19020162? ago


Caught a goon squad member, i wonder if on my list


19013874? ago

@Kevdude is paid and works with bots. I’ll have to gather the data.

19020675? ago

he fucking "protect" /v/whitebeauty because @kevdude is running a posting bot there. /u/2lightningbolts

19014190? ago

Please do.

19010464? ago

Photovoltaics are really sketchy. They work only when the sun is out, what kind of labor union scam is that?

19009235? ago


The following are mods that publicly admitted to receiving ban warnings and/or received actual bans. @PuttItOut should post the full list of who received warnings for the sake of transparency.

WhiteRonin - warning http://archive.is/YMs3E

Croat_Goat - global ban on main account http://archive.is/3ojYp

Dortex - warning http://archive.is/9Eh2z

Trigglypuff - warning and Global ban for dox http://archive.is/3X0D1

andrew_jackson - warning http://archive.is/zyz3b

19020195? ago

@srayzie isn't the first one to be targeted on this site.

Yeah you mean how I'm continually targeted by you and /v/protectvoat?????

here is yur pooooof you hack, mind you these were all sticky here for at a month.



https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3100916 <----- this is complete lies

https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3065927 <---- 10 comments kinda suck you nignog

https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2511652 <----- here is him threatening a user

there is oprobably more but see im not a fag, and this fuck kevnog barley deserves my time.

Fuck your wall of text you fucking fag.

Go play on putts account again you fuck

edit 1:kek at the downvotes.

fags only say "kek"


honorable mentions:

@crensch and @gabara and @kevdude both ban people on voat and deletes legit content

just a reminder all....



@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to ORGANIZE to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

just one example from a shit alt @smokenofire


and he fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

just another example, of the " builder" @kevdude lying


He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.


hes now even saying I c&p replies as another user... WHEN HE DOES THE SAME THING







and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

Here is more just one example of @kevdude shenanigans "the builder"


kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.


[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 19 hours ago

It's Dial. I block all his accounts now. He adds nothing to this place.

here is @kevdude submissions history, fucking amazing work kevnog getting people banned and downvoated to nothing!

https://voat.co/u/kevdude/submissions <---- notice how every thing is upvoat from the PV goonsquad.... FFS all he does post shit motorhead remakes. Im calling voat manip on him... its so jewy

Still Zero on who systematically downted me. "OOOOh no it cant be Protectvoat" can it?"


Hey @crensch, aint you that power mod from /v/GreatAwakening ?




here is "the builder" @kevdude threatening users @puttitout


here is "the builder" @kevdude harassing users in their personal verses


19029693? ago

It's been going on for a long time.

19020391? ago

sry formatting is a little shitty, it was c&p from an eailer post.... hopefully it more cleaner now... "proof in the pudding" ya'll

I seriously lost so many account to these PV guys, its insane. and just so you know I've here 4+ years. It is finally great after years people are turning towards the TRUTH!



19012258? ago

I would like that as well

19009091? ago

One is Photovoltaics are too damn expensive. and SBBH Supermassive Binary Black Hole I'll leave that up to Michio Kaku

19009062? ago

More shill larping. I’m convinced Q introduced us to this shit platform to inundate it w so many shills, it has honed our detective skills.

19008312? ago

NO ONE CARES but thanks for the list of cunt faggots to block and stalk

19009135? ago

If he mentions only people against PV, the discussion is going to be one-sided against PV.

PV does good work, in my experience browsing there. Anyone can post there, so sometimes you just get people making drama, but PV seems on target more than they're off target.

19009080? ago

That list of users is from v/realProtectVoat.

The whole thing, pv, rpv, sbbh, is the same monster.

There are good people caught up in the mix unfortunately.

19020491? ago

rpv has ZERO to do with both those subs....

infact im really the only one friends in sbbh, and HAVE ZERO to do with /v/realprotectvoat

-dial _indicator

19009224? ago

What/s /v/realProtectVoat? The second post there accuses srayzie of spamming her own sub but presents no evidence that she has done so. That doesn't make a good first impression.

19020630? ago

What/s /v/realProtectVoat?

it was created by user Freshmeat along with user couple others to EXPOSE PV lies and the bullshit. They stopped posting in it because everything would get downvoated to (brigaded ) to shit from @kevdude goon squad ask me how I know

19009265? ago

Case in point. Notice the parallels between rpv, sbbh and how pv is used.

19008198? ago

Paul Simon is a piece of shit.

19080912? ago

Should anyone be "trusted" on here?

19081622? ago

Only me