commonsenseisded ago

Why is this show been posted repeatedly to pizza gate so many times in the past month or two. Yea Hollyweird is Satan/pedo central. Pizza gate seems to go farther than hollyweird bullshit.

kazza64 ago

long pig is a term coined by the cannibal papua new guinea tribes during ww2 when they were eating soldiers stationed on their island these people know what they're talking about they should also know that the png tribes stopped eating people because they developed kuru they're not as clever as they think they are

SeeHear ago

I tried to watch this under the protection of the lord, just to see how far it went. I couldn’t get through the credits. It’s so strange to see Satan flaunting so openly. Really wonder how well it’s working on the youth.

truthdemon ago the debt system... No mystery to it...the ones selling it as a mystery are the ones who bemefit the most from the debt system..and want to divert u away from understanding its simplicity .. This is why they hate Christ... ....he simplified the accounting system...that will take just one dollar to undo their power.. If people catch onto this simplicity if using ur dollars and assrts to reduce debt ... Their game is over..until then we feed it via loaning to banks ..and increasing the debt system..its not really debt ..its a failure to pay...and our energies and credits are surety to this failure to pay system.. Its an insurance scam that we decide to be the insurer to ...

Dont believe me the debt reduction department if the US treasury...

Turn of the power on them...

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

vigilantcitizen -

pmichel ago

normalizing Satanism, to teenagers.

new4now ago

Netflix is really promoting child sex

wonder why they went after Stacey, when they keep putting these shows on the air

3141592653 ago


new4now ago

typo sry

scarlettm512 ago

Nope. You're right. It is Kevin Spacey.

3141592653 ago

Ohhhh lol. Makes more sense now