20389187? ago


20389229? ago

When you say enemy, do you mean enemy or (((enemy))).

20390626? ago


20388777? ago

yet muslims actually rape children and are the worlds number 1 buyer and seller of children.. go shill somewhere else akbar.. fuck muslims...oh and hitler was a one balled incestious pedophile..

20388996? ago

Yup the founder of islam himself was a terrorist and a pedophile who married a 6 yr old, all there inside their shitty so called holy books ... yet let's what is is played out, yet ask why would anyone Help them? Anyone who wants Open Borders and Want islamists Inside the West, Why Would Anyone Bring Jihadists to America ... are there other players in this game not just jihadis

20391000? ago

because liberals are retarded

20387386? ago

Sorry, it's still not ok to persecute Jews. Focus on the club of bad guys in the Cabal-all of them, not just the ones from a Jewish background.

20387401? ago

I agree, it's just that jews have been doing this shit starting around 200 ad. It's time.

And no, jews aren't the same as the israelites.

20387221? ago

The problem with Christians and conservatives is we have been playing like gentlemen in a knock down take everything street brawl. We keep thinking if we reason with the left, behave politely and are kind to them that they will return the favor. Time to wake up.

20389433? ago

Yes, except falling to their level makes us no better than them.

Their crimes will have them hung, drawn, and quartered.

Their violent brainwashed minions will be replacing the majority of the non-violent convicts Americas immense prison industrial complex to rehabilitate these lazy commies into how a human actually creates like God intended via "work", and those too far gone will be put into mental asylums.

I treat others how I would like to be treated, when they don't reciprocate I treat them exactly how they're acting.

I taught my wife to do it. One of her coworkers called her cisgendered... didn't end well for the coworker. Quite embarrassing. By how the other workers told the story my wife got "bigot, prejudice, heterophobic, hate speech" into one sentence.

20389642? ago

I don't advocating be the same sort of asshole the lefts are. Of course not. But realizing the issue is never about the issue they attempt to raise, is a key to understanding them.

The left loves to make up words and then use them to vilify normal people. Cis-gender is just one more new term they have made up to vilify normal people. It sounds ugly, it is ugly. Just like someone who is not endorsing homosexuality is now a homo-phobe. They are equating disapproval of the gay culture as a mental disease. The left takes these made up terms and some old terms and uses them to slander any person who is not approving of their ideology or disagrees with them on any point.

Another tactic is to take an old term that once perfectly described their ideology and then use it as a weapon against those who oppose them. Nazi. Notice how quickly Antifa slings that against ordinary Americans who support the constitution and are patriotic. Xenophobe or fascist. Oh, the fascists love to call Americans fascist or bigots. The rabid left are the real fascists and bigots.

20388183? ago

The Eye of Flame from the Lord of the Rings? The lunatic left, Maggie "Wendy" Nixon, Hollyweird and the Occult, the music industry strange art woman Marina Abramovic who is from Serbia. .... who sold the Orc horde made profit in ship, goblins destroyed the Towers? other celebrated on roof tops? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3405731 A Red Light on the Second Floor

20387473? ago

Why do you think I chose the tank pic.

20386725? ago

They will never stop

20388711? ago

Jesters, https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/3343898 , https://voat.co/v/theawakening/3405681 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagateproof/2098918 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2588224 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagateproof/1697085 , https://voat.co/v/CAJI/2138401 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2017735 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2010566 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1702565 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1588990 ' The Royal Order of Jesters is connected, as are the Knights of Pythias, Boy Scouts and many other groups. They are all connected to Racine, Wisconsin along with Pilgrims Society, Knights of Malta, LDS, OTO, Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, CFR and other groups involved.

In reference to other comments about Brazil, look into the connections between Racine, Brazil and the Earth Summit. This is a big part of the real agenda leading to Total Global Enslavement.

They are one of many groups involved that all lead back to the same Root in Racine, Wisconsin.

The Freemason criminal mayor of Racine just resigned in the past couple of weeks and was rewarded with a position to privately control the Great Lakes, one of the world's largest fresh water sources. Another company in Wisconsin was the first to begin implants of microchips for its employees. These are all parts of the bigger picture. '