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16713090? ago

Adrenochrome needs to be researched in more depth. So I have to wonder why a v/pizzagate moderator would be trying to stymie discussions about it by refusing to link to a subverse dedicated to the topic ?

16716508? ago

Becaus adrenochrome is fake and gay and only pushed by idiots who don't recognize a joke and are scientifically illiterate.

It's literally on old meme/urban legend. Idiots don't realize it's not meant to be taken literally it's more a code for stuff like organ and stem cell harvesting or human sacrifice in general.

Ask a biochemist sometime about the idea of drinking "andrenoalyzed blood". it's now dangerous to use the joke because of dummies taking it literally.

Adrenochrome is just adrenaline. It's a shotty high with no real medical benefits, ask a doctor if an old frail person like shillary would take it to stay alive and they'd laugh their head off....adrenaline would be more likely to give them a heart attack than anything else.

Anyway if you wanted it, you'd be better off extracting it from.the glands where it's concentrated.

Even if you did that, it wouldn't do much. You need to eat a lot of most drugs for them to be effective orally. Your stomach and the process of metabolizing them will destroy most of it.

You'd have to drink gallons of blood to get a big enough dose to even notice the high. Again, why bother. Have you ever had an adrenaline shot? Unless you're being chased by a leopard or something it sucks.

Getting a new spleen or blood transfusion would fight aging and feel nice though...

16719249? ago

I concur When hunting deer in my youth, I was told to never shoot a deer on the run. According to the elders, the adrenaline tainted the meat. I always took them while grazing, so I don't know, but some folks meat is a bit gamier than others...

16724974? ago

"Old wives tails" often have elements of truth in them. I was and have been told the same thing about shooting game. The least amount of stress to the "protein source" , the better. It makes the flesh more tender. But then, what do my Grandfather and his Father and so on know? They barley had a sixth grade education and raised 7 kids each, (with their wives and families, of course).

16724328? ago

Right, there's a huge difference between enough of a chemical that you can taste it in your mouth and enough that it will survive your stomach acid, get metabolized properly, and feel the effects of it.

16716600? ago

recognize a joke

Where's the joke? I haven't seen anywhere that adrenochrome is being used as a joke or originated from a joke. Why do you find it funny that children are abused, tortured, and murdered?

You're probably one of the ones who falls out of their chair laughing at pedo "jokes."

16718785? ago

It's not like a knock knock joke obviously, and the humor doesn't come from children being abused...for goodness sakes could you be more over the top and shrill?

It's more of a dark humor/meme kind of deal. It's at the expense of the elites not the children.

If there's anything scientifically inaccurate in what I said, feel free to correct me. The reality is most of the people pushing "adrenochrome" probably failed first year o-chem if they ever even took it.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was spread by the cabal too at this point to keep people from focusing on blood & organ harvesting which are actually real things.

16719028? ago

While you accuse me of being over-the-top and shrill, you appear to be way too lackadaisical. I mean, a knock, knock joke? Really?

You posted no sources, so I'm not going to waste my time showing you info that you can research for yourself, but I'll be nice enough to point you in the right direction. Search 'adrenochrome schizophrenic lab research' and that should turn up enough results to keep you busy. Next, ask yourself how 'satellite to skull' and similar tech mimics schizophrenia and then they have all sorts of excuses for why adrenochrome is needed. Just like their excuses for late term and post abortions.

I don't see how you and others bang on about it not being possible when there's more than enough info out there that adrenochrome is used for more than one reason and it's quite possible that the elite use it as a drug.

Not wasting anymore time on you. You're one of those shills that just goes on and on asking for proof, then when proof is presented you want even more proof, and so goes the merry-go-round.

16715115? ago

Yep it sure does! And the mods at v/pizzagate have been censoring this from the beginning!

16718717? ago

Complete bullshit. We've accepted a number of actual research posts that explored the topic in a properly sourced manner. The vast majority of the material posted to v/pizzagate on this subject did not meet the submission rules, which require supporting links for every major claim. People make all kinds of claims about this that should be able to be supported with scientific links verifying pharmakinetics. Several users have done so, and their research has been left up, like this post.

16718328? ago

Bullshit. They just asked for evidence, and asked to be accurate, and not to spread any myths.

16713475? ago

Adrenochrome isnt a real chemical. The name is authored by fear and loathing. Show proof plz of what you mean

16714217? ago

It's a real chemical but the actual effects are do not give a strong high. If adrenalized blood gets you high it would have to be from another chemical in it. I actually research the effects of it long before pizzagate when I researched psychedelic drugs heavily, you can actually buy it from China and people say it really isn't that fun.

16715655? ago

That may be true, however getting it straight from the source is likely better.

16715017? ago

Do you drink it or inject it or what? I can't imagine drinking blood would be the best way to get a hit, so to speak

16717162? ago

Nope, which is why the whole theory is so lame.

16718142? ago

Yeah that's how i feel. Drinking it seems like a waste, rather than purifying and injecting it or some other method

16714802? ago

Now imagine if you’re evil and addicted to power....and you happen to enjoy ritually torturing and killing children. I’d assume the high from the combination of everything is what’s appealing to them. The truth isus “normal” people will never be able to understand why they do it. Not truly. But that is a good thing to be honest.

16713726? ago

Thanks mbad

16713757? ago

No prob

16713617? ago

it's even on wikipedia

you're absolutely glowing