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SearchVoatBot ago

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TrustTheTruth ago

FBIAnon and Q are both Fakes and False Prophets, and Trump made The Deal to endorse The Mark of the Beast.


Only The Truth exposes The Root of All Evil, The Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability), and the Model for the Real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement with The Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI and Community Policing.

We are the reason why Q was created to Hide The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

Johnny_Ninja ago

I hope you're wrong. Either way, I'd be interested in why you think Trump is a deep state cuck or whatever...

SuckaFree ago

I want proof

Lauraingalls ago

That FBI ANON doesn't have any CLASS and seems like a JERK. He was talking about PISS dossiers and PISSING on someone desk and talking a photo to PROVE his credibility. NO FBI guy is going to talk like that. Q has more CLASS.

Johnny_Ninja ago

"No FBI guy would talk like that."

I'm sorry, but you're dreaming. People aren't robots when they're in the unofficial capacity. They have personalities, quirks, and their own senses of humor.

I'm not saying I think FBI anon is legit or real, there's plenty of reason to question it until we see something come to fruition (or not) per their predictions.

But in any case, their "tone" in a free speech zone like the chans can't possibly indicate whether or not they're real FBI.

You watch too much TV is what it sounds like to me.

Lauraingalls ago

I have NEWS for you I watch NO TV. I really don't care what you think.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Ok that's fine. You don't watch tv. Good for you.

Still doesn't mean "FBI people" fit whatever template you have in your head. That's not realistic.

And if you don't care what I think, don't comment on my posts.

Lauraingalls ago

YOU commented to ME!!!!

Johnny_Ninja ago

Again, when in their official capacity professionalism is expected.

But 4 chan is not a professional venue and people who post there are not in a professional capacity.

Sorry THAT bothers YOU.

And again, your expectations of professionalism mean exactly shit when it comes to the veracity of FBI anon's claims - which is what our little discussion is actually about.

Hence, I'm not "bothered" by your preference for professional conduct.

I'm bothered by the fact that you use your expectation as an indicator of the veracity of the claims of identity put forth by the poster. Because it's illogical, unrealistic, irrelevant, and inconsequential.

If two weeks from now the claims turn out to be true - which would indicate that the person actually is FBI - then what?

Let's say they indict all those people and even HRC..

You gonna complain then? I can see it now..

You: "I'm glad justice is being served but I'm just so upset that the FBI anon used the word piss."

Get over yourself.

Lauraingalls ago

Please go away. JEEZ. I have my standards and leave me alone.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Go away? I started the thread.

Let me make this simple for you.

There's nothing wrong with you preferring that an FBI agent is professional, as you put it.

My issue is that it is illogical to assume that just because you don't like the language used by the alleged FBI anon, he/she can't possibly be actual FBI.

This was my issue with your statement from the beginning. Still is. Because it's illogical.

If it's not illogical, your free to explain why. But of course you would be better just to admit I'm right. Because I am.

Also, the idea that a "gentleman" is "always a gentleman" is fantasy land horseshit.

Everyone has their moments. Everyone.

For someone who doesn't watch tv, you sure expouse a view that is unrealistic as any tv show that has ever existed. At least when it comes to the topics at hand here.

Anyhow, I'm not trying to be mean, but I will call you out for saying illogical shit. And if I don't, someone else will.

And I would expect the same around here.

Lauraingalls ago

Please STOP harassing me.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Hilarious. Now disagreeing with someone is "harassment" according to you.


Yeah, block me. Go ahead. Please do it. In fact, you should block anyone who ever disagrees with you. Because it's way easier than actually defending an illogical position.

The funniest part is that you're still going on about your preference for professionalism, as if anyone attacked that preference in the first place.

Again, just because the guy said things you don't like doesn't mean he's not really FBI. That's all this discussion is about. Stop trying to A) turn it into something it's not and B) being afraid to defend your position within some sort of logical framework, and C) pretending as if you've been victimized simply because someone pointed out that your original statement is illogical.

That's the kind of crap liberals do.

Either way, good riddance to you as well.

1031grnis ago

First post says Comey and Brennan have been indicted. Second post says they will be indicted. BIG red flag for me.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Yeah I saw that too. If you read further down in the second post, he clarifies and says they were indicted but it will be made public soon.

Like I said tho, we'll see.

VQTmom ago

I hope that this is the same fbianon in 2016. He/They has/have redpilled a lot of young people ( like the centipedes ) and made them more conservative than their parents. We now have a generation who are awaked and involved. Thank you fbianon.

Ashamandre ago

Piss on Rosenstein's desk? Looks kinda LARPy to me.

Lauraingalls ago

I totally agree.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Yeah it does. Time will tell I suppose.

qanon1776 ago

I agree, I also discovered his posts recently and he seems to be very much in the know. I too would like to see the focus on the Clinton Foundation rather than the emails. We already know she allowed the Chinese to receive classified materials which is treason and she should be charged. The CF will, imo, show us the diabolical evil the Clintons released on innocent children and people in oppressed countries. She is a hissing snake and a murderer.

PGLiterati ago

I want both--in fact I want it all. I want every crime she has committed brought to light--brought to spotlight--brought to such light that there can be no retreat ever. I don't see why we should be forced to pick and choose.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Here here. I just don't know if it's that simple.

Personally, whatever gets her the worse penalty. If they just go after her for those things (and we have an idea what those are) it would be enough to end her once and for all.

qanon1776 ago

Good point! We shouldn't have to pick and choose! We deserve justice and knowledge of all her crimes for the history books. NO DEALS, right?!

PGLiterati ago

Yes! I want it all!!!

FreedBy45 ago

Looks fake. Look at the apostrophes in his messages - one from each thread:

Read Trump`s post very carefully

The grand jury, won`t discuss where it is...

Those aren't from an American keyboard/script I've ever seen. Israeli maybe?

qanon1776 ago

Could be. I am not saying he is right or wrong, I just found his opinions to be interesting and thought provoking. Quite a few contradicted Q, which only time will tell what was intended disinformation.

divine_human ago

Looks fake. Look at the apostrophes

using another keyboard than the american one doesnt justify a 'fake' accusation.

FreedBy45 ago

Except "FBIanon" said he is using someone else's terminal. What - does he bring around a foreign keyboard? Sketchy AF

Johnny_Ninja ago

Never really noticed it, but could be a good point. Definitely an interesting catch...

Johnny_Ninja ago

Could be full of shit though. Time will tell.

He hasn't said anything precognitive (yet) to my knowledge.. whereas Q has several times.

Guess we'll see...

Kwagga ago

2 weeks is a short time to wait. Even add another 2 weeks will mean by end of February we will know if FBIanon is authentic.