18417770? ago

Absolutely agree... the truth is the exact opposite of that Hannity statement... and (((they))) prove it every day... 99% of fbi is corrupt.

18416182? ago

Whatever happened to FACTS as NEWS??? Why does ANYONE care what the commentator THINKS????

18414530? ago

They cant go all in yet. There would be a backlash like you have never seen and POTUS would be guaranteed 2020 defeat.

18410969? ago

This goes back to the Q post about how all hell would break loose if they discredited the entire FBI. They will have to clean it out internally before they do anything else.

18410754? ago

Our entire internal and external defense and law enforcement complex needs an overhaul. New rules, new limitations, and a renewed focus on fixing the real threats to our country (i.e. drugs, gangs, terror, cyber crime, financial crime et al). This dabble in politics is a distraction and an open invitation to use a powerful overreaching organization with resources to crush, with our own money, our innocent citizenry. They got out of the business of full time crime fighting and got into the business of MAKING criminals to pad their numbers which in turn obscured the 'sanctioned' crime that made them their slice on the side political contributions.

18410642? ago

you know this from your extensive experience in the FBI? How can you say that?

18410576? ago

So now that we have the perps in the cross hairs so to speak you want to remove and dismantle the organization that can prosecute them? If they have no credibility and they provide real evidence of crimes by the deep state then you will cry their fake news... remember the several leaders that were removed?

18410394? ago

The FBI employs around 35,000 people. One percent of that is 350. So 350 top boys in the FBI are corrupt and the rest ... meh ... not so bad. That's believable. It's what President Trump said. It's what Q team implied. Not so fake after all! So, OP, I call you out for posting a lie.

18409904? ago

I used to believe it was only a handful at the top, but not anymore. If so many are great patriots who love their country and believe in the rule of law, why did they all sit silent and watch it happen? Many, many had to know what was going on, or at the very least suspected. They all just looked the other way. I have ZERO trust in the FBI.

18409878? ago

The FBI & CIA are tools of the Vatican.

18409613? ago

Is the FBI corrupt?

That easy to know.

Two simple words.

Seth Rich.

18409598? ago

99% of FBI are assholes - how did they miss the worlds biggest crimes being committed by their own 1%?

They whole lot should be fired.

18409504? ago

Yeah, our team can go overboard with its idealization of law enforcement and the military. Pundits on our side who never served in such a capacity are likely to go most over the top on it.

The FBI and our intelligence cultures are both corrupt. Need to be dismantled with as little rebuilt in their place as possible.

18409314? ago

That's not FAKE NEWS but disinformation.

18409105? ago


18408950? ago

On Q #3160 Q posted:


21 Mar 2019 - 11:57:51 AM



Q posted a link to FBI tips. They wouldn't do that if the FBI remained compromised.

18409628? ago

You can't take Q at face value on anything, because most of it is disinformation.

18418697? ago

You think Q would use disinformation to have women who were trafficked to call the FBI when the FBI was still compromised and they'd be killed?


18408981? ago

that's a ridiculous conclusion

You're actually claiming Q posting a tip line confirms the FBI is not compromised?


18409061? ago


You just proved yourself to be nothing but a "contradict Q" shill, as suspected.

Q/Horowitz/Sessions have already cleaned out the FBI.

"Trust Wray" - Q

"Hannity is a Patriot" - Q

/thread neutralized

18409260? ago

You stupid panicking shillbot.

NONE of those posts would absolve any shill.

Especially not you narrowly defined shillbots whose main job is to trick people into not watching Hannity, Tucker, Ingraham, Levin, Rush, Bongino.

"Hannity is a patriot" - Q

We have already questioned sufficiently to know who is on and off MAGA.

We have already questioned sufficiently to know that those who are coming out of nowhere to attack Hannity (POTUS has agreed to be on Hannity MANY times, now why would he do that you stupid fucking moron?) are SHILLS TRYING TO DISCREDIT THE ONLY PEOPLE TALKING TRUTH ABOUT SPYGATE.


18409391? ago

Why has Hannity shilled the Deep State narrative on 9/11 for almost 20 years?

No faggot... we don't blindly trust ANYONE in this country, anymore. Including Donald J. Trump

We ask questions and we point out inconsistencies in the (((MSM))) and our politicians account of events and reality.

You can't even explain why an alleged 1% of the FBI runs rampant over the other 99%.

Why have none of the 99% spoken out or become whistle blowers about Sandy Hook or 9/11, two of the most blatant and obvious false flags in history?

Do you understand the concept of a LIMITED HANGOUT? Do you recall that DISINFORMATION IS NECESSARY?

18409400? ago

18408929? ago

No, OP you're a fake news shill spewing fake news in a desperate attempt to get q anons and new visitors here to start DISTRUSTING what Q and POTUS have been saying for over 2 years.

You just made an assertion without evidence.

Hannity knows more than you.

Q has mentioned many times the FBI was corrupted AT THE TOP, the rank and file were good, and pissed off with the leadership.

The reason why you're posting this fake news about the FBI is a desperate attempt to weaken the people's resolve as the investigation boomerangs to the 'other side'.

Tick tock.

18408948? ago

9/11 - Ruby Ridge - 1993 WTC Bombing - WACO - Anthrax Cover Up - OKC Bombing

Yes... the FBI is quite a group of Patriots

18408976? ago

No you degenerate

"Hannity is a patriot" - Q

Try harder you fake news spewing panicking Bolshevik shillbot

18409430? ago

And you are a pagan and an idolater.

18409490? ago

Nope, I just know what motivates YOU shills to get triggered and why you attack who you attack.

You shills for some reason are all unified in attacking everyone Q said we can trust, and you're ignoring all those who Q is exposing as traitors and criminals.

YOU have exposed YOUR PAGAN IDOL 'FAKE NEWS' and YOU worship the propaganda arm of the D party.

"These people are stupid" - Q

18408855? ago

I understand they want us to believe the FBI has been cleaned out of the deep state at the top but it is not like the trash at the top did not hire traitors like themselves to work below them is it? I will believe they are patriots when the FBI exposes all the false flag operations that have been committed and expose all those involved in them. Then we can talk about trust.

18410131? ago

Dingdingdingdingding!!!!! Now that's the truth!

I've seen articles about how bummer got rid of many of the top people in the military because they were patriots. I'd like to see some records of the fbi's personnel. How many were let go? How many were pulled from the field and put behind a desk? Things like that. How many new hires? Who hired them? That would probably shed some light on it.

18409387? ago

lol, "they".

Hannity is a patriot.





18409094? ago

Q and POTUS have both been saying for over 2 years the corruption at the FBI was at the top.

POTUS has said many times the rank and file FBI are good.

18409417? ago

So because Q and Trump say something, it must be true?

This is idolatry!

You have completely turned over to them all of your independence of mind!

The first two of the Ten Commandments enjoins us not to worship false gods or idols.

1 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.

2 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them.

You have made a graven image out of Q and worship him. You have lost your mind.

18409510? ago

So, because Q said Hannity is a patriot, that you attack Hannity?

You shills for some reason are all unified in attacking everyone Q said we can trust, and you're ignoring all those who Q is exposing as traitors and criminals.

Did you low IQ morons all believe we would chalk that up as just a coincidence?

YOU have exposed YOUR PAGAN IDOL 'FAKE NEWS' and YOU worship the propaganda arm of the D party, you stupid dumb fuck Satanist defending loser.

You are so stupid you couldn't get a real job.

"These people are stupid" - Q

18408679? ago

FBI has always been the american version of gestapo..... illegal and unaccountable foot soldiers of the deep state, funded by taxpayers, but only accountable to the bankers.

18408488? ago

More wishful thinking than deliberate fake news. Also perhaps an attempt to incite patriotism.

18408483? ago

Absolutely fake.

18410615? ago

We r talking about 99 percent of the fbi being Greta good ppl. Try to keep up son.

18408951? ago

Hannity is a patriot, he is not fake news.

18409525? ago

Like the rest of us, Hannity is not infallible.

But yes, he has been a patriot doing massive work for our team for decades, but especially over the past four years.

18409582? ago

Pointing out a potential mistake is one thing, preying on a person's fallibility and accusing them of being a deep state agent or 'fake news' (i.e. propaganda arm of the D party) for the purpose of getting as many unwitting readers as possible to distrust 'the opposition' exposing the crimes of those paying to spread the aforementioned 'distrust this person' narrative is certainly another.

18410065? ago

It wasn't said that Hannity was a deep state agent. That's just stupid. It was only stating that in this case he's got it wrong. And he does! It wasn't the 1% at the top that opened fire and shot and killed that unarmed rancher or any of the other folks that the rank and file have assassinated over the years!

18410949? ago


18408456? ago

75% is more like it. Any organization has deadwood in their ranks. There are at least 25% of the FBI that are not law abiding members whom use their badge for un-patriotic dealings. Hannity i using the 99% to keep the FBI masses on his side.

18409559? ago

Probably a fair assessment--all around.

18408432? ago

Journalists have to praise police forces in reality, they act as buy side analysts and lose access if they recommend sell

18409551? ago

Good observation.

18408382? ago

The People who died in Waco and Ruby Ridge would disagree.

18408847? ago

...and Vegas

18408345? ago

I get tired of hearing that. The reality is that an organization is only as good as it's leader. The very top from old admin, gone. Because they were all corrupt. I'm sure there are good ones. Of course. But if the upper mgmt is bad, the rest of the organization will be dysfunctional in a variety of ways.

They need to get rid of the FBI and send the good ones to another agency. If they try to overhaul the system? Good luck with that. It'll take a long time and more firings. Easier and cheaper to scrap it and not start over.

18408373? ago

Remember, the faggot who just wasted $25 million on a Witch Hunt of the duly elected President handed off the reigns of the FBI to James Comey.

It's a corruption machine.

18408969? ago

No, it was corrupt AT THE TOP.

POTUS has said many times the FBI rank and file are good people, and that it was only the leadership that was corrupt.

Q has indicated that as well.

You and your sockpuppet accounts are only trying to trick people into distrusting Hannity because of the fact he is telling the truth about spygate and has far more viewers than your Crooked Hillary fake news machine CNN/MSNBC/CBS/etc

OP, you're a fake news shill spewing fake news in a desperate attempt to get q anons and new visitors here to start DISTRUSTING not only HANNITY, but also what Q and POTUS have been saying for over 2 years.

Hannity is a patriot.

You just made an assertion without evidence.

Hannity knows more than you.

Q has mentioned many times the FBI was corrupted AT THE TOP ONLY.

The rank and file were good, and pissed off with the leadership.

The reason why you're posting this fake news about the FBI is a desperate attempt to weaken the people's resolve as the investigation boomerangs to the 'other side'.

Tick tock.

18409515? ago

Who's been carrying out all those false flags? The culture is bad, which even Horowitz and Wray admitted.

18409574? ago

Cultures don't change overnight.

18409540? ago

Who? The Bolshevik puppets.

The culture WAS bad.

Try harder

18408278? ago

Wow of course he’d say that , smh @ how stupid they still think we are !

18408971? ago

says the fake news shill.

18408136? ago

Agreed. Dismantle the FBI and CIA both. They are both corrupt to the core.

18410019? ago

The FBI has been corrupt for a long, long time. All you need to do is read about Patrick Knowlton, the only witness that happened to be a Ft. Marcy park the evening Vince Foster's body was found. He reported what he saw to the FBI. Not only did they alter his 302 witness statement to remove key facts, they followed him and harrassed him. Made his life a living hell. They also conveniently lost all photos of the body.

Incredibly corrupt.

18408942? ago

Q already said the corruption was just at the top of the FBI.

It has been cleaned. Many fired.

Q also wrote the C_A is too corrupt to keep. It will be dismantled->absorbed into NSA

18410098? ago

Look, I beleive 50% or more are good people with good intentions. But there is NO way 99% are good. It's been far too corrupt for far too long with no oversight. Just read about the Vince Foster case. And read about all the dirty stuff Mueller did as FBI chief.


18409983? ago

Fire Q too. If he says the corruption was cleaned up, he is part of the swamp and he is lying.

18410651? ago

Genius. Fire the Q. I love VOAT morons.

18411877? ago

The genius military intelligence advising Trump, told him that there was a coup underway in Venezuela and the military was backing the Speaker of the House. When your intelligence is providing you with dumber narratives than the fake news, it is time to fire them.

18410593? ago

Low energy troll

18409608? ago

Absorbing CIA is like absorbing AIDS.