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18408950? ago

On Q #3160 Q posted:


21 Mar 2019 - 11:57:51 AM📁


Q posted a link to FBI tips. They wouldn't do that if the FBI remained compromised.

18408981? ago

that's a ridiculous conclusion

You're actually claiming Q posting a tip line confirms the FBI is not compromised?


18409061? ago


You just proved yourself to be nothing but a "contradict Q" shill, as suspected.

Q/Horowitz/Sessions have already cleaned out the FBI.

"Trust Wray" - Q

"Hannity is a Patriot" - Q

/thread neutralized

18409260? ago

You stupid panicking shillbot.

NONE of those posts would absolve any shill.

Especially not you narrowly defined shillbots whose main job is to trick people into not watching Hannity, Tucker, Ingraham, Levin, Rush, Bongino.

"Hannity is a patriot" - Q

We have already questioned sufficiently to know who is on and off MAGA.

We have already questioned sufficiently to know that those who are coming out of nowhere to attack Hannity (POTUS has agreed to be on Hannity MANY times, now why would he do that you stupid fucking moron?) are SHILLS TRYING TO DISCREDIT THE ONLY PEOPLE TALKING TRUTH ABOUT SPYGATE.


18409391? ago

Why has Hannity shilled the Deep State narrative on 9/11 for almost 20 years?

No faggot... we don't blindly trust ANYONE in this country, anymore. Including Donald J. Trump

We ask questions and we point out inconsistencies in the (((MSM))) and our politicians account of events and reality.

You can't even explain why an alleged 1% of the FBI runs rampant over the other 99%.

Why have none of the 99% spoken out or become whistle blowers about Sandy Hook or 9/11, two of the most blatant and obvious false flags in history?

Do you understand the concept of a LIMITED HANGOUT? Do you recall that DISINFORMATION IS NECESSARY?