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17890530? ago

There are two major masonic houses. Scottish rite and York.

17895927? ago

Europe was under attack Molsems invaded Europe both East through Constaninople and the Turks invaded Balkans stopped at Austria and Moslems attacking the West flank they invaded West from N.Africa up through Spain. The response from Europe was a series of Crusades, some battles were won some battles lost, some the Knights were behind enemy lines, in foreign lands, they look on foreign rituals and foreign customs, the Knights Templar and Freemasons probably existed side-by-side, the Masons were originally 'Stone Masons' people who had a secret network union or stone cutter group, the religions and rituals may be far older which is where all the 'Satanic' stuff or Babylon or conspiracy comes in. The Knights Templar became obsessed with the Grail and the Bloodline of Christ, they became a behind the scenes political force and a threat to powers in Europe, According to legend, the Knights Templar discovered the greatest treasure in history buried in the ruins of King Solomon’s temple. The Knights became rich—so rich, in fact, that they were the targets of envy and suspicion. In 1307, King Philip IV of France had all of the Knights Templar arrested so that he could take possession of their great wealth. There was a group of guys building temples, castles and churches around Europe, they developed secret handshakes, code words and other signs to distinguish one another from the rough masons. What happened to the Knights after their imprisonment remains a mystery, but some say they went into hiding and continued their work in secret, did they flee to Scotland only to reemerge in Europe during the 1700s as the modern Freemasons? You also have Malta the Knights they're a secretive religious order they say there a 11th century the Knights of Malta established a hospital in Jerusalem to care for pilgrims of any religious faith or race, all series of Rituals, Uniforms, jewelry, swords, armor, they might connect to the Knights Templar and Roman Catholic Church, here's a Documentary on them. Knights of Malta

17909358? ago

The knight templar were the bankers for the Vatican. The pope outlawed then seized their assests and supposedly had many executed. Now thats what I learned decades ago. The illumanati were the outcropping of the knights templar and the legand of Jesus's supposedly wife, Mary Magdelene fled to Gaul. (France) were she gave birth to a daughter, Sara. Thus began the Merivengian clan.

I found it very interesting that we find that name in the movie The Matrix. And the role the Merivengian played with the "KEY" maker.