18209142? ago

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17537203? ago

Rachel, Chandler hangs with Joey, Monica, Phoebe, and Ross

17535619? ago

Looking at the link between Chandler and this Michal Chelbin and the first thing that jumped out at me was Ukraine. Putin has attempted several incursions in to Ukraine. We have always be told Putin Bad. Russia Bad. Trump Bad. Putin has stated that previous US administrations worshiped satan. Were we wrong in stopping Putin from invading Ukraine? Was he attempting to clean house by brute force without 'setting a stage'. Has me wondering.

17535097? ago

I have all the images/videos from before her instagram profile was set to private. I can upload them if it helps the dig, anyone know of a good place to share it? 175 MB .rar file.

17535056? ago

i am confused reading this thread can anyone clarify; * who is Rachel Chandler? * Is that her real name? * Is she married to or related to Rothschild family? * who is Ray Chandler? * Is that his real name? * Is he married to or related to Rothschild family? *

17582569? ago

ray is short for rachel, same person

17534374? ago

"We have it all" That's why we need a bunch of anons to dig around the internet.

17534303? ago

So did Q said in # 3159, Rchildhandler is the sister of Paris Hilton?, married to a Rschild?

17534180? ago

Her instagram accept is set to private. https://www.instagram.com/ray.chandler/

11.9k followers. Would it be safe to assume that many of those people share her sickening tendencies..?

17535155? ago

I backed up all the photos/videos before she set her instagram account to private. It's a 175 MB .rar file. Any tips where to upload?

17693591? ago

Thanks anon 17535155

Related discussion at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3126006/

17693560? ago

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17582562? ago

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17582534? ago

awesome sauce, literally! thanks, got it

17582561? ago

and just posted it to spread as well! https://voat.co/v/QRV/3114266

17536100? ago

Mega. Nz?

17533826? ago

Looks like she did a pretty nice job of Doxxing Herself....

17532752? ago

i dont think thats her real name

17532595? ago

This is like PizzaGate 2.0

17532423? ago


So... Adam Schitt! + Ray Chandler

17532304? ago

Is that Chelsea Handler and Ray Chandler in picture with one of the Olsen twins? All 'child handlers'?

The potential context of these photos is sickening when you are awake. I can no longer find it, but there was a massive instagram archive on 8ch that had all this pizza, sex and occult type references with random young people. They all appeared to be flaunting that they were some club based on the photos and replies. I wish I could find it again as it was very eye opening as to how wide spread this truly must be.

If the Q plan fails we are doomed sheep.

17531987? ago

Another good summary from a year ago on Rachel Chandler: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2490765

17531004? ago

Boss is off the chain tonight. Do it, Q

17530986? ago

I’d throat her

17530852? ago

This picture on her website looks to be the drag kid, Desmond is Amazing... the one the media has been fawning over. The one who was in an ad with a pedo symbol on his forehead!


17529993? ago

L ook at the Eminem post and the Pdiddy one. Search the user names of those who commented...very odd

17529905? ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1436568 A good write up from back in the pizzagate days detailing her relationships with well known hollywood types.

17533342? ago

How many slime versions of Qs pictures before Q posted them before too many is coincidence? https://twitter.com/webofslime/status/1105561009056505856?s=19


17535682? ago

Not much of a coincidence when there are the same handful of pics floating around on the web, dweebo. Not like there’s a 1000 images to choose from.

17539212? ago

And the post about how to report crimes? the day before? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3106114 and predicting a mass shooter on the 13th as retaliation? it isn't just that the pictures were the same. they were hand selected and changed. they aren't even the only two in common.

17543387? ago

What's your theory? I don't think there would be anything weird about Q using existing published information to redpill people. In fact, the whole reason Q doesn't violate NatSec laws is because they use open source info.

17569890? ago

going back two years i see a lot of overlap and just before a lot of q posts there is exact same material. i dont mean just same pictures i mean took the time to make a green version then post it just before q in like 10 different places. then there are things like this that seem to be a precursor to real action https://www.reddit.com/r/Intelligence/comments/altz71/the_icc_test_run_on_afghanistan_war_crimes/ after that post the fbi war crimes unit was dismantled and the icc was just denied visas. then we see he can produce completely original email address and their passwords like for the nxivm cult. https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2987785 and the rothschild list. then we see access to unaired OANN stories here https://www.bitchute.com/video/dykYtgYoAGMF/ which i have no idea how someone gets. knew about other dossiers before anyone else. and call me crazy but https://voat.co/v/QRV/3018025 does this post from feb 5 not spell out "pull the trigger"? notice the spider at the bottom.

17529810? ago

Is Rachel Chandler the keystone? The key to all the sealed indictments? Q says Ray Chandler = Allison Mack x 100

Would make sense as it appears that she was deeply involved involved with showing off and delivering the "goods" to her clients. If the feds have her and she flipped.....would explain this...

5801159 This one case has the ability to bring down the (many) rich & powerful people. Those who scream the loudest…. Q

17531077? ago

Guessing she has seen DeNiro, Hanks, etc., etc. etc., in some pretty precarious situations!😱

17533380? ago

A Tom Hankserchief with a pizza related M.A.P. on him

17538911? ago

yep wouldn't doubt it, these people are SICK🤮

17529673? ago

Rachel Chandler = C-Handler >>> (Celebrity Handler)!!!

17530759? ago

maybe child handler ??

17530752? ago

Look at Q3136... Q has confirmed what has been said by many for a long time...

C.handler = Child Handler

17534943? ago

Roths'child Handler?

17530775? ago

oh thank you lmaoo

17530683? ago

Or she was a big fan of "Friends" when she was told to choose a fake name. You know.....Rachel & Chandler. There's a million possibilities.

17530897? ago

Oh wow! But the thing is, she comes from a well-known well to do fam in Cali. Assuming their last name is Chandler too unless her background is as bs as all the other fake news. Holy shit!

17529529? ago

The turbaned guy with her in pics, Waris, used to be secret service. Supposedly how he met Bill C. Now a designer. He designed a pendant for the Clinton Foundation with the latin phrase 'love conquers all'. Bottom of pendant has numbers 10-42-65. Possibly an IP address which comes back as a private network...no geolocation.

17536047? ago

Looks like a birthdate to me

17581707? ago

or a very oddly proportioned lady

17532537? ago

Too short to be an IP

17533339? ago

Could be a subnet. Too lazy to do a scan on it though.


17537459? ago

IP's that start with 10 are internal IP addresses, not on the WWW.

Kinda like 192.168.

17529515? ago

Go through new and upvote. Recent drops missing from front page of /qrv.

17529498? ago

My hunch says she was behind the camera slick willie was in with those guys

17536038? ago

I thought the same

17529961? ago

Good hunch

17529443? ago

It's not a phone number. Decode the digits. I think I got it.

17529698? ago

Those digits are tattooed on the inside of her lower lip. You can see it on her myspace. https://myspace.com/306140959

17530093? ago

Looks to me like it says, TRUFFLE

17530854? ago

I thought it says TRUE LIE

17529420? ago


17529308? ago


I spy a penis.


Also did some research on this lady.

Lynda Benglis... looks like a twisted "artist."


17529035? ago

On page one of the tumblr, the pic of the boy with the dog looks like Desmond the drag kid.

17528741? ago

Check out her tumblr... lots of people to identify, and some pretty dampening creepy stuff too

17528644? ago

That phone number is a California number.

Call it.

17529450? ago

I wrote the number on a bathroom wall with the title "for a good time, call."

17529476? ago

Jenny knows Rachel?

17529630? ago


17529694? ago

Who can you turn to?

17528571? ago

Holy crap... i went to her tumbler page and it's got some really sick photos.

17528862? ago

I don’t see any sick pictures. She just flat out sucks as a photographer.

17530018? ago

Q just posted the ones I saw on there.

17529851? ago

Hiding kid photos as art, when really they are probably a catalog of options for sell.

17531340? ago

Yes, exactly. Money laundering and a literal catalog of high-end children for sale to the materialistic elite. Sick ass fucks.

17530004? ago

Yeah I saw more pics on Qmap. The archive link didn’t have all those pics and I don’t have Tumblr.

17528627? ago

She looks good naked though.

17529395? ago

Trans. FYI

17530983? ago

For real?

17529442? ago

Used to be Ray Chandler

17529688? ago

Finkle and Einhorn.

17529451? ago

Nice cock pre-op tho. If you like dick.