20312925? ago

For the love of Christ or whatever you believe in, you people still believe in the Q Anon nonsense? You have not seen one shred of evidence or proof that anyone is going after the so called Elites. Although you have seen Manafort, Flynn, Stone, Gates, Pinedo, Alex van der Zwaan, Cohen, and Papadopoulos all go down. What other proof do you freaking need to wake up and realize you are being totally had?

Shillary Obummer Podesta McCabe Clapper Brennan Stzrok Page Lynch The Oh's Baker and Steele all walking around free doing conferences, special appearances and TV shows.

20312157? ago

OP refers to the Original Poster of a thread.

20311979? ago

So, the majority of Americans then basically.

20311551? ago

I like it. But ooops, I use @OP out of habit just to speak directly to the person who posted. So not all of us are LKL.

Funny - that brings up another couple of thoughts - I heard from an Afghanistan Vet who said the most striking thing about the "jihadists" and the male muslim population there was how adolescent they are. From being aroused simply by seeing an ankle or a smidgen of cleavage to their childish notions about relationships between men and women. That actually explains all the taboos. And they simply refuse to grow up, living in a fantasy world about how powerful they are.

The other thought is about the Perma-Adolescents who make up the Antifa/SJW/Liberal college and older crowd. They can't handle any triggers. That DSA meeting in Georgia is prime example. https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=l5gL9Dr_EWY While that is hilarious, it's sadly true. Think about it. People old enough to get in a car or on a plane to go to this convention, yet they are incapable of handling "aggressive scents," chatter, and gender naming. These delicate children are completely incapable of living in the world. It's no wonder they spend all their energy and time trying to "protect" others who are handling the daily stresses of life just fine. They are so immature they can't imagine that we actually can discern what is and what is not a big deal. Put those glasses on for a second and you understand everything from gun control to abortion to the Electoral college

20311634? ago

Ya I realized OP could = Original Poster....good response. I just seek to create convos like this.

20312449? ago

I didn't know OP meant anything else but Original Poster. What is your definition, OP?

20311953? ago

Have you ever taken a man in your mouth?

20312276? ago

Yes I have, many times. Too bad your dick is so small.

20311492? ago

A boomer has morphed from a baby boomer to a person who refuses to look at evidence that contradicts what they want to believe. A boomer can be any age but the majority are actually baby boomers. This does not include people who look at the evidence and have a different opinion only the people who will refuse to look at the evidence before they make their decision. If your getting offended don't, just look at the evidence.

20311647? ago

I'm gen X you idiot.

20311738? ago

Obviously you didn't read what I wrote. The definition of Boomer has adapted to describe a person of any age who refuses to acknowledge the evidence before they make their decision. You are obviously a Gen X Boomer! I'm also Gen-X just not a boomer because I will look at any new evidence and it just my opinion accordingly. I Told you not to get offended. No one cares what generation you are anymore if you act like a boomer you're a boomer.

20311774? ago

Your evidence is flawed.

20311482? ago

Dear angry guy,

Well good thing you're wise enough now, in your old age, to know that making fun of others isn't helpful and its divisive...

Wait a minute, if racism is bad isn't age-ism in the same boat? I've seen teeny boppers with more maturity than some senior citizens I know. "Divided you are weak."~Q

I know its a daily struggle but it a cause worth fighting for, "All men are created Equal" aka WWG1WGA (no exceptions). Godspeed Patriot.


The 99%.

20311658? ago

"to know that making fun of others isn't helpful and its divisive..." Sticks and stones may break your bones but names shall never hurt you."

20311466? ago

It's Artifical Intelligence. Nothing more, nothing less.

20311687? ago

"Artificial" (Correct spelling) Intelligence" is a joke if you understand code...a machine will never be above your intellect. It will only be faster at finding things, its not connected to God.

20312153? ago

Thank you Mr. Grammer Man. Thanks for putting me back into my place.

20311198? ago

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20310974? ago

I think you hit the nail right on the head. People that do what you say very limited life experience. Just like people who make a big deal over little things have never had to Rush their wife to the hospital in the middle of the morning to give birth. They never had a job that requires more than just showing up. or haven't been to other countries and seeing how other people live. Even in Europe for example most people live crammed in little apartments to buy land in Europe you have to be a millionaire. These people use lkl when shitposting. It is entertainment for them. Now you have to think what limited life experience lkls have to be entertained by such.

20311007? ago

Just sit back when they shit post you and realize....its like trying to reason with a 5 year old lol.

20311093? ago

Lkl users decry when NPCs call them anti-semite or racist and yet when someone disagrees with them they immediately scream Jewish shill or a nigger lover.

Thesis meet antithesis.

20311128? ago

Huh can any adult decipher this?

20311057? ago

BBL Big Boy Logic!

20311075? ago

Do you need me to tuck you in? A night light?

20314031? ago

Does your mother know where you are?

20311119? ago

No but since you asked, could you hold my beer while I take a leak?

20310905? ago

Boomer OP is a sensitive little faggot

20310913? ago

^^ LKL here

20311017? ago

Holy crap you caught one!!!

20310916? ago


20310934? ago

^^^^ LKL here, like a child screams in his crib.

20310894? ago

Lol...did you ever think that it's just fun to watch y'all

Reeeeeeee like liberal faggots

20310926? ago

^^^ LKL here. Likes to tease is sibling for fun.