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20427465? ago

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19946408? ago

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19679377? ago

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19679317? ago

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19582111? ago

Have Jester Lodge Criminals, House Pedophile Freemasons stolen $3-billion from Shriners Hospitals? Are all these seperate Masonic groups the same?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3145210/17909358 The knight templar were the bankers for the Vatican. The pope outlawed then seized their assests and supposedly had many executed. Now thats what I learned decades ago. The illumanati were the outcropping of the knights templar and the legand of Jesus's supposedly wife, Mary Magdelene fled to Gaul. (France) were she gave birth to a daughter, Sara. Thus began the Merivengian clan.

I found it very interesting that we find that name in the movie The Matrix. And the role the Merivengian played with the "KEY" maker.

19581772? ago

Where does it also connect? Haiti, India, Rome, Qatar? .....

Four Rochdale islamist pedo child abuse gang members are STILL in Britain with one living back at home again a decade after abusing girls as young as 12'

https://archive.ph/2uJnl :

2019-06-16 | Four Rochdale grooming gang members are STILL in Britain | Daily Mail Online

'Eight judges, including the Master of the Rolls Lord Justice Sales, have now heard their case and upheld rulings all four should lose UK citizenship rights. '

'At a previous hearing, judges noted the decision to strip an individual of UK citizenship, called a deprivation order, does not automatically lead to deportation order. ', "The victims of a notorious Rochdale grooming gang have been 'failed again' after it emerged four men have still not been deported a decade after preying on girls as young as 12.", "Referred to as 'The Master' by the gang, he played a 'leading role' in the grooming."

'A staff member at the office for Rochdale MP Tony Lloyd said no-one was available for comment. '

19581323? ago

https://www.law.com/newyorklawjournal/2019/07/03/read-the-ruling-2nd-circuit-orders-jeffrey-epstein-records-unsealed-cautions-media-and-public/?slreturn=20190604083537 Court Orders Jeffrey Epstein Records Unsealed, Cautions Media and Public - Could Expose Powerful Politicians, Businessmen | New York Law Journal

19581663? ago

So whats happening to Britbong @Art1cBear @Sharipie ? @MagnusVeritas @tendiesonfloor @Oveass the Dutch British, Jerusalem, Rome, Babylon ... is there some kind of connection to that Stone religion the Knights brought to the West after they were stuck behind the enemy lines?

19585630? ago

I'm more into your mom, nigger

19581024? ago

OP and the retards in the comments don't recognise a Sikh vs a Muslim.

OP posts a fake news image to a title unrelated to the image. Retards start chiming in.

If you can't see what the OP is doing, you are as fucking stupid as any leftist pedophile protecting cunt.

If the OP was a decent human being and not a paid shill here to Divide ... they would have provided sources, not a fake image unrelated to their title.

Wake the fuck up. We are in an information war, and when you stop thinking critically and start just buying any shit you see and acting emotionally as most of these retarded uneducated comments are, (((they))) win.

19581239? ago

Did you know a lot of Sikhs and Hindu were also involved in the Paki Rape gangs

19581278? ago

The Sikhs were victims of it and I haven't come across any Hindu connection. Provide sources for your claims. You sound like the OP trying to spread disinformation and controlling the narrative. Amazing how many responses I received in less than a minute trying to redirect the conversation. All the same guy with sock puppet accounts?

19581150? ago

Just look at the Ladder with Albert Pike, it has some times islam, other times the Mason ritual it has rome, it has india ...it take what it wants like a parasite.... its an Occult political system maybe going back to Babylon. It will use cuttings and bits from other books the Vedas, the Pentateuch, the Quran or Koran and prayer to mohammed. The Masons moved to College now with black mail at the parties and funny robe rituals, the old Shriners branch connected to the islamists. If you arrive at a Mason temple in India you might find any number of book they swear to they might pray to the Tanakh, Torah, Talmud or Koran or quotes from the Quran or perhaps bhagavad gita as a freemason ... all smoke and mirrors to hide whats really happening at the top?

19581236? ago

Completely off the topic. Read the title of the post and what you've just written. Are you trying to cover for the OP?

19581279? ago

I'm the OP thanks for the replies and i admit i dunno really whats going on, it seems masons are dying and the final scandal about to hit them will be bigger than anything that happened the roman catholic church or hollyweird

19581297? ago

OP directing the narrative in the comments and replying to comments unrelated to the title, topic, and fake image. OP not addressing the being called out for spreading disinformation.

19581099? ago

The Atheists, the islamic rituals, Occult Jews and Masons, is a connection?

19581119? ago

None of that is provided. The OP posts an image completely unrelated to the title. Posts no sources. I want to know more about "Former Britbongistan Police Officer says all News stations got letter saying to not investigate Paki Rape Gangs" I want to know more about "MI5 Did Not Tell Of Deceased Minister Peter Morrison's 'Penchant For Small Boys'" ... the reason for clicking on the title in the first place, the reason YOU clicked on the title in the first place. What you got was an image completely unrelated of Masonic ceremony featuring Sikhs, not muslims. The narrative in the comments completely changes to something else completely unrelated to the topic ... and you can't see how you are being played by the OP?

20639165? ago

wut? @antiliberalsociety birtbongistani

19581746? ago

David Cameron was the Piggy guy @Octoclops then replaced by Ms Brexit

19589723? ago

Every response is off topic. Virtually every response is by the same guy using multiple accounts having conversations with himself.

19581209? ago

https://twitter.com/ViscountBraith1/status/1146798015040167936 Ex-police officer Dionne Miller: "The British Government wilfully allowed British children to become prey to Pakistani rape gangs. They issued a blanket ban on investigations."

19581249? ago

Are you stupid ... or the OP on an alt account? What has your response got to do with anything I said. Why aren't you asking the OP why he didn't provide a link instead of an unrelated photo, pushing the narrative in a direction completely away from the title. The title was click bait. If you can't see that, you are either brainwashed beyond help, or working with the OP.

19581187? ago

Why do Shriners do those things, drive around in Childrens cars and wear those little Red Hats that Celebrate the Massacre of Christians?? https://www.voat.co/v/anon/3285751 Masonics, Shriners? The Emissaries Of Jahbulon part 4 of 4

19581240? ago

Completely off topic. Congrats on being played.

19580066? ago

That's a Sikh.....

19581639? ago

its a freemason not just a sikh freak

19581237? ago

Many Sikhs and Hindu were also involved in the Paki Rape gangs

19581120? ago

At least one intelligent response. Thank you!

19581211? ago

What is their real god? ....and Jimmy Savile claimed to be Christian ...

19581261? ago

Thanks for confirming the Shills and paid disinformation agents are here today.

"What is their real god? ...you think the response is smart? smart like maybe 67 IQ intelligence ...fooled by the smoke and mirrors........and Jimmy Savile claimed to be Christian ..."

Nothing to do with this thread. Trying to redirect the narrative. Thanks for playing.

19581293? ago

im the OP, i had looked at this stuff before. looking into masons I hear their god was jabulon, they may also pray to some great builder god a demiurge of good and evil, someone else had a post showing they pray to some tranny goat thing at the top of masonry, they said this was called baphomet but that might be disinfo or crazy conspiracy. there are many connections and many branches of masons, when one gets caught in a scandal they quickly try to distance themselves and try say they do not connect to that lodge

19581300? ago

OP provides a comment that has nothing to do with the thread. Once again, redirecting the narrative.

19581105? ago

and this one says its Japanese https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=NW_iaOXk4LQ that eye covered in flame .. who are they really praying to?

19572252? ago

Tommy: I'm going to jail for confronting a “convicted Muslim pedophile” | Jessica Swietoniowski https://www.bitchute.com/video/86ESq8rxUSzK/

19574072? ago

Globalist Judges dont like that Tommy guy @Trousersnake1488 @noworldorder ? @con77 @lordvain2 @70times7 strange times for the Londonistani

19574930? ago

Its the utter betrayal of the British people by their own government! Tommy had a minor relative hooked on drugs and prostituted by a criminal Paki gang and the police refused to do anything BECAUSE THEY FEAR BEING CALLED RACISTS!!!!!

19571822? ago

Do Epstein's wealth and elite connections make him impossible to bring to justice? Investigative journalist Ben Swann joins Scottie Nell Hughes to discuss. https://www.voat.co/v/8chan/3308896

19581688? ago

This is strange a lot of these cults? the old rituals of the elites @Hebrew-Virus @syntaxaxe they go back to Arabia? @UrCoolerOlderBrother Babylon the middle east ? @14WordsToFreedom @Schreiber old Egypt, Rome, London, the Arabs, the Jews is there some kind of link between them?

19771250? ago

A lot of them are a bunch of religious zealots and that area is significant to abrahamic religions.

19571842? ago

Have Jester Lodge Criminals, House Pedophile Freemasons stolen $3-billion from Shriners Hospitals? Are all these seperate Masonic groups the same?? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3145210/17889508 If no other Freemason organization is calling them out, then to me they are all the same! Repugnant in a free and open Society! JFK

19571785? ago

The illuminati Freemasons Secretly Worship Jahbulon https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3210952/18832177 The cult mindset is real. Check out this great documentary about Jewish cultists in Israel. Explains a lot about the origins of freemasons, illuminati, Hollywood, etc. (whatever)

19581038? ago

There are 33 degrees, Jabulon is mentioned in One of them and not in any context ... this is clear if you actually read the original sources and not the bullshit that people made up and spread.

19581223? ago

? https://www.voat.co/v/Conspiracy/2762924 Not a Conspiracy Theory: Rich Lining Up to Pay for the Blood of Children to Be Injected into Them

19581284? ago

Completely off topic. Trying to redirect the narrative. I see you.

19571798? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3146591 Mack > Ranier > Bronfman > Rothschild

19571758? ago

Skull n Bones Masonics https://voat.co/v/QRV/3144434 ?

20412092? ago

Pakistan's Intelligence Agency Logo - Symbolism will be their downfall. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3397625/20311398 That is literally the baphomet

19581714? ago

the picture comes together? It's an old cult they said.... Something about the Dutch, a religion taken West by Knights stuck in enemy lands, something about Egypt, London, Rome and Arabia @Scroobius @ ? @Wheatstone ? @Plavonica @TheSeer the Art rituals, Hollywood, Jefferey Epstein, Laura Silsby and Jimmy Savile. There is factual evidence....

19571812? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3159365 The Enemy is The Cult of Baal?

19571681? ago

Shriners, Freemasons, and Islam Connection...Have you ever wondered why there is so little resistance to the Muslim invasion ?

20412091? ago

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19574712? ago

Make Me Believe - Ep 18 - Adrenochrome https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3248226/18899971 You need to research people like Jefferey Epstein, Laura Silsby and Jimmy Savile. There is factual evidence out there.

19581265? ago

Nothing to do with the topic. Redirecting the narrative.

19572049? ago

Robert Maxwell aka Mr Media Jew born Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch , a big media Empire and lots of scandals ... https://files.catbox.moe/puh242.png Resting place on the height of Mount of Olives Jewish Cemetery, Jerusalem .... had a daughter, Ghislaine Maxwell she grows up and enters media. After moving to America, Maxwell and the billionaire American financier Jeffrey Epstein had a romantic relationship, and Maxwell remained close to him after their break-up.

Maxwell has attracted press coverage for her friendship with perv Prince Randy Andy Andrew, Duke of York, the second son of Queen Elizabeth II, who attended social functions with her in New York. Maxwell introduced Epstein to Prince Andrew and the three often socialized together.

In 2008, Epstein was convicted of soliciting a minor for prostitution and served 13 months of an 18-month jail sentence. Details of a civil lawsuit made public in January 2015 contained a deposition from a woman, identified as 'Jane Doe 3', accusing Maxwell of having recruited her in 1999, when she was a minor, to have sex with Epstein.

19571695? ago

Sir Jimmy Savile the Establishment's Favourite Paedophile http://www.charliefoulkes.co.uk/truth/savile.html Jimmy Savile had friends in high places and friends in low places. An "everyman", if you like. He was the glue that held a lot of bad people together.

19571661? ago

Masons and their weird shit? https://archive.ph/pAT4E :

2004-03-10 | A Ritual Gone Fatally Wrong Puts Light on Masonic Secrecy - The New York Times

'Over the years, the Southside Masonic Lodge members developed their own initiation rituals for the social club in the lodge that set them apart from most other Masonic organizations, members said. ', "Orders like the Southside Masons seem more concerned today with Christmas parties and raising money for blood drives and children's charities than ritual.", "This is a mistake, not a criminal act. ''The Southside Masons are mostly middle-aged or retired men who come from middle-class backgrounds."

'Masonic leaders statewide were quick to disavow the incident, saying it was not Masonic custom to shoot guns at other members. ', "Late Monday night, police carried evidence and ritual objects out of the Masons' one-story lodge in Patchogue."

19581743? ago

and the Masonic Shriner is always trying to lure in the children @AllGoyim ? @Broc_Lia @somebody112 @Smallest_Skil f something goes from Asia to S.America to Haiti and Africa and London, Jerusalem, Rome runs everything? the Stone cutters, India, Arabia and 'Jimmy Savile' .... the Pyramid with the Burning Eye on Top?

19571715? ago

Each Country, Religion, Sexual Orientation, has its deep state Psycopath’s (it is estimated 1% of the population has the psycopathic mental disorder), these people have manipulated people on their way up the ladder and have sold out to the other psycopath’swho have already rose to prominence, all while laughing at the gullible masses (in their mind, “the Idiots”) https://voat.co/v/QRV/3227579/18693025

19571653? ago

Speak of News/Media .... and what does the Western Media do and spend so much on that weird propaganda? https://imgoat.com/uploads/84b6fbb107/195371.jpg the Kalergi Plan?

19571725? ago

https://voat.co/v/Elpis/3251891 Bilderberg Meeting 2019 - Meeting of The Psychopaths - YouTube

19571636? ago

There was a movie, ... London Has Fallen ?

19679346? ago

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19679251? ago

Epstein lived a block away from the human trafficking Qatari royalty. https://voat.co/v/AskAnon/3328057

19582120? ago

Approved many of the 9/11 hijackers entry into the US? Mason Shriner Brennan praises Islam in Arabic!!! islam founded by war monger pedophile jihadi who wanst the Destruction of Western Civilisation https://voat.co/v/QRV/3292786/19328501 The secret societies were created during the cruisades. Masons, Shriners, Knights of Templar etc... Listen to the Mystery Babylon series by William Cooper. He tells the whole story of it.

19571741? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3288926 Two Grammy Winning Producers DEAD in 3 Days // I'm Sure It's All a Coincidence or Pop Music is tied up in Pizzagate, can't decide....