Nothing. They're trying to keep any sane discussion on Q related topics off of "their" platform. "This is my house", "we were here first", and "why do you think Q sent you here?" are the Nazi-wannabe losers who continue to disrupt any discussion with their "Arrest or GTFO", "H-hoax", and porn spamming. Mostly degenerate kids who can't find anything better to do. But they are supported by the shills and trolls on the lunatic left who want to discredit Q and Trump and want to portray the Q followers as White Supremacists. It's ironic that everyone and everything they supposedly hate are cheering them on. They are only doing their haters work for them. PAWNS.
They are STUPID.
I picked up on that too this morning. I fired up my browser, go to voat's qrv, and find weird posts at the top and I could tell right away this was non-organic.
Yes this. I feel like I am on ashleymadison right before it got busted and it's all dudes but everyone thinks there are women there but there aren't any.
18394665? ago
wow! ... gratz!! You’ve finally discovered the internet
18394087? ago
Just a robot learning how to play along with us.
Trying to be one of the boys
18393962? ago
Pro-tip: it's the JEWS doing this shit!
Look up the JIDF.
18394584? ago
CIA = Christians and US citizens?
18393847? ago
Mike Rothschild?
18393247? ago
I told you we were busy work for the shills n trolls. Case in point . We're like the pied piper!
18393084? ago
18392990? ago
What does this post or 99% of all other recent QRV posts have to do with Q?
18394279? ago
Nothing. They're trying to keep any sane discussion on Q related topics off of "their" platform. "This is my house", "we were here first", and "why do you think Q sent you here?" are the Nazi-wannabe losers who continue to disrupt any discussion with their "Arrest or GTFO", "H-hoax", and porn spamming. Mostly degenerate kids who can't find anything better to do. But they are supported by the shills and trolls on the lunatic left who want to discredit Q and Trump and want to portray the Q followers as White Supremacists. It's ironic that everyone and everything they supposedly hate are cheering them on. They are only doing their haters work for them. PAWNS. They are STUPID.
18395653? ago
well put
18392975? ago
The internet is littered with losers, that is about right.
18392872? ago
I think you nailed it.
18392781? ago
I picked up on that too this morning. I fired up my browser, go to voat's qrv, and find weird posts at the top and I could tell right away this was non-organic.
18392636? ago
18392635? ago
Full-Blown Cover Up? AG Sessions Won’t Probe Imran Awan Spy Case
18392536? ago
the shoa is stronk
18392460? ago
My sock puppet supports your thesis.
18392396? ago
Are you not entertained?
18392388? ago
Yep, pretty much. Did the lol give it all away?
18392360? ago
I would say QRV is basically only trolls trolling each other at this point
18393080? ago
Yes this. I feel like I am on ashleymadison right before it got busted and it's all dudes but everyone thinks there are women there but there aren't any.
18393258? ago
Top kek!!
18392969? ago
that is correct.
18392339? ago
yeah. (((they))) think an anonymous post changes everyones mind about (((them)))...
18392315? ago
Welcome to voat!
18392338? ago