16788341? ago

Tomorrow's Nat'l Emergency announcement should go something like this: "I'm done with the bullshit. We're building the wall, full tilt. Oh, and Ruth is going to be replaced next week.

16790226? ago

I hope everbodies cell phones go off with the message.

16784755? ago

Barr = Commissioner Gordon or Daylight vampire for DS? Let's see if darkness reigns or light will shine.

16784142? ago

Trust the Plan LMAO

16783619? ago

If the National Emergency helps rid us of enemies and causes exposureof deep state the dems could use RBG to contrll the news narrative

16783604? ago

The curtain has come down on the first act: William Barr confirmed Attorney General. Behind the curtain the stage is being set by the crew for the opening of the second act entitled: . . . (any guesses?)

16783641? ago

Hopefully Act 2 is the wind blowing through Hillary and Pelosi's hair, as they hang from the gallows.

16782911? ago

Like someone just said, Barr was too easy to confirm. He's got to be DS. No one on VOAT is happy either. Could Barr be the Scaramucci model?

16782888? ago

Barr is the epitome of deep state goon :(

16782928? ago

At one point Q said that there are more good people than bad, and some have simply had their families threatened and that sort of thing. Just hope that is the case in this instance. If Q is Military Intelligence, and Q is working with Trump, I'm sure Barr has been cleared.

16782652? ago

https://archive.ph/mHBBV :

Sarah Sanders on Twitter: "A major victory for justice and the rule of law in America: the Senate just confirmed President @realDonaldTrump’s outstanding nominee William Barr as Attorney General"

This has been an automated message.

16782623? ago

I can't say that I am happy to hear this. Whoever referred this guy to Trump needs to be kicked out of team Trump. We can already tell how bad he will be, by how much easier it was to confirm him, compared to Sessions.

16785832? ago

What? Did you see the confirmation vote? 54-45. Wasn’t Sessions 52-47? Almost same. RR was something like 93-2. I was iffy on Barr until I saw that he narrowly passed, basically party line vote. Dems clearly don’t think they can trust him like they could RR

16786140? ago

That is somewhat encouraging, but the Dems stalled the confirmation of Sessions forever. It's already over with this guy.

16782907? ago

Only 3 dems voted for him: Manchin, Doug Jones, and Kristen Sinema, who appeared to be either threatened or warned at the sotu for clapping for Trump. Jacky Rosen (who Trump referred to as Wacky Jacky) was the messenger of the warning. Note that Trump has not spoken about Sinema that I can recall. I was severely opposed to her candidacy, but she is quickly becoming an interesting character to watch.

16784093? ago

an interesting character to watch.

Especially from behind.

16783643? ago

Yes, good ovsevation!

16783060? ago

Thanks for the scoop.

16782862? ago

it's Kushner....Ivanka blinds President Trump

16782572? ago

Ladies and gentlemen William Barr is approaching the plate
Huber and over 400 helpers on deck

Sessions and others await the evil-doers at Gitmo and other Choice locations Justice rapidly approaches

ENJOY the SHOW Check you stock of popcorn chills some beverages to celebrate with

You are living a miracle

16782560? ago

Reading the twitter responses is infuriating.

16782224? ago

Trump has a lot of explaining to do about the Barr AG pick after the Sessions AG fiasco.

Barr is a career establishment deep state swamp creature.

16785872? ago

Then why didn’t the swamp vote for him. 54-45, narrow pass. Sessions was something like 52-47. RR was 93-2 if memory serves. They clearly knew they could trust RR

16782095? ago

Prediction - Barr will be fired within the year.

16781735? ago

Valentine's Massacre

16781833? ago

FBI Anon say Whitaker was going to deliver a bombshell announcement by the end of the week.

16788882? ago

Do u know where I could find fbianon?

16790915? ago

4 chan. Posts Sporatically

16782753? ago

Andy McCabe spoke out today. Trying to get ahead of something? I always thought he would be the first domino to fall in spygate

16783306? ago

If FBI Anon is correct (we'll see) indictments for Comey and Brennan for lying to Congress

16788859? ago

Do u have a link to fbianons newer posts anon?

16782548? ago

What posts were that? FBI anon started posting again?

16782585? ago

Yes. 4 chan. on 2/11

16783424? ago

I can't find anything online, is there an archive link??

16782317? ago

so Barr is confirmed but won't take office until when? I am going to assume immediately after Whitaker drops something big.

16782379? ago

Sworn in today

16782437? ago

ah, we'll that is interesting. How will Whitaker drop anything if he has already been replaced?

16782610? ago

Because he's NOT LEAVING the DOJ

16782768? ago

OK, just goes back to his original role then, got it.

16782491? ago

I think the DS wanted Whitaker out of there asap

16783605? ago

DS forced to buy into Barr, giving what Barr does more legitimacy.

16782790? ago

He may be a wallflower, but comes across as man not to be fucked with.

16781540? ago

Next Two Dominos:

Rod Rosenstein Resignation -> RBG Removal

16782297? ago

i sure hope so

16782104? ago

I bet Barr keeps RR as his deputy!

16800256? ago

I hope he keeps Whitaker on.

16787113? ago

RR's toast given McCabe admitted that they weren't joking when they discussed wearing a wire around Trump to try to make a case for removal of Trump via 25th Amendment and has claimed Rosenstein was going to be the one to wear the wire.

16785773? ago

RR already said he was leaving when Barr comes in, over a month ago. I think he might actually keep Whitaker, or that’s what Q seemed to infer in some of his drops

16782306? ago

if he does, my trust in the plan will cease to exist.

16781854? ago

you mean RBG death announcement

16788767? ago

Fox already announced it. A few weeks ago.

16787136? ago

Time to hit the de frost button!

16785087? ago

bitch is D-E-D.

16781435? ago

Hooray!! Let the games begin!!


16781401? ago


16781764? ago

I thought that is what Sessions and Wray were doing.

16781179? ago

Rand Paul?

16781803? ago

He said he was voting no. Other dems stepped up. One was Sinema. I think Manchin did as well.

16782959? ago

Remember that Sinema was warned at the sotu about clapping for Trump.

16782430? ago

Our boi, Doug Jones from Alabama, too

16782424? ago

Sinema, Manchin and Alabama senator Jones; all red state Dem senators

16782635? ago


16781139? ago

Everyone loves the DS now that BARR is confirmed huh? Can't pick and choose Patriots!!!

16781052? ago

This is wonderful news! Between this and hearing that Trump will sign the budget and avoid another shutdown.

Democracy work!

16781205? ago

Woooo! Sign that "compromise" budget! Give away everything they want and don't demand any border security in return! Yeah! Stick to your guns Trump! Don't shut the government down again like you kept saying you would!

Speaking of guns! Fuck yeah! We got Barr! He loves guns so much, he wants to borrow yours! Permanently! Without asking! Fuck yeah! Gun bans! Wooooo not tired of winning trust the plan!

16781928? ago

I'm glad you picked up on my sarcasm ;) High five.

16782051? ago

Slap hands

16781185? ago

Haven’t heard that about Trump. Heard he had some changes, Dems had language saying mayors could refuse a wall built by their city.

16781968? ago

He better not sign that piece of shit. There's a heavy shill campaign from the DNC (ShareBlue, CTR, Brock) trying to convince everyone how AWESOME this budget is and "don't worry we'll get the wall".

I don't trust the courts. I don't trust the Dems. The ONLY way we will get a wall is if we DEMAND Congress add the funding. Trump is setting us up for the "Oh well, I tried" and while the cucks over on TD might fall for that, I'm not going to give him a pass. This is the reason he got my vote. Point blank full stop.

16783885? ago

Trump doesn't have a choice re: the wall. His political capital depends on it. He'll get it done or things will be harder for him then they already are.