17708029? ago

Whoa, Nelli!!!!! What in the focockta schmeil is this?!!!!?!?! Hussein's husband must be jealous.

17501785? ago

Hey Jacinda, you're a hijab wearing cuntbag. I can smell you from here. Are your royal mountie detectives going to send me an oppressive email?

17500147? ago

Im a man, that was a big floppy cock and balls in a banana hammock.

17499986? ago

LOL OK...I had to laugh and replay it a few times. But....could is just be a too big sanitary / incontinent pad? LOL

17498373? ago

maybe he's conceal carrying appendix position? hahaha

17498257? ago

def walks like a man as well as mannerisms.

17495000? ago

Either it is true, or it is a planted fake video planted by the cabal to saw a false 'conspiracy theory' (like flat earth, alien invasion, antarctica).

17505487? ago

The video is not fake, I found another from the same day, different camera, different angle, same bump.

17497360? ago

You got it!

17494980? ago

Suspicious Package !

17494776? ago

Bahahahaha!!!! There’s no doubt that’s a wang. And I’m not talking about a little China man hanging on her leg.

17494107? ago

Oh Geez. So autist research just ramped up. Jacinda is a Jason, Jase, or Jacob. Anything un-natural gets raised up into powerful positions. They are evil, sick, perverted in the mind and spirit, jnstable in all their ways.

17493612? ago

Even she s more of a man than Trudeau

17493354? ago

I thought it might of been a doctored video, but I found another video, this was filmed at parliament when she/he was announced to be the next PM. It was harder to see, but still visible.

Here is a photo taken.


17493106? ago

It's a man baby...YEAH!

17491685? ago

I like the part where it looks down at its crotch because it can feel that its junk is clearly showing.

17496758? ago

heheh, right, s/he was totally aware that the camera was on it... caught in the act...

17491625? ago

Looks like he has a cock! What a surprise.

17491578? ago

looks like a man, walks like a man, it swings like a man's... quack

17491512? ago

What the hell is wrong with these people.

17490315? ago

They are flaunting their abomination right in front of our eyes! So sick of it! It's an assault on humanity and God! Will be dealt with severely! Sodom and Gomorrah!

17490092? ago

LOL! Great find, anon!

17490012? ago

Wow...lol Seriously messed up. Thanks for sharing..:)

17489540? ago

Did she have a c-section done in 2018 to birth a baby? .......

Also look for Wooley interview in which he asks: when did you conceive .... It takes on a whole new meaning ....

On the other hand, a swollen belly, normally indicative of being pregnant, can be simulated and a foetus can be grown in an artificial womb ....



  1. 2017

17489478? ago

Why is it offensive to dress up as the opposite ethnicity, but not the opposite gender? Also, if women are being discriminated against, why are so many men trying to play this part?

17489277? ago


Ever been to New Zealand?

Transvestites are everywhere. Back when I was in the US Navy, we were told in Auckland to be aware of the "HE-Shes", who like to prey on the weak and the inebriated. We were told the Kiwi authorities were very tolerant of them.

In a disco across the room, I saw some unfortunate drunken sailor succumb to one of these vampires. I don't know if he knew at the time, he was very intoxicated and his buddies didn't help him either. It was both a tragedy and horrifying to me. I don't know whatever became of this sailor. I never knew him or ever saw him on my ship. All I thought was - how do live with yourself after something like this happens?

Could Jacinda Adern be a transvestite? It has long been accepted there. Kiwis were very different from American standards back then, but it seems that we Americans are being forced to be more like them.

17491788? ago

... 18 Anomalies at Christchurch Mosque Massacre, Jamie McNicol from The Sentinels of Truth. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3104198

17488179? ago

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17488167? ago

The entire trans movement is based on a lie. The defense of trans people, who are literally the smallest percentage of the current population, is practically akin to a religious response. You are marked and in defiance of "law" when you don't comply with the insane agenda. Why are governments and media agencies all at the same time putting such a spotlight and focus on such a small group of confused weirdos? Because they have a greater tendency to spiral out of control and become mind control fodder for the government when they rely solely on the government and media for protection. Government dependency at its finest.

I've never given in to this ridiculous trans agenda, nor will I ever. Any trans person to me is an "it," because they can't create an ideal image of their own body to accept, why should I accept anything about them? Trans people are dangerously violent, too. They don't apply logic in many necessary places because their minds are too far gone. The only reason that the trans agenda is being so vehemently pushed is because of the desire of foreign entities to weaken American sovereignty. We were never supposed to be on top of the world for as long as we were before. Now they have to use whatever ridiculous methods that they can come up with to take us down a peg.

17488008? ago

I had to keep replaying it! It is so obvious! Please tell me it is a green screen or photo shopping! What an appalling site.

17489227? ago

She's as tall and broad as the men.

17486972? ago

WTH is this shitpost? What are you trying to say? Why is the quality so low?

17486612? ago

Well, she was supposedly pregnant and had a baby, but I suppose she could still be packing.

17489241? ago

MO supposedly has two daughters too.

17486610? ago

Lmao!!!! These trans things are world wide!!! If did not laugh, I would snap.

17486523? ago

Her morph a dite

17486488? ago


17486454? ago

You could only imagine what would happen to her, if all the muslims she is hugging, knew!

17486336? ago

A tranny faggot with a dick?

17485846? ago

Holy shit. He looked down aswell because she knew the camera was on him.

17491220? ago

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17485607? ago

OP Here. I think the video was doctored. Jacinda Adern has children and there are photos of her when she was pregnant. https://www.mercurynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/afp_1426cf.jpg

17493033? ago

There are women in movies who look pregnant who have never been pregnant. Not a tough illusion to create. It's a scam. He's a guy!!!

17559100? ago

I have since found a another video collaborating that the video was NOT doctored, and some photos also, so it's looking more than likely, the baby bump was a prosthetic and who knows where the child was actually conceived.

17486542? ago

first baby at age 38 after the video of the dick swinging in the dress. you do the math.

17497039? ago

never heard that a transgender treatment can make one even reproductive.

17488594? ago

This WTF

17485959? ago

lol never seen one of these ?


It's the answer to the question >> 'How did she lose all the weight so fast after pregnancy'

Note: A-MALE Clooney is also a TRANNY that faked pregnancy.

17485770? ago

Or she carried a fake baby!?!?! Don't give up the narrative! Get Qcrazy!

17485237? ago

I looked her up and there are pics of her cozying up with, Hillary. These people are sick, I'm not just saying that, it's TRUE.

17485129? ago

So this is why everything smells like balls and leaky anus

17485073? ago

Cock-a-dile Dundee

17495849? ago

The Christchurch shooter visited Pakistan in Oct. 2018. He said Pakistanis are the most kind-hearted hospitable people in the world. Why would a white supremacist who hates Muslims visit Pakistan? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3098745/17424566 'How about that! Getting fucking sick of these false flag attacks.'

17510580? ago

According to the manifesto: he does not hate Muslims as long as they remain in their own lands and get the hell out of European lands.

A slight difference.

On a different note, have you noted the refs to norse religion in his manifesto....

17488200? ago

NPR radio had a show today talking about 4chan and 8chan as well as the communities on reddit that were banned for hate speech. They spoke of incels and how these forums are a radicalization engine. They also spoke about the anime-pedo connection to the 8chan founder. It was questioned why these forums even exist and why they should be taken down in the context of how they breed hate and people like the NZ shooter.

The guy giving the talk was an NBC rep.... folks, there are all sorts of people on these forums. They dont care if 99.999% of people here wouldn't hurt a fly or do anything deviant. All they care about is owning the narrative, and keeping their people in power which they are doing through more propaganda. https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3105471/17486772

17496183? ago

if that logic stands, then fb and twatter and ytube should be taken down

17485115? ago


17484991? ago

She’s a Mormon. Mormonism is just Freemasonry repackaged as a religion. Freemasonry is a tranny worshipping Egyptian sex cult.

17490744? ago

And Freemasonry is just Kabalism repackaged for the masses to spread liberalism and egalitarianism.

17485105? ago

Freemasonry is only tranny worshiping for idiots that don't understand what they're talking about. I'm talking about Masons that think that way, not you, just to be clear.

17484964? ago

Are you saying Jacinda is a tranny too? Son of a bitch.

17484830? ago

THEY laugh at us, WORLDWIDE, but now the world kicks back, together.


17484819? ago

Having worn many dresses in my life I can assure you there is no situation or time nor place I have been accused of having a schlong. Dresses don't make it look like you have one. Unless you do.

17494889? ago

Same, but my penis isn't very big.

17497094? ago

Jacinda does not have a small penis problem.

17491784? ago

Most women wear undergarments (shapers) to keep anything from moving around that shouldn't. Especially after having a kid, where loose skin wouldn't even move like that either.

17493074? ago

I had a little bit of loose skin after a pregnancy until I could firm up. Still didn't have a penis! LOL

17488790? ago

lol That's what mirrors are for!!

I can't imagine a real woman noticing a certain dress made it look like she had a schlong..

and wearing it anyway.

17485947? ago

I think we're going to need you to get various sized strapons, wear them under a dress and walk briskly so that we can get a true comparison of what we are dealing with.

17493140? ago

Noted. I'll just add it to my weekly grocery list.

17493202? ago

The 1950s empowered house wives would be proud of that comment.

17485293? ago

Ditto. I have asked every other woman I know if they can come up with ANY form of reasonable explanation. Not one managed to think of anything EXCEPT possibly a set of adult nappies, and even that seems unlikely.

If it moves like a cock and looks like a cock....it's likely to be a cock.

17484737? ago

What in the actual fuck is going on. That’s my first reaction

17521268? ago

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17491242? ago

Foreign affairs Sri Lanka? A Twin? General authority Mormon? he spent about 20 years in the Criminal Investigation Branch and five years as Matamata-Piako and immigration? and Dame Annette Faye King https://voat.co/v/QRV/3104420

17484730? ago

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck. It is probably a duck. Or you might say... If it looks like a dick, swings like a dick. It is probably a dick.

17484664? ago

the Bee Gee to the video was funny though. Looks like a dude to me.

17491265? ago

something in the water in NZ ? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3104067 King and the Rook move towards each other and swap places, the only move in chess in which a player moves two pieces in the same move?

17484641? ago

Wonder what happend there lol ...

17484624? ago

Is Jacinda Jack?

17492992? ago

He's a mental retard. His name is Jack!

17484623? ago

The Unmistakable Bulge.

17484561? ago

This is another funny version of this awful creature... https://youtu.be/PFong1LMyNU

17491346? ago

holy f --- ! https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3099825/17420354 'Why isn’t Q giving us more? They have to know something about it! They aren’t saying shit though!'

17484349? ago

Say Prime Minister, that's a nice cock. Have you always had it?

17484051? ago

OMG, is it wearing a banana hammock?

17491392? ago

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17484828? ago

He was over seas a while, a raid on the N.Korea embassy recently in Spain, many years travel in strange places Turkey, India, Bosnia, North Korea, Pakistan a lot of places would already have him red flagged. Something about Freemasonic Knights Temple, Clowns also mentioned North of Iran and an old group of Assassin, also a Masonic House in London next to the River, the Five Eyes also mentioned? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3103545 People are getting arrested and jailed for sharing images from the mosque shooting or watch the news videos streamed on social media, New Zealand also pulled Sky News off the air ... The Ismailis (Satpanthis) ?? nizari ismailis are connected to the old sect of assassins from alamut, in ne iran? Some say it was two events / operations rolled into one? Going back over the years here is also a tone of weird pedo shit going on in some Hare Krishna, weird Christian and Cult groups, the Dad is a twin and the Mormons there and guess who visited recently https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/3101861 ? @benjitsu @SandHog @flyingcuttlefish the shooting was terrible and the music weird, he knew what he was doing but almost as if he was brainwashed

17487696? ago

Definitely something fucked up going on in New Zealand. An international pedo ring was busted back in 2013. Then there was the widow of Awanui Black, a local politician, who went public after husbands death and said her husband was involved in a ring of abusers that went to "the highest heights you can imagine".

17485745? ago

The music was so bad. Probably hypnotized him to the garbage. I'd break if I had to listen to this shit too.

17484007? ago

With all these dudes running around pretending to be ladies it's no wonder the governments all over the place are pushing acceptance of trannies.

17485209? ago

I don't have time to write about this at length, but I wonder if the Jews are pushing men transformed into women into political positions like here in NZ to give the appearance that woman are capable politicians to get the west and europe to fuck themselves over by electing actual women into positions of power where they will fuck everything up.

17485906? ago

It's actually SATANISM and an attempt to INVERT God's will.

That is why (((they))) constantly LIE.

That is why (((they))) want to screw children.

That is why (((they))) are slaves to their symbolism.

17492863? ago

Martin Luther authored a book entitled

"The Lying Jews"

Ah, to live in an era unbound by political correctness, where you could say exactly what you thought without worrying about the SLPC and ADL putting you on their hit list

17485259? ago

Pretty deep shit I’m gonna do a dab

17495676? ago

Yabba dabba doooooo :D

17485647? ago

I second thatcough mo cough cough mo cofuckugh...I second that motion.

17485766? ago

This is funny because sometimes people cough when smoking the pot.

17510039? ago

Sometimes when I hold the kush in to long and cough, I fart at the same time

17508772? ago

Thnx for the explanation

17484879? ago

I doubt it beats California, although I don't think we've had many public cults lately, not like we used to have. https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3104420/17476893 Used to be orange people all over the streets, and breatharians gorging themselves walking past downtown aromatic restaurants.

17495527? ago

cracks open a canned queef

17484498? ago

they're actually PEDOPHILES

17486562? ago

Exactly! Pretending to be a woman gives these pedos a free pass.

Women get a free pass for rape and pedophilia thanks to the feminists.

Do you really think it's a coincidence that these satanists emulate babomets gender confusion? Or the story time trannies having horns?

17483938? ago

When you call out these deceitful freaks for what they are...

you're accused of spreading HATE

17484667? ago

So what?

17484751? ago

So what?

ask the 4 Kiwi's who were arrested for commenting on the shooting 'so what'?

You're a naïve jackass if you think that imprisoning people for WORDS is not a serious escalation of events.

17484942? ago

I'm naive jackass and they are letting them throw them in prison for words? FUCK THAT SHIT

17484953? ago

you're the dipshit that asked 'so what', faggot

17485264? ago

Clever, comes complete with an ad hominem, even a two in one. That is working hard for a liberal. What makes you think you have any idea what I meant by "so what?" Because obviously you don't.

17485328? ago

shut the fuck up, faggot

17487085? ago

I understood, and you should have, too. The only sane response is "so what". We have allowed ourselves to be bullied into insane responses. Instead of being offended at those who insist upon insane responses, you are offended by someone with a sane response. Get yourself together.

17485483? ago

Not got an argument in you, do you? You clearly think you are more powerful than you really are. Now go back and cry to your mommy, you little ankle biter.

17483922? ago

I concluded Adern was Adude many months ago.

No doubt about it.

17483837? ago

Wow maybe they should compare penises and see who has the biggest dick. My wife has a bigger dick than your wife. LMAO. Michelle Obama Caught Fixing Her Package https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUS5cmkp_AI

17483806? ago

Has a mans face too. I noticed that from the first picture I saw.

17491129? ago

Transvesigation? @mralexson @bdmthrfkr @tendiesonfloor @Windmill_of_Peace internet shut down? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3104067/17472059 Canada might ban, Trudeau is showing his communist dictator faggot self

17483805? ago

looks like a dick to me

17483712? ago

WhAAA? I feel like she's hiding something. Very suspicious.

17483824? ago

Totally looks male anyway.......disgusting, sick people.