NK and Pakistan seem like very odd choices for someone (survivalistboards.com)
submitted 6 years ago by 3099825?
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17422477? 6 years ago
CIA black ops
17491218? 5.9 years ago
Transvestigations? @Marou @GrandLizard @WhereTheAngelsPlay @ardvarcus Holy shit. He looked down to check as well because she knew the camera was on him. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3105201/17485846
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17422477? ago
CIA black ops
17491218? ago
Transvestigations? @Marou @GrandLizard @WhereTheAngelsPlay @ardvarcus Holy shit. He looked down to check as well because she knew the camera was on him. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3105201/17485846