clearthoughts04 ago

Does anyone remember SNL joked about some Republican female rep being a witch? was it Michelle Bachman?

WanderingTaurus ago

Halloween has always been demonic, but in the past tv shows appeared to make it more light with making show episodes on the holiday more fun and about laughs but seems they are going towards a more creepy, bloody, demonic route. Even costumes and decorations getting more gory and devilish than before, or maybe just more than I realized. Used to be my favorite holiday and fall my favorite season. I literally can not stand either right now and can't wait for some of these sick elites to be fucking arrested and sitting in a court of law with public watching to have all their evil sick fucking secrets exposed so we can start taking back what they have ruined.


Even the Science channel and History channel have gone full tilt in the past year. Everything, Absolutely everything is Aliens is our God and no matter what we all gonna die very soon. From a speck of dust in space to a microbe in ice and no one can save us except some aliens if they come back. Fucking BULLSHIT..its 24/7. Lookup "firesign"....holograms that are moving and half a mile tall...expect the Great Deception any day...

Mcdrogon ago

Well, I mean Halloween is next week so there are a lot of these shows on right now.

LightnLove ago

Recently? (Sarcasm)

cryptex ago

Guccifer #1 original letter. Read it.

matt ago

The hand written one, right?

Also, do you know where I can read and accurate history of the first guccifer? I vaguely paid attention to all of it when it was going on, and from memory he was kind of an isolated fellow in rural Russia or the Ukraine who was just hacking into random stuff for the fun of it using outdated techniques and stumbled across Hillary’s unsecure email server? I also remember several months later that there was documentation that the state department had flown this fellow to DC.

thebearfromstartrack ago

She actually said...People are USING the Bible...quoting select passages out of context...

She THEN said...."Jesus said...Suffer the little children that come unto me"....

WE are NOT Jesus. He is God, he has INFINITE resources, he helps whom he CHOOSES. He does NOT live in the US. He does NOT say, hey everybody, BE LIKE ME!

Hillary is a lying piece of shit, queen of the parasites (thieves).

CHARITY is NOT compulsory, and NOT carried out ANONYMOUSLY (Bible). Otherwise it is ROBBERY.

Hillary is an EVIL piece of shit. Her running mate's name was CAINE!!! She USES the Bible, she IS one of the bitches that Jesus will tell "GET AWAY FROM ME, I NEVER KNEW YOU!"....(fake christians).

WanderingTaurus ago

Hillary's bible is the satanic one, NOT the Holy Bible. She is an evil fucking witch who needs to burn for her sins committed upon God's children.

thebearfromstartrack ago

She seems to think the "poor" MUST come to the US so Jesus can help them, and Jesus is actually US. She is an OBVIOUS liar, pandering to the vermin whom Jesus OBVIOUSLY did NOT care to assist for whatever reason(s).

SeanBox ago

Trump keeps saying “witch hunt” for a reason.