14810308? ago

I prefer the full Barack HUSSEIN Obama personally.

14800198? ago

Probably didn't say his full name to make sure everyone knew who he was talking about. Not everything is a clue.

14799506? ago

I disagree on one technical point - I think Hussein would be spelled out

14799603? ago

and you are wrong

14799312? ago

Obama sure has looked 'Wild Eyed' at his speeches as of late...seems like it has to be something more than sore loser syndrome... WWG1WGA!!!

14815909? ago


14808269? ago

I think they are ALL looking strange because Trump and his Q Army have cut off the child supply and therefore their drug of choice...Adrenochrome. Bunch of junkies in withdraw.

14800400? ago

He's almost got that paranoid look about him...

14799172? ago

Evil masquerades as an angel of light, which is how they deceive us. Question everything

14799103? ago

Good catch. I wondered why he made such a big deal of the H by signing it with his hand as well.

14799001? ago

STFU already. Should he be indicted? Yes!! Will he be indicted?? NOOOO!!!!!!!!! You all are fucking retarded. There are no mass arrests coming. HRC, BO and all these other fucks will never be held accountable. This "Q" fuck is just some impassioned internet troll who is spinning a story for a bunch of wimpy buffoons who think some hidden force is going to conquer all the evil of the world via a bunch of chat rooms filled with less than 0.000013% of the world population ever having viewed there pages. Pipe dreams bitches, pipe dreams!

14810921? ago

I think you are an idiot! SHILL! Go back home. WWG1WGA!!

14814727? ago

Suck a dick. You fucks all keep clamoring about these arrests. STFU, it ain't happening. Go put a big black dick in your mouth if all you can do is spew this Q bullshit. A storm is coming indeed. But it sure as fuck isn't this fairytale all you fucks are talking about. You are standing down when you should be on alert because you idiots think some magical pixie is going to fight your fights for you and no one will be hurt while all the rats are kicked out of our political houses. You pipe toking dumbasses bitches, do you know nothing of history? When has a revolution ever occurred without blood being spilled? Keep dreaming ya fucks. Q is a HOAX!!

15629580? ago

Hey Shill if you can waste time on comments like this no wander you are inpatient.

Q and the President MUST execute the plan when they feel it is right.

Try to be patienr.

14815916? ago

Fuck you

14800412? ago

Hillary, is that you?

14799721? ago

The former heads of the FBI might disagree...

14800507? ago

Oh, so now we are settling for the former patsies being sacrificed as satisfactory?! I thought we were promised mass arrests on the scale of the 10's of thousands. Sounds like you are an idiot. Obama dept heads being eliminated by an incoming President is routine, not signs of "Q" existing.

14797687? ago

Make it happen capt'n! I'm so ready to watch this dirt bag perp walked before a desk of general's and admirals with fangs showing i could bust!

14798141? ago

Next week, right after the mid terms!

14797446? ago

Well. Berry Soetoro is his real name. No one has found when he legally changed his name to Barack H. Obama unless it was when he was going to a muslim elementary school in Indonesia.

14799594? ago

Q has it all. And the lady who 'knew' was 187 by plane crash out of Hawaii.

14798059? ago

He seems to have changed his name in Canada, North of Seattle, when he came from Pakistan....

14798136? ago

Is that where they took the dark web pictures of him burning the flag?

14802111? ago

And holding an AK-47? that one?

14798799? ago

No, that was on a U- boat as it escaped Germany heading to Argentina with Hitler and the gang

14797352? ago

Hussein is making a fool of himself .

14797692? ago

Hussien aka insane.

14797237? ago

How does it appear when a president loses the house majority? Trump made this election about him and he is getting rejected. Obama is free and campaigning while Trump is losing. What a great timeline we are in!

14810409? ago

Omg. Hahahahahaha. POTUS commanding nearly 100k at rallies and HUSSEIN last "rally" held 7k and only 700 actual people were there.

Try harder losers.

14799977? ago

Shill, begone with you, before somebody drops the actual House of Representatives likely red tsunami numbers on you, too 😆

14799542? ago

Barry's going down like your whore of a Mother

14799171? ago

Obama is out speaking in front of 15-2000 people looking like a frantic maniac, most likely on some pills. He just trying to save some public image before he goes. Thats what they all are doing, they need to make the stupid ones believe everything is still as normal

14797763? ago

Yeah, this coming from a clown who said that Trump had a 1.3% chance to win the Presidency.

Fuck off.

14797554? ago

Lmao .. props to you shill for being brave enough to show your face, now Q posted again.

Now fuck off back to your basement.

14797479? ago

kiss my ass shill and BTFO

14797432? ago

I don't know what timeline you're in but certainly not ours

14797287? ago

Really? I think Obama is campaigning to keep himself out of prison because the Dems taking back the House, is the only chance he has.

14797228? ago

Obama mentioned the indictments during his Florida speech.

14797488? ago

I missed it. What did he say?

14798150? ago

He said he was nervous about what would happen to him if there was no blue wave.

14797081? ago

followed by innumerable aliases

14796875? ago

Hey Shareblue, you ready to go to fucking prison?

14798859? ago

I think that's why it's been quiet lately, they all quit.

14800792? ago

I’m out of the loop on this anon, help a fellow anon out, please

14796691? ago

We DO know that this is some "special case" involving a subpoena currently being rushed to be swept under the rug all hush hush.

14797884? ago

Mark Levin spoke on this, a good week ago, on his radio show. He believes it's Steven Miller refusing to honor Mueller's subpoena, because he believe the special counsel is unconstitutional. Levin said the case was filed in Sept., and that it is moving rapidly, and with stealth through the system. Levin's position is that Miller should win the case, as the instructions given to Mueller weren't in keeping with the position of Special Counsel.

Again, it's not the president, but it IS believed to be Miller, who was on the president's staff, so White House counsel had to recuse themselves from the case, which, I believe is Bongino's theory about why this may be President Trump.

14800853? ago

I have always liked Miller, this simply amps it.

14800114? ago

STEALTH BOMBER (to clear a roadblock)

14798762? ago

Thanks for the info.

14798131? ago

Don't forget Levin was a Never Trumper and refused to back him in 2016: https://www.politico.com/story/2016/04/mark-levin-i-wont-back-trump-in-the-general-221754

14800600? ago

I remember listening to Levin in 2008 when a caller questioned BHO's background, Islam, and birth. Levin went berserk. He berated the caller with his whinny, helium balloon voice, and instructed his producer not to take any more calls from kooks. All Levin does is sell his books while passing himself off as a patriot.

14801510? ago


14799253? ago

Levin is a big time Zionist Jew.

14798941? ago

Mark Levin was pro Cruz. He's a constitutionalist. He's pro Trump now - defends him aggressively. When he feels Trump is wrong he states it. Levin calls it as he sees it. As long as Levin is pro Constitution, which is what we're fighting for, I'm not concerned with 2016.

14801604? ago

He has rallied against Q many times on his show. He's no patriot.

14803252? ago

Not every patriot believes in the Q . Does a person have to believe in Q to be a patriot? Why, or why not?

14814131? ago

Yes, otherwise they are just rallying for evil.

14798873? ago

He was not a never trumper, just a cruz supporter. He defends most of what POTUS does now

14801608? ago

He's anti-Q

14805788? ago

He's not anti Q, he never mentions Q. He playing his role, just like his buddy Hannity. Enjoy the show! Great actors

14814094? ago

He's mentioned Q several times and each time he chastises his fans for bringing it up and says it's a ridiculous conspiracy theory. He did it Tuesday on his show.

14797250? ago

Please explain for those of us that don’t know.

14797385? ago

https://bongino.com/ep-841-did-the-media-get-played-again/ @ 44:26

Bongino is great. He's a former USSS agent and has good sources, plus he's really funny. He has a pretty good take on this.

I don't suspect it is Trump, otherwise it would have been leaked by now and all over the news if it was.

14799125? ago

I think it's Miller challenging Mueller's investigation as unconstitutional and Mueller wants to finish his investigation before the potential for it to be shut down by the courts. Just a guess.

14798259? ago

I think it's Podesta.

14800090? ago

Actionable 11.4

14800304? ago

You're thinking what I'm thinking...

14797524? ago

That makes no sense though. What does this have to do with Obama? Is this why you are saying you don’t suspect it is Trump but think it’s Obama?

14797677? ago

I was suggesting that it could be Obama, as OP mentioned Obama. Because we know it's someone that the DoJ really, really wants to rush through the system and then sweep under the rug.

So who, other than Trump, would be a really, really big deal to be supoenaed that they would consider it to be a special case and that some people do not want getting out to the media and/or public? The first two other people who come to mind are Bob Mueller and Obama. But who knows? Could be anyone.

What leads me to believe it's a democrat or someone related to Obama and/or the Russian probe is how the media seems to really not want to talk about it. These people want Trump bad and will dive at any opportunity they can get to nail him. Even at the suggestion that this person probably is or might be him. However, they aren't doing that.

I think someone above them said to drop the story, don't draw attention to it. Again, If it was bad for Trump, it would be everywhere right now.

14810316? ago

Could be HRC.

14798263? ago

It could be Podesta

14798121? ago

Wait, so because it isn't in the news means it isn't Trump? What if it isn't in the news because it's bullshit?

14797810? ago

I agree with you that if it was Trump it would be all obver. I guess the wonder I had after listening to the podcast, is Bongino said Mueller was doing this and mentioned Trump. I thought that Mueller was a black hat. Appreciate the follow up.

14796615? ago

This makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

14798752? ago


14796381? ago

Wonder if Q team are the ones who can calculate the number of his name? .....oh well.

14796320? ago

Orange man been reading?

14796808? ago

Orange man bad, right NPC?

14802552? ago


14796300? ago

Good point.

14796241? ago
