20586036? ago

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20427427? ago

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20389267? ago

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19571746? ago

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19306924? ago

Two niggers. Producers...RIGHT. They just sit there and say shit like "Dat is da troof! Erf to yo muda! Sheeeeeit niggas! Dat is wak! hose be trippin!" They have NO clue how the technical studio equipment works or how it is designed and produced.

19300374? ago

Freemason Trump and Qpsyop are both LARPS working for the deep state NWO cabal.

Trump Kushner & Pompeo all just held high level meetings with the Illuminati cabal.

Zero chance Trump Kushner & Pompeo meet with the NWO cabal unless they are one of them.

Not a single swamp rat has been arrested & prosecuted.

Criminal rats still free laughing and taunting Americans on national TV and social media.

Clinton's are connected to dozens of unsolved mysterious deaths still no justice served.

Clinton foundation most corrupt criminal racket in U.S. history no justice served.

Obama most corrupt seditious & treasonous POTUS in U.S. history no justice served.

Trump has appointed numerous swamp creatures to important positions.

Trump has made no effort to drain the swamp.

Firings are simply a matter of the cabal moving around their larps.

Trump continues to whine on Twitter all talk and no action for years.

Trump & Qpsyop continue to allow the censorship & elimination of conservatives online unopposed.

Trump continues to allow hordes of historic record illegal immigration into USA.

POTUS declares a national emergency on border yet refuses to actually close the border.

The wall is stalled and not even close to being completed.

Trump whines but does nothing about illegal voter fraud.

Poisonous geoengineering of chemtrail spraying on Americans continuing across USA.

Trump continues to allow America's crops to be sprayed with Monsanto weed killer.

Trump continues to allow GMO foods into America's food supply.

Medical cures still being kept hidden from Americans.

ET disclosure remains highest classification kept secret from Americans.

Health care has not been fixed.

Trump appoints yet another giant swamp creature in Wray to head the FBI.

Qanon disappears again after serving up continuous nothing burgers for 20 straight months.

MOAB on the king criminal swamp rat Comey never happened.

Declas remains an ongoing fiasco.

Horowitz & Huber nothing burger reports imminent.

Yup, freemason Trump & Qpsyop are both live action role players working for the NWO cabal.

19292024? ago

Masonic musician Pink' aka Alecia Beth Moore born September 8, 1979 https://voat.co/v/anon/3117644/17835775 rituals everywhere now?

19292233? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3227579 Madonna Michigan, U.S.A does a demonic satanic babylon ritual at the eurovision 2019, Madonna Louise Ciccone holds the record for the most number-ones on all combined Billboard charts, i

19291895? ago

Charlize Theron still not sure if she has a 'son or 'daughter', says its possibly sex is transgender like Baphomet or the old Pagan Babylon Shemale Transexual Gods of ancient Egypt Arabia https://voat.co/v/QRV/3248967/18900239 nice list!

this should be it's own post not a reply...

Please post this!

million upvoats to you

19291867? ago

A Chilling final Instagram post emerges after heavy metal Slipknot drummer's daughter's tragic death, Gabrielle Crahan shared an Alcohol Anonymous symbol in the style of the Jahbulon Masonic Triangle https://voat.co/v/QRV/3232066/18735442 You have to admit it's kind of creepy to have a triangle with the fifth age in the center of it. That couldn't be any more occultic. The fifth and final age.

19291718? ago

People die all the time. Wait What?! Really. Wow. I didn't know that. Fucking Q-tards are the most gullible STUPIDEST people on planet earth.

19294205? ago

no u

19291663? ago

UHHH... HOLY SHIT, LOL. "In the 1990's, as the hotel was being refurbished, engineers noticed discrepancies in the blueprints. They discovered a majestic Masonic temple hidden behind false walls." Hollywood. New Orleans. And badly-behaved A+ list actors. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3185313/18680591 This thread is a bit "gossip driven" but is absolutely radioactive, too

19289751? ago

Killuminati working OT without pay. They are all slaves.

19287452? ago

How do you "accidentally" fall through a window?

19295680? ago

Really drunk is one way.

19290673? ago

Someone was trying to shoot him, missed, hit the window. The gun shot scared the pedo and he fell towards the window, and went through as it was now weakened by a bullet hole.

19290491? ago

Eric Clapton knows this one.

19294738? ago

Came here to say this, Anon. Sad, but true.

19288859? ago

Slipknot's dead daughter and Mason symbols, Madonna and satanic babylon symbols, Beyonce and Jay Z at weird rituals, Cher and her degeneracy, Red Hot Hill nasty and gay boy Rappers who are always out of tune but blacmialed with homosexual videos, what if you were told it was all controlled by Freemasons, Jews and Occultists. https://voat.co/v/anon/3286722 Marilyn Manson - I just went to Passover and not to Easter Sunday. [Laughs] It's unusual because I'm not Jewish, but I went with my friend Eli Roth to his house.

19287679? ago


19286943? ago

All those valuable contributions to humanity that are now lost forever.

19288316? ago

lmao valuable contributions?? only valuable to niggers who mumble. good riddance. nothing of value lost here for sure

19290988? ago

I love haiku.

19286960? ago

anything to divert attention from the actual point, eh Rabbi?

19287881? ago

How do we know you're not a jew posting fake jew hate narrative OP?

19302146? ago

"How do we know X isn't Y" shill detected!

19302621? ago

^ Projecting shill confirmed!

19303100? ago

projectile vomiting, perhaps

19303131? ago

Vomiting and shilling.

Probably jerks off in a puddle of his own vomit.

19303159? ago

let's see how long you can stay busy here

19303203? ago

Years, I have years and years and years

Let's dance!!

19303238? ago

put on your red shoes
dance them blues

19303265? ago

Let's swing!

19303197? ago



19286790? ago

You figure around 70-72k deaths per year in Los Angeles County. Lots of suicide. Lots of psychotropics. Lots of depression. Lots of debt.

May be or may not be a coincidence, but then someone would actually need to do research.

19294194? ago

Like you?

19290826? ago

I only do research on predetermined conclusions for my puppet masters. I retroactively falsified record setting hot temperatures in Africa prior to Obama pushing the Paris Accord. I love my job.

19286836? ago

I love your Pizzagate level concern trolling.

19288606? ago

Who cares about a couple of nigs dying. Good riddance

19286664? ago

Don't know who they are and don't care that they're dead. But, probably not coincidental.

19286618? ago

nigger "producers"

19286662? ago

wrong... Cassius Phillippe Zdar is White ( French ) and produced one of the most popular Indi album's of all time :


19287694? ago

cardi b producer u idiot

19287713? ago

' producer[S] '

plural, you cunt sore

19287086? ago

lol faggot downvoats me for giving him the facts

what a nigger

19287888? ago

You sound like an angry Democrat, OP.

Why are you trying to racialize these news?

Trying to deflect?

It's OK to be a Jew.

It's OK to be black.

19287905? ago

'these news'

lol Found the sand nigger!!

19287961? ago

LOL, yep, definitely a panicking Demokkkrat!

Takes these news and insults jews, blacks and browns in one post.

OP, whoever is writing your scripts needs some new material.

Attacking every race as if it had anything to do with these news, shows you're a panicking commie loser.

Panic some more now!

19286490? ago

They're all pedos

20411710? ago

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19679261? ago

and Epstien friends? https://voat.co/v/AskAnon/3328057

19291759? ago

The Babylon Mason religion? Bill Cooper Explains How Freemasons See The World https://voat.co/v/QRV/3224612/18679264 So shes one of them !?

19288886? ago

from Hollyweird to Arabia, Jerusalem, Rome to the BBC ... what are the Shriners and whats all the symbol at MTV and other shows

20279496? ago

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