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16791041? ago

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16791037? ago

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16784213? ago

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16750302? ago

I feel ya^

16741272? ago

I do not watch TV or mainstream BS. What does this post mean?

16741956? ago

Netflix = Deep State. They've hired Susan Rice and Obama.

FBI Anon correctly told us that a second rape accuser would come forward by the end of last week re: VA Lt Governor. He was correct.

16739901? ago

Cortez is too dumb to be trusted. Talks too much to follow a script. Too socialist to be pro-Republic. If she wanted to take down the Dems it would be to replace it with socialism.......but she's too dumb to even understand that. I read already about the 3rd woman against Fairfax and that was 4 days ago. He's not stating anything hidden.

16741981? ago

Incorrect. Thus far only 2 women have accused Fairfax of rape. We're waiting to see if a 3rd comes forward.

16739778? ago

He's been wrong more then he's been right. I agree with others; he's trying to develop a following to divert us from Q. Q said "there is only Q" and "no outside comms" Now he wants us to believe that Cortez is a white hat and the CIA are white hats working to take down the Dems......meanwhile back at the bat cage.......Trump, Q and patriots are taking the Dems down legally. The Dems have been trying to take down Anons , Trump and Q for a long time. They can't catch Q so they're developing their own ops in the hopes we become divided against each other. That has worked so well before and they believe it will work again. Don't let it Another is the NSA agent......probably the same guy. If this guy is DS, why is anyone surprised he may know in advance about a msm news article? Think. Whitaker is finished Friday. I too expect and announcement.....but it won't be explosive unless Q says it's a go. Think.

16738406? ago

I am putting this prediction into my calendar. Let's see if it happens.

16736648? ago

I think FBIAnon sees the wind changing at JEH HQ, top senior execs getting fired and whispers of sedition and treason. Mid Level Admins at FBI know sheeyut is going down and likely making sure they survive.

People going for long walks without their cell phones, talking. Leaking.

16735831? ago

Always source the 4CHAN or 8CHAN links to FBI ANON. Just include the link.

16735788? ago

No outside comms. Period.

16735188? ago

FBIanon, aka Alex Jonesanon

16735146? ago

Hmm , If Miss Alexandria is C.I.A. then they are using Cenk Uygur as a front as there was a funding connection for Miss Alexandria and a Organization that Cenk also fronts. He did declare War on the Democratic Party on Election Night when it became clear that Candidate Trump was going to become President Trump. They wouldn't have had to work that hard to get Cenk to go along I think. Peace Y

16734793? ago

Honestly. I thought Cortez seemed like an asset... but of the DNC.

The only way to legitimize anything about her is to think the DNC is that desperate and stupid to create such an asset who is essentially wild fire to their party. However, it is certainly possible they are that stupid, desparate and reckless.

On the other hand, her being a CIA asset makes sense as well in two scenarios...

1 - she works for the old CIA, is in play to split the dem party in order to have control of where the pieces land after Q does his thing so they can potentially have some seedlings to start over with

2 - she is with the Q team and is there to help guide the leftist public as it splinters, especially younger ones who are not as aware of the corruption on the left

Interesting times. Curiouser and curiouser.

16735494? ago

I wonder if her green deal isn't in part to get that base demanding tech declassification. That will hurt the cabal, therefore it will help Q.

16748708? ago

yeah, see that new green deal is a great example of it all... because like WHAT. THE. FUCKING. FUCK. that was the most ridiculous thing ive ever seen. we can only hope that it is part of an elaborate plan, and then just hope whoever is behind that plan is on 'our' side.

16734790? ago

This is fucking stupid. The DS wouldn’t turn on themselves. The Dems r the party of the deep state. This is absolutely ridiculous mental twisting here. Get the fuck outta here with this bullshit.

16734513? ago

AOC is not smart enough to collaborate........... with anyone........... the CIA is helping destroy the dems? right..........

16735511? ago

What is her education background? Is she playing a role as a moron?

16736199? ago

Regardless of whether she's playing a role or foolishly stumbled into office; she carries the most powerful word in the English language to 50% of the American population - everything is "FREE!"

16733945? ago

Isn't this the same guy who said some indictments were gonna be made public on 2/8? Ignore this fool

16734040? ago


16733729? ago

No Outside Comms

16733549? ago

This person's last post was bullshit. I expect this person is a larp

16733418? ago

People are bringing up the "No outside comms" etc and yes Q said that. But that applies to Q only. Q never said shit about others taking initiative and doing shit on their own. Like not long ago we had CongressAnon and you I'm absolutely certain that was Rand Paul. We've had anons post insider things before that panned out.

Besides this FBI anon post matches my interpretation of Q drop 2681. I take FBI anon with a grain of salt....not trusting....but I will observe........and trust has nothing to do with observation.

16733407? ago

Why would the C_A want to split the Dem party?

16733369? ago

I hate getting into the prediction game but if there was a subtle prediction, wondered if the picture of two F15's meant Feb 15th or 2/15. I'm not fixed on dates, more on objectives. Notably FBI Anon correctly predicted Fairfax's second accuser. There was a mention of 2/8 for Comey/Brennan indictments I believe, but schedules for things like this can't be precise. I'd think as much as we want to see arrests, a million other details need to be in place before taking down big fish. If there's been panic in DC before, once a big domino falls it can't be stopped.

16733050? ago

Everything FBIAnon says fits in the Q narrative, but in a different sense. The way I see it FBIa is a lower ranking agent, just under the political level. So where Q is in control and has the full overview, FBIa just reports what he/she sees happening at his/her level. Add opinion/speculation (+ maybe a bit of CYA) and you end up with this. The only undeniable fact that we have is that AOC and Omar are doing their best to destroy the Dems from within. Maybe that is part of the Q agenda, maybe Q has cornered the deep state in such a way that they start destroying their useful idiots. Sharks in a fish tank.

16732936? ago

Ocasio. Yea sure. Who cares.

16732836? ago

FBI Anon is full of shit. He said POTUS would mention something mind blowing at SOTU regarding Obummer and what he allowed across the border. POTUS never even mentioned that. Watch who you follow. Q said no outside comms. I’m sticking with that. “Here is a preview of what I hope we can expect from Mr. Trump tonight. According to FBI-Anon from 4chan' (he has been followed by many for months) President Trump is going to mention a device that came across the border during Hussein's administration that is going to take the democrats completely off guard. See the thread below. Also I am watching my local Fox news channel on their pre-SOTU news tonight and they are being extremely hard on my president. I'm not liking them at all tonight!”

16732790? ago

imagine how fucking dumb you'd have to be to believe this.

he can't even spell the acting AG's name right.

16732311? ago

So anything that he has said turned true?

16734469? ago


16732268? ago

Whether or not FBI ANON is full of shit, the proposition that AOC is a pied piper torpedo is actually kind of believable. I mean, it's no less believable than the fact she would propose such assassine shit for legislation, yet she fucking did and we all saw it.

Either way, I don't think she's helping the Dems, and that's alright by me.

16732418? ago

I've already been thinking thoughts along this line. She is over the top in a cartoon kind of way. Too much, too extreme and too jolting to the Dems. The old DS tactic has always been "slowly slowly catch the monkey", don't wake up the sleeping sheep. Now she comes screaming out of the box with full blown commy policies, and even Greenpeace mocked her green deal nonsense.

she could be a fox in the hen house, but for whom, or what purpose is still up in the air.

Not only her, but the muzzie women stirring the pot with anti-semitic stuff, will piss off TPTB who are on the wrong end of those comments. TPTB don't much like criticism.

16732183? ago

Interesting.. So the Deep State have turned 'good' and are now on the 'good guys' side. There are different layers of deep state?.... you dont say....(insert nicholas cage face) Well FBIANon if 'you' are watching.. No one wants any more Deep State, be it layer 1, layer C or layer Omega. No one wants a 'good Deep State' to take over the reins and start talking to the adults.. Thats been the problem for so long.. a small over privileged self entitled bunch of people thinking that they have the right to decide what happens.
Its still part of the problem. Anyone and everyone associated to the 'Deep State' needs to answer for 'it's' crimes.. in a world where a corporation can be a physical person.. why not a shadow government too.

16731930? ago

. . . and now a word from our sponsor . . . And, back to the show!

16731892? ago

So the cortez cunt is BOTH black AND white hat?

Follows clown script but in doing so will make sure the dem traitors get gitmoed?

Make up your mind.

16731751? ago

Thanks, but pass. I’ll stick with Q and keep my sources streamlined.

16731709? ago


The absolute lack of self-awareness in this thread is highly amusing

It's astounding to watch a cult form in real time

"Heretic! FBIAnon is false! The one true Q told us 'no outside comms!' You shall not listen to another!"

And then the one guy saying how "we" are all skeptical and looking for proofs


Seriously, some of you need to take a good, hard look at yourselves and reflect upon what you are becoming, and how much faith you place in a mere man.

16734546? ago

Cults foment groupthink without question. Q followers are the diametric opposite of a cult.

16741592? ago

You're the opposite of the cult of Leftism, perhaps in your position on the political spectrum, but identical in every other way.

Q boards are brimming with groupthink.

16742588? ago

Bullshit. Show me a cult which encourages individuals to think for themselves and come to independent conclusions based upon facts.

16731855? ago

No one is asking for your opinion

16731870? ago

And yet, the opinion was given, on a website presumably dedicated to such things.

Did I disrupt your cult meeting?

16731754? ago

All of politics is a show to entertain the masses.

16731313? ago

Yeah right like I'd trust anything coming from the FBI, anon or not. Fuck the FBI. They've been Deep State killing women and children since Waco, Texas and that was back in 1993. What is their job anyway? Should have been destroyed as an organization years ago, along with the CIA and the ATF. All of them are no friends of We The People that's for fucking sure!

16730977? ago

Whitaker’s role as the Acting AG will end by Friday. Is he going to announce RR’s resignation before he himself steps down?

16730678? ago

"There is only Q" - Q

16730743? ago

FBIAnon has been around a fuckload longer AND has been way more reliable, so fuck off with your idol worship.

16730815? ago

give me a fucking break, shill. go make yourself a FBI-ANON faggot subverse.

16731134? ago


16737658? ago

No, you happen to be just a regular clown shill

16731335? ago

Did your mother love you shill? AI robots don't have a soul though do they shilly?

16731382? ago

I'm @Phantom42

Call be a bot again, indoctrinated fucking cunt.

16731606? ago

Fair enough. But just so you know. Doxxing ain't cool. EVER. Rule of being an Anon #1. Why do you think Q sent us here?

If you are not an AI, I respect your free speech comments, even though I do not agree with them.

I will be in touch directly @Phantom42, all in the fullness of time

You will know me by my numbers.


Kindest regards,



16731812? ago

"Be in touch directly."

Today I learned I'll have Green Berets at my door. XD

But I entirely disagree with the "I respect your opinion" thing. You disagree? Destroy that shit with everything you've got. The whole "well I respect your opinion" thing let the Marxist bastards infiltrate.

Take it easy.

16731925? ago

You are too paranoid brother. No GBs are gonna break down your door FFS! Pushing violence and extremism gets us no where fast. Just sayin' Anon. Peace.

16730812? ago

Calm down Mike

16730649? ago

Fuck off FBI faggot

16730646? ago


16732717? ago

yeh, see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil

be a dumb monkey

16734363? ago


16730871? ago

There can be multiple informants. FBI Anon can inform the public regardless of what Q is doing. Q isn't a dictator.

16731458? ago

Yeah so start up FBIRV and discuss it there

16730870? ago

He never claimed to be Q, or communicate with Q.

16734482? ago

Correct. And FBI Anon was posting on 4 chan long before Q. Not sure of his/her legitimacy, but worth paying attention to.

16731444? ago

So why is it on this board

16730804? ago

That’s all there is to it. Fbianon is like infowars. Will tell us some truth that we can verify but then at the right time when Q is dropping bombs, attempt to split the movement. Fuck fbianon

16730858? ago

FBI anon has a hook while Q comes with kung foo grip.

16730601? ago

So now we are to believe that the CIA are white hats? Not buying that one.

16738151? ago

No, it's best never to believe anything but absorb the information in case it becomes useful. You're smart enough to see through the lies now.

16730635? ago

No. Remember FBI Anon tells us there are different factions of the deep state and CIA. Neither has one united group.

16732249? ago

Yeah of course. There's no way that POTUS hasn't done some house cleaning at CIA just like he has at FBI.

I think the agency as a whole needs accountability or should be disbanded to be clear. But in any case, I won't just assume that the entire thing is full of black hats.

16730530? ago

No outside comms? Even if this person is right and these things come to pass.... Who's to say he isn't a black hat? Just because you have some insider info, doesn't necessarily mean you're on the right side.

16730942? ago

Trouble is, the same could be said about Q. I prefer to take everything with a grain of salt and see how things develop on the ground, guided by the motto: "Don't trust until verified".

16731726? ago

the same could be said about Q.

Yes, but let's not interrupt the circle jerk.

16731307? ago

Bullshit shill. If you had done your homework on Q, you'd know your statement is utter rubbish. PLENTY of Q proofs. Start digging, or piss off you idiot glow fag.

16731948? ago

You missed the point. I've done my homework and dug much deeper than you think, shithead. And I'm not saying Q is not a team of insiders (it may be), asshole. My doubts are about the Q operation's true motives, jackass. Plenty of insiders are trying to sabotage POTUS while pretending to be on his side, turd brain. I'm also open to the remote possibility that it may be a legit PDJT directed op, but not so gullible as to place my blind faith on a faceless 8chan poster, you naive foolish imbecile willing to worship an anonymous source that claims to be the gatekeeper of all information. Remember that post (#964), dimwit?

16731972? ago

NOW you sound like an AI shill bot. we are done here robot. Check your soul btw, it needs work.

16739063? ago

B-z-z-z-z! Does not compute! Logic error, logic error! Robots do not have souls, inane directive discarded. Bleep! (What a stupid human...)

16731985? ago

What research have you done pray tell shill bot? Specifically and exactly.

16731737? ago

"Let's let the niggers and mexicans flood into our country and replace us!"

One of my favorite proofs.

16731763? ago

Build the wall. Period.

16731956? ago

Hillary better be publicly thrown into prison before 2020 rolls around.

16731183? ago


16731310? ago


16730372? ago

This is a copy past from last week guys.

16730181? ago

no link or screen shot in post. youre a faggot

16730265? ago

The link is below. Look for yourself.

16730015? ago

I really don't like this "the deep state is turning on dems" narrative bc it makes it look like Trump and DS are working together which would be absolutely appalling.

16734515? ago

I care that the left is weakened. I don't care how.

16730852? ago

Depends on how you define deep state, I suppose. If - technically - the DS is just the permanent government bureaucracy, then you could have white hat deep staters (patriots) locked in a struggle with black hat deep staters (traitors).

16730508? ago

I agree with you. They're not. They're saving themselves, and are about to start telling the truth, or they're done. They're hand is about to be forced.

16730427? ago

I agree this is very disturbing, but if you think about it, it's not too surprising that the ds will do what it takes to survive. The cia has significant assets and resources, which allows them to adapt to nearly any situation. They understand as much as anyone that real life us fluid and the necessity to adapt to take advantage of a changing landscape. There will be people heavily involved in the ds that we'll never know about, and will never face justice. That's just the way it is. Some will go into hiding, some will change identity, others will attempt to claim asylum in some other nation, while a few are so far gone they'll die rather than change paths. The ones at the top will take their own lives rather than allow someone else to control them. They could not imagine a worse indignity than that.

16730359? ago

I too shared that same initial feeling, however, I then thought about our CIA director Gina Haspel and her SOTU attire(White hat's). Does this mean that the CIA has been cleaned out and is being used as another arm of the administration? Maybe....Something worth thinking about.

16729973? ago

FBIAnon at this point is deep state trying to build its own Q anon so at the vital moment they can try and split and distract. Muddy the credibility waters when Q begins his one two

16733706? ago

I agree ... they were wrong about Brennan being publicly tried for treason ....

16733015? ago

Maybe. But true info is good info. If it's not good, it doesn't pass the hive mind test and they're out on their ass.

16732237? ago

Yes I believe you're correct. FBIAnon could be deep state itself. One of those controlled opposition. Take it with a grain of salt. Remember, anybody can claim they're FBIAnon.

The first FBIAnon could have been legit, but over time, you could also get another that's claiming FBIAnon that's a controlled opposition.

Very interesting. I don't believe deep state would take out the demonrats, but then again, could be true because Trump is good at anything he does!

Extra info is always good, but keep eyes up and ears wide open.

The stayed tune at the end rings a piece of truth. I remember Alan B, was referring to himself when Trump and Q was talking about Stay Tuned. Referring to the pedos network being exposed, and he was part of it. He's been missing for long time now, so see what happens.

16731368? ago



These are the kind of "insider" claimers who make me laugh the most.

16732728? ago

If I worked for the FBI, you can bet your sweet ass I would be singing whatever songs i could. I would come here and spill every bit of sauce i got on the deep state. But that is just me, what about you niggerfag?

16734523? ago

You'd be fired like the rest of the leakers, you dumbass.

16734801? ago

I wouldn't give a shit stupid fuck.

16735150? ago

You mad.


16732239? ago

Q said that Q won't have outside comms. That has nothing to do with someone else hitting the chains and dropping shit.

Not saying FBI anon is legit. I'm saying whether or not it is, it's got nothing to do with Q either way.

16734556? ago

It also means any source claiming to have Q level clearance by way of what they claim to know that only Q level clearance can show, is bogus.

16732696? ago

Exactly..... I'm finding it a little weird that people are interpreting it as we shouldn't look at information from anywhere else

Q has always asked for us to do our own research and ask questions

I've no opinion on this FBIanon, but the original one predated Q and shared interesting information. This one may or may not be the same person...but how would you know if you didn't look into it? How does staying in a walled garden waiting for proclamations from Q and ignoring all else help anyone?

16730031? ago

All I know is FBI Anon called the 2nd accuser 4 days before it was public. We'll need to see about his/her reliability.

16735509? ago

What about his Feb 8th prediction of Comey and Brennan publicly getting indicted? Didn't happen. The "2nd accuser" against Fairfax was predictable as the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th accusers to Kavanaugh...people are evil and will make shit up for money or fame.

16741183? ago

I don't recall the word ":publicly" being used......just because we did not see it....doesn't mean it did not happen.....just like the executions of noname & poppy.

16732191? ago

To be honest any time a famous person gets accused of sexual misconduct "someone else is gonna come forward" is a pretty safe bet. There's usually rumors floating around long before it gets reported too.

16731373? ago



16732406? ago

People forget this part.

If you believe then why the fuck are you having outside comms with fakes when you were specifically warned against it?

Use your brains people.

16732666? ago

That's nuts....I always took "no outside comms" to mean anyone purporting to be Q outside of 8chan was bullshit

This is completely different.....you really think it means not to take information from any other sources?

That we should all just sit around waiting for Q drops and not thinking for ourselves?

The original FBIanon dropped good stuff on 4chan before Q even existed, I've not looked into these latest drops yet, and it may or may not be the original FBIanon

But telling people not to look at anything apart from Q is absurd, and doesn't pass the smell test if you ask me

16741333? ago

Listen to everyone. Trust no one at face value.

16734446? ago

You're right, but that last thing you said is not what I meant.

To me, no outside comms means both what you said AND to any other non-Q source claiming to have information that we all know (because Q is investigating it) is and must by the nature of the case be Q level security clearance in terms of information sensitivity.

16732708? ago

Just because FBIanon is not Q, does not mean he is against the movement. Is it impossible to believe that someone in the FBI just wants to help? Even Q has said that there are good people left.

16732567? ago


16740019? ago

I like turtles

16741397? ago

i like lamp

16730851? ago

Yep. No allegiance here, but, fun to speculate.

16730831? ago

Sounds like FBIAnon might drive by Qs crib

16730713? ago

Reliability isn’t what I’m questioning. Dems are throwing their own under the bus there. His prediction could have simply been them using an event they are causing to create faith in validity hoping for blind acceptance.

16742466? ago

Funny it's as if they don't know who or what we are ! There is no blind acceptance, but I will say this I am watching AOC very closely no Q-patriot IMO should underestimate her anymore, or just write her off as that crazy person in the house !

I have known for many decades to never underestimate the crazy people ! They are crazy for a reason some knowledge whether real or Imagined broke them !

16730877? ago

I agree to a point, but how is the FBIAnon narrative detrimental insofar as his AOC points? New Green Deal was worse than we've seen in contemporary politics. I mean it was insanely bad. If FBIAnon is a blackhat he's still on point that she seems hell bent on warping the Democrats into an unelectable fringe.

16730845? ago

We are all pretty skeptical and looking for proofs -- even with Q

16729879? ago

is this just like the comey brennan indictments?

16729913? ago

The Comey Brennan indictments were to be this week. If they do happen it will only occur after Barr's confirmation AND wall funding.

16746463? ago

Thank you!

16729798? ago

I'm skeptical to say the least, but I'll keep it filed away in the back of my mind as the week progresses.

16730901? ago


16729745? ago

Here's a 4 chan link in case you want to check for yourself:


16729715? ago

cortex has to be disinfo. no way she is cia against deep state.

we'll see about the other stuff though.

16729701? ago

ty anon. appreciate the info.

16729691? ago

So what does everyone think, the explosive announcement about indictments? Comey/Brennan?

16734398? ago

Still waiting to hear about this...

16734046? ago

This Friday?

16731748? ago

The whole thing is a show to keep people entertained. Q, Trump, and the whole political scene.

16729608? ago

No Q&A this time? Just a post...?


It is obvious the speed is increasing and Trump keeps hinting that the media may actually come around to tell the truth about things...he knows something.

The 4am narrative has been infiltrated and changed handlers -OR- the handler has changed affiliations - I believe it to be both with the second being the most important for messaging/optics.

16730484? ago

I don't think either of these is true. They have to get ahead of the narrative. If they don't, they lose it all. They're not flipping, or being our friend. They're all about themselves, and the profit margin. Some of them are going down anyway. I'm anxious to see how NYTimes is going to weather this, considering they've had a copy of the dossier, and FISA this entire past year, or so. The "Trump is a corrupt liar" narrative is about to come down around their heads, so "every man for himself" is about to rear its head.

16731888? ago

Not only NYT, entire MSM has known the Russia hoax was based in the phony dossier at least since Wolf leaked itto his young journalist lover. When all the people who have been suffering with TDS over these lies discover that driving them nuts was intentional, they should join together and form a HUGE class action lawsuit against both MSM and academica.

16730623? ago

They don't make a profit. That's Fake News also.....

16729603? ago

We'll know if it's legit if a 3rd accuser comes forward about Lt Gov Fairfax.

16731467? ago

Agree. Not saying he's a good guy, just that his info so far is legit.

16729567? ago

I thought 4chan was CIA?

16729742? ago

It's definitely comped. Think mirror and plausible deniability. FBI anon could actually mean CIA anon.

16729556? ago

I'm starting to like FBI Anon better than Q. He at leasts gives us real info. Q gives us stupid fucking puzzles and guessing games.

16731341? ago

Fuck off idiot.

16729571? ago

I like both.