18399148? ago

Let me guess. Are they a Bolshevik, "muhjoo", media matters, dork, collectivivist shill?

18398288? ago

Fing (***) Math: 500K- 130K= 6mil German math: 79 mil- 36mil= 43 mil Which is an atrocity?

18397038? ago

Yeah this seems a bit contrived to me.....None of the people woke on the JQ post like that.

I bet it was the "muhjoo" capslock kike who is trying to run interference.

18397034? ago

The fact this has so many upvotes tells me its a shill post. fuck off

18396371? ago

Always reply to shill posts.

Always engage in shill posters.

Remember that there are way more of us than there are of them.

18395292? ago

More likely JIDF than media matters.

18394912? ago

Listen - Jewish collectivism is a cancer to society. Jewish exclusivity from society, creating a society within a society, is a cancer to society.

If they agree to play by the same rules as everyone else, without abusing systems, I got no other problem with them.

18394341? ago

forced... staged and gay... fuck the jews and fuck you too

18393937? ago

How can one tell that it is the same OP replying to his own post.

I never understood the numbers that go by the comments. mahalo!

18393582? ago

Dumbass, weak fucking kikes. You think we cannot see what you are doing here?? Youre done. Thanks again for a morning confidence boost to go with my coffee.

Class in session as usual. Please keep sharpening our swords.

18392619? ago

Probably Mike Rothschild

18392453? ago

This was a false flag

18394859? ago

I have to think that they are smarter than that

18392409? ago

The shills are real! And they’re stupid!

They are here to make it look like we are racists.

18394857? ago

Sure thing CAPSLOCK KIKE, we know it’s you making all these threads.

18395912? ago

Least organic, most glow in the dark one-man campaign to make it look like anyone here would call someone “capslock kike.”

I have been here since the beginning. There were never caps locks and no one ever called him that.

18398919? ago

Whatever you say, capslock.

18392405? ago

Are all 65 comments from the same person?

18394834? ago

It's probably about half

18393464? ago


18392335? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#36453) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

18392197? ago

An interesting twist on the shill game. Make a post denouncing them. Then make a post stating he reply to his post. Then filled up the comments with there evil vileness.

18392162? ago

He's a mod at r/_the mueller, r/politics, and r/qultists. they are so predictable and stupid.

18391990? ago

58 Upvotes on a meh shitpost and 60 comments whilst important topics slide awa.

Speaks volumes of those in this community

18391435? ago

I'll bet 1000 dollars a Kike did this just to "prove the Nazis are the real shills"

18391406? ago

The problem with those Media Matters types is the rituals that they have to endure, all of which include being buggered by David Brock. Untreated, participants tend to exhibit symptoms of AIDs dementia within 24-36 months....

18391156? ago

18391005? ago

Jew this Jew that Jew this Jew that Jew this Jew that. 50000 years ago this 30000 years ago that 200 years ago this 4000 years ago that. Jew Jew Jew Jew Muslim Jew Muslim Lucifer Jew Jew Jew Jew.

18391090? ago

This is how dumb mossad is. This isn't reddit faggot. You don't have the upper hand here.

18394130? ago

Is Q white hat/black hat/larp/psy op?

18391490? ago

Actually never went on Reddit. Followed Q from the start though, little bit of Instagram + a tiny bit of Chan’s and lots and lots of QMAP.

And now sadly I know of VOAT, lol totally unknown platform to the rest of the world. TBH it’s been GREAT here strictly on QRV, maybe a TAD of GA. I think it was a smart move on Q we shall see. If anything he sent us here to be nazi-pilled by the anti-jews am I rite? So what are you complaining for? You have your audience anti-jews, now dance. Lmao mossad, I can barely point to isreal on a map! Just a young white male, which is totally OK too!

18391543? ago

God, you jews are dumb faggots.

18394098? ago

WHO IS Q? LARP NO MORE SHILLY BOY! LOL ((()))))))))())[[[[((((((WWG1WGA)))())))())]]]))))))

18391059? ago

Except for the myriad of history, information, and videos people link about Jewish history. If you can't "cut through the bull" with straight up historical facts that's on you. I haven't seen a fucking thing in the opposite direction.

18394128? ago

There are plenty of videos saying Q is real and Jews are good. So let me ask you? Q white hat? Black hat? Larp? Or psyop.

18394336? ago

Way to change the subject. I didn’t say a fucking thinng about Q. The information on Jews is all over. Not my fault you are too lazy to do your own research.

18402586? ago

Do you even care about Q? Or do you just want to wreak havoc on his sanctioned board?

18403499? ago

I didn’t do that either. The comment I replied to referred to Jews, not Q so I answered as such. Please try to keep up or learn to read, thanks.

18390734? ago

hahahahahh. jews are now larping as jew-haters and then intentionally making themselves look fake to lend support to jew-sympathizers. hahahahahahahah

18391369? ago

Yes, it is straight out of the "Watcha doin', Rabbi?" playbook.

18390648? ago

You are doing this.

18396546? ago

You can tell it's the same /v/SoapBoxBanHammer Muslims (SRS from Reddit who spam anti-Jew copypasta) spamming this as a false flag to make it look like the propaganda spammers are Jews. How? The screenshot is taken 5 minutes after this was posted and has one upvote: the OP who took the screenshot himself.

18391224? ago

Absolutely this. OP is a faggot who staged this to sow mistrust.

18390946? ago

You do know some of us can see your IP address, right?

18403039? ago

Lol. First time I've seen this bullshit. Been here for years. Whoa.

18400578? ago


18391322? ago

some of us

Can you? Or are you just talking BS?

18396699? ago

Atko is Muslim and still has full access to the site. The devs are /v/SoapBoxBanHammer Muslims (SRS from Reddit who spam anti-Jew copypasta) and a tranny called FuzzyWords. They routinely dox and brag about knowing your IP to create chilling effect around anti-Muslim speech.

18397543? ago

That's just not true. I constantly write anti-muslim speech, yet never been doxxed or threatened.

Voat hates muslims almost as much as jews.

18403049? ago

Been here for years this is just funny nonsense.

18390591? ago

Ahhh....its great being a JEW. All the shills give me free rent in their heads. Only thing is. There aint wnough room to swing a cat. 🤣🤣😂😂😃🤣😂😎

18390588? ago

This is the fifth time today that CAPSLOCK-KIKE has spammed this fake bullshit.

Reported as spam.

18390577? ago

Jew false flag. You made this post and then pretending it was an anti jew shill. Guess what faggot. All of voat is anti jew as jews are behind white genocide.

18390935? ago

Nice try to cover up your mistake. Nobody believes you.

18394844? ago

All you are doing is proving to people that the vitriol against you is completely justified

18390962? ago

Everyone already knows your tricks moishe. Gass yourself. lol.

18390982? ago

You know some of us can see your IP address and how many of these comments are yours, right?

18390996? ago

We all can do that you dumb faggot. lol. That's why I am laughing at how dumb you jews are.

18390564? ago

CAPSLOCK-KIKE is making false-flag posts and then crying about them.


18391357? ago

The Jew makes fake accounts as he beats you.

18390551? ago

(((The OP))) probably created this himself like a filthy deceitful Jew.

18390537? ago


This is the sixth of these posts I've seen in eight hours.

An attempt to poison the well of free speech and dissuade people from having legitimate discussions about the Jew problem.

This is Mossad 101 - an attempt to control both the narrative and the opposition with lies.

18391210? ago

This is Mossad 101 - control both the narrative and the opposition with lies.

Its probably a jew, doing jew tricks.


18390545? ago

Yes absolutely possible. As ever, always think.

18390507? ago

This seems fake, and clearly a response the earlier post where someone shilling for Jews was caught replying to himself.

Appears that he wanted to strike back at those attacking Jews, and pretended to be one of them, to make it seem like they do the same thing.

Hardly necessary on Voat.

18394877? ago

That's SBBH for you...

18394166? ago

It's the same caps lock spammer as always. I can tell from the typing mannerisms. The fact that this person would go so far as to take the time to do this is 1, pathetic, and 2, incredibly dishonest.

18391040? ago

This is typical, just like their false flags!

18390964? ago

What designates that he was the OP?

18391181? ago


18390673? ago

I've seen this spamming many times today.

I'm sure all of these spam posts are from the CAPSLOCK-KIKE based on his arguments blaming imaginary all-powerful-secret-nameless-faceless-nazi-satanists for every crime of the Jews.

18391631? ago

What about the Jews who haven’t broken any laws?

18391811? ago

Would you buy a shitty Volkswagen car or trust a Rottweiler around your infant child?

18391946? ago

No. Volkswagen is shit and yes...I own a female Rottweiler named Pooka who is the most protective dog I’ve ever owned. She’s literally the best dog I’ve ever owned. She does great with my 4 year old niece.

I see what you’re getting at but should we really violate the rights of any American?

18396794? ago

Jews don’t own rottweilers

18400048? ago

Exactly. Because I’m not a Jew. I’m a Finnish American Christian.

18392290? ago

Rottweilers are recognized as one of the most violent dog breeds for a VERY GOOD reason.

EVERY Rottweiler owner claims their dog wouldn't hurt a fly until it tears up a toddler.

I see what you’re getting at but should we really violate the rights of any American?

You missed the point completely.

Jews are the most treacherous people in human history.

3,500 years of history has proven that trusting them is like playing Russian Roulette with five bullets in the cylinder.

There's no rational reason to take such a stupid risk.

18394266? ago

Oops you responded to the fatfuck shill. Can't expect sense from these people - all they do is lie to try and suit their puppetmasters. God wins, they already lost. Silly little people.

18403612? ago

Yeah, I know.

I'm only talking to these shills so other people can read the conversation.

18398855? ago

^projecting obese boomer

18392473? ago

We judge individuals based on their actions. Sorry. You are the minority.

18392558? ago

Sweden judged their Muslim refugees based on their actions rather than crime statistics.


Congratulations, you are completely blue-pilled.

Here's your prize!

18390926? ago

You reply to yourself a lot.

18392891? ago

So much! This guy talks to himself endlessly on here..

18390644? ago

This was posted by the CAPSLOCK-KIKE.

Like magic, all of a sudden we get six of these post within a few hours.

It's clear that someone is creating these deliberately in an effort to undermine free speech about Judaism.

18393240? ago

Ben Shapiro is going to fake death threats against himself on a weekly basis until everyone shuts up about the loxists destroying the West.

18391333? ago

Yeh. It is pretty weak stuff.

18394285? ago

I suspect the other day's 'anti-muhjoo' who replied to himself, and this 'muhjoo' poster who replied to himself, are from the same capslockkite guy who is trying to shift the narrative.

Seems all weirdly coordinated.

Can't trust anyone who talks of Jews here...

18390412? ago

Media Matters tries to frame Jews?

18390536? ago

No, they flood voat with anti-semitic sockpuppetry to dampen its appeal

18390578? ago

You understand you can't be both Arab and Anti-Semitic, right? Oh wait, no you don't, you're a brainwashed moron who doesn't understand Word Wizardry. Keep on playing for your enslavers, surely they'll give you a nice big shekel at the end. Don't bother learning about your own oppressors and what they're doing to you though; The (((Talmudic Jews))) wouldn't like it if you studied. Then they and the non-Talmudic Jews(Who of course, will still benefit should the Talmudics Ever get their way.) can keep doing what they're doing pulling the wool over your eyes while you desperately scream about how it's not them.

No different than the leftists who desperately defend the Muslims and their "holy book" filled with evil and death and chaos and suffering for all those who do not "Belong" to the (((Tribe))).(Talking to the Ethno nationalists, too. Not part of the Tribe? No Love or Acceptance for you. Part of a tribe that had its land stolen? Too bad, no land for you, it's (((White Lands))) now. Everyone likes to follow the Example of the Talmud. Everyone likes the idea of killing and maiming other humans so that their (((Tribe))) can "Be the best". Not realizing we're all one being trapped on this dirt ball with psychopaths running the show for millenia. Not realizing there hasn't been a "normal" day on planet earth in well over 12,000 years.

The most Annoying part is no one understands what it means when the Talmudic Jew owns 9X% of All forms of Media. It means your "Information" your "History" your "knowledge" has been tainted by a group of sick sadistic psychotic religious zealots who believe that the (((Jew))) is a Superior creature and can do no evil, they cannot do wrong to (((Non-Jews))). That's a psychopathic interpretation of reality no matter Who signs up for it. It's heinous and disgusting and you do Everyone a disservice with your BLATANT Ignorance.

18390607? ago

No one wants to read your psycho faggot ramblings

18390550? ago

Do you even understand the topic?

18390567? ago

Yeah. OP posted about jews, then meant to sign into an alt and encourage the jew bashing, but accidentally did it on the OP account instead

18390643? ago

The two other comments are them trying to make you now believe the post was made by Jews. They were caught trying to manipulate QRV into disliking Jews. They are the white nationalists/storm front people and they screwed up trying to frame Jews.

Thus you're getting the sporadic responses. That person is the OP from the original thread, the one that forgot to change accounts.

18390594? ago

Nope. Some jew faggot is pretending anti jew people did this. The dumb faggot did it himself. lol.

18390369? ago

Hahahahahahahahahaha silly shill.

18390395? ago

I do this shit all the fucking time. I just have one account, and no one ever really notices. You must be really proud of yourself, being one notch above the idiot boomers.

18390601? ago

The "idiot" boomers know about your jew tricks already. Gass yourself.

18390913? ago

Jew tricks? This was someone trying to manipulate voat to hate Jews. It was a bad effort by a low IQ simpleton, not some Jew trick.

18390969? ago

Your post is the jew trick, you dumb jew faggot.

18390997? ago

Nobody believes you anymore. The game is over. You lose.

18391014? ago

The goyim knows you stupid sand nigger. lol.

18391039? ago

Nobody is falling for it. Your squirming is amusing.

Do you think this will cost you your job, or will they just dock your pay?

18391049? ago

Indeed. Nobody is falling for your gay jew false flag. I wish I would get paid to kill you retards. You would all be dead in a week.

18391068? ago

Let me talk to your supervisor.

18391078? ago

I tell God you said hi, you satanic piece of trash.

18391111? ago

Is your supervisor available?