19459356? ago

We allowed nothing. We were all active participants. Nothing was DONE to us; we did it to ourselves. They gave us shiny new toys complete with GPS trackers, cameras, and microphones and we glad stuffed them in our pockets and demanded they make better ones NOW. Please don't take this as condescension...I'm just as guilty as the rest of us for being complicit in my own enslavement and for the record, the decks were stacked overwhelmingly against us. That does not, however much we wish it to, excuse our role in all if this. We need to stop being victims, plain and simple. It's a lot to ask; the term "sheep" is frightening in its accuracy. The flock will always be the flock, but that doesn't mean they have to be a stupid flock.

19450893? ago

Maybe, student loans should be given for the exact amount of tuition, and books; sent directly to the university. Too many are using the loans for trips to Europe, Myrtle Beach, Florida, etc. I live near a young woman who used hers for trips to Turkey, London, and France. Now, she bitches that paying back student loans is too difficult to afford, in relationship to what her field pays her. When I went to college, I worked, and took loans that covered tuition, and books. Some of this is personal accountability, not just the banks, gov't, and universities.

19448751? ago

Our kids are taught in high school that if they don't get a 4-year degree they'll be flipping burgers all their lives. They are scared NOT to go. Few parents have the savings to foot the whole bill so guess what? Student loans. And when they graduate with tons of debt, the older generation rebukes them for borrowing more than they could afford. "In my day we worked our way through school..... " Yes but college wasn't $100,000 then. So what they are saying is college is, once again, only for rich kids.

19466624? ago

Rothschilds' Bank of America? BCCI for world's most notorious dictators, includes Somoza family, Saddam Hussein, Ferdinand Marcos & Haiti's Jean-Claude "Papa Doc" Duvalier....Trudeau Panama Papers? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3131805

19451392? ago

Maybe if the colleges and universities dumped all the useless degrees they sink money into. Most degrees don't even guarantee you will be paid well.

19448400? ago

Restore student loan bankruptcy and the entire problem will very quickly fix itself.

19466642? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3144313 I feel like the conversation on this board is constantly directed away from a certain group of <<<people>>>.

19448060? ago

I didn't, you fucking boomers and generation X faggots did. And then blame us for being poor and lazy after you fucked up the economy. We don't have the same opportunities as you because every thing is expensive as fuck now. I work a minimum of 45+ hours a week and it still isn't enough.

19466620? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3194497 TIME Magazine Cover?? Are homosexual "Weddings" weird Babylon Satanic Degenerate Rituals?

19450891? ago

Oh let's not cast out at entire generations that you know nothing about. If you're bitching about your victimhood instead of getting after it despite obstacles, that makes you the fucking faggot.

19446031? ago

But, but the teachers / groomers in both England & America have some of the largest investment funds benefiting from not just college loans but other deep state business

19445671? ago

What's this we shit? I seem to remember a story about Jesus kicking the money changers out of the temple...

19447462? ago

Jesus set the animals free, too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDzU78wEf6k - 1:08:38

19444392? ago

I learned that way before I learned that fat ugly chodes can get hot woman as long as they have tall piles of cash and a nice ride... I think I learned that when I was two years old. Fractionalized banking system equals debt slaves 101, it is not just the US but world wide, read the economic hitman.Banks loan money to governments for infrastructure , the debt is guaranteed by the taxation of the worker and whalla, an entire nation is a debt slave to foriegn bankers for whatever deal their government made for roads, hospitals, hookers, whatever .... we pay the bill for loose spending by unaccountable ass faces.

19466657? ago

Root of all evil? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3190884 Just what is Luciferianism: a mind dump on the subject, and freemasons.

19445339? ago

You know how I know OP is poor?

19446693? ago

The same way I know you're a fat ugly chode with tall piles of cash?

19445432? ago

And there you were thinking you own stuff that was purchased with Federal Reserve Notes...

19445588? ago

Except I own tons of physical metals. Poor right wingers sound exactly like poor left wingers. “I should be a millionaire...waaaaa... the federal reserve is stealing my money!”

19445717? ago

And then you discover that There is no Fucking Money, just an idea everyone has bought into to feed their Reptilian Brain and Dopamine Receptors

19443980? ago

Not me and not my kids. Fuck that bullshit.

19443277? ago

The real reason why they would want free college for everyone is because they are fucking indoctrination camps now.

19443800? ago

Agree with that too,

College is educations are free then they will be worth nothing. Already colleges have people going to them that are functional morons.

Colleges will be less than useless.

19445342? ago

Brah, you sound like a poor

19443196? ago

Buy bitcoin fools

19450901? ago

I would go for something that works better off grid.

19443835? ago

Not at 13k though... can probably snag it at 6k before the big run.

19443641? ago

Did 2 weeks ago.. its 10% up alraedy

19442866? ago

It happens in the 60s with reverse mortgages. Instead of people dying with no will or kin going to hud it goes to banks to hold and raise the value

19442503? ago

  1. No more government funding for post secondary education institutions.
  2. Your student loan is with the school you are going to. Not with the government or bank.
  3. Upon graduating, the school must place you in a job reflecting your education and at a mutually agreed upon minimum salary. When that has happened, you have ten years to pay back your loan or you default.
  4. You make no loan payments to the school until after you are placed. If the school cannot place you with two years after passing your curriculum and graduation, your loan becomes null and void - too bad school.

This makes the school a partner in your education with skin in the game. So they have to give you a solid education with job prospects upon graduation. No more turning out broke radical left socialist Dem wannabe’s with no prospects in life and an education you could have gotten from a Coles Notes bio of Karl Marx.

So your education has to be a win-win or the school loses the tuition you owed them.

  1. Problem solved.

19480222? ago

Making it the schools' responsibility still misses the point. A person's education should be on his or her own shoulders—personal responsibility. Let free market and supply and demand produce quality in the schools. If a school does not produce, it will lose students. If schools are responsible, then students do not have to work as hard and can shirk their responsibility. Corruption within the schools will happen to ensure students' "success." Studies are out there (do your own research) that show students who work while going to school tend to do better. My take on that is because they are owning more responsibility. Education on that level is not a right but something to be worked for by those who are have the ability to do so. The only exception would be granting aid for military personnel because of what they sacrifice for our country.

19448906? ago

Don't forget to absolutely BAN any jews participation in both teaching of curriculum or construction of any curriculum. Remove the jew from our educational system entirely, in every possible way.

19444013? ago

Government involvement in education AT ALL un not constututional. ALL this bullshit is under the broad interpretation of the Commerce Clause and thus unconstitutional, unless, ofcourse, you thing that student loans are part of the government regulating Iterstate commerce...

19443603? ago

I live in the Netherlands and I get 400 euros a month for free from the govt, because my parents arent so rich. If my parents made over 70k combined, I would not get one penny from the govt. I like it this way since I wont have any debt

19448708? ago

The only money a government has is that which it takes from the population it governs. Therefore, what the government gives you for "free", it has taken from someone else who earned it.

19451325? ago

I know, but since I havent paid any taxes yet its technically given.. however, i will have to pay more taxes when I start working, more than I will ever 'receive'

19448299? ago

Yeah, but people who work hard WHO MAKE OVER 70K get their hard earned money taken from them to PAY YOU, so you can sit on your lazy ass and do nothing. Have you know shame?

I love the lyrics from an old Charlie Daniels song, I aint asking nobody for nothing, ... If I can't get on my own. If you don't like the way I'm living then just leave this long hared country boy alone. Your generation is lost and does not understand pride of accomplishment you only know how to take from others while taking it easy. Looser!

Get a job you bum!

19451372? ago

Problem is, I will pay t back 100x times over because of the taxes I will lay when I get a job. So, as a student i need money, and the government knows damn well they will get it all back many times over. So I aint taking anything

19444179? ago

That is great to hear.

19442861? ago


19443026? ago

Thanks. People should never be penalized for using common sense - which was my post secondary institution.


19443416? ago

My wife's brother put his oldest through college and almost went bankrupt in the process. She came out with a useless degree which got her a job at a daycare. She's since quit that job to become a yoga instructor. She went into college very conservative and religious. She came out off college a raving lunatic leftist. Texas Tech was the crime scene.

19444160? ago

There are a million stories like yours unfortunately. I have been saying Trump cleaning up the MSM and then the problems in the post secondary education should be Priorities 1 & 2 of the new term. Unfortunately there is much to be resolved from this first term however.

There needs to be a serious study done on young adults coming out of colleges who are underemployed, Colleges teach theory and no practical thinking-on-your-feet work experience.

The only reason companies hire college graduates primarily is because they know they are seriously in debt and cannot afford to quit a job on a whim. Most are only one pay check away from going bankrupt in many cases. So what they save on Human Resources costs, they lose by having to teach college kids how to actually work in a business - a poor trade off.

I was very fortunate I am continually self taught and smart enough to it it to use very quickly.

I look at the entire situation like this. When you want to get a dog for your family, where do you go? Do you spend a lot of money on a dog from a breeder with a pedigree and papers that usually ends up having a bad disposition because the breeders are only in it for the money? Or do you go to the SPCA and give a dog a second chance who will love your family unconditionally and protect them to show its thanks? It’s an easy choice for me,

19442301? ago

What (((group))) of people would ever do such a thing to society and to the world ???

19466532? ago

the bank that supports an endless war? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3224621/18889818 Perpetual war Conspiracy? Clermont France. The Roman Catholicism, the Knights Templar, Kabbalism, Freemasonry, & the NWO. Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Government Lies

19454070? ago

but why dont yo Cracka want Open Border, you 'fraid you go the way of Native America? and when ya'' see the crime remember the Dindoo Nuffins wuz gud boi

19443690? ago

Haha I was truly lost if you didnt put the hint there. *coughs

19442222? ago

It ends when we stop participating.

Stop working. Stop paying taxes. Stop buying crap.

19443734? ago

Buy bitcoin before it does, I did it too, but since Im student, i cant affort to invest much but its certainly worth it

19445440? ago

A little late on the boat for that one...

Buy gold coins . Seriously. The market is being artificially suppressed, and once trump gets rid of the federal banks, it's real price will come out... gold and silver is the next best thing to crypto if you missed that boat....

19451400? ago

You have a valid point, but I doubt that gold will ever be useful as money, because there's just so little of it. Thats why I prefer crypto

19455756? ago

Good luck losing 3/4 of your crypto investment on the next dive, meanwhile gold will only be going up up up guaranteed

19443784? ago

Sure, but without electricity, or Internet, Bitcoin is useless. Gold and silver in your hand beat all.

19451433? ago

But I dont see the internet going away

19445475? ago

Food, land, a tight community and the ability to defend oneself beats Gold and Silver any day of the week

19451448? ago

🙏🙏true, but not what he was getting at 😉