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20474281? ago

A few notables before I forget them,

If the theory that he was a plan to reach the normies then why did he infuse himself into the Q movement? And lately big time. He's buds now hanging out like he's one of them with the top influencers? Talking Kappy? And he's using Patrick Kappy's ciber guy? This would totally discredit him and tarnish his normie persona to the normies would it not? Projection? Where he talks about "Putting out a bunch of hooks so that they can run a negative psyop on you" Is he projecting what 'he' was meant to do? Take Q movement down from within?

Feels like this whole psyop might have something to do with Tulsi Gabbard. He says that he sees a "path to defeating Trump"

Then I'm watching his interview on American Thought Leaders channel where he discusses how he gave Tulsi head's up that they were messing with her. So wtf? This thing gets bigger and bigger the more I scrutinize it. Except it's getting so big that I don't see how this is even possible.

Where my 'gut' is now taking me is...It looks like it might be an op to back Tulsi against Trump in 2020? And take the Q movement down at the same time..? But..what's messing with my mind is how in the hell would this be possible that he'd have so many channels fooled? Epoch Times? I mean, everyone and their mother seems to be onboard with this guy. He's done what looks to be 'good' stuff to take down Google. But maybe Google knows they're screwed right? Backed into the corner with no way out. Unless....Tulsi Gabbard is puppet and if they can get her in to beat Trump it's their only hope of survival?

Omg am I going crazy? Or does this actually make sense?