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20503719? ago

Fucking Jews. Hussain is a kike on his mom's side so under their law completely one of them.

These retards want to do a gun grab so bad they are doing things that will be the cause of their own deaths.

The American people will never be their slaves and they just can't handle it.

20505314? ago

Americans are already slaves

They were sold into debt 1933

Ask then why are their birth certifictes printed on bank bond notes?

What do the SS cards say?


20511716? ago

Oh yeah , it's more like back when lincoln let the jews set all the niggers free and not through nhave tonutvthrm back where they came from. That's when this was more started, and also you could say the jews bringing niggers here was the beginning and now every city is infested worse with niggers than any sort of rat problem. Rats can't ruin a city like niggers and other non conforming species.

20520844? ago

You should feel honored that your are here in this time and place to be part of the army that brings the end to their evil. I do.

20521554? ago

Thanks. The support is welcome.