cguinevere ago

Interesting info. Anecdotally, my partner (who doesn't know much about P-Gate) told me recently that he met a man 20 years ago in Idaho who had been a part of (and escaped) satanic rituals/cults in the San Francisco area, and adrenochrome was one of the things he talked about being commonly harvested during their rituals.

SweetChicken ago

No shit? Wow, I’m glad he made it out alive. That is so incredibly scary. Do you think you could convince him to type up a post about what he’s seen and been through? If not, that is completely understandable.

cguinevere ago

Unfortunately he's not in contact anymore... :(

SweetChicken ago

Damn, sorry to hear that, mate. I hope not for the worst! Strange times indeed

Marked2476 ago

From my understanding and research, this stuff can be purchased legally in vials... first question is, how is the synthetic version of this stuff made. 2, does the synthetic version produce the same effects as the natural version, and 3., how is it legal? If mj is a schedule 1, then why is this hallucinogenic legal?

SweetChicken ago

I am not qualified to fully answer that. As for legality, you’d be surprised how many illicit drugs were completely legal until relatively recently, MDMA (molly, X) is one prime example

SharpSliceOfMango ago

Thank you for not using wiki jewpedia as a source.

ZeechoatitocheWoowoz ago

Common called loosh. Extracted by craft vetted Freemasons w/ vape paraphernalia. Masonry involve. High satanas occult. They breed w/ sex slaves and had cult called watchers. Masonry farms children for loosh and the child must be age of 4 to start killing for loosh. Shock and scare brick and mortar torture in lodge torture chamber underneath police stations and hospital. Much inquisitive. Masonry kill childrens and have men dressed as superhero try to save kid. When the superher man starts fireman carry child out of ritual or chamber bench then the superhero man (spiderman or venom suit) immediatly howls and straps child back to bench. They stab around 8 thousand times all over the body while talking like baby talk.

Filetoflesh ago

Vindicator ago

SC, thank you for taking our research requirements seriously. Dialing back the headline claim and just presenting the material that can be sourced made this a much better post.

I would point out that the portion you are referencing as causing a high is not adrenachrome. It's adrenochrome semicarbazone, and has to be dissolved in butter or alcohol in order to be absorbed by the digestive system:

Adrenochrome causes chemically induced schizophrenia. Its semicarbazone does not.

It's also a synthetic substance; not one that fits the PG theory about torture and blood harvesting that has been pushed so hard.

You've done a good job proving adrenochrome is a real substance with real effects. But not that it is something that could be "harvested" via torture like milk from a cow, and still have a desireable effect worth kidnapping and killing kids for. That is all still speculative.

The material you've added makes this one of the better threads that's been submitted on this topic, though. You've moved the ball down the field. :-)

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Keep chasing them away.

SweetChicken ago

What do you mean? Sorry, it’s early

NoPlaceLikeHome ago

So you're trying to dismiss that they even do this?? Why not state if YOU know it all, that you might just not know it all, or even have any proof to dismiss it so easily.

Vindicator ago

LOL. Where do you get that? I've been dropping the adrenochrome link on Erowid in posts on the topic for about nine months, and worked privately with @SecondAmendment on this topic to try to sort the real info from the disinfo.

Are_we__sure ago

Good post.

Question on this part

and has to be dissolved in butter or alcohol in order to be absorbed by the digestive system:

I think this is not for taking it, but for storing it. If you have it water solution or by itself, I think it breaks down very quickly. Even a water solution in a freezer would break down.

SweetChicken ago

This is correct. From continued reading it appears that androlutin is a much more stable version. Adrenochrome May just be the name that “stuck”.

Are_we_sure ago

I don't think your posts give any evidence about its extraction. Adrenochrome can be made it a test tube by oxidizing adrenaline. You can just mix it with something like silver oxide. It's also widely available in the medical research market. Here's one of the places that sell it

Adrenaline was synthesized in a lab well over a 100 years ago. It's a myth you need to extract it from the human body and it would be very difficult to do. It breaks down very quickly when exposed to moisture or heat or light. If you have a solution of it and you have it in the freezer, it lasts about half a day.

ADRENOCHROME SEMICARBAZONE is a derivative of Adrenochrome. it's different from pure adrenochrome. Semicarbazone has a specific meaning in chemstiry. This substance is also known as Carbazochrome.

Carbazachrome is an anti-hemorrhage agent. It's used in research right now and may in the future be used in humans.

On the same site you link to other folks detail their experiences with it and it's not really a good high. There are much more widely available drugs you use and get a better experience from. Mescalin, LSD, Peyote, etc all come to mind.

I believe the connection to schizophrenia is no longer believed to be true.

everlastingphelps ago

The thing to keep in mind is that the hypothesis is that these are related to rituals much older than the last century. Even if it could be created artificially today, that doesn't mean that the mythos behind the rituals doesn't still enthrall the devotees.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You're an ass kicking shill. But, don't you think it is odd that you know so much about the subject? Like knowing that skippy was a common nickname in the 70's. A trivia expert you are.

Are_we__sure ago

Don't you get that I'm a good researcher? I am good at trivia, but I can't say I knew much about adrenochrome before this, except that Hunter Thompson was consciously reaching for the scariest drug story he could think of. I'm surprised people believe that is supposed to be real.

I do like the phrase ass kicking shill.

Did I say that about Skippy? I don't remember that.

GreenDell144 ago

“trivia expert”

I have been pondering this as well. There is something incongruent about these comments, yet they all conform to a standard.

Are_we__sure ago

Do tell.

GreenDell144 ago

Who is the more interesting character; Sherlock or Moriarty? Personally, I identify more with Mycroft (from the old series with Brett, not the Kareem Abdul Jabbar stuff).

Are_we__sure ago

more an opinion than a trivia question and I have to say I'm only up on the recent reboot of Sherlock, never read the originals. Thought just last month of listening to the audiobook of one.

GreenDell144 ago

The cumberbatch stuff is good. I’m not into the other one with Lucy Liu.

As to the trivia, it’s partly due to the miracle of the tech that puts all human knowledge at our fingertips. However, your comments seem to go past what one would expect with recently google searched knowledge. Also, the snarky manner in which you regularly debunk the weaker arguments attracts a response. From what I’ve read, you are likely an extreme skeptic. I am not prepared to consider you a shill or a troll. I seem to remember that I have even read a couple things from you that one would call ‘contributions’. I’m not sure if you’re part of the team or not, frankly. I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt, though, knowing I am equally open to being judged. Your space to speak is equal to anyone else and subjec5 to the same rubrics. The fact that you have not been repeatedly been down voted to oblivion speaks to the fine tuning of your writing and to the discernment of the general voater. Don’t be too hard on us. We are trying to do what we think is right.

However, we ARE opposed. I truly believe we have powerful enemies, and that we are exposing real depravity. I’m open to hear and adjust the errors found here, and there is a need to eschew the elements that don’t comport with the justice we seek... there is a fine line on the approach to that task. Not many are up to it. Not many are mature enough to look so closely and own our errors. The obvious shills and trolls don’t get close enough to cross it.

Filetoflesh ago

Keep calm and relax.

ZeechoatitocheWoowoz ago

Adrenochromota is extracted w/ vape paraphanilia and even pipettes from the ball in the back of your neck at the top of spinal column. Much vertabre initiation. This haas was they set up false flag terrorist attack to make martial law new world order , Haas for guillotine. they want extract from depopulated men woman boy and especially small girls. Age 4 minimum in masonic tradition. It is connect with artist and it is make fortune with bitcoin cold storage bitcoin cold storage like adrenochromoto cold storage loosh. Any good lodge will have a stable of little girl age 4-12 around a dozen of them so masons can haas torture rotations. Torture rotations are when mason and police mason rotate out of businesses and all kinds of places like gyms and they mash children and then start cutting them around 4 to 12 thousand times all over their little bodies. Much masonic make not think extracted it is syringe injected to ball in back of nexk after making you adrenaline with masks and clown hopping and pirroret like harlequin jester. They must make the child know that it is a definate thing. Mason wear facepaint to torture children to make them produce up to 400% the natural amount of adrenochromoto in death release. Make child not release torture for 2 weeks while medically reviving after they give up and stop fighting to live. Masons always want the childs to not fight anymore so that they can start to then get the woman witches to fellate and comfort child to then torture again to ferment adrenoline and prep the child for extraction of their very fear of life itself. Make child go to fight and flight and then pause. Fight and flight followed by pain (rythmic drowning in feces tub.) and to a climax of decapitation to get the crown of adrenochromoto and extract and then add to batch. Lable batch by the amount of fight the child fighted to live.

slickleg64 ago

What the fuck did i just read. Reads like drug fucked ramblings to me. Is there a source for these claims or is this just some /s ?

Wes1274 ago

This shit is all over voat

slickleg64 ago

Still reads like dribble.

Filetoflesh ago

Well that explains the reasoning behind the fatherhood video.

SweetChicken ago

Part of it perhaps. I believe there are many reasons for the torture and hell they put those poor children through

rndmdude ago

Same stuff they used in Fear and loathing in Las Vegas?

SweetChicken ago


argosciv ago

Oh cool, erowid - I can trust them.

When was this put together? It's vastly better than the last erowid source that was shared here. Still puts a lot of weight on just adrenochrome, though ;)

whisky_cat ago

This really makes me want to read The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley though.

SweetChicken ago

I’ve read it. It’s a very short read, maybe 70-100 pages at most. Interesting for sure. If you e ever done acid, his descriptions and explanations for it are right on

argosciv ago

hahaha, I swear that came up somewhere in something i was looking at in the last 24hrs... bloody hell, I have to sort through these tabs.

dooob ago

It is very hard to prove you can get high by scaring someone to death and then drinking their blood. OP proves that adrenochrome, at least the synthetic version, has a high. I think the organic version is much more potent, cleaner and better, no wonder the elites live so long.

Great post OP, thank you for getting what I tried to tell you. Your research might be used in future by investigators and the post needs to be correct and top quality.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Well, we know they admit to the benefits of drinking blood, and it is obvious they are evil. I have no idea about adrenechrome and think it is not so relevant. But what is with being incredulous? They rape torture murder children and remove the organs for sale. They drink blood. You are trying to say the crazy part is that they may "believe" it is an evil aprhodisiac? That's where you put your foot down? This thread is bizarre for unexpected reasons.

SweetChicken ago

I agree which is why censorship of any kind imo is bad. It really doesn’t matter if they become high as a kite drinking it. What matters is that’s that it has been done and continues to be done.

GreenDell144 ago


NoPlaceLikeHome ago

Tell that to the people who do it.

SweetChicken ago

Thank you

argosciv ago

It's a great collection of sources, that's for sure.

The last time I remember an erowid source being presented, it was really small. That was going back... shit, more than 9 months now I think...

There was a lot of confusion and topics being overtaken by shillery at the time too which made things all the more difficult.

dooob ago

When adrenochrome got mentioned on /x/, maybe a year ago, the thread 404'ed, no 4plebs and archive links got scrubbed (last part is allegedly). Some anon posted a theory about elites torturing children to harvest adrenochrome. No evidence or leaks, only a theory, I found it very interesting but unbelivable at the time.