pbvrocks ago

This article is from 2008...if you are making a POINT..please use current research or at least tie this to something...FOR INSTANCE: The masonic jesters have been tied to getting pedophiles out of difficult situations. If a LE officer, fireman, public servant gets in trouble..they call these guys...so highly doubtful they would be helpful to our cause...just sayin'

carmencita ago

That is why I did not make an outright accusation. I have suspicions that is all. If others wish to do research they are welcome. I have done some. But again have no concrete proof.

carmencita ago

IMO it goes way deeper than that. The Shriner's Ads should be a tip off.

PedoStomper ago

Hahahaha a bunch of fat, old men who dress up as Insane Clown Posse rejects are filing a libel suit? Wow these fuckin people, their sheer arrogance baffles me. Buncha fat old child molesters, shut the fuck up and die already.

carmencita ago

Here is something I found. It is an article about the exact descriptions it does warn about it being explicit. There are pics of people on the boats but the only one with a young person was a girl fully dressed but her legs open, she is wearing shorts. Other than that the descriptions of the acts performed are a little lewd but I have seen worse on here. Here is the link: http://freemasonrywatch.org/brazilian.judge.rejects.royal.order.of.jesters.fishing.tour.operators.request.for.habeas.corpus.html