17846464? ago

Oh yeah they are way into that stuff

17845232? ago

Look up Svali. Most of her writings were in the 90's. She helped redpill me. I read her stuff and went through a lot of cognitive dissonance trying to wrap my head around it. She essentially described and warned about all we are seeing with Pizzagate and the MKUltra stuff. Also has more in depth information. Two things she predicted in her writings back then -- more school shooters from the stables of programmed kids and that we need to watch the movies with a jaundiced eye because they are telling us exactly what they are up to and they think it's funny.

17844035? ago

Yes, and the patriots of the world made their own two-movie response to the child trafficking: “Hunt for the Wilderpeople” and “Deadpool 2” ... Wilderpeople shows how they ran their operation and Deadpool 2 shows that we break it up. Seriously, you will get a spiritual buzz if you watch those two movies back to back. It’s fucking amazing. The two movies are completely connected. You’ll see what I’m talking about. You will love it!

17845502? ago

I'll do that thanks

17844230? ago

That’s supposedly why Q made the Deadpool in the theater post, I read last year. So I watched both and, yeah, they’re connected but I need to watch Hunt for wilder again to analyze further. There’s Five Eyes stuff and a “Conspiracy Theories” book that sits on top of a book titled, “The Truth.” But I didn’t understand how Five Eyes was watching the kids in DHS. Except that the kid has a cellphone and you don’t know who is paying for it. Damn, now that I think about it that shit is creeping me out. Whoa

17841292? ago

Ya think? Netflix board members, etc.


17840980? ago

What is it specifically about 5G that you worry about, that you think can not be done with other radio interfaces?

17840106? ago

another boomer contributes to our board with deep boomer-level insights

17839712? ago

Does life imitate art or does art imitate life? But at the very least I think its safe to assume what we see in films maybe a product of someones actual experience/s and not solely pure imagination.

17839693? ago

The media is the marketing dept of the DS, while politics is their entertainment division.

17839613? ago

With that film I thought the Golden circle was a little bit close to the C!rcl3 of N!n£.

17838760? ago

I don't know about "telegraphing their plans" but I think it is more "predictive programming".

If they constantly show us dark worlds full of humans fighting each other and hopelessness abounding then when they start WWIII and say things like "XYZ leader is pure evil and there is nothing we can do" then we are more likely to believe that is how things work.

Kind of like the Comedy/News shows (Daily Show, etc.) tricked an entire group of kids in college that they were actually news shows. I would point out these people "hey, its a comedy show, Jon Stewart even says that" and the response would be "yeah, but you know its all really accurate news, just made funny, the underlying stuff is all true".

Same thing with Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Altered Carbon, Dark Knight, etc. etc. etc.

17838588? ago

Yes. The move The Purge is about to happen. Be prepared.

17838102? ago

There is a lot more than that going on... Step 1: Watch They Live. Step 2, Realize the the director and main actor has said numerous times "There is something you have to understand... This is not a Sci-Fi film, This is a documentary." Then Re-watch They Live again and be splodey-headed.

The longest fight scene in hollywood history is in this movie. It is a parallel to the difficulty in redpilling someone. The hobo in the camp watching TV is the same guy as the Tuxedo wearing dude at the end of the movie as well. We sleep... THEY LIVE.

17838570? ago

I did not know this about Neo's ID expiration date. That's some weird shit, right there.

17838610? ago

Well, Have you watched They Live?

17857826? ago

Part of it. I should go back and rewatch, eh...

17838036? ago

I always wondered about the show Jericho. Really hope it stays just that and isn't an actual plan.

17837581? ago

Yes, makes me wonder about the upcoming release of The Avengers : Endgame. Supposed to be a huge simultaneous release. All those subconscious minds locked together believing what they are seeing on the screen. (Subconscious takes TV/movies literally) Are the good guys behind the movie release or the bad guys? How are they going to sway the mass subconscious of humans?

17837485? ago

And sharknados and lightsabers.

17837313? ago

they do. they have to. free will choice planet, remember. movies and music esp. serve the harvest of our silent consent.

17837235? ago

Kingsman was absolutely demonic. I'm not a prude (and am in the industry), but some movies give me huge spiritual red flags. For instance, I love Guardians of the Galaxy so much, I couldn't figure out why I was so unsettled and bothered by GOTG2 . One of the anons pointed out that the entire storyline is actually about human trafficking! And all fathers are bad....

I used to just think filmmakers were reflecting their own depraved moral outlook. I'm now convinced much of it is intentional and calculated.

17845389? ago

Thank you for that comment. I was unsettled by GOTG2 as well and only really loved it for Baby Groot and the scene, "He might have been your father boy, but he warn't your daddy." Other than that... I'm super pissed that Kurt Russell's character stole the song Brandy from me. That was a song that always made me breathe deeply and lose all anxiety. It was "our song" before my husband passed away. It reminded me of a much more innocent and sweet time filled with new adventures and new love. Now, I just keep seeing that prick with all the dead bodies of his children. Kind of like that Titanic song that I call, "Dead Bodies Floating!" (man - if we knew then what we now know about Celine Dion, whew! I can never listen to her sing again.)

17866141? ago

Very sorry to hear of your loss. Yeah - I was wondering why they would ruin that song like that, but it's just like the "MY SWEET LORD" song that Lennon admitted was designed to hook kids into singing the lyrics without thinking - and then start singing of the Indian god of death "Krishna Krishna".

Hollywood will look like a new world in a few years. Probably have to endure some subpar production/writing but there are literally thousands of patriot writers/producers/actors who are already honing their skills where they can.

17894756? ago

I have a couple of wonderful screenplays waiting in the wings. But once I began to understand what was going on in Hollyweird, I lost all interest in pursuing them. Later. Hopefully I'll be alive when we clean up Sodom and Gomorrah. Or I'll leave it to my heirs to promote...

17900895? ago

Are they any good?

17904179? ago

I think so. But what do you do with these things when Hollywood is so corrupted? One of them could be a video game, a movie, and a book.

17908070? ago

There are good independent producers out there. Get Ted Baehr's organization (Movieguide) to do coverage on it, and take the review to heart. Story structure, character arcs, pacing, dialog need to be as good or better than the secular stuff. They also can network you as can numerous Screenwriter services out there. Find a producer's group on LinkedIn (AFTER you've had others help you polish it) and offer it to be read. Kevin Downes - producer of the recent hit I CAN ONLY IMAGINE - worked 15+ years on that before getting it made.

17933606? ago

Thank you for all of this info. I LOVE my storyline and hate to see it just sit there. It all came in a dream and I sat and wrote for 12 hours straight with only a few breaks. Pumped out 200 pages in that one day. Then started expanding and adding character and humor to each of the players. Funny, it kind of fits with all this Q stuff and I didn't know anything about all of this back then. Bless you!

17839681? ago

https://voat.co/v/AnonThoughts/3066455 Someone on Voat, some group doing damage control ... Cube? that Traingle & All Seeing Eye on Dollar Bill ...music awards Saturn in the sky... moslim red hats, little kids cars... rituals with Hubbard

17837227? ago

Movies and TV are the most professionally engineered conduits of propaganda.

Why are some movies promoted to gigantic levels, with huge budgets, symphany orchestras, media endorsement, and venues?

While other movies are starved for funding and also suppressed in venues?

The reason that celebrities exist is to focus the attention of the public onto a face and a voice, to receive engineered messages.

When Emperor Claudius arrived in Britain after the invasion, he brough with him war elephants, controlled by a slave with only a stick.

These he used to impress the native Brittons.

Modern celebrities are the equivalent to the ancient elephants.

17839701? ago

A Freemasonic Lodge in Australia claims the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are masonic families. ' banking dynasties namely the Rothschilds and the Rockefeller family are both Masonic families. ' https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3087770

17837152? ago

Could they? Yes, they do. It's part of their sickness called satanism. Their telegraphing these things to us the useless eaters (and eaten) to empower themselves somehow. And you can also any tech their showing in these movies, whether "futuristic" or not - they're already using it.

17839747? ago

The guys at hollyweird, the political elite, the media they want open borders & keep saying the US is a 'Judeo-Christian' nation, Prussian Lodge, Thule ... and Voat names them Every Fucking Time!! https://voat.co/v/QRV/3064291

17837086? ago

Media decapitated 9/11 would happen. It's called predictive programming.

Link directs to Youtube: Here

I am not sure if there is other non-google owned websites I can direct to

17836742? ago

If you truly wanna see where we are going watch one movie. Robin Hood. Its why they re do it over and over.

17836580? ago

Of course. Re-watch the original movie MASH. The presentation of hidden signalling, usasge of false incrimination, disrepect for authority, druggings, usage of incriminating photographs for extortion, normalisation of transvestites, fornication, drug use, denigration of respect for God. Elliot Gould; Donald Sutherland . . .

17845281? ago

Tons of anti-gun, anti-conservative stuff on the MASH series as well. Making a beta male like alan alda the hero and all the conservatives were twits (Frank Burns, Charles Emerson Winchester.) The script is way over the top for the Patriots and makes them out to be selfish buffoons. Very subtle programming. Good thing here is, you can pull up those old shows when with a normie and point it out, "Man, can you believe how one sided this is?!" People will see things once you've pointed them in the right direction. Most of the time anyway

17839641? ago

Underneath Tokyo Tower in Japan you have this Egyptian Pagan Babylon crap. Shibakoen under a Watkin 1st Baronet Tower, Lahore Paki Fez Tower. An Ugly version of the Eifel Tower hides a Mason Temple https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3140992/17839039 'well, at least it's not a crucifix or some christian bullshit'

17838636? ago

disrepect for authority

Excuse you, but no fucking (((Authority))) has any fucking say regarding what I will and will not do.

17840208? ago

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!oh wow! You are way too hilarious!

17836348? ago

Yes. It is my understanding that they think the magical power they get from doing evil is much increased if you warn the victims ahead of time. So they foreshadow events in advertising and movies. Also, they get a kick out of it.

17837324? ago

They also prefer subliminal messages in entertainment to be the only reliable form of communication with their co-conspirators.

17837283? ago

Wait, you thought that PAID ACTORS get paid millions, and Hollywood goes $100s of Millions deep into movies that only recoup 10% of their production costs, that they do this year after year, losing Billions... and you think they do this for.... Charity?

17837024? ago

I'm quite certain Alex Jones is one of those pieces...

17838890? ago

Hobbitses are trixie.

17839964? ago

LOL....uh-oh...I mean "kek." (Sorry, was just informed that "LOL" is so "yesterday."


17836887? ago

Actually that is not it at all. This is a spiritual war and like any war their are rules of engagement. They are complying with the rules set for by God, and you can read this particular rule here..

“Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭2:11‬ ‭

None of this is for kicks, it’s much more serious than that.

17836873? ago

How each tear uses magic.

muggle - eight does not believe or uses wishful thinking.

mage - Uses objects or even dance to focus the spell.

Master / sage - Simply uses focused intent. Can nullify the effect of the intentions of those beneath him. Is extremely selfish.

17839559? ago

"selfish" is the perspective of a muggle

theravada buddhism instructs one to focus on your own self first, because waiting for others is a pointless endeavor. how can a lifeguard save people if he cannot swim?

17836337? ago

Evil must gain your consent. It must telegraph it's intentions. You imply your concent by supporting the work.

17837141? ago

True. That is whey (after years in New Age I woke up) I refuse to give them "legal rights". Get your insurance while you can. Rom 10:9. Fight them always. They have been pushing the same BS since the time of Enoch. SheepUnite!

17838689? ago

"after years in New Age I woke up

If you don't mind would you indulge me a little and expand ere? Why did you leave the New Age stuff? Were you practicing the dark side of it? I dabble in the "New Age" stuff, but I don't want to kill or murder children or anyone else. All of the people I come across are helpful, happy people who just want to live and let live.

17853627? ago

Formerly into new age stuff myself. It seemed benign and positive. But it never truly satisfied. There was always more books to read, more levels of knowledge to attain, more products to buy (crystals, candles, etc.). Eventually, by the grace of God, I realized that new age only offers a superficial peace. It is counterfeit. The real peace and happiness comes through Jesus Christ. There is only one book, The Bible. Nothing to buy. Believe me when I say that I am completely fulfilled in knowing God through Jesus.

17839520? ago

I am not the blogger you ask the question about. My personal belief is that New Age itself is nothing wrong. It basically is teaching spirituality in a more direct way than through the religious controlled way. There is, however, two sides to New Age movement, like anything else, such as all the religions. Satan always infiltrates everywhere everything God creates. He is the usurper. I myself got waken up by studying New Age materials, such as Blavasky and Steiner. The thing is to be very cautious in practicing these things. Devil is particularly lurking in magik practice. I have no desire in acquiring super power, let alone to use it for my personal benefits. So I only study New Age for understanding the world and beyond, to find truth and find the way back to Godhead. At the end of it, I realize it is simpler and safer to just follow what Jesus and Buddha taught us long time ago: be a loving person.

17839812? ago

Thank you, I appreciate the response.

17839343? ago

New Age can operate like a pacification program: everything is just fine the way it is, don't let yourself think one negative thought. I noticed that some Christians do this too: Jesus will come down and take care of it all, so I don't have to be discerning. We need to be free enough to advance and we must exercise our power to do this. And at the same time, connect with a Greater Power.

17839774? ago

Thank you for responding, I hear what you are saying.

17836480? ago

essentially vampires asking for permission to enter your home

17835965? ago

It's all predictive programming. Add in the fact that time isn't linear and you have your key to the entry to the rabbit hole.

17836391? ago

if its not linear, what is it?

17836586? ago

http://www.wisdomsdoor.com/rc2/hrc2-04.php "Simultaneous Time is one reason your Higher-Self cares and loves you so much. Your present moment is his past. Your Higher-Self knows the all important lesson of Simultaneous Time: to make the present the best it can be, you must make the past and future the best they can be. "

17836656? ago

This diagram from the article you posted looks pretty linear to me

17836995? ago

The human mind is conditioned to experience time as linear. In order to even open to an inkling of the true nature of time the mind must have a way to receive the information, of course it would be presented in the way the mind currently perceives it.

You're just closed minded and committed to linear time. Good luck with that.

17836844? ago

It's just one.perspective of many. Your choice to consider possibilities not mine. Research for yourself.or dont. Here's a starter.


17836770? ago

sounds pretty linear as well

17836461? ago


17836519? ago

Come on, then why cant we see the dinosaurs, or the future?

It is obviously not simultaneous

17837048? ago

All things are happening at once. Why do you think we only have access to approximately 5% of our brains? Why are we run by our subconscious? Where are we when we sleep and dream?

Stop pretending you know all the answers or that our current scientific method can find them.

17850759? ago

Different anon here. That is a question that I have been pondering more recently "Where are we when we sleep and dream?" That question has been stuck in my mind for the last month but I have been unsuccessful in finding any information. You are the first that I have come across to mention this. Do you have any resources for this?

17857235? ago

OP you replied to here. I'd check out Dolores Cannon's Convoluted Universe material, I find her work to be the "cleanest" and most agenda free, since she just stumbled upon all this information in her work and wasn't into any of it or seeking it out, etc.

17852298? ago

We don't really think with our brains.

Some cultures thought the mind was in the stomach. Others thought it was in the heart. Psychiatrists want us to think it's in the brain organ.

Think about it. How could cells possibly handle all visual, memory, opinions, judgement and problem solving? If that were true, wouldn't elephants (with much larger brains) be smarter than humans?

17852861? ago

Ok, I can see it from that perspective. What else?

17868132? ago

Research all the reports of past lives which have been verified with witness testimony, documentation, and historical information to which the person had no access.

The lineage of which does not follow genetic lines, so information is not carried forth in the cellular line.

17837121? ago

We have access to all of our brains, that 5% thing is a myth, it is not true

17837147? ago

If that were the case, people would not be so easily gas lighted and herded by false narratives. Nor would people like you spend more time refuting things they don't understand than you do actually looking into them deeply.

17837171? ago

I looked at that article you shared with me, and in the first paragraph they state a fallacy, Thomas Edison does not make light appear out of an empty glass cylinder. There are parts inside the glass or a gas inside the glass. So right off the bat the author is being factually incorrect. I am all about the truth, and I dont take kindly to being lied to or misled.

17837186? ago

The problem with anon boards is that ... I didn't post THAT article.

17839567? ago

I assumed that you were the same person as someone else, my apologies

17836793? ago

You might want to check out the work of Dolores Cannon, who conversed across time with Nostradamus through a hypnotherapy client.

17836843? ago

Seems kind of fantastical, can not be proven with scientific methods

17838720? ago

It seems impossible to me and I do not believe it can be verified by science, and so, I won't look at it.

This is called being Intellectually Lazy and pretending that you're God.

17839551? ago

Where did I say I would not look into it? I proved that I was willing to read the article you linked

17836876? ago

In other words, you're closed minded and don't want to understand the true workings of the universe.

Make sure to get your flu shot and stay updated on your scientifically verified through fraud vaccinations.

17837136? ago

I dont get flu shots, I dont get vaccinated, I dont go to doctors unless its absolutely necessary, and I am definitely not close minded.

17837160? ago

If that's true then please look into Dolores Cannon's conversations across time with Nostradamus. She wrote a series of books and was on some tv programs as a well respected authority on Nostradamus. It's no joke.

17836546? ago

Ok. You win. You clearly have all the answers and the most expanded perspective available to the human mind. Hands down, you've proven it with your brilliant post.

17836618? ago

Words have meanings, and to say time is simultaneous is just incorrect, at least from the human perspective, its pretty damn linear

17836686? ago

At least from the human perspective. Which is intentionally limited. Not everyone experiences time linearly but since you do it's not something that can be explained. Only dumb people believe that if they can't perceive it then it must not be real.

17837062? ago

the problem with this argument here is that it completely unravels all of human understanding and observation of the rules that our reality was founded upon to prop up an unknowable hypothetical at which point we might as well say that smashing our heads into a tree while we have a broom sticking out our ass results in our bodies obtaining all the nourishment one needs to survive.

17837110? ago

You should really watch the Dolores Cannon video and then come back and finish the conversation.

Those who understand the reality of how time works will likely win the current war being waged for our consciousness. If you're a genuine truth seeker then open your mind and consider the possibilities. Dolores Cannon is the best red pill for this because she wans't into anything metaphysical, she was just working with hypnosis clients when she discovered a whole other universe of information much of which was scientifically verified years after she encountered it.

100 years ago the notion of a cell phone was fantastic sci fi too.

Think about the trap of time and how it relates to economics. Open your mind.

17838899? ago

oh boy new agey bullshit! *pauses to make popcorn*

nosradamus requests help to write down his predictions from a future person so he can publish a more clearer version to future people

a little convoluted, but not the most

such an effort would nullify the meeting because the improved version would take its place but no the ambigious version is still around


her assistant is a faggot that just so happens to have been a nazi in a previous life

omg im done lul

lul gore was supposed to win because muh ecology

i lied

gengis khan was an anti-christ

wasnt this that guy that did not give a fuck what his subjects thought as long as they paid up? how interesting

hitler was an antichrist

truely shocking

nostradamus is jewish, which coincidently isnt not part of her convoluted multiple timelines waffle

no wonder why this charlatan wont die

nostradamous coincidentally hates computers after she decribes her difficulites with MSDOS

the internet is the mark of the beast despite globohomo having lost control of it

so this video is indirectly calling trump an antichrist, having been elected because of the internet? oh my, this sub really isnt going to like this!

i still have no idea how this supports simultaneous time, but thanks for the amusement.

17840182? ago

holy fuck this guy is upsetti, exellent work anon!

17839009? ago

^^ didn't watch the video. Likely spends day bitching about the consequences of being trapped in linear time while laughing at anyone with a more expanded world view.

When a genius and a fool argue in a room full of fools, who wins?

17839118? ago

dumbass, i just gave a point by point analysis. anybody else can verify ththis if they want to

17839140? ago

Kek. You didn't watch the video.

17839294? ago

i saw it too. i didnt watch it as closely as he did but i verify that your full of shit.

17839426? ago

It's a 2 hour video posted 2 hours ago. You both just spend the last 2 hours watching the entire video?


17840635? ago

They didn't watch it in linear time, they watched it in simultaneous time! Hahaha!

17839708? ago

yes, this dishonest fuckstick replied very quickly to my posts so naturally i got to start watching it very quickly after he posted it.

17839811? ago

this dishonest fuckstick

What is dishonest?

17839788? ago

Did you get past 26 minutes where the info re: nostradamus starts?

I've heard of this lady from other places. She's the real deal. I think the History or Discovery channel interviewed her.

17839887? ago

how about you watch the video yourself and verify if you care so much? all of this is after the mark provided by the comments

17839966? ago

I've heard her speak on Nostradamus before, this is a great video.

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=7Tir9GeCt60, start at 1:30 to understand how ordinary she is and that this information just found her, she didn't seek it out

The conversation started about simultaneous time. Truth has no need to prove itself, you're free to believe whatever you want and live under the constraints of those beliefs.

17840041? ago

as far as unfounded nonsense goes flat earth theory holds up to scrutiny better.

17840060? ago

Much holds up to scrutiny better than the Bible and most of the ancient texts, but people are still willing to die to prove them true. No one's insisting that you fight your way out of the paper bag if you find it comfortable there.

17839363? ago

Oh, well glad we got that settled.

After all, people on Q boards are very concerned with our reputations, esp. with closed minded pussies who never get on board with truth until the wind is firmly blowing that way and there's no risk involved.

17840623? ago

your handle is safe unfortunately, but this particular thread of nonsense just got shot down hard

17842956? ago

By collectivists who expect censorship and vile attacks to equal truth?

17839810? ago

the elites put so much false info out there that it essentially DDOSes our processing of whats truth or not. this sub especially should be hostile to false teachers because they do nothing but waste peoples time and energy.

17840715? ago

Well, if it is a waist of linear time it might matter but if is a waist of simultaneous time It's not that big a deal! Haha!

17839858? ago

Wholeheartedly disagree! We're being gas lighted from everywhere. This is where the wheat gets separated from the chaff. If you can't keep your mind open AND your inner bullshit detector functioning properly, that's ALL on you!

17839971? ago

so many keystrokes for such a meaningless post!

17839991? ago

Wow, could you be more of an asshole if you tried? Are you shareblue shitposters here trying to run us all off so we give up and commit suicide to please your master?

17840086? ago

  1. asshole is what makes the internet great, evil is everything that flows from weakness.

  2. your defending a wannabe cult leader bruv, seek help.

17840150? ago

This will be the last cuppa I buy you. May God's Light shine continuously upon you.

17840578? ago

good riddance

17842980? ago

You'll never be free from God's Light of Truth shining brightly upon you. Never.

17851625? ago

you freely admit this and yet you devote so much energy to subverting gods word, its hilarious really

17857226? ago

Nah, I just don't confuse Lucifer's fake light and bliss, etc. for God.

17838665? ago

100 years ago the notion of a cell phone was fantastic sci fi too.

Any technology, if sufficiently advanced, is utterly indistinguishable from Magic.

Hell, in the movie Thor, Thor says to his girl at the time,

What you call "magic", we call Science

17836758? ago

Well if time is really simultaneous then please tell me the future, and I want specifics.

If you can not access the future then it might not be simultaneous

17836814? ago

I can't run a 4 minute mile. Does that mean no one can?

Have you seen these videos on the Trump Time Travel theory?


17836869? ago

Of course I have seen the Trump time travel theories, but time travel would prove time is linear and not simultaneous

17838683? ago

Time is relative mate. Which means the flow of time is viewed based on the observer. You can't observe all time simultaneously, it would be too much information at once. Your brain concsiously focuses on about 40 bits of information per second. Sub conscious focuses on 40,000,000 bits. Even with your subconscious mind, you couldn't possibly process the amount of information that occurs within what we call "Space Time" simultaneously. It's always "Now" Nigga.

17836893? ago

You live in linear time. It works better for pro vax science worshippers.