19246429? ago

Divs the lot of you..

19215975? ago

These shills below are the fighters who don't "know which bathroom" to use, and We have 80 million+ rounds of ammo. Sorry to tell you but "Was the hate and money worth it.you have already been defeated.

19215810? ago

Yeah okay. Like DJT is gonna signal the DS when the shit goes down.

19215787? ago

Omg. Please stop with the twitter and date fagging. Do you realize how many times POTUS has tweeted 'enjoy the show"? Do you realize that every month has the 17th? STFU already. Things will happen when they happen. Nobody outside of Q knows the day or the hour.

19214420? ago

I think the blackout is when most of the major arrests happen and I think it's for two reasons.

  1. To make communicating harder and capture easier.
  2. To prevent any offloading of information outside the us. If you're a major criminal you have your own servers (Hillary) and if SHTF you destroy and offload someplace safe. If the US gov is coming after you you'd likely offload to NZ. Not if the internet's out. Then you need to decide, destroy and if you survive the arrest you start over or leave it be and hope they don't find it.

19213219? ago

Don’t forget full moon.

19213147? ago

The show may start tomorrow but like the hype and hope it has brought before will have the same result, weakening our hopes for justice and freedom! Not saying the'show' won't start tomorrow just not the 'show' of incarceration of the top treason culprits!

19212574? ago

Time to unlock the lockbox that AlGore once touted as saving, well, everything.

19212221? ago

It could be, but it could also be that you have misinterpreted it. They are not going to tell the enemy when they plan to move against them. Another possibility is that you are right, a start signal has gone out with that, but we may not know for a long time, if ever, just what it started.

19211959? ago

This will be a long haul. Years. Don’t expect it all to go down in a day.

19211955? ago

The one Trump sends that matters will start with "My fellow Americans..."

And I am thinking emergency broadcast channel, not clown infected Twitter.

19211850? ago

Check out June 17, 2018. Q dropped 17 drops that day. Also mentions "Full moon coming" which is tomorrow!


19212756? ago

I admit, now that is kind of interesting.

19211767? ago

So the show escalates...………….. Show began quite some time ago ENJOY the SHOW
Grab a role
Big as you dare
After all Lady Gaia is one GIANT STAGE
Make it a ride to remember

19211323? ago

Trump said declass is coming.... which it has. It just hasn't been made public. It may never well be . More of this than we might think is going to be dealt with quietly and probably after the election.

19226744? ago

trying to sow seeds of doubt eh? 'after the election'?? do you even understand what is going on!?🤨

19227241? ago

Pence has sown his own seeds that you very much. Lots out there.

19211275? ago

POTUS never does anything surprising on a Holiday. Declass will happen whe it happens. There will not be any “signal”, It will come like a thief in the night. Everything POTUS does shows up when we least expect it.

19211173? ago

I've come to believe you have three choices on the decodes. I base this on the pure random nonsense methodology used to arrive at the message.

Possibility one: The decoders isn't decoding shit. They are in on the message and making up shit to give the message out they were told to give out.

Possibility two: Their decodes are utter bullshit.

Possibility three: They are deep state fuckers that are just trying to muddy the water.

If you want to find out which of the three each professed expert is, then you are going to have to document and verify the accuracy of their predictions. I haven't done that. I am to damned lazy to spend that much time on it, and I suspect that is the same for 99% of those here. So we will just have to watch the show and wait.

19210584? ago

I’m starting to think that the war has already been won and “The Show” is just that- a show to be played out for the public/normies.

19210882? ago

That is exactly what Q has said over and over. It’s just hard to believe as no one has been arrested and the DS is still doing their thing.

19210497? ago

Don't telegraph your moves............let them always think it's coming...............Steele is singing..............which adds time.......patience grasshoppers.......

19210263? ago

ABC and Stephanopoulos have been Parading Trump around for a week like a Trophy.

19210358? ago

Yeah, but...POTUS trolled Steph infection while redpilling those under the spell of ABC tripe. He got the leftist Dems to go apoplectic over foreign sourced oppo research. This will be used to redpill even more of the public as more details of the seditionist crimes come out.

19210551? ago

I watch .I'm not interested in Spin from either side.

19210224? ago


19210033? ago

when i woke up my computer was disconnected. others in the house were still functional, i had to toggle the wifi (ubuntu 16.04 on this laptop) before the vpn would connect again...

19209654? ago

If it doesn't start on the 17th of June, it might be the 17th of July, or August, or Sept,,,,,. Could also be an indication of the release of the declass or the Hillary video's in 2117. We will just have to wait and see.

19209493? ago

Voat is now totally COMPED!

Hijacked and rebooted with doxx code insertion.

19210926? ago


19209353? ago

I'm thinking there might have been a bigger reason for the voat site downage just very recently. Well see.

19209252? ago

This would be absolutely amazing. Being it is my birthday! MAGA - WWG1WGA

19210865? ago

Happy birthday! 🎉🇺🇸

19209111? ago

Red Wave

19209109? ago


19209097? ago

He’s talking about the literal tv show that’s going to be happening on the television today. You know, the one that he referenced in the previous tweet.

19209065? ago

No, the signal is "my fellow Americans, the storm is upon us"

19209021? ago

Something can happen in the next few days.

lol Care to be more specific Nostradamus?

19208934? ago

Remember last year? The “happy Father’s Day” Q drop?

19208912? ago

I'll check back in 48 hours to see if anything happened then.

19208845? ago

I heard "DECLAS NEXT WEEK" months ago? I mean when is next week?

19214060? ago

Email Barr and ask him. Trump did his part by declassing it. Barr's job is to go through it. Barr's the guy to look at.

19211941? ago

Do you imagine it will just never happen, and that timing isn’t everything?

19211738? ago

Next week never comes.

19210420? ago

This is one of the things the shills properly mislead. Declassification doesn't in any way mean public release. Nor does it mean immediate release. If he had meant, "immediate public disclosure", he would have said so.

Trump authorized Bar to declassify everything he wants and authorized Bar multiple investigations. The logical assumption is that public disclosure will follow after the completion of investigation.

Only shills will tell you otherwise.

19221673? ago

whatever logic makes u happy dude.

19211887? ago

great point. Redactions aren't just for the citizens. "public" also means people internally. The ones who can actually do something about it now have access to it and barr will share with the appropriate people with no leaks.

19209840? ago

DECLAS doesn't happen overnight. The order has been given and the process has begun. Like all things legal it is a process. It must be done correctly. We didn't get to this point in our country overnight, it's been happening at least since 1913. "This is bigger than you know." So getting this mess cleaned up will take some time. Relax, let the Patriots work, support them and enjoy the show.

19210167? ago

Yep, this!

Think back weeks ago

Think back two months ago

Think back a year ago

Think back two years ago, do you see progress as more people wake up??

19211059? ago

"Things are gonna happen!"

nothing happens


19221660? ago


19209497? ago

Well if you take 10 then add the sum root of an isosceles triangle to it, then subtract 13 but ONLY during the dark of the moon on a Tuesday AND if you get another Jack that will give you a Shronk but If hadn't gotten another Jack you'd be on your way to a royal Fisbin and then you use Gematria code from your Ovaltine ring to figure out that What The President was REALLY saying in his tweet was a super secret double probation code worded message that at a specific date and time all will be revealed and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. This ridiculous bull shit decode nonsense has to stop. Bunch of fucking 5 year olds playing Spy vs Spy on the internet.

19221623? ago

lmao. good one.

19219563? ago

I think all you guys got it wrong. I think the key to decoding Trump is backward masking. Just listened to the Tampa speech backwards and pretty sure he said something about finally getting hookers in to pee Obama's name on the Queen's bed. Must be all systems go or something. Gotta do some more work to be sure though.

19219608? ago

Oh SHIT someone figured it out! I'll bet if you play speeches backwards you'll Hear Paul is NOT dead

19219644? ago

Guess there's no choice but to open a YT channel now. I can't let everybody down.

19219680? ago

Ahahahahahahahhhahahash ok you WIN the internet today! Just be sure to give yourself a cutesy name like Super Duper Captain X3245625413312912 Report and always say ITS HERE or ITS coming. Also be sure and ask for Patreon so that you can continue to bring hi quality vids to your subscribers. Because apparently you have to PAY to BE on YT hence the need for people to give you money. If not that then hawk gold coins

19215845? ago

I'm sorry, but we required the answer in the form of a question.

Guess you'll just have to deal with darkness and corruption for another 2000 years.

19214491? ago

I agree it was funny but you know there are people that can read the codes.

19213069? ago

This comment was linked from this v/AskVoat comment by @zxcvzxcv.

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19212247? ago

It’s by the dark of the moon on every other Tuesday, also you must use Gaelic rune for potatoe because it’s not a leap year....learn the comms

19212021? ago

Be.....sure.......to.........drink.........your........ ovaltine.

19213264? ago


19212205? ago


19210236? ago

Made me laugh much...thanks. Yeah, this "decoding" speculation has gotten wierd.

19211927? ago

SB2 is back, that is all

19209921? ago

That was funny! However, I am now triggered by your decode shaming. I need a trophy.

Seriously, 'though, who cares whether or not anyone does elaborate and possibly rube goldberg like decodes? At 5 years old, their maturity level already dwarfs the people who got us into this pickle. There is nothing wrong with ridiculous bullshit nonsense going on. It might play a role even if it isn't true at all.

Wait. Then that might mean that you are also playing a role by hating on it and then I am in turn playing a role by enjoying your words and inviting you to join me in not worrying about the fact that...

No matter how hard I try, I can never seem to predict a single decode. It does seem like hocus pocus (derived of course from habeas corpus and the catholic priests' insistence on mass in latin). What lends a shred of interest is that, valid or not, the data seems to be reliable. What looks like random, omni directional stabs in the dark somehow seem to converge and there is consensus about which lunatic interpretation is right.

Convergence is only a data point. Obviously those priests said more or less the same sorts of things and had a mechanism for sorting out how many angels dance on the pin. Mobs seem to get the same idea easily enough. But in the case of astrology and other speculative practises like anthropology and calculus, those mumbling mad men seem intractably convinced they are onto, not just something, but relatively the same thing. They start completing each other's sentences and I feel left out.

There is a possibility that, if enough human attention is paid to making a sufficient elaborate but convergent system, the system will pick up harmonics and reveal truth. Like predictive linguistics. Like sherlock holmes.

However, at least when sherlock explains how he figured it all out, it makes sense. I get the idea that I could have preemptively followed that logic. Not so with the decodes.

Please write more funny stuff. It was wonderful.

19213221? ago

Based on your cogent analysis of the situation I can only add that all this decode BS makes as much sense as the old poem

...One day in the middle of the night. Two dead boys got up to fight. Back to back they faced each other. Drew their knives and shot each other. A deaf policeman heard the noise and came to rescue the two dead boys.

19213159? ago

"That was funny! However, I am now triggered by your decode shaming. I need a trophy."

Made me laugh out loud....thx!!!

19209199? ago

DECLAS already happened, it’s just not public DECLAS. Materials are in the prosecutors hands. I think some things have come out that were classified like Carter Page being able to finally say he was a FBI informant. Something else on Hannity was new like that as well.

19208835? ago

kid, be smart and don't date fag.

19208869? ago

I used to say "ya fuck ya we are winning", now, it's more like "i'll believe it when i see it".

19210133? ago

what turned you into a loser?

19208831? ago

“Something big soon” is kind of the motto though.

Hey I hope so too but..

19226711? ago

just had to get that 'but' in there didn't you?😆

19208825? ago

Whatever happened to the countdown🤔

19208776? ago

Iceland independence day. Iceland punished their bankers.

19212305? ago

For what, with what?

19213605? ago

The usual. Jail. And an upset election victory...

19208733? ago

D-day = "The Longest Day" (book/movie about Normandy landings) = June 21 (solstice = longest day)

19208710? ago

Look how angry the shills are, something might just be up. Also watch: https://twitter.com/FlipitRed2020/status/1139726139226640384 POTUS saying the nest two weeks a big surprise announcement will be made

19212317? ago

There has been some very severe shilling here this last week.

19210696? ago

i hadn't seen this anywhere you should post it as it's own post. It's one thing for us to datefag, another for POTUS to do it.

19211867? ago

be my guest i cannot post yet due to post limit

19208829? ago

It looks like one faggot shill. Funny how early he's up today. lol

I think I'd be sleeping in if nothing was happening, not cursing at people.

19208954? ago

Flat Earther by any chance or is the concept of time zones just alien to you?

19210120? ago

time zones work perfectly well in an azimuthal equidistant projection map

19209025? ago

shut up, you desperate cunt lol

You're here for the Unhappenings, is that it, faggot?

19209074? ago

I had my morning coffee 5 hours ago along with the rest of Europe. That's my point. What's the "Unhappening" anyway?

19208709? ago

Yeah right. I'll believe it when I fucking see it.

19208630? ago

Even as a Q follower nothing "yuge" will happen between now and July 4th. July 4th will be a good and decent celebration, but not in the "The WORLD has been arrested!" Sort of way.

"Peace is the Prize". They date fag, False flags hit. So this, July 4th, is the ultimate date fagging. If no FF hits, you know we've won. Boring. But that's the way this game is playing.

19208763? ago

what the fuck are you babbling about? lol

19210061? ago

about ds expending ammunition, i think

19208769? ago


ZERO. NADA. No big names, just more pedos

19208773? ago

faggot thinks he's an oracle ^^^

19208805? ago

No just anointed. Your Moshiach, JIDF cunt.

19208468? ago

The signal was for the OP to stop being a datefaggot.

19208409? ago

https://tweetsave.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1140059246781968385 :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: ".....the first 2 1/2 years of his Presidency, including the fact that we have one of the best Economies in the history of our Country. It is called Earned Media. In any event, enjoy the show!"

This has been an automated message.

19208406? ago

Fake and gay

19211232? ago

Hi, hansel.

19209053? ago

yes... you are very fake and gay

19208395? ago

cram your numbers inside your asshole

19208368? ago

Interesting tweet! Thanks for listing it. WWG1WGA

19214979? ago

Just heard an unproven theory that "Covfefe" was not a mistake. Looking into that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ko_Phi_Phi_Don

19224181? ago

I cannot remember where I heard it but, I heard way back that 'COVFEFE' was an acronym that the military uses that reflects the mindset of persisting in your attack during a battle and ignoring the attempts by the enemy to distract you from your winning.

It was something like "Continue On Victoriously, F*** Everything, F*** Everybody"

19208690? ago


19209248? ago

Says the basement internet warrior who knows how to increase the font size of text on forum posts.......LOSER!

19211197? ago


19209771? ago

If you are posting on PC there is a button at the top for Bold, spoilers, links and other things.

19209533? ago
