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20489237? ago

We dont need these three letter agencies. Obviously the real work is being left for us to do while they sit on their hands. Yeah, this kind of stupid stuff cannot go on forever. I continually look at 2020 as the make or break point. Are ya ready??

20489331? ago

FBI has masonic roots? ...can you trust these people? .... Freemasons Are Scum of the Earth One of my family members was a freemason. He raped his daughter and beat his sons except for the one he liked the most. Not all of these men are this way, but they watch out and care for their own. Never trust a freemason and never let them near your children.

20490101? ago

Amen to that. Their allegiance is to an infernal being. Also, i believe the European blue bloods and other high ranks of the masonic ilk only have members from the US around as cannon fodder. As they have a chain of command, of hierarchy, then members are behooved (in more ways than one) to end up submitting to their orders. When the real SHTF any lower levels here will be exploited by their "betters". They offer security for you and your fam, but it is a worldly security that is CERTAINLY not secure. So no surprise the infiltration into all levels of govt. There are those who join and have absolutely no idea what they signed up for. I reckon those are the useful idiots, and as i said, cannon fodder. Had a friend talk about joining, and i warned him. Then after some months he no longer spoke of the subject. I expect he took the bait, with the new ring on his finger. One of his close friends, who was in that group and had everything in the world (or so he thought) ended up committing suicide. So there you go. It is neither panacea nor a solution 2B1.