the NDAA, yes I erred in which (so many) bill to cite. Mea Culpa. Might have been thinking the Patriot act or some such. I know it exists, the point I was attempting to make on the fore-running bill the Smith-mundt finished off. Maybe it was the Patriot Act. In any case, the obvious is there and manifests through several outlets meant to make us submit by covering the gullible in a soft blanket of lies. No ones forcing you to see it, but that doesn't mean it isn't there.

20535207? ago

Listen man, my point was that your initial post was wrong and you don't understand the context to which the amended bill was written.

I'm not saying you don't have a valid concern about government over-reach and abuse of power/tricking the public. You should always be weary of this to a certain extent. I'm just saying you should know context of things you're going to present to others. This is where a lot of undue fear comes in.

I think most of the fear that radiates out of this amended bill is people like yourself not understanding it just transferred power to a different subset of government and was their way of telling the public to be weary of the internet age..and that's where the irony with you comes in. There isn't a whole lot of difference between a fear-monger incorrectly putting information out in a thread and another country putting out propaganda. That's why it's so much more important to see what's in the actual bill and read it and not get information directly from threads on sites like these unless you're able to discern information correctly.

20537749? ago

Well, it seems to me everyone understands it just fine except you. Everyone understands what the Smith-Mundt was for back when it was written and why, as well as the reasons for the revision. Everyone understands that after the 2012 revision, the MSM went hogg-wild with in your face lies instead of being more subtle about it. It's measureable, trackable, and completely true.

Problem with people like yourself is you get hung up on the literal sense of what you see instead of connecting all the dots that surround it that they use constantly against us. Some of the examples I already have and there's countless more. These are things that can be argued in a court with "legalese" thrown at it to convince a Judge or Jury...similar to what you're attempting to do with me: i.e. instead of seeing the issue, you argue non-points...while technically correct at some level, completely wrong when applied to the case at hand. But it sounds good.

I don't know how long you've been on this planet but I've been around long enough to have seen conjured lies first-hand where the actual truth was covered up. People believed the lies because it was "reported" through "credible" channels but was 100% utter BS created to save someone's ass. I know what to look for, how to read between the lines, and how to apply what I read "in context" toward what or who it was meant to influence. It's unfortunate you do not, but there are many like you: full of legalese and fire but very little ability to see the bigger picture.

20539243? ago

I understand what you’re saying, but you’re connecting dots only on what you want to see.

Propaganda is defined as “information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.”

That’s exactly what you’re doing.

Of course for profit corporations will take advantage of anything to garner more $. If twitter/mass adaption of the internet was around 100 years ago, the problem would have started then.

The answer is a more well read, critical thinking electorate. Not whatever the fuck it is you think you’re doing.


20504776? ago

Trump could reverse the modernization and return it back to the original.

Remember, the government isn't only the president. The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act allows the senate, congress, and the 3 letter agencies to lie to all of us.

Whether you like Trump or not, it's extremely disturbing that he doesn't return it back to the original.

20504785? ago

Trump could reverse the modernization and return it back to the original

This is at this point more important than the Wall or ending Obamacare

20513396? ago

Trump has a history of using DS weapons against themselves. he sure seems to like to lie, stretch truth, and it’s 100% legal, good thing he’s on our side. and good thing he’s a stable genius.

i read something which struck me, on voat yesterday. paraphrasing them - they said “trump is our wake up call to prepare”

makes sense.

20504757? ago

Who does the BBOG work for? If America's perception is formed by these people then they need to be fired. According to Democrats America is looked down upon by the majority of people around the world.

20504577? ago

Fucking cocksucker vampires.

20504470? ago

and If you disagree you'll be called a conspiracy nut

20504414? ago

Without repealing the act, would it not then be unconstitutional to enact a measure that defies it?.

20504722? ago

Since we’re supposed to be under common law, and lying to the people to harm them would be against the law, it would follow that any “Act” that goes against common law would be unlawful and infringing on the rights of the people. A or many federal cases should be made of this.

20504311? ago

How apropos that you'd post this in the biggest psy-op sub on Voat, OP. ;)

20504448? ago

Trust the plan goddammit.✡️

20505478? ago


20520966? ago


20505125? ago

wigger wigger wigger

how did Q turn so many boomers into qiggers

20504245? ago

Sandy Hook, Fast and Furious, Global Warming, RussiaGate, Orange Man Bad ... gonna be a long list.

20504211? ago

Has the NDAA been renewed? Is propaganda still legal to use on the American Citizens?

20504333? ago

13 hrs ago

In early September, congressional deliberations will continue for this $700 billion-plus legislative package that determines the budgeting for the most critical elements of our national security, including military operations, major weapons systems and cybersecurity.


20504100? ago

thanks to Obummer for bring us FF's.

Sandy hook comes to my mind.

the average american has no clue about the Smith-Mundt act.

wake up America.

20512655? ago

the average american has no clue about the Smith-Mundt act

because they're flouride-saturated, sportsball enthusiast, MSM watching zombies

20513336? ago

fat apathetic cowards

20507477? ago

FF's, Oklahoma City Bombing, 911, research War War II, just keep going.

20507132? ago

wake up America.


20511848? ago


Do you share your wealth of information as you preach or do you shut up and not cause a stir because you care what people think about you.

Here it goes again. I quote Wayne White and if you don't know this or the meaning just watch the movie you discover researching my statement,

I quote now : Beauty Is Embarrassing.

To dig deeper into the psychology of that it is a lie. Here is why. First identify what you would be embarrassed about (does it matter to you, the answer is yes because itvis of your interest and nobody else's) and then by who are you afraid of being embarrassed by? Very important, and here is why, half the teachers you had in school are now dead, what did it matter what they thought now? It doesn't, see where I'm going.. every one else in the past that you were worried about what they thought of you or your ideas that doesn't matter anymore was a waste attempting to impress them by not being an embarasment to your self.

I'll help your research on this because I would just be a hypocrite and for now I am still on board team usa.




So you tell me, was / is v/qrv worth it. Your time your effort or http://waynewhiteart.com/files/gimgs/3_all-that-fake-laughin-for-nothin-1.jpg

20504047? ago

Fun fact: the NDAA also allows for not only the indefinite internment of US citizens (without legal counsel) but also for the government to fire on said citizens "if necessary".

20513411? ago

shit, you know we’re all on at least one of their lists

20504443? ago

Let the blood of jews make the streets into rivers.

20504013? ago

If this law was in place, then Trump / Q would be in violation for their disinformation.

20504171? ago

Trump-yes, but not Q

20504111? ago

sorry... Q is someone making posts on 8CHAN

I think that's a little bit different than Obama allowing false flags like Sandy Hook to go on.

20503962? ago

Look up @Darkmath he shared a bunch here.

20504009? ago

His sub is inactive. No recent activity. Can't blame him really, the FFs continue unabated even with Trump in the WH

20503753? ago

You Sandy Hook deniers are morons. I’m a proud gun owning American but I can say while attending the South West Regional basic SWAT School in CT I met the second guy into that school on that day. I also worked a shift on Christmas that month so the Newtown Police could ALL be home with their families.

Without guns crazy people will just find alternative means to do harm. It’s something we’ve been truly great at throughout the history of humankind.

20504467? ago

Research issues you have opinions on. It will make you seem less stupid when you state those opinions.

20504464? ago

South West in CT? 🤔

20504186? ago

And I've met a HOLOCAUST surviver...

20504503? ago

Did you kill them? Because...that would be HILARIOUS.

20504543? ago

It's a joke:

Holocaust survivor

There is no such thing. Point being: the guy who met a Sandy Hook character, actually met a liar or is a liar himself

20504600? ago

It reminded me of the story of the Holocaust survivor woman that dropped dead trying to revisit auschwitz.

20504046? ago

YOU FUCKING L I A R. You fucking C O W A R D. You fucking T R A I T O R. Sandy Hook was the FIRST major mass-shooting False Flag that included the Main Stream Media. All involved locally had their mortgages completely paid off, many were MURDERED who tried to blow the whistle...those actors portraying parents of lost children illegally received millions in donations from sleeping Americans, and the pictures portrayed f "slain" children were past pictures of children now in their teens. Then...those same children were instructed to march out in a SuperBowl ceremony to rub the lie directly in our faces. The truth WILL come out. I ASSURE YOU.

20504487? ago

It's cool bro. Ignore the resident paid agitators. We have a couple more years to give Trump/Q a shot at fixing this shit. If they fail time for plan Z

20505198? ago

Not the commenter above, but jumping in to say you're cool, OP. I give you a thumbs up.

20503983? ago

That was a conisidence at a seat school , I think they are paid to be in such placed . Aren't these towns already bought and paid for or blackmailed .. evil is more sneaky than you think .

20504489? ago

There are many LGBTQWTFBBQJEW corporations that virtue signal hard for niggers in the jewmedia. These are money laundering operations...it's the only way they can sustain a workforce of niggers and faggots.

20504083? ago

whoah....that's a really good point. Why are we assuming that a small town like this had to be "muzzled" or bribed to stay quiet....when they may all have been "right off the farm" from the get go?!

20504223? ago

Yeap , always have to remember the farm !

20503819? ago

From: doglegwarrior

Sandy hook. Not one photo showing anything close to children dead. Not one leak? All mortages paid off the year before. 23 of 26 parents start anti gun non profits. The fucking idiot wayne carver the doctor who did the onsite autopies was the biggest fucking idiot ive ever seen. Autistic 95 pound year old adam lanza 95% kill rate. Note one child makes it to a hospital to attempt to save them. No photo of adam lanza dead. Conneticut jamed through a new law not allowing even journalist to see the dead bodies.

Yep nothing to see here what the goverment told you is 100% correct.

20503765? ago

Good informative post regarding the act OP but that little slide in at the end proves ZERO correlation.

20503719? ago

Fucking Jews. Hussain is a kike on his mom's side so under their law completely one of them.

These retards want to do a gun grab so bad they are doing things that will be the cause of their own deaths.

The American people will never be their slaves and they just can't handle it.

20505314? ago

Americans are already slaves

They were sold into debt 1933

Ask then why are their birth certifictes printed on bank bond notes?

What do the SS cards say?


20514420? ago

-Yours- might.

20511987? ago

Try 1871 when they changed our Constitution...Lincoln. http://www.federaljack.com/slavery-by-consent-the-united-states-corporation/

20520814? ago

We have a winner.

20513839? ago

Learn,YOU are the corperation

Look up word meanings in Blacks Law Dictonary.

Youll see it come together,youll see the US under control of the crown.

Its all a lie.

20511716? ago

Oh yeah , it's more like back when lincoln let the jews set all the niggers free and not through nhave tonutvthrm back where they came from. That's when this was more started, and also you could say the jews bringing niggers here was the beginning and now every city is infested worse with niggers than any sort of rat problem. Rats can't ruin a city like niggers and other non conforming species.

20520844? ago

You should feel honored that your are here in this time and place to be part of the army that brings the end to their evil. I do.

20521554? ago

Thanks. The support is welcome.

20508760? ago

Slavery started in 1913 with the income tax, or earlier with Lincoln and the draft.

20508911? ago

Your stupid,Romans had slaves


20516190? ago

Sorry, I wasn't clear.

The enslavement of the American populace started in 1913 with the income tax, or earlier with Lincoln and the draft.

The practice of slavery significantly predates the Romans.

20506431? ago

Yes, your name printed in ALL CAPS means you are dead. Just like on tomb stones.

20506963? ago

Yes because they use the paper you for the money shuffle.

20505138? ago

From your lips to God's ears.

The clown propaganda that's getting pushed in the news make me want to stab my eyes out. It's fucking horrid.

20503706? ago

Is it just a cohencidence that its repeal correlated with the beginning of ongoing "mass shootings" intended to disarm the public?

20508494? ago

Awesome. I like Cohen-cidence.

20540125? ago

This is an interesting read and a red pill for those who want to understand more:

William Cooper - Behold, A Pale Horse





Audio book:


Q anon on the topic of Bill Cooper:




20506689? ago

Even Cooper was mislead.

20512019? ago

Yeah, the aliens angle as something to unite us is maybe something they started with 102 years ago but then realized - Hey, we don't need to manufacture something like that, we can find another threat to all of the earth's people - we'll call it Global Warming! Yeah! That'll unite them all! We'll tell them they'll all die unless we all come together as one, we don't need a bogeyman anymore!

20511152? ago

Even Cooper was mislead.

The word is spelt misled.

20507479? ago

Could u elaborate a little more please?

20507123? ago

There's an interview where Cooper says he was intentionally misled about aliens by a portion of the government. Is there something else specifically you're referring to?

20503730? ago


Looks like you've been paying attention

20503870? ago

Late 2011 to be specific right? Is when they changed it? I didn't know about the Smith deal but knew the ndaa allowed propaganda

20503575? ago

good post. Another of Hussein's high crimes.

20511375? ago

It was passed by the GOP controlled house and Senate with a veto proof margin.

20512628? ago

because they're all worthless zionists

20504289? ago

Fuckin Kenyan nigger faggot.

20504426? ago

That's Mr Barry Hussein Sotero to you, buddy.🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍

20514403? ago

That you, Barry?

20511608? ago

What an Obama-nation. Pisses me off that they would pick that name. Plain as day and millions are still none the wiser.

Knowledge is the ultimate power, it about time every one had a wake up call. Idk how much longer we can sustain with country and worlds extremely high levels of ignorance.

20517412? ago

Yeah, I think we all feel it. That need to do something drastic but not quite sure which button to push.

20504740? ago

LMFAO... Nice GO rillas

20503545? ago

  1. shut up

  2. GTFO

20503568? ago

fuck off