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20275233? ago

Miley is obviously a victim. She wasn't like this as a kid. Someone close to her family did this to her.

20279246? ago

Scientologist, Coimmunist, Shriner much shapeshifting... Freemasons Are Scum of the Earth ?? Elks are bad too. They're a Baphomet cult and have their roots in Freemasonry as well. However, they're a lot more subtle. They're like "Masons Lite", much more subtle with their symbols, but there's def some occult influence going on. There's a bit of overlap between the Masons and Elks in my hometown. The Masons recruit some of their members from the Elks. I also heard all those type of "orders"...Moose, Lions, KofC, etc. are all like that.