20279670? ago

? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3390103/20242713 Click on "connections " and look at the people shes connected with. Almost all private profiles but the profile pics alone are fucked. Two girls sitting inside a pentagram (mel and steph hausberger) , a little toddler covered in black ink standing naked in a bathtub, some ither fucked up looking ones

20276268? ago

Many years ago a work colleague invited me to join the freemasons. "But I'm an atheist," I told him. "Oh, that's OK. You can pretend and once you're accepted it doesn't matter." I told him I'd think about it. That was thirty years ago. I'm still thinking.

20272465? ago

Templars and Masons among the Founding fathers.

Take a view steps back, realign your perspective, and look at other corresponding materials.

Try harder to hate the unknown. You are far of basis.

20276801? ago

So the truth is hate speech then wh?

20268370? ago

One of my family members was a freemason. He raped his daughter and beat his sons except for the one he liked the most. Not all of these men are this way, but they watch out and care for their own. Never trust a freemason and never let them near your children.

20489337? ago

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20268501? ago

Damn really?

20268620? ago

Scout's Honor (as in Boy Scouts not whatever shit it is now). Our family has never recovered from it. It literally fragmented the family and destroyed a branch that will take generations to repair.

20266603? ago

Freemasonry at the end of day, has only one real "secret".... how to control your fellow "profane" man. "If they are not one of us, they are nothing" is their real motto. In God We Trust, for the perfected Freemason, literally means "In Man We Trust." They are humanists in the most strict sense. Use the intellect Lucifer gave them to become (G)ods in their own right, thus removing the need of the Creator God.

They admit to lying to lower degree initiates, as to "weed out" those that can & cannot tell the difference between the esoteric & exoteric teachings. Master Masons know nothing & are nothing in the big scheme of Freemasonry.

But try telling one of them this & they'll regurgitate some bullshit they've been fed to defend their utterly stupid decisions & the fact that they cannot argue facts about the cult they are in.

The Lodge killed JFK (revenge attack on Catholic church; Friday the 13th 1307) & they were behind 9/11 with help from Mossad. Is-Ra-El is controlled by Freemasonry/Zionism/Rothschilds. Look into Freemasonry in Is-Ra-El.

Don't get Rothschild-created Is-Ra-El mixed up with Jewish people. The ADL & Bnai Brith are not Jewish institutions, they are Mossad/Zionist/Rothschild created.

Lastly, look into the connection between Freemasonry led Confederate leaders (Albert Pike/KKK) & Zionist programs.

20278947? ago

Seems they also got the brother and got a cult Arab weirdo to shot the US Candidate Bobby? Who controls what is said?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3387942 40 straight weeks of anti-Macron #YellowVests protests in #France, but we would never know it by watching the corporate propaganda outlets

20266895? ago

This is also what my research has basically shown me.

20266012? ago

Jim Elliot - “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”

20265594? ago

What force really stood behind Communism?

Q post 1954 explains.


20265577? ago

Elks are bad too. They're a Baphomet cult and have their roots in Freemasonry as well. However, they're a lot more subtle. They're like "Masons Lite", much more subtle with their symbols, but there's def some occult influence going on. There's a bit of overlap between the Masons and Elks in my hometown. The Masons recruit some of their members from the Elks. I also heard all those type of "orders"...Moose, Lions, KofC, etc. are all like that.

20279262? ago

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20265552? ago

There are a couple factions.

The worst guys are the ones from the black lodges, they are the ones who deal drugs and sell babies and gang rape each other for punishments.


20268317? ago

Prince Hall Masonry. For the females it's The Order of the Eastern Star. From what I've seen online, it's segregated like the PH masons are but I'm not certain it's that's by doctrine or location of lodges.

20279661? ago

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20279313? ago

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20269965? ago

Yeah that's the one. PH is black Lodge. Idk about the normie ranks who think 33rd is the highest. Those tards just run the word of mouth comms for the evil fucks on top. And all the Jews in PH are also in bnai brith which is a separate lodge that only lets Jews in.

I've heard the Eastern Star name but done know anything about them other than they have one man observing their meetings. Idk if those two are tied together and there are evil femmes running around too.

20264341? ago

Death to catholics

20264012? ago

What kind of asshole agrees to be butchered just to be in a group like that?

Honestly, they don't know any better. They're ignorant. They think they're doing something good at the end of the day.

20263911? ago

What you are reading is pure and utter bullshit. It's a Jesuit shill doing what Jesuits shills have been doing for centuries, shifting the blame onto other "secretive groups".

This country was founded on Masonic Principles. God is our leader, the God of Peace and Love. In no form or way do we promote any violence, any hatred or disunity. We are the backbone of America. DJT is one of us, and damned proud too,

The Jesuits have been using the Jews and the Mason's as scapegoats for years. The Mason's take it, without faltering. Meaning they know all about the Jesuits, the Zionists etc.

If you want to see what being a Mason is all about, stop speculating, go to a local Lodge and introduce yourself. You'll be welcomed like an old friend. We promote Love, Unity, Business, and Structure to America. Mason's believe in freedoms, all freedoms of religion.

Again, America was founded on Masonic Principles that God rules over us, that we do all things to honor Him, the Master Creator of the Universe we live in.

Soon, you'll realize how idiotic your statements are, when the shit hits the fan, not a single Mason will be indicted or arrested, at least no valid Mason would be involved in such debauchery. Mason's are the best, most loyal and God fearing group in America.

They will literally end up saving the Planet.

20267099? ago

Don't waste your time. 99% of the people looking into corruption, although they mean well, are more sheepish than they're willing to admit to themselves. Easily manipulated by disinformation dressed up to seem like legitimate theory or proof.

Q has, and I say this as mostly a Q supporter, fed into this problem by promoting bullshit as a means to keep folks of a certain cloth interested. It's taking every ounce of self control to not explain this to them, not that they'd listen anyway (watch readers accuse me of being a shill or whatever), as it will burst their little bubble and make them abandon the cause of exposing corruption.

See, one of the things Q has said which is accurate is something along the lines of: "90% of people would end up in hospital if they knew the truth", and by hospital, he/they mean a mental hospital, because their minds would break when they realize that of all the deceptions in the world, the one they have been subject to for thousands of years is among the worst.

But I digress.

You'll never be able to convince the majority of these otherwise well meaning folk to listen to reason. All you can really do is do your thing in the background, as has always been the case, and let them wallow in their fanaticism, bias and bigotry -- so long as they don't physically harm anyone, whatever, right?

When they see bad guys go down for their crimes, they'll get their win. But the unfortunate part is that they must be allowed to believe that win is at the expense of Freemasonry or that they defeated the devil or whatever the fuck.

So really, for your own sake, don't waste your time. It only makes them double-down. Do what you can to help us weed out the bad guys (be they Masons within your ranks or otherwise). Peace.

20266243? ago

It is Gonsticism. A Bridge to Light and Morals and Dogma teach the doctrines of Kabalah and emenations. The Bible is true, and Gnosticism is an absolute heresy. No God fearing man would swear an oath to be butcheted. As a matter of fact, Jesus, our Lord, told us not to swear any oaths period in Matthew ch 5. Also then Kabalah comes from occult Jews. What God fearing men are learning occult Babylonian science from Jews? Answer that.

20267645? ago

Keep you mind open. Do not shut it down because it might interfere with other thoughts.

That's the way of stagnation and complacency. That's the way of the sheep heading for slaughter.

20265414? ago

You cannot claim to be ruled by God, while at the same time advocating for religious freedom. The First Commandment forbids false worship. Freemasonry does not follow the God of the Bible. The USA is a failed experiment in disestablishmentarianism.

20265926? ago

Freemasons allow you to worship in your own way. God is a master builder, one that should be admired and thanked. Religion never dominates any of their meetings.

Don't take my word for it, please invite yourself to any of their lodges or meeting places. Be nice and they will absolutely welcome you with open arms...they are tired of the bad rap built by rumors and hearsay.

20267054? ago

It's not all rumors. Also, why or how could a Christian fellowship with people from other religions that blaspheme God the Father? Islam declares God has no Son. Hinduism teaches that Brahma the creator was ignorant and did a horrible job. Jews deny Christ. All of these people are what the Bible calls Anti-Christs. There is no way a Christian can fellowship with these people, which is something you people dont seem to understand, you think your liberal non judgmental stance against heretical religions for the sake of "freedom of worship" is a good thing when it is actually bad.

20265342? ago

I haven't decided yet if all Mason groups are Occult murderers, or just some.

I understand you wanting to push back, but of course all Masons would say that if y'all were totally evil.

20265794? ago

A psych teacher once taught me a little trick. When someone says "all" or "everyone" of them are such and such, it's an instant lie.

Not all Mason's are good. Some are very Evil I am sure. But thanks to the structure of the group, the bad ones are usually removed.

My experience with Masons is unique, but that's a story for a book, not a response on a forum. Let's just say, had they not been loyal, trustworthy and faithful in God, I would have not been here to experience what we are going through as Humans on Earth. Literally I owe my life and well being to them. A debt that can never be repaid fully.

Please, don't take my word for the Masons. Just by being on here, caring about America and Americans makes you a prime candidate for the Masons. They really do care about America and the American way of life. Please, stop by your local lodge or meeting hall and introduce yourself. Of course use respect and social graces, be kind and they will answer any and all questions you have to the best of their ability. Now, of course, you'll never get the stuff that requires years of dedication to the craft, but you might be surprised how open and honest they all are about being a Mason.

20267494? ago

you'll never get the stuff that requires years of dedication to the craft

The What?

There is no reason for secrecy if the Masons are like you describe.

20267075? ago

Do not listen to this person. Do not visit a lodge. Do not even talk to a Mason unless you are trying to witness to them the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

20267609? ago

Never shut your mind off to the unknown.

20267780? ago

But I know what Gnosticism is.

20265495? ago

The majority of them are porch masons. They are the public face of the organization. They're probably decent to good people who are clueless as to what the top degrees are all about. Albert Pike himself said they're to lie to the lower degree "brothers".

20267525? ago

Like Skull and Bones and these ivy league secret societies, I'll bet you can't get into the higher orders by achievement or dedication. There is no set way to rise. You get invited. Meaning they are looking for people who are compatible with kinds of activities you'll be doing.

20264362? ago

Catholic detected.

Fire up the ovens we've got ashes to make.

20264032? ago

Wow are you ever ignorant. Q even told us to notice how there's always a Freemason at the scene of a major crime or FF.

20264402? ago

Q is a larp.

20276258? ago

Q is a larp.

Where have you been for the last year? That theory was debunked a long time ago.

20264265? ago

NO. He said that Symbolism would be their downfall. Never once did he say or imply the Masons. It's easy to stage a scene, throw on some Mason garb and get in front of a camera. Reporters are on their team, meaning the bad guys. Use logic friend. You're beeing spoon fed misinformation.

20264376? ago

He also said:


Everything stated has meaning.

Find paper articles re: Freemasons.



You stupid piece of shit....

20264413? ago

Ok. You're right I am a stupid piece of shit. Have a nice day!

(that ends our conversation, just in case you're that stupid)

20264433? ago

Our conversation is over when you stop the lies and disinfo. I will call you out on your bullshit at every turn.

20264357? ago

Oh ya you stupid motherfucker? Disinfo much??

Why are Freemasons on the scene of most shooting locations?

Openly giving interviews or in background shots?

Symbolism will be their downfall.


20264399? ago

Anyone can go on ebay, buy all the Masonic shit a man can handle wearing and create a crime scene. Don't be that stupid please...You're part of the problem and you're not looking for a solution, you just want to assign blame immediately on the Mason's just because you can.

Jesuit shill, Catholic shill, or a Zionist shill. You fall into one of those groups.

20264420? ago

All of those religious groups need eliminating

20264417? ago

Blah blah blah. Freemason at the highest level are evil, period. Now fuck off...

20263985? ago

The G in Masonic symbol stands for Gnosticism, not God. A 33rd degree Scottish rite mason knows his god is Lucifer. Keep traveling east my friend and maybe someday you will bypass the sun and find the creator instead of the created.

For those interested to find out what the secret societies are all about do internet search for “William Cooper and ancient babylon”. This is his radio series on the subject with much info.

20266998? ago

Kaboom!!!! RIP William Cooper. He was a little arrogant at times but he was an amazing teacher regarding all of this.

20263867? ago

the thing is the more that is exposed about these organizations will wake more people to the evils of the world and why they exist.

20263854? ago

Repent, Masons. Leave that nonsense behind and join us back in the normal world.


20266929? ago


20264353? ago

Only closet homosexual Catholics who need to be gassed believe in repentance bullshit fail.

How about not being a faggot to begin with?

20263784? ago

I have a feeling they'll get their greatest reward in the afterlife. Some of them are useful idiots but a lot of them know exactly what they're doing.

20266904? ago

We all will.