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20310528? ago

Jews create Monopoly money and convince goyim to enslave themselves trying to get some of it!!!!!. Is that simplified enough for you????

20310551? ago

Our work is their currency.

20310875? ago

Copypasta from /pol/

it is production that gives value to money. A pile of money without corresponding products does not keep anyone alive, and is absolutely worthless. Thus, it is the farmers, the industrialists, the workers, the professionals, the organized citizenry, who make products, goods and services. But it is the bankers who create the money, based on these products. And the bankers appropriate this money, which draws its value from the products, and lend it to those who make the products.

So, when the Government would discuss a new project, it would not ask: “Do we have the money?”, but: “Do we have the materials and the workers to realize it?”. If it is so, new money would be automatically issued to finance this new production. Then the Canadians could really live in accordance with their real means, the physical means, the possibilities of production. In other words, all that is physically possible would be made financially possible.

If there are a lot of things for sale in a country, there must be a great deal of money to dispose of them. The more the people and the goods, the more money in circulation that is required, otherwise everything stops. Money, on the other hand, produces nothing. It is merely a means to facilitate trading beyond the limitations of bartering. Money was created for the purpose of keeping goods moving

When the German economy seemingly ground to a complete halt in the years 1932 and 1933, the following became more clear to me than in the preceding years: the salvation of our Volk is not a financial problem; it is exclusively a problem of utilizing and employing the available work force on the one hand and exploiting available soil and mineral resources on the other. The Volksgemeinschaft does not subsist on the fictitious value of money but on actual production, which gives money its value. This production is the primary cover for a currency, not a bank or a vault full of gold! And when I increase this production, I am actually increasing the income of my fellow citizens; if I decrease production, I decrease income, regardless of what salaries are being paid out.

Adolf Hitler - Speech to the Reichstag

Berlin, January 30, 1937

We have not practiced a policy of using cheap popular phrases. We have divested money of its phantom-like traits and assigned to it the role it deserves: neither gold nor foreign exchange funds, but work alone is the foundation for money! There is no such thing as an increase in wages if it does not go hand in hand with an increase in production. This economic insight has enabled us to decimate seven million unemployed to approximately 800,000 and to keep prices almost completely stable for all essential vital goods. Today there is work going on everywhere. The peasant is tilling his fields, the worker is supplying him with manufactured products, an entire nation is working.

Adolf Hitler – speech in Regensburg

20310901? ago

Simplify please. Re-posting someones post without explanation is not sharing. I can take a smear of my shit on your does not explain.

20310980? ago

I ain't explain shit to you brainlet learn to read and figure it yourself.

20311016? ago

"I ain't explain shit to you brainlet learn to read and figure it yourself." Is this English or LKL?

20311096? ago

Go choke on some zyklon pellets kikeshillrat

20311132? ago

LKL temper tantrum lol

20311178? ago

What is this LKL Sorry I don't speak JDIF your obviously a jew shill infiltrator go gas yourself and claim holocaust reperation we see striaght through your kike lies

20311814? ago

Guess some people can't handle /pol/ banter.

20311838? ago

More LKL

20312257? ago

Absolute state of coping.

My sides my sides.

If you can't handle the banter get in the oven. no one is gonna save the world by being nice. take your fee fees and go shove them up your gay poophole nigger.

20312574? ago

Amen. OP is a stupid faggot