NakedWarrior ago

I watched two episodes of the new Sabrina show and was somewhat surprised how much it is filled with hatred, satanism, etc. I'm not even religious. There was one comment about human cannibalism, the "dark lord" and how God is the "false god". They also teach that if someone bullies you or does something bad, you should respond with violence - nice message. Of course they have the token Hollywood transgender and in the first episode talk about the evils of white patriarchy.

CentipedeRex ago

I watched this show last night to see what all the fuss was about. I proceeded to have nightmares. I won't watch it again. Fuck that devil shit.

petevoat ago

Someone made a post on it

Mr_Wolf ago

oddly I made a post earlier about spirit cooking in blankroomsoup.avi it got weird when I noticed stuff not previously talked about, started digging and found some new stuff. seems oddly related with spirit cooking and pizza gate

DawnPendraig ago

I am seeing this a lot shows like Lucifer in one of the broadcast channels... Making him a sympathetic guy who just wants to be loved.

I do watch an episode or two before I rant. I learned the hard way I could be prejudiced and misread some thing badly like I did Buffy the Vampire slayer which I ended up loving.

I am on episode 4 of Sabrina. It's pretty stupid but I am house bound and bored. Anyway she refused Satan and defied her aunts and everyone after seeing a vision that she was being lied to by the high priest etc. Well duh...

I think it's borderline. On one hand it shows a somewhat horrifying truth on signing her name in the beast's book being slavery to Satan and vilest evil and on the other it makes light of it. I will finish out the season and write my review.

As a Christian woman I can actually see a moral to this story and cheered her on defying the evil path others laid out for her. It even has a plot twist that her human mom secretly baptised her as a Christian to protect her. Then she was signed into some promise by her warlock dad 2 days later. She is an orphan raised by satanic aunts one who loves being a witch and one who secretly hates it.

I think it's got potential to make people think about choices and perceptions. Is it easy to dismiss evils when you are raised accepting them? Hell yes... Pun intended.

I hope she will repent completely, embrace Jesus Christ and turn her back on that heritage but it is Netflix.

Arckz ago

""Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. "" Albert Pike 33rd GrandMasterMason

Mad_As_Hell ago

Not even trying to hide it any more, there’s even a pentagram in the title font. The Satanic programming seems to be working

Neinlife ago

Pentagrams are misattributed to satanism.

If the star is inside the circle it is a symbol of protection used for eons.

If the points of the star extend beyond the confines of the circle, sort of like the anarchy symbols used in punk, this has a different meaning: evil or chaos unrestrained.

Christianity has strong pagan roots. The symbolism has been corrupted quite a bit over the years by (((people))).

Azurenightsky ago

Too many are eager to throw the baby out with the Bathwater on this one. Symbolism is a language. How you choose to speak that language is what matters. The language itself is not a problem inherrently.

ItsBad ago

They use entertainment to brainwash people, it's called television -programming-.

Diggernicks ago

Fuck yeah satan!

Rhondaher ago

There is hardly anything fit to watch on Netflex. Everything has a dark theme or preverse homo agenda. Obamas have turned it into a totally Satanic preverse channel. Its all out of the closet now. End times for sure. I always thought Obama fit the description of the Anti Christ in the book of Daniel in Chapters 7 through 9. The only way I will be convinced now he isnt the Anti Christ is if he is arrested and taken to Gitmo. We can only pray now against this spiritual wickedness.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I think when I'm in charge, I'll put Meryl Streep in a porno. Let's see just how great an ACTRESS she really is!

Rhondaher ago

Cant you just hate these people

thebearfromstartrack ago

The bills HAVE to be paid. How else will they LEARN? Even God is into punishment of the evil.

PS - I will NEVER be in charge. IMO.

WanderingTaurus ago

Netflix has always had shows with the similar themes, but since the announcement of Obama's and Rice coming on board, they have been much more blatant with the satanism, sexual identity issues, and more. Cancelling the service was a good call for our family.

RufusTFlywheel ago


strawberrycandle ago

this new season of american horror story is shilling satanism and buggery big time too

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Have you seen Netflix Santa Clarita Diet?

gamepwn ago

I have seen it yes. I saw that as more of a zombie comedy though. The mom is a zombie in the show and the family can't help it and are trying to help her. Although yes I can see how it is pushing cannibalism. That show at least was subtle about it. This one took it up a notch and is full on pushing satanism in your face.